Chapter 52

There is no Plan B, Plan A will definitely work.
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The car halted one last time and I finally picked my eyes up from my lap. Sunggyu got out from the drivers’ seat and came around, he opened my door but I refused to get out, I just stayed like that. Hannah got out in an instant and started hitting Sunggyu asking him who he thought he was and all that.

I pulled my feet down on the ground and lifted my body off of the seat once I had enough. I took a couple of steps away and softly closed the car door. I witnessed Sunggyu drag Hannah with him whilst we were going inside his house, she wasn’t willing to go in there at all but Sunggyu couldn’t let her go back to the fight, she’s only get herself killed.

He closed the front door behind us both when inside and I heard Hannah eject air through , she really was angry because she couldn’t do anything to stop Zico from fighting, she knew well enough that Zico was going to get hurt and it was because of me. That got her even angrier, she was now stuck here, with me and Sunggyu kept treating her differently. I could see that he sort of hated people like her, but it was good that he didn’t know anything that had happened between me and her, he would most likely be the one to kill her.

He made us both walk inside to the living room. I saw a couple of guns displayed on the table, one on the sofa and a couple in the corner just close to the bag which I presumed that held more guns. It wasn’t a big surprise to me anymore, what I saw at the old factory complex was enough to shock the thrills out of me. He tried to get the weapons out of the way though; he knew what I did not long ago…

I sat down on the sofa and Hannah sat down next to me unwilling to go anywhere else. The atmosphere was well too sticky. She hurt me so many times and I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her, she was crying again, out loud. Sunggyu threw me some keys and I stared at them for a moment. ‘’Get them off for me’’ he said as he eyes Hannah and off he went into hallway again. I pulled onto her hands and she stopped her crying just for one second and recognised my action. She watched my hands fiddle with the keys a little and when they finally managed to unlock the handcuffs around her hands she just stared ahead of her.

‘’Why are you doing this to me?’’ She asked. I placed the handcuffs and the keys on the other side of me. She wiped a tear off of her face and she asked again. ‘’Why do you keep destroying me like this? What else do I need to get him? Why does he like you so much? Why?’’ she turned to face me but I didn’t find the strength to look at her.

Why? She can ask why, but even I didn’t know why. I didn’t know why Zico fights for me so much. I really didn’t.

I looked down at my hands. 

She covered and started crying again. Both of her hands reached her face at some point, she was crying endlessly and I didn’t know what to do. I placed my arm around her and rubbed her back slightly. ‘’You can’t carry on like this Hannah’’ I said. She kept crying.

‘’You can’t go around and force people to be with you, it just won’t work.’’ I said and she cried harder. Her hands suddenly wrapped around me and she gave me a sincere hug. ‘’I don’t know what to do anymore, I’ve tried to fit in so much but I can’t…’’ she trailed on. I understood her perfectly, I was once in her place long ago but it wasn’t so bad, she seems too forceful in terms of relationships and well too controlling. ‘’How do you do it? How do you get everyone at your feet so easily? I tried so hard and I couldn’t even make Zico talk to me for a few seconds’’ she said, her crying stopped but her voice ran on shaky vocals.

 ‘’ I only wanted one thing. Friendship, that’s what I wanted at the start but, it seems that Zico wanted more than that. To be honest, I didn’t know what I was doing for most of the time. I may have looked like I did because of my personality, I have my views on everything and don’t accept to be bossed around by the other gender and that’s what’s different for me, that could have been the thing that Zico faced at first. A rebellious girl. A girl to actually dare and go against him without any sort of fear.’’ I said. She stopped crying at some point. She pulled away from me and wiped away some tears.

‘’I’m sorry’’ she said.

My eyes widened slightly. ‘’I’m sorry for everything I’ve done to you, really. And the thing about me being pregnant… that was a lie’’ she said and looked me in the eyes. I shook my head. ‘’It’s okay.’’ I said. She blinked at me, at my words. ‘’That’s all? You’re not going to scream at me?’’ she asked. I shook my head. She blinked at me again. ‘’Another reason to the list of why Zico likes you I guess…’’ she smiled at me weakly. I think she’s finally giving up on him.

