
The Chronicles of a Dreamer

Suho held open the passenger door and gestured for Naeun to go in. Instead, she just stood there and blew a raspberry. “There’s no way out of this is there?” She asked.


“Not a chance.” He smiled. Naeun admired the man’s resilience. At that point, she knew that were was no use in fighting any further. “So, come on.” He gave her a little push on the back and lead her to the passenger seat.


Naeun sat in the passenger’s seat and pouted. She was so disappointed in herself.

God, I’m so weak! It was either she had met her match or she had finally been beaten at her own stinken’  game.


Suho smiled in satisfaction as he scurried around the car to the driver’s seat. Once inside, her turned to her “Ready?” He asked.


“Do I have a choice?” Naeun responded, giving him an unpleasant look.


Suho chuckled, “Oh, I wouldn’t have that look on my face if I were you. You’re gonna love it, I promise.”


Naeun rolled her eyes. “Where are you taking me?”  She asked.


“It’s a surprise.”


“I hate surprises.” She commented. Naeun crossed her arms and looked out the window.


Suho looked over Naeun and chuckled at her foolishness. You’ll thank me for this, Son Naeun.


Since this ‘surprise’ was located in the city, the drive took longer than usual. Inside, the two were noiseless. Neither of them spoke, not a sound. To ease the silence, Suho reached over and the radio.


Suho cleared his throat before speaking, “So, do you have a favorite song?” He asked Naeun.


“Nope.” She answered still looking through the window. Bonamana by Super Junior.


“Favorite movie?”


“No.” Titanic.


“How about a favorite book?”


“Mmm... nope.” Raised by Wolves - Jim Goldberg


He gave her an odd look before giving his attention back to the road. “Not much of a life you’re living.” He told her. Naeun shrugged.


“Tell me about it.” Naeun said. She indeed had her favorites but she kept timid.


20 minutes later, Suho parked in the parking lot of a large structure that was too oddly shaped to be considered a building.


Naeun’s jaw dropped immediately when she realized where Suho had taken her. She stepped out of the car and stopped. She just felt like fainting, but this time was different. “This... this is the Seoul Museum of the Arts...” Naeun stumbled on her words from awe.


“Let’s head inside, shall we?” Suho offered his arm but instead she just ended up walking ahead not hearing a single word. Naeun was far too mesmerized to feel anything but thrill. And to alleviate his slight embarrassment, Suho rubbed the back of his neck and hurried to catch up with the captivated woman. “Hey, Naeun! Wait up!” He called her from the bottom of the steps leading to the museum.


Naeun heard someone call her name and turned around to see Suho waving two tickets in the air. “Oh.” She stayed there and gave a guilty smile, letting Suho catch up.


“Your admission ticket.” He said as he handed Naeun her ticket. “And mine.”He held his close to his chest.


They walked into the Museum together. Naeun couldn’t be more shocked. “It’s more beautiful in person.” She said out loud.


“So you know this place?” Suho asked.


“Of course. But I’ve only seen it in pictures.” She said.


“Mmm. I see. Let’s take a look around.” Suho suggested. Naeun nodded eagerly. They strolled the place, walking side by side and short in distance. There were times when Suho would look to his side and Naeun would be missing. She’d be feet away admiring a nearby sculpture with intrigue. He watched her from afar.


He’d watched the way she furrowed her eyebrows as she examined each piece and the way she’d clasp her hands behind her as she walked to other sculptures.


Naeun had lost herself within these crafts once. Not physically, her soul wandered amongst the walls of this building and finally found her body. Naeun felt whole again. Surprisingly, she was able to display emotion. Not her usual dull look.


Naeun continued to the next section of the museum, the art gallery. She smiled to herself when she found one painting the sparked a memory.


Little Naeun played on the foot of the couch as her mother sat on top reading a magazine. Naeun glanced up and looked at the cover of the magazine entitled ‘Arts’. She frowned at the dull looking woman on the cover.


Naeun tugged on her mother’s pant, “Mommy! Who is that ugly lady?” She asked pointing at the cover.


“Huh?” Her mother flipped to the cover, “ Oh, Sweetheart. She’s not ugly. This painting is called the Mona Lisa.”


“Mona Lisa?” She repeated in her little five year old voice.


“Mhm. She’s actually happy. Don’t you see her smiling?” Her mother gestured. Naeun just couldn’t see it. The lady looked unhappy to her.


“She needs to smile like this!” Naeun flashed a huge toothy grin at her mother. Her mother stared at her in delight and patted the head of her child.


“My darling Naeun. Promise me that you’ll never lose that smile. Alright?” Her mother stuck her pinky out.


