Chapter 25 (Outta the Cage)

Her Silence is Deafening

Here's the other side of what also happened the night Yuri was attacked.

She'll get well soon guys. :D

Thanks for the upvotes guys means alot! :'D


Yuri felt the night’s cool air shatter against her skin as Kris lifted off her, taking his body heat with him. Her skin hurt, it was a pulsing pain that burnt through her veins and she wasn’t even sure how she managed to move her body from the pile of blood that lay beneath her. She wasn’t sure if all the blood could all be hers but as she watched Kris slowly walk away from her she mustered the strength to turn her body away and trudge down the alley.


The only sound was the rain and her heart beating in her ear. It was loud, too loud and it was distracting enough that the brunette had no time to hear Kris come up from behind.


“Kris don’t!” The latter ran towards Kris, but it was too late. Seconds later a sharp piercing pain entered Yuri’s back and before she could react Yuri felt her body hit the ground once more.


“What the hell are you doing here! Did you follow me?” Kris yelled at the shocked girl.


“That doesn’t matter. You hurt a girl! What the happened to you?” The girl was enraged at what he’s done that she tried to reach for Yuri but to no avail. Kris stopped her and grabbed her shoulders. He locked eyes to the short girl.


“Tell anyone. And I’ll surely kill you next.” He growled and shoved her against the bricked wall hard enough that the girl bumped her head hard enough for blood to ooze from the back of her head. Kris lunged at her and punched her straight towards the gut. The girl yelped in pain.


“She will never look at you the same way after this is out Kris.” She said angrily as she pushed his hands away from her.


“You wouldn’t want your princess to die along with you? I would. You both are dead to me. Now off!” He motioned to the air. The girl looked over the wounded girl and back to Kris and then to the glass that was covered in Yuri’s blood. Not wanting anyone else to get hurt she left without turning back. She’ll carry this guilt knowing she was able to stop it if only she wasn’t a coward to do so. She’ll get Kris to pay what he did somehow.


Looking back to see if the girl’s figure was nowhere in sight Kris leaned over Yuri. His eyes pierced into her own, as the broken piece of glass collided with her skin.

“Thanks for a fun night Yuri.” Kris winked before dropping the glass and disappearing.

Yuri’s body shivered profusely but she didn’t feel cold, she didn’t feel anything besides the pain in her back. In an attempt to stop the bleeding she moved her hands to hold the wound tight but after a few seconds the only movement she could manage was a small heart beat. She lay limp in the middle of a dark, we alley and no one knew she was there. She tried screaming but no words left her lips. Time passed, whether it was five minutes of five years she couldn’t tell. She had given up, her body hurt and she felt hopeless. She could still hear Kris’s voice in her head, calling her name, telling her to be quiet, to say his name.


“Say it!” She heard over and over again though he was long gone.




Suddenly her eyes opened and it was morning. The sun was up trying to beam through the shutters and Jessica was leaning over her, holding her tightly.


“There was someone else….?” She quietly mumbled to herself.


“Are you okay?” Jessica’s voice was beyond worried which only made Yuri feel worse, she felt horrible for making the blonde stress so badly.


“Yeah, I’m okay. Sorry.”


“Yul…” Jessica’s hand went to Yuri’s forehead that was sweating copiously.


“I’m okay.” Yuri persisted but she knew Jessica saw passed it


“You were screaming….a lot.” Jessica’s hand left Yuri’s body and she instantly missed the contact, she also instantly regretted being so distant from Jessica, she knew the blonde was there to help.


‘I’m sorry Sica. I didn’t mean to wake you.” Yuri moved her hands towards Jessica and with the morning stiffness she felt weaker than what she felt yesterday.


“You didn’t wake me. What were you dreaming about?” Jessica watched as Yuri intertwined their fingers and instantly felt more relaxed.


“Kris….” She finally answered after several long moments of silence and Jessica felt her heart breaking at the tone of Yuri’s voice.