‘’Actually…’’ I said on a side note. ‘’I do yell at him, it’s not actually on that list ‘’ I said and laughed. It sent her into giggles too. She apologized again and hugged me again, she really must feel guilty for everything and it’s really good to get things off your chest and to the right person. ‘’I guess he’s yours now, he is fighting for you anyway…’’ she trailed on. I looked at the floor again. I really didn’t want to be with any of the boys again, in fact I didn’t want to be in any relationship for decades to come; I’ve really had enough of everything. All I wanted now was for the fight to stop and for everyone to get on with their lives willing to forget everything.

Sunggyu came in minutes later. It was getting close to midnight and I was getting sleepy. ‘’Can I lie down for a second?’’ Hannah asked Sunggyu. Sunggyu nodded and I too moved to the sofa opposite Hannah thinking it was a good idea so I could also lie down, I was used to sleeping a lot since I hadn’t attended school and besides, it wasn't like he'd let us go anywhere . Sunggyu just sat on the arm chair opposite the sofas and was on his phone all of the time.

I closed my eyes and let my mind power take over.

A few hours later.

A finger kept poking my face. I opened my eyes and I saw Hannah’s face watching down on me. I sat up slowly so that my chest wouldn’t hurt and ran my eyes around me. ‘’She’s so cute’’ I heard a side comment in the back and I moved slightly to see who it was; Sunggyu. Oh right, it wasn’t a nightmare…

 Hannah gave out a laugh. ‘’You hair is sticking upwards’’ Hannah said casually.

I suddenly stood up and headed on the hallway with quick steps. I realised I was in my socks but I didn’t care, I needed to know what happened to Zico. I stopped my tracks when I realised that I thought of him first. I tried to erase the thought that I still loved him and I kept going a second of realisation later but an arm stopped me. ‘’Do you sleep walk or are you actually awake?’’ Sunggyu’s over amused voice stepped in. I looked up at him, how can he look so laid off when a fight had taken place and no one knew anything about how it ended.

He dragged me back inside without saying a word when I was clearly freaking out over everything in contrast to him. ‘’I need to know!’’ I kept shouting. ‘’Put me down!’’ I yelled. When he placed me down he stood in front of the front door. ‘’I’ll take you home’’ he said. ‘’No.’’ I said stabbing his words immediately. ‘’Why?’’ he asked and frowned. ‘’You’ve been missing for a night and your uncle is probably with the police in his house right now.’’ He said folding his arms together, he knew very well that if you mess with me my uncle will make you stay away from me for a long time. I felt Hannah’s presence behind me. ‘’I took his gun and I think he knows, I left his office a mess whilst trying to get to the safe.’’ I gave my statement and he laughed at me.

‘’I’ll tell him that I had it for the entire time’’ he said. ‘’No’’ I injected again. ‘’Yes’’ he said. ‘’No’’ I said keeping the score on the argument and he exhaled showing signs of giving up. ‘’Okay, I’ll drive you home and then I’ll tell you what happened in the fight.’’ he said and that’s when he got my attention my heart picked up slightly. ‘’Deal’’ I said. If that’s all it took then yes. I just needed to know what happened because those two guys meant business.

I was sent to get ready and Sunggyu handed me a hoodie on the way out. I thanked him and watched Hannah follow me slowly. I turned to her. ‘’Are you okay?’’ I asked. She nodded and gave me a smile. ‘’Don’t worry about me, I’m just glad I’ve sorted things out between us and besides, I got to finally understand that he was yours from the very beginning. I’ll just try to fix myself up, I know that I’ve been a all along.’’ she said. I looked at the ground. ‘’Are we going or not?’’ Sunggyu asked as he was already at the car. We both started walking again and I felt a pat on my back from Hannah. I needed that; I needed it because I was to expect the worst.