“Okay. Mommy. I promise.” Little Naeun hooked her tiny finger onto mothers as she continued to smile. It was a priceless moment.


Naeun found herself smiling as she reminisced. She didn’t realize that Suho was now standing next to her.


He noticed the huge grin on her face. “I don’t find anything amusing about the Mona Lisa. Unless I’m not seeing something.” Suho said with a raised brow.


Naeun still smiled as she shook her head, “It’s nothing really. This painting just brings back good memories, that’s all.” Naeun explained. They continued to walk together again but now, Naeun stayed. She never wandered nor departed from him because there was something she had been meaning to ask Suho.


“Why are we here?” She stopped and turned towards Suho.


“I don’t know, I was just walking with you. We can go to another part of the Museum if you’d like.” He responded.


“I mean, what made you decide to take me here?” Naeun said.


“I... seeing from the books you were reading, I figured that you’d be interested.” He said, though that wasn’t his reason for taking her there. He hoped that she’d gain inspiration for the scholarship.


Naeun nodded as if his answer wasn’t satisfactory.


After looking around a bit more, it started to get late so they left the museum and headed towards the car.


Naeun had to admit, she enjoyed herself. It was a great experience. And Suho was happy that he was able to Naeun in another light. His day could’ve have been better.


“The place is really great. I hope it inspired you to...” He shut up before she caught on.


“Inspired me to what?” Ohp. Too late. Naeun was staring at him.


“Uhm, look at pictures.” He blurted out of pressure, What the hell did I just say? Look at pictures? Are you serious? Joonmyun, you idiot. But eventually, he came clean. “Look, I know about the scholarship. I lied when I said that I didn’t see it. Since the books were useless, I thought that taking you here would help. I’m sorry.” He admit. Suho wish he look her in the eyes but he was driving.


Naeun took it all in and honestly when Suho expected her to be mad, she couldn’t be more touched. She was deeply moved. For the first time, someone was actually supporting her and maybe there was a possibility that her dream could still come true. He’s not a bad guy. She thought, not bad at all.


It took too much pride to thank Suho. “I’m not mad.” She said instead.


“So you’ll continue?” He asked.


“I don’t know. I just... nothing helps. I can’t find inspiration.” Naeun told him.


“Maybe you should stop looking. Maybe it’s just been there all along.” Suho told her. “Anyways, we’re almost back in town. Where’s your house?”


“You can just drop me off at the shop.” She said.


“Do you think I’d let a lady walk home at night? How ungentlemanly.”


“Fine.” Naeun said and she let him know where she lived.


“You can stop here.” Naeun told Suho as she saw two men knocking on door. They were parked not too far from the apartments and not too close. Naeun waited in the car and  watched them. She clenched onto her knees with her fingers. Not them again.


Suho followed her gaze, and watched two men leave the steps of an apartment. “Who are they?” He asked.


“Nobody. They’re probably just trying to sell something.” She said. Once they were out of sight, Naeun opened the door and stepped out. Before closing the passenger door, she turned around and said “I’ll see you tomorrow.”


It felt good to hear her say that. She was softening up to him. And this time, he didn’t have to initiate their farewells. “You too, Naeun. Be safe!” He said before waving goodbye and driving off.


On his way home, he had a bad feeling about those guys. Something wasn’t right about them. He even started to worry about Naeun but he eventually shook off the feeling and continued with his happy thoughts.


Naeun prepared for bed. She was already in her sleeping attire when she looked at the flier stuck on her wall. She untapped it and held it in her hands. Let’s give this another go, she told herself. She was ready to pursue it one last time.


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k_nana #1
Chapter 32: Hello authornim. I've read a few of ur works so far n loved them n reading this one , i can't help but think that u might discontinue?? I hope not, but if that was the case, then good luck to ur other fictions:)
AUTHORNIM HI I love you <3333
Chapter 32: wow,, it has been a long time, right?

will minjun be her shelter?
I love this fic!! Please update soon <3 Fighting!!
Chapter 31: OMG!!!!!! thats all i can say after reading this
please update soon!!!!
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful.... i love it.
Does Naeun have any disease due to the constant headache n nosebleed???
Update again soon~!
Chapter 30: I hope naeun is okay.....
Chapter 29: wahhh is he gonna make a move. wooo I love this story so much. I almost forgot what it was until I re read the foreword but this is seriously awesome. thank you. ☆
Chapter 29: YAY!!!!! so happy to hear from you!!! I'm so glad that I didn't unsubscribe this story cuz I really wanna read the progress between Suho and Naeun :)