
The Chronicles of a Dreamer

Something inside of Naeun brought her to the town’s local library the following saturday morning. There was something she needed to share with Suho. Something VERY important.


Naeun who was dressed in her casual jeans and dark v-neck tee strutted through the clear front doors without hesitation. She made her way to the area where she’d expected Suho to be. The front desk. However, to her disappointment his presence was absent. The only person there was a familiar aged woman with thick red glasses and large pearl earrings.


Naeun approached the lady who was already eyeing the young lady. “Excuse me, would you happen to know if Joonmyun is here?” Asked Naeun.


The lady then raised a brow before answering to the younger one, “Oh, I’m sorry dear. He hasn’t come in yet.”


Naeun nodded, “Thank you” she said as she began to turn.


“But!” The lady called out from behind her. She jested a finger in the air, “ if you’d like, you may leave your name and phone number, I’d be glad to get it to him.”


Naeun paused and gave it little thought before fully turning to face the old woman, “Naeun. My name is Naeun.” She said before bowing to the elder and exiting the library.


Suho came in a little later than usual and heavy traffic wasn’t to blame this time. He’d slept in past his usual waking time, hence, wrecking  his morning routine. For one, he had no time to brush his teeth for a full three minutes, he had to cut it down to one and a half to his disgust. Second, he literally grabbed the first pieces of clothing in sight and threw them on.  And lastly, that usual high gelled hairstyle of his was all natural today. Sleek and straight.


This is not my day. He told himself.


He parked close and sprinted inside. Suho wasn’t too late as he arrived to the library. As he came in panting out of breath, he was greeted by Yejin's stare.  There was something in her eyes sending him a message that she needed to talk to him.


She stood behind the checkout counter. “Joonmyun” She called, gesturing for him to come to her with the motion of her finger.  Aww crap...


“Look, I’m sorry. I know I’m late but that’s-” He began to explain.


“Hush! You can forget that. I wanted to tell you that a young lady came in and she asked for you.” Yejin informed him.


“Who?” He asked.


“I believe her name is Naeun.” She said. Suho’s eyes widened, not sure what to feel or think. Naeun? Wow, this is something new. He semi-smiled to himself. I like this.


“Did she say why?” Suho asked.


“No. She didn’t even leave a number, so...”


“When was this?” He asked urgently. Yejin checked her watch.


“Not too long ago. I’m surprised you hadn’t met her on your way out. If you go now-” She didn’t have to say that twice, Suho was already out the doors. Where did you go? Suho looked to his left and saw nothing but empty sidewalks.


And then to his right...


There she was.


Naeun sat restlessly on a green bench just outside the library. Suho watched as Naeun sighed looking at her feet rock back and forth beneath her. In the light of the sun, Naeun radiated this indescribable brilliance that only he could see. Or that, he was just falling for this fascinatingly headstrong woman.


Suho approached the distracted figure with his hands in his pockets. He was left unnoticed. Rather Naeun was too deep in thought to have realized that the other end of the bench was now occupied.


He sighed and looked up at the blinding skies, “Ever wondered what it’s like to be just above the clouds?” Suho asked, with a hand shielding his ivory composed skin.



Naeun sat back and gazed upon the skies as well. “Mmm... no oxygen?”


“Nah, I was thinking, peaceful.” He looked at her from the corner of his eye, she was now looking at him. Then he finally turned all the way to face her. There was a pause of silence and they took that moment to look at eachother.


Naeun broke the stare remembering why she came in the first place. “There’s something I need to tell-”


“ Want to grab some lunch?” He cut her off Suho stood up and straightened his shirt, patting it flat.


“But, don’t you have to...” Naeun pointed her fingers towards the library.


“Nevermind about that. Let’s go.” He led her to his car.


I’ll just tell him there, she thought.


“Is this a habit of yours?” Naeun asked as he started the car.


“What is?”


“Taking me out whenever you please? I find myself getting too familiar with your car.” She stated.


“Well, I’d call it an addiction.” He said as he revved his engine and sped on by.


Suho parked the car and they both go out. They stopped in front of a small restaurant just on the other side of town. This place was all too familiar. Naeun had been here before. The proceeded to the inside and seated themselves at the table next to the window.


“I heard this is the best ramen house in town.” He said. Naeun looked around and she could’ve sworn she’d seen those red tiles, and yellow chairs somewhere.


“I know this place.” She said out loud.


“So you’ve been here before?” He asked. She nodded. Suho began to play with his chopsticks as they waited to get tended to. Then he remembered, “ Was there something you needed to tell me?”


Naeun stopped looking around and finally brought her eyes  back to Suho when asked. “Oh right.”

She took out  the yellow folded piece of paper from her pocket.  She unfolded it and slid it over to Suho.


“What’s this?” He looked at it. It was the flier. And this time on the very bottom on the paper was the word Pain, written and circled in dark blue ink.


“I’ve decided to paint again.” She finally said. “ I don’t know why I’m telling you this but here I am. I’m really doing it. Thinking about my parents inspired me to do a piece on ‘pain’. Before, I had nothing to hold onto...nothing to hold onto but memories. But now, I can grasp onto my dreams again.” She openly said.


It surprised Suho to hear Naeun speak so much. Let alone hear more than 5 words come out of . He liked this, he liked it alot. For once, she spoke without conviction, without being afraid of saying wrong.


Suho did not just hear her, he listened.


Then finally the waiter came. She looked at Naeun oddly, “Naeun-ssi?”


Naeun looked back, “Ahjumma? Oh, Ahjumma!” She said surprised.


“It is you! Look how much you’ve grown!” She hugged Naeun. “ I haven’t seen you since...” The lady stopped and looked at Suho. “And this is?”


“Joonmyun. My friend.” Naeun said, clearing after the last part.


Did I hear her right? Suho thought. He smiled to himself, feeling all the better.


“Oh nice to meet you!” She said then turned back to Naeun, “ I thought this handsome man was your boyfriend! But I was just getting a little too ahead of myself.” The lady said. Naeun chuckled looked at Suho then looked away quickly. There may even have a small tint of pink on her cheeks but who knows.


Oh Ahjumma.


Eventually, the ahjumma got right back on track and got their orders leaving the two back in silence.


“So... we’re friends ey?” Suho asked.


Oh wipe that smirk off your face, Joonmyun. But it was nothing but the truth. Suho was more than just a friendly face that she could trust.


What can I say?  “We’re not strangers anymore.” She said sending thrill down Suho’s spine.

Everybody needs somebody who cares, and maybe Suho could just be the one. Tired of being locked in this world where she  couldn’t stand the sound of silence any longer... here Naeun is, walking on the edge of life, ready to feel again.


You guys waited this long! 

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k_nana #1
Chapter 32: Hello authornim. I've read a few of ur works so far n loved them n reading this one , i can't help but think that u might discontinue?? I hope not, but if that was the case, then good luck to ur other fictions:)
AUTHORNIM HI I love you <3333
Chapter 32: wow,, it has been a long time, right?

will minjun be her shelter?
I love this fic!! Please update soon <3 Fighting!!
Chapter 31: OMG!!!!!! thats all i can say after reading this
please update soon!!!!
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful.... i love it.
Does Naeun have any disease due to the constant headache n nosebleed???
Update again soon~!
Chapter 30: I hope naeun is okay.....
Chapter 29: wahhh is he gonna make a move. wooo I love this story so much. I almost forgot what it was until I re read the foreword but this is seriously awesome. thank you. ☆
Chapter 29: YAY!!!!! so happy to hear from you!!! I'm so glad that I didn't unsubscribe this story cuz I really wanna read the progress between Suho and Naeun :)