We dropped Hannah off first as her house was first on the way there and she gave me a piece of advice. ‘’Don’t give up on him Hana, I know what you’re thinking and it’s not the best choice. If he wants to be with you and has won, don’t leave him hanging. You’re lucky to even be the one he loves.’’ She said. I tried to digest her words and I nodded at her, the moment the car moved again my thoughts were disturbed again.

I was going to find out what happened and I wasn’t sure if I was going to accept it or not. I still had time to stop Sunggyu from telling me anything about the fight, I could just cut off every single connection to them and forget everything and live on peacefully but I didn’t do in the end. It seemed like I really wanted to know who won. And I wished for Zico to win. I knew that it was him that I was rooting for from the very beginning.

When we reached my house I turned my head towards him. ‘’Well? Are…you going to tell me?’’ I asked. He shook his head. ‘’Even I don’t know what happened. And I lied to you.’’ He said and smiled. ‘’Look, your uncle is probably worried for you. All I care is about if for you to be safe. You’re going to find out what happened at some point but for the moment I need to make sure that you’re safe, I’ll keep watch on you. What if the opposing side decides to kidnap you, or something like that?’’ I heard him spill his thoughts out loud.

‘’So you never knew what happened?’’ I asked and he shook his head. ‘’And you think that someone will kidnap me?’’ I asked and he nodded. I don’t know why but I laughed. It really seemed ridiculous in this moment, he acts too possesive of me and almost doesn't want anyone to be near me, I remember at the fight that he mentioned that the guys could kill themselves if they wanted, it only made his job easier.

‘’Let’s go.’’ He said and got out of his seat. I watched him walk around the car and open my door. I stepped out and he closed the door for me. ‘’Come on’’ he urged me to walk towards my house. A few feet away from the door and it opened buy itself. Hyomin jumped out at me and hugged me tightly. ‘’Do you know how worried I was?’’ she asked and tightened her arms around me. ‘’Why would you scare us like that?’’ She yelled at me and I felt her voice waver as if she was close to crying.

When she pulled away I saw Sunggyu talk to my uncle. I saw my uncle nod as he listened to Sunggyu and I couldn’t help but think that he was telling him the truth. Sunggyu suddenly got a call and he retreated towards his car but gave me a second lastibg eye contract. So Ra had also given me a hug and I apologized for making her worry. I spilled out why I did and what I did last night and they all listened without saying a word. So

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Ohsahun #1
Chapter 52: OHMYGOOOOOD i broke down real bad in the middle of the story thinking it wont be like how i want it to... why u do dis to me ohmygod i really have no idea it would turned out llike this hahhaa
Ohsahun #2
Chapter 47: I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE ㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ
Chapter 52: LOL I never understood the title until now tbh, this ending tho!!
xxEXATOxx #4
It wont let me goto the first story ><
reniyeol #5
Chapter 5: I only read few chapter and i can know that its intrestinp
reniyeol #6
Chapter 5: I only read few chapter but i can know that its intrestinp
Chapter 54: this is one of the best fanfics I read! I cried when I thought he was gone...and i cried when she left the note! I should've known it was coming! The end was amazing, creative, and quite humorous! Thank you so much and continue working hard!
i think I know what will happen! Zico's going bye-bye! WHY?!?! I should've known!
Chapter 40: ahhhhhhh! I knew this would happen! The moment Zico and Hana got together and he continued to apologize, I knew he did it! But i don't think he did it all the time, only at the weak moment when they weren't together! So...I'm hoping Hannah is just being herself and making it up but something tells me she isn't. On top of that, I hope Hana forgives Zico and avoids Daehyun like the plague!
Chapter 20: i'm crying an ocean right now i can't even.....right now and of course my stupid playlist has to stop on all the ballads and sad songs ;-; why do you have to do thissss????