“Are you okay?” She managed as she swallowed the large lump gathering in the back of . Yuri nodded shyly and looked away before Jessica’s piercing brown eyes could distract her from telling the truth. Jessica was aware of Yuri’s concern, she knew that Yuri was lying and she knew it was because of Kris being the topic. Instead of pushing she moved to tenderly hold Yuri’s cheek and kissed her.


“You don’t need to be afraid of me Yul.”


“I’m not. I just…” But Yuri couldn’t finish, she was in denial and scared. She was struggling and it was difficult to open up. Should I tell her?  Yuri was having a difficult time of whether to tell her the new information her brain was able to gather.


“Just?” Jessica pushed this time.


“I haven’t moved on from what happened. It still lingers in the back of my mind and sometimes I struggle to forget about it.”


Jessica observed Yuri, the brunette had had enough on her plate the moment she left the hospital, and it wasn’t exactly what she wanted her to be thinking about. In an attempt to comfort Jessica gently pulled Yuri into a sweet embrace and kissed her forehead. Just thinking about Kris was hurting her so she was struggling to imagine how Yuri must have been feeling.

“You’ll get through it Yul. I’ll help you.” Her thoughts moved towards Kris, she knew he was getting out with good behavior but she didn’t have the heart to break that news to her, she didn’t think the brunette could cope. Yuri smiled at Jessica’s support and raised her hand to meet with the blonde’s soft cheek.


“How did I get so lucky?” Both smiled before moving in for a kiss but before anything could get too heated there was a soft knock at the door.


“Jessica?” Chae called from behind the closed door, she quietly turned the handle and made her way into the room. “Oh good morning, I didn’t realize you girls would be up.”


“Morning mom.” Yuri murmured while still huddled up next to Jessica who had shifted when Chae entered the room.


“Good morning sweetie, sorry if I woke you. Jess, I was just going to ask if you were going to school today?” Jessica sighed, she had forgotten that it was no longer the weekend and she dreaded the thought of going to school but with the final exams approaching she didn’t really have a choice.


“Yes, I’d better go.” She replied, unhappily. She wasn’t at all pleased about leaving Yuri’s side.


“Well Jiwan and I were discussing, and if it’s alright with Yuri, you can take care of her since she won’t be driving anywhere for the time being.” Chae looked over at Yuri for permission but she already knew what the answer was.

“Yeah, of course.” She smiled happily.

“Oh that’s okay Chae, I can get Seohyun to pick me up.”

“Don’t be silly, now you’d best be getting ready.” Chae left the room and closed the door behind her, leaving Jessica no time for a rebuttal.


“You can’t tell my mom no.” Chae chuckled as she looked from the door to the stunned Jessica.


“Apparently.” Jessica turned to face her, she was still evidently tired, her unbandaged eye had dark purple lines underneath it and she was still slightly pale from the loss of blood. It was a long recovery and it was going to be a struggle but the only thing the brunette was actually worried about was her lung. With the nasal cannula still looping around her ears to her nose and the oxygen tank joining the pair on the bed Yuri couldn’t help but let out a small sigh as Jessica slowly moved out from under the blankets.


“I don’t have to go Yul.” She mumbled, sitting back on the bed grabbing the brunette’s hand.


“I don’t want you to but you should go.” Jessica smiled at Yuri’s sentiment before leaning to give her a quick peck on the lips. Jessica made her way over to the bag of clothes she had managed to grab from her parent’s house and dug for some fresh clothes. Yuri watched as Jessica slowly undressed. It was clear that she was still half asleep and unable to clip her bra, the brunette couldn’t help but laugh softly before Jessica turned around.


“Do me a favor? Hook it up for me would you?” Her arms were hurting, it had never occurred to her that she was injured. Jessica didn’t remember getting hurt by Donghae but that might have been because she was so focused on Yuri. She slouched over to the brunette and sat on the bed, waiting for her bra to be done up. Yuri smiled softly and managed to hook them together. Softly she kissed Jessica’s shoulder and lay back on the bed, noticing small finger bruises on the blonde’s upper arm.


