
The Chronicles of a Dreamer

Short Chapter!

After Naeun had agreed to live with Suho, he returned home immediately and looked around his home. The woman of the house. He said as he thought of Naeun. He had a week to prepare his home to be suitable for his incoming housemate.


He bought her house slippers and neatly place the pink pair next to his blue ones near the door, some artistic piece he picked up at an antique store to put on his coffee table, and lastly  he decorated her new bedroom according to what he knew about Naeun.


“Is that everything?” Naeun asked as Suho came in through the door with a box she thought would be the last. She had left her old home ten minutes ago and yet, she more content to have moved than expected.


He nodded in response and placed it on his grey rug before lightly dusting his hands on his denims. “That should be about all of it. Would you like me to check the car again?” He asked.

“No, no. I trust you.” She said causing Suho to chuckled to himself.


“You trust me.” He muttered before he laughed softly once more. Oh, the prolonged wait for Naeun to believe in something as true as trust. Unless she had already considered the concept long ago.


Naeun leaned against the railing of the stair and watched Suho keep his banter. She honestly didn’t get the joke more or less the situation. What is going on? She asked herself. Yes, she was definitely confused.


It was nothing funny, really. It could’ve just been the tingling of his insides that cause him to express his amusement in laughter.


“Oh, nothing.” Suho shot her that signature grin of his and Naeun playfully glared at him. That pretty much described their current relationship; pretty much peaceful and occasionally antic.


Naeun rummaged through the others for her family portrait which included her parents, baby brother and thirteen year old self. Suho was aware of her search so he just put the boxes aside rather than away.


However, in the midst of her search, the throbbing paid another visit to her noggin. She had to stop and sit back a bit. Naeun held her head again as the pulsating grew into more discomfort. After the pain had reached its , Naeun grew senseless. She wanted to scream but she couldn’t. If she could cry she would. She felt nothing but a stabbing to the brain. But, shortly after the pain came little tingles and she was able to return to herself.


As she snapped back to reality, Suho was hovering over her and she found herself in a weird position. Naeun had leaned totally into the box she was looking in during the migraine.


“Naeun!” Suho shouted with worry. Suho proceeded further to help her up but Naeun put a hand up signaling for him not to.


“I’m just tired.” She said. Naeun was about to bring up another lame excuse. But to deceive Suho would further cause internal distress for herself.


“I’ll show you to your room. Come.” Suho said; he went up first and wait for Naeun to catch up before continuing to show her the way. He stopped  in front of the closed white door and turned to Naeun nervously, “I hope you like it.”


Naeun nodded and placed her hand on the handle bar before turning it open. As the door swung open to the large room. Naeun was stunned at the incredible setup.


A mild toned blue covered the walls and light grey sheets laid over her full sized bed. Naeun had her own shiny black work table and a personal framed picture of her favorite painting; the Mona Lisa.


Naeun turned around to face Suho and instead of expressing her love for the layout, the words that escaped Naeun’s mouth were of those that she had been meaning to ask Suho from the beginning.


“Why are you so good to me?” She asked. “I mean what have I done to be so lucky to have met kind hearted person? Why must you find a way to enhance my life? Why me?”


“‘Why why why… Must you always ask? Just thank me instead.” He said. Then he leaned closer to the extent that he was looking down at her since he was taller. “But if you really want to know why, I’ll tell you .” He said in such a tone, that caused shivers down Naeun’s spine.


Naeun gulped loudly in place as she looked up at him. “Well?” She muttered.


“I like your...head” He said, poking at the top of her forehead lightly. “I want to know what it is like to see through your eyes and I want to know what you think when you see me without having to ask.”


Naeun smirked for she had a solution, “Want to know what I’m thinking? That’s what art is for.” She said before flashing a smile and plopping down on the bed.


Suho chuckled at Naeun’s brightness, “You should rest. I’ll bring your luggage up.” He said. Naeun watched him walk off and laid there in silence, looking around her new room.


Suho returned to the room in no time with Naeun’s luggage, “Here you g-” He stopped when he realized she had already fallen asleep. She had been tired after all.


It was kind of funny but Suho contained his laughter. He pulled an extra blanket from the closet and draped it over Naeun’s body. That would have been his second time. Who would have known, Naeun would be living with him almost a year after their first meeting.


Suho kneeled by Naeun’s bedside and pushed the hair away from her face. Suho brushed his thumb on her forehead where he’d place a small kiss.


“I’m the lucky one here.” He whispered. One step closer.

Okay, I know this could have been longer. I apologize for procrastinating.

But!! I just wanted to focus on Suho and Naeun's blossoming 


One step closer right?

Honestly, there would've been more but It's getting late.

So... till tomorrow!

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k_nana #1
Chapter 32: Hello authornim. I've read a few of ur works so far n loved them n reading this one , i can't help but think that u might discontinue?? I hope not, but if that was the case, then good luck to ur other fictions:)
AUTHORNIM HI I love you <3333
Chapter 32: wow,, it has been a long time, right?

will minjun be her shelter?
I love this fic!! Please update soon <3 Fighting!!
Chapter 31: OMG!!!!!! thats all i can say after reading this
please update soon!!!!
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful.... i love it.
Does Naeun have any disease due to the constant headache n nosebleed???
Update again soon~!
Chapter 30: I hope naeun is okay.....
Chapter 29: wahhh is he gonna make a move. wooo I love this story so much. I almost forgot what it was until I re read the foreword but this is seriously awesome. thank you. ☆
Chapter 29: YAY!!!!! so happy to hear from you!!! I'm so glad that I didn't unsubscribe this story cuz I really wanna read the progress between Suho and Naeun :)