Chapter 1 (First Encounter)

Her Silence is Deafening

Lakewood. A small town. 

Too small, a young Kwon Yuri thought as she drove herself to her first day at her fourth new high school. 

To be honest, Yuri was so over the moving that she couldn't even be bothered to be close to nervous. The constant badgering of her parents to excel and succeed, had become utterly unbearable.

Unfortunately her father's job took him places and her mother was madly in love, which meant following him wherever he went. Well that was their excuse anyway; no one really wanted to talk about the real reason to their constant modifications in living arrangements.

It wasn't that Yuri didn't love her parents, the moving was just hard. She had barely made it through junior year and now she was starting at another school half way through the semester. She had enough troubles fitting in let alone being the weird mysterious girl who showed up out of nowhere with less than a year's worth of school left.

Yuri parked her car down the road instead of joining other students in the parking lot. The routine was easier that way, the further the car was away from the school the quicker you could run to the car and avoid traffic.

As Yuri cut off the engine, she reached for her bag and noticed a message from her mother wishing her good luck, again, she thought to herself.

By the time Yuri had picked up her class schedule the hallways of Lakewood High were relatively empty except for the occasional stray student being late or just avoiding the classroom all together.

Knowing full well that Yuri would walk in on an English class already in progress didn't seem overly appealing. Not exactly an entrance she wanted to make, however it also wasn't very smart to ditch class either, not on her first day anyway. So taking a deep breath, Yuri opened the door to her class, noticing all heads turn in her direction as she walked over to the teacher who had stopped himself near the chalk board. He was young, younger than she had expected, it threw her off balance as he introduced himself, she wasn't used to. . . manners.

"I'm Mr. Henney. You must be Yuri." He said politely. Yuri didn't know if the teacher was actually asking her a question but she responded with a nod anyway, noticing a few people snickering, her eyes couldn't help but wonder over to the culprits. Both dark haired boys, good looking enough but she could tell their ego was compensation.

"Okay well you can take a seat over there; we were just reading from the assigned book, "Great Expectations", have you got it yet?"

Yuri shook her head as the teacher waited for a spoken answer. More snickering continued throughout the classroom. This time however, Yuri ignored it and walked over to her allocated seat.

Thank goodness this school has single desks, Yuri thought to herself as she sat a few seats away from the snickering boys.

"Mr. Lee, did you by any chance want to continue reading from the novel?"

The slightly taller boy straightened his back as he held the half open book in his hand, his attitude radiating a hint of confusion to the teacher's question.

"No sir." The boy answered as Mr. Henney walked towards him, his dominance taking a toll on the clearly shocked teenager.

"Then you have no reason to be talking." His face though sweet in structure showed no signs of weakness as he spoke. Mr. Henney may have been young but he certainly was experienced with his words. The class erupted with soft giggles as the teacher walked away and towards Yuri.

"You can borrow mine for today Miss Kwon."

A mere nod came from the brunette again as the teacher handed her his book. he novel was old and torn, nothing in compassion to the ones owned from the classmates. This one was loved, and read for that matter. Yuri had always liked the story line for Great Expectations; though it was hard to keep up she never understood why it was so important to read it in high school English. Thank goodness she had a clear understanding of it for any assignments.

As the English class passed by the occasional student would brush their eyes upon the quiet new brunette, though her eyes never once left the pages of her novel. As the bell went for the next lesson Yuri couldn't have been more grateful. The constant feeling of eyes watching her was becoming intolerable.

Walking towards Mr. Henney who was now sitting at his desk, Yuri gathered his well loved copy of the novel and placed it gently on his desk. She gave him a small smile before exiting, leaving no time to say a word. As the brunette entered the now very crowded hallways of Lakewood High, she felt the occasional stare but tried to ignore, it would be like this for the rest of the week.

All of a sudden, a parting of the hallway started to form, though a distracted Yuri trying to look for her next class had paid no attention to the sudden change in ambiance.

"Watch it loser!"

Yuri felt a budge on her arm and the sudden shock made her drop her items of school work, though the insult was poor she still couldn't help but look at who the offender was as she knelt for her books. Feeling a small pain from her ribs, the brunette grabbed her sides trying to recover. This was normal in any situation for Yuri ever since her incident, but it wasn't exactly idyllic timing. Yuri looked up and saw a very fashionably dressed blonde standing above her. Personally Yuri thought it was a little much for just school but regardless the blonde looked stunning, strikingly beautiful even, though Yuri could tell the blonde knew this.

The brunette gave her an apologetic nod as she stood letting the pain in her ribs and now legs subside. She tried walking away but the blonde continued to talk.

