Chapter 47

There is no Plan B, Plan A will definitely work.
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Maybe I should tell her… it looks like she really shut everyone off just to be with me and even went as far as stabbing Zico in heart with her own hand when she kissed me in front of him at the hospital a week ago. I looked down at our hands and then back up at her. I slowly leaned in and let my lips brush up against hers, no hesitation was needed from the other side; I found her shifting closer, completing the space in between us and deepened the kiss whilst gripping onto my hand tightly. 

I don’t think I was ready to talk about it so it really took a while for me to get ready for anything to be able to come out. But this may just be the key to letting some of the weight on my chest go; after all… she may be the right person to talk to since we’re together but also I know that she listens to everything you say and since she was asking about it, why not tell her?

 I turned to her whilst my grip firmed up. I opened my mouth to speak. ‘’I need to start from the very beginning’’ I said. She looked deeply into my eyes and she too sent a pulse through to my hand making me understand that she’s ready to listen. I pulled her closer to me and made her rest her back on my chest; I hugged her and breathed out once ready to begin.

‘’It goes back to when I was ten…’’ I took a deep breath as those old memories hit me again; she found my hands and helped me out with my uneasiness. I opened my mouth again and told her everything just like I remembered it, nothing more and nothing less.


I was in the back yard with the sun in my eyes trying out my new trainers with some basketball by myself. I was aware of my mum in the kitchen cooking my dad’s favourite dish but also aware of my dad’s absence in the house since last Friday. I always did know why he went out; it was too obvious not to know. My mum always tried to lie to me but I wasn’t a stupid kid, I knew what my dad was doing for a living. He wasn’t a banker, a doctor or your average electrician, no; he was way more than that. But it wasn’t something to be proud of.

He was indeed a bad person, I knew that for certain and I hated that. I hated the fact that there were secret places in our house where guns were hidden, I hated that there were so many places in the house where there were stacks of cash were found, I hated the fact that my dad had to walk around with guards and I hated the fact that he never really took me as a man but as a joke.

I was different from the kid he desired, I wanted to pursue being the best basketball player in the country, something that he’d always take as a joke and I’d get so mad at the fact that he’d laugh in my face and tell me straight up that I had no chance in even succeeding. He’d just place his gun at the end of the table and mutter the same words to me. ‘’You can never escape your fate’’

It was something I never understood, they were just empty words thrown at me for sure. But I was wrong. They were more than just empty words.

It was the moment when I heard the sound of a window crumbling to bits that I missed my shot into the hoop. I my heels and ran inside barely breathing. I knew that dad was meant to come home today, we were expecting him, but he doesn’t normally make his entrance this way and the only other person in this house able to break a window would be me, but that wasn’t the case.

It was only when I saw these big men crushing everything in their way in the house scatter all over the place. I spotted my mum deeper inside the house but it was too late, they had already gotten to her. Her scream was cutting the air in two; I had goose bumps and a heart not yet able to take any of this. I saw more men going to where the scream was projected from and my feet took me there too even if I didn’t want to go.

I was shaking in fear as I saw them brutally hitting her with no mercy existing at all. I started screaming at them to stop and even snuck through those men to get to her. It was the worst thing to watch. I stood in front of her and heard her scream to ‘run away’ really loudly. There was no way I was going to run. So I stayed in front of her protectively.

I felt my cheek burn all of the sudden and my head swing the other way from a hit I had received seconds later, it sent me tumbling on the floor right next to my mother who was now crying really loudly. They proceeded to kick the both of us and I felt my mum wrap her arms around me protectively. These men, they were after my dad and they surely knew who to target. My dad, he was making his name bigger and bigger by the day and it came to a point where people wanted him dead, to the point where gangs were turning against him and all that was left for them to do is destroy him or what he had left, which meant looking for us.

It was seconds later that we heard the men panicking, the front door had flung open and more people rushed inside. I only caught a glimpse but I knew that those men worked for my dad. A second or so later my father himself was kneeling down in front of us. ‘’I need you and your mother to run, do you think you can take care of that?’’ he asked like he was running out of time. But he was asking me.

It would have been the first time he had ever trusted me with something. I tried to turn to her and I saw that she was barely gathering herself together. It was only a few words of despair from my father when she actually got up and dragged me along with her. Those men were still in our house, fighting with the men working for my dad. But the thing was that there were too many of them. I felt my hand shake heavily in my mothers’, I kept hearing her cry and even found myself tearing up because of that.

She tried to make our escape through the back yard so we went back towards the kitchen but with interruptions. I heard guns being fired out and I’d only panic taking pauses and giving my mother no option but to calm me down in the middle of that chaos. But at the time we got in the kitchen another guy blocked the way out and grabbed hold of my mum. He dragged her further down inside of the kitchen and I saw him getting out a knife. I stood there frozen due to everything just crashing down onto me. There was nothing I could do.


More of them came in.


I only got pushed out of the way as I watched the whole scene play out. I watched my own father step in and fight. It was really unbelievable, he took a few stabs from the guy threatening my mum with the knife. The use of the gun no longer had impacted me as I watched without blinking how my father was fighting the guys by himself. Blood. It was everywhere. It was a matter of minutes when I saw my dad collapse to the floor with hoarse breathing sounds echoing around. The others were lying very still on the floor.

I was still too.

My mother had knelt down beside him and tried to stop his bleeding with a white kitchen towel she had found around, he suddenly grabbed her hand and told her

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Ohsahun #1
Chapter 52: OHMYGOOOOOD i broke down real bad in the middle of the story thinking it wont be like how i want it to... why u do dis to me ohmygod i really have no idea it would turned out llike this hahhaa
Ohsahun #2
Chapter 47: I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE ㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ
Chapter 52: LOL I never understood the title until now tbh, this ending tho!!
xxEXATOxx #4
It wont let me goto the first story ><
reniyeol #5
Chapter 5: I only read few chapter and i can know that its intrestinp
reniyeol #6
Chapter 5: I only read few chapter but i can know that its intrestinp
Chapter 54: this is one of the best fanfics I read! I cried when I thought he was gone...and i cried when she left the note! I should've known it was coming! The end was amazing, creative, and quite humorous! Thank you so much and continue working hard!
i think I know what will happen! Zico's going bye-bye! WHY?!?! I should've known!
Chapter 40: ahhhhhhh! I knew this would happen! The moment Zico and Hana got together and he continued to apologize, I knew he did it! But i don't think he did it all the time, only at the weak moment when they weren't together! So...I'm hoping Hannah is just being herself and making it up but something tells me she isn't. On top of that, I hope Hana forgives Zico and avoids Daehyun like the plague!
Chapter 20: i'm crying an ocean right now i can't even.....right now and of course my stupid playlist has to stop on all the ballads and sad songs ;-; why do you have to do thissss????