Chapter 46

There is no Plan B, Plan A will definitely work.
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I wasn’t patient enough. My fingers were tapping, feet shifting all of the time, eyes restless and I had a tense body posture. The more I wished for the bus to move the more problems would build up. From the moment I read that file I felt like I needed Zico to be right my side me and hold my hand because it really was a mistake, a horrible mistake, my mistake. I ran out of school after shredding the file to bits and focused on one thing. I needed to get to that hospital and see him.

But everything just got in my way and delayed me even more, took my nerves on a horrible test and made my blood boil. The moment I reached the bus stop the bus had already left in a hurry, great, it was really great. Walking wasn’t a solution so I had to sit and wait, wait for eternity itself to pass. That wait was the longest and most stressful for me. I felt engulfed by thoughts that would only make me blame myself for everything that had happened, but if I had to make time go backwards… I don’t think I could have done anything to avoid any of this so I let myself think about what more I could do to avoid any more mistakes being made.

The bus did come in the end, but it was so packed I barely got in. Not only that I was an inch away from the people around me but the problem was that about six minutes later the bus had terminated. We all got off and waited for another bus. I was on the verge of crying. All I wanted to do was to get to him and everything was so complicated. I presumed that the next bus wasn’t going to be empty and that everyone waiting for the next bus was going to get on, obviously, they were all angry. The chances of me actually getting on the next bus weren’t that high if you would take my emotional and physical state into consideration, take the fact that I haven’t slept for a night into account too. That’s not that many chances of getting on is it?

When it finally arrived everyone moved in. I stayed still. They were fighting to get on and I wasn’t up to getting squashed. I felt a hand lie flat on my back. I looked up and saw this guy smiling at me. There was one on my left and one on my right. ‘’Let’s get her on the bus’’ one of them said. And just like that I was inside the bus. I looked at all three guys, probably the same age as me if not even older. Why did they help me? ‘’You looked like you really needed that’’ one of them said.

I looked at him and as I lifted my head up and it only made it easier for my tears to slide across my cheeks. ‘’Oh’’ I said and quickly wiped them off. ‘’Thank you, you’re really kind’’ I said to all of them. ‘’No problem’’ the same guy at the start said.  The bus started moving and I saw that not everybody that was waiting for this bus got on. I was lucky to be here.

They did mention that they once saw me with Sunggyu and so helped me out, maybe out of pity but I was glad they did. I later wanted to call Sunggyu and somehow thank him but I’d only sound like a fool, I was already crying and he’d only panic and try to find out where I was and what happened. A few minutes later I felt the bus halt. I looked at the traffic ahead and saw that none of the cars were able to make any more movement forwards. Traffic had quickly built up and it only made me more exhausted than I already was.

A baby crying in the background had everyone all spiked up and the heat inside the bus was quickly building up an intolerable atmosphere. I felt like I was about to faint. The other guys around me had also nearly reached their limit. ‘’Do you think the driver would open the doors so we can get out?’’ One of the guys suggested with a tint of anger in his speech. He had it. In fact none of the three boys were too patient and they too did seem in a hurry.

 ‘’These drivers never do…but if...’’ he turned to me. ‘’Can you pretend you’ve fainted or something?’’ he asked. I looked at him with indecision. I wanted to get there as soon as possible and it wasn’t looking like the traffic was going to move along, it was probably the best way out of this. I nodded. One of the guys got to the driver and told him the lie, I rested upon the guy with the idea and he pretended to carry me to the front. It was attracting attention all-right, I felt everyone else looking this way. The other guy was making everyone move from our way as we got to the front and he then too made the situation seem bigger than it was by feeding the driver with more lies about my health so he’d let us go.

The driver let us go in the end and all three of us got off the bus. A few cars further down I stopped leaning on the guy and he also let go. ‘’Thanks for that, teenagers these days aren’t as patient’’ the guy scratched his head. ‘’No worries, you got me on the bus so I got you off’’ I said picking up on the favour they did for me earlier. I knew the way to the hospital from here, in fact it was much closer and I could probably walk it to there.

We parted ways after I thanked them again and I quickly picked my pace up to get there in time so the visiting hours won’t run out. I knew these hospitals were very strict with these kinds of things. I crossed a few blocks and a few streets until I finally reached it. I took a look at my watch and noted the time in my head after quickly cursing to myself. I hoped that it wasn’t too late.

I went inside and walked up to the front desk. ‘’I’m here to-‘’ The guy at the desk didn’t even look up from his computer screen, he just uttered ‘’Visiting hours are finished’’ with a spitting tone and squinted his eyes harder probably reading something with more concentration. ‘’But-‘’ when I tried to say anything else he looked up with harsh eyes. ‘’Visiting hours are finished’’ he yelled at me. I shook at his words. I stopped talking and simply gave up. I walked up to an empty seat and sat down feeling close to crying again because he had screamed at me. If I was to wait until tomorrow morning to be able to see Zico then I would sit he

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Ohsahun #1
Chapter 52: OHMYGOOOOOD i broke down real bad in the middle of the story thinking it wont be like how i want it to... why u do dis to me ohmygod i really have no idea it would turned out llike this hahhaa
Ohsahun #2
Chapter 47: I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE ㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ
Chapter 52: LOL I never understood the title until now tbh, this ending tho!!
xxEXATOxx #4
It wont let me goto the first story ><
reniyeol #5
Chapter 5: I only read few chapter and i can know that its intrestinp
reniyeol #6
Chapter 5: I only read few chapter but i can know that its intrestinp
Chapter 54: this is one of the best fanfics I read! I cried when I thought he was gone...and i cried when she left the note! I should've known it was coming! The end was amazing, creative, and quite humorous! Thank you so much and continue working hard!
i think I know what will happen! Zico's going bye-bye! WHY?!?! I should've known!
Chapter 40: ahhhhhhh! I knew this would happen! The moment Zico and Hana got together and he continued to apologize, I knew he did it! But i don't think he did it all the time, only at the weak moment when they weren't together! So...I'm hoping Hannah is just being herself and making it up but something tells me she isn't. On top of that, I hope Hana forgives Zico and avoids Daehyun like the plague!
Chapter 20: i'm crying an ocean right now i can't even.....right now and of course my stupid playlist has to stop on all the ballads and sad songs ;-; why do you have to do thissss????