"New here huh?"

There was a silence in the hallway, Yuri could tell without looking that everyone in range was looking in on what was about to happen. As Yuri turned back to the blonde, she noticed three other girls standing behind her, obviously a part of her group, a petite brunette caring a few novels and nothing else, she was rather cute but she also looked creative, there was another brunette but significantly taller, she was holding text books, and then a red haired girl, she was also very good-looking, personally Yuri thought the ring leader was prettier, that was probably why she was in charge.

The creative, smart and good looking, how cliche, Yuri thought to herself. The brunette gave the blonde a small nod, hoping to hurry the confrontation up as she didn't need this on her first day, or ever for the fact.

"I'm Jessica." The blonde spoke with such meaning, Yuri however didn't really seem to understand why she should care; so she continued to be silent as she always did.

"If you're going to attend this school, you're going to have to learn who is higher in the food chain."

Suddenly breaking a line in the crowd the boy from English class earlier, Lee was his last name but that was all the brunette knew, entered the group, he stood next to Jessica and placed a kiss on her forehead.

Yuri slowly losing patience, she wasn't in the mood for this and she never would be. The brunette turned her head towards the sheet of paper the office have given her. The next class was just around the corner but when she turned her head to find an escape her path was blocked by snooping on lookers. A sigh left her lips and Yuri rolled her eyes back to Jessica, the only thing that was running through her mind at that moment was how much she'd wanted to be home.

"Hi Yuri, I'm Donghae." Donghae introduced himself with a cocky attitude, this bugged Yuri, however Jessica found it somewhat atractive, she liked that he had control.

Yuri didn't move, she was close to not even blinking, she just remained reserved and complacent. The group would soon be bored of her, they had always been in the past. This group on the other hand didn't budge, they seemed just as reserved as Yuri. Jessica knew people like Yuri, all the same, quiet and most probably smart.

It bothered Jessica that this Yuri girl wouldn't speak though, usually people would jump at the opportunity to speak with her or to have her speak to them and other times people would struggle to articulate a word, but at least they would still try. This girl Yuri hadn't even spoken a word, not even shown interest in trying; though this bother Jesscia it also made her very curious about the girl.

"Where is your next class?" Jessica felt her lips move but she only registered what she had truly said until everyone who was looking, looked towards her in confusion, even Yuri seemed confused.

She must admit it was an odd question for Jessica Jung but she didn't show a sign of unfamilarity, she merely pretended that this was normal and everyone else would follow suit.

Yuri stood there, still silent, she wasn't sure that telling the popular blonde where her next class was, was a great idea. She began to notice that the crowd was thinning; everyone was becoming either bored or worried that they would be late for class. When Yuri hadn't said anything Jessica became impatient and took the sheet of paper from her hands, before the brunette could even react, Donghae stood in between her and Jessica and though this wasn't exactly a threat Yuri didn't want to retaliate. Instead she merely waited for the blnde to become bored and leave, everyone else had except for Donghae and Jessica's other friends, the smart lpoking one was becoming edgy, obviously not happy with the fact that they were late.

"Jess, come on-" The taller brunette began saying as Jessica looked up from the sheet of paper to Yuri.

"Oh shush Seo, you'll be fine." The brunette contnued to stir, Yuri looked towards her, she looked back at Jessica and played with her books. Jessica however did not look away from Yuri, her bright eyes bearing into the brunette's dark chocolate eyes. When Seohyun made a loud sigh, Jessica finally looked away from Yuri.

"God Seohyun, just go to class." Her voice was strong and stern; it obviously was another reason why she was in charge. Seohyun seemed to relax at Jessica's permission and headed off with the other two girls as well.

Donghae remained where he was at Jessica's side holding her waist in a somewhat over protective manner.

"I'm fine." Was all Jessica said, Donghae caught the hint and before leaving, he attempted to give her a kiss, but Jessica swiftly moved her face towards Yuri giving Donghae access to only her cheek.

Then it was just the two girls, in an empty hallway, Yuri turned to leave but was interrupted.

"What's the rush Yuri?" Jessica asked in a rather patronizing tone, Yuri had become significantly less agitated now that everyone had left but it was still frustrating being pulled back towards the blonde. She just wanted to go to class and get the day done with.

"You won't get far without this anyway." The blonde reminded her, Yuri looked towardsher class schedule in Jessica's hands. She reached for it but the blonde pulled away, Yuri looked at Jessica with confusion where as Jessica looked at Yuri with curiosity. She had never met someone like the brunette.

"You're not much of a talker, are you Kwon?" The brunette shook her head; she hadn't spoken to anyone in a very long time. She merely listened; her ears were always aware and ready.

Jessica was becoming irritated, why wasn't this girl talking? It was growing very frustrating. Both girls stood n the hallway, Yuri holding her books to her chest in an attempt to protect herself and Jessica holding her handbag over her shoulder. Yuri wasn't even sure why she was still standing infront of the girl; she knew her next class was biology and then lunch. She could always go back to the office and get another schedule.

"Just say something and i'll give you your piece of paper back." Jessica challenged the still quiet brunette. WIth that final remark Yuri had had enough and turned to walk to biology, leaving Jessica and her schedule behind her.

Though Yuri had been standing in the halway with Jessica for what seemed like forever, only ten minutes had passed and she wasn't overly late for class. The teacher was nice enough; he allocated Yuri a seat and handed her a few sheets of paper that she didn't bother to look at.

"Miss Jung doesn't seem to be here today, but she will be your lab partner from now on as her partner changed classes." Yuri nodded and turned to her seat. As she opened her book pretending to pay attention she wondered who this Jung girl was. Was she going to be nice? Or a pain?

The teacher began talking but Yuri wasn't interested, usually she liked biology but today her head wasn't in it. Instead her mind was thinking of Jessica and their encounter in the hallway. There was something about the blonde that made Yuri nervous. She tried to focus on her text book but the class went momentarily silent for a few seconds,which drew attention to the front. Jessica had entered the room at some point and was talking to the teacher.

Oh god no, Yuri thought to herself over and over again. But sure enough the blonde turned to Yuri and gave her a smile, it was convincing but Yuri still found it to be beautiful none the less.

The way her lips lifted up and made her cheeks all cute and puffy made Yuri feel giddy, but she couldn't understand why.

As Jessica walked towards Yuri she could tell the brunette was automatically uncomfortable, Jessica liked this. The beautiful blonde had always fed off other people's fear of her as it made her feel empowered, but Yuri was different. It wasn't that she was scared of Jessica it was more that she just wasn't interested in her.

There was something about Yuri that intrigued Jessica. She would make it her mission to get Yuri to speak.

"Well hello again." Jessica didn't even bother to whisper. She did what she wanted to; this was the bliss of being a Jung. She sat down next to Yuri and pulled out a text book that she didn't bother to open.

"Okay class, today we will begin our assignments. As you can see I've already handed out your information sheets and assigned your partners.."

Jessica could hear a sigh come from Yuri as the teacher continued to talk. The sigh angered her but she decided not to bite, she wanted Yuri to talk. Through the rest of class Yuri and Jessica sat in silence and listened to the teacher and taking down notes every so often. A few times Jessica had caught Yuri looking at her but she pretended she hadn't noticed; this was what Jessica was after. The extra attention. Yuri was looking at her like everyone else did.

When the bell went for lunch the class gathered the boks quickly in a rush to get out. Yuri however remained to finish off her final notes, about half way through the clas she had gotten back into the swing of biology. But it was mainly becasue she wanted to avoid looking at the dazzling blonde next to her.

Jessica stood and gathered her things; looking towards Yuri she wondered how long the girl was going to remain silent.

"Let me tell you something Kwon, it is a privilege to work with me. You will remember this, and we work off my terms. We will study where I want, at specific times and we will do certain sections of work to my accord. Do you understand?"

Yuri swallowed at Jessica's sudden outburst but she nodded in a controlled manner. Jessica sighed in frustration, quickly placed Yuri's class schedule on the table and left in a huff. The blonde thought that Yuri was extremely frustrating but she didn't let it get to her. She was Jesscia Jung for goodness sake!


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Gile lu kombek kah
Chapter 31: Please don't left this story unfinished😭 i hope you update soon... I want my yulsic back.. I hope yuri will recover soon and taeyeon is also safe from kris... Please update author😭😭💔
How did your exam and oral presentation go, author?
jho_2122 #4
Chapter 31: I hope u update soon... :-)
Apollo13 #5
Chapter 31: it's ok. Hope you are doing well with school ^^
Lacosion #6
Chapter 31: Hope you're doing well, author-ssi. I'm interested in your new story :)
Paramaountpamp #7
Chapter 31: I subscribed!
Chapter 31: it's ok, we understand that you're busy. I'm celebrating mother's day, but not as a mom (too young to be a mom right now lol). I have already subscribed to your story :)
Chapter 30: looking forward for the next update. All the best for ysblink21 for the presentation :)