“What’s wrong with your arm?” She questioned, feeling worry spread through her as her hand instinctively went to the offending marks upon the blonde’s body. Jessica’s eyes followed her hands as they pressed against the sensitive skin.


“It’s nothing Yul. I’m okay.” Jessica lied, the bruises themselves didn’t overly hurt her but her shoulder had been feeling particularly sore the last week and she was beginning to wonder why. At first she thought it might have been a sore muscle but it hadn’t been getting better.


“You know, you used to be a very good liar but that was just terrible. What happened? Please tell me.” Yuri felt she was probably pushing Jessica too hard but she couldn’t tell her to leave without knowing what was wrong.


“When I was at the hospital, when you were in surgery, my dad showed up. When I wouldn’t go home with him he pulled me out. I’m guessing that’s what it’s from.” Jessica sighed and looked away from Yuri slightly embarrassed, she quickly pulled a shirt over her head and ignored the pain that shot up her arm.


“Come here.” Yuri raised her hand to Jessica, encouraging her to take it The gesture made her smile and she moved towards the brunette. As she took her hand Yuri kissed it and smiled. “I’m sorry he did that Sica.”

“It’s okay. I’ll be fine.”

“If it’s not better by the end of the week, will you please get it checked out?”

“I will.”



Walking through the hallways Jessica felt isolated, even with her friends at her side. People were still staring even after a week had passed.


“Just ignore them.” Tiff said loudly as she linked her arms with Jessica supportively, being aware of how frustrated the blonde was becoming. Jessica nodded and made her way to her locker. There was a large note tapped across it and written in poor writing was “DYKE”.


“Well that’s original.” Jessica mumbled sarcastically as everyone around her waited for a response. Seohyun, Tiffany and Sunny looked worried beyond all reason before Jessica pulled the note off, scrunched it up and threw it to the floor, ignoring the message. Everyone that had circled around from a distance was slightly disappointed but continued with their own conversations.


“You handled that well.” Seohyun commented as she gained access to her own locker.


“I learned from Taeyeon. I don’t see what’s so insulting, especially since it’s true. I’m not ashamed of who I am or who I’m with. I love Yuri. Their attempt at making me feel bad failed, miserably.” Jessica said as she put her textbooks back in their rightful place, she was happy it was lunch, it meant she had made it through half of the day.


Seohyun, Tiffany and Sunny exchanged looks of astonishment at Jessica;s maturity but before any of them could speak they heard a voice come from behind them.


“Sooyeon-ah?” Jessica turned to see her mother walking down the hallway.


“Mom? Hi.” She muttered awkwardly. “It’s been a while.”


“I’m sorry sweetie. Phillie has been really busy.” Jungah smiled at her daughter and noticed how different she looked. Her hair wasn’t all done up like it used to and she had no makeup on but she looked comfortable, a it had changed in a few months.


“Yeah I’m sure trying to get Kris out of prison is really hard. Considering how much of an he is.” Jungah, Seohyun, Tiffany and Sunny looked towards Jessica in surprise, Tiffany’s mouth dropped open.


“So you know then?”


“Of course I know. I know you saw Donghae’s videos mom. They were all over the news.” Jessica was becoming very frustrated with her mother and she had only seen her for, what? Twenty seconds.


“Jessica, that Yuri girl is no good for you. She filled your head with lies.” Jungah voice was calm and collected but when four heads shot her way she felt very outnumbered.


“What?” They all said in unison.


“Kris didn’t hurt her, he said he didn’t.”

“You are just as delusional as dad. Kris is in prison for a reason mom!”
Jessica was glad that everyone that had been in the hallway had disappeared outside for lunch.


“So he’s made some mistakes, he’s going to have a fresh start now.” Jessica’s eyes widen at her mother’s reveal.


“Wait...he’s out?”

“Yes. He got out yesterday, your father and I brought him home.”
Jungah smiled, ignoring Jessica’s tone. The blonde looked away from her mother and towards her friends who all had the same worried look on their faces.


“Why are you here?” Jessica questioned trying to control herself.


“We want you home, all of us, we miss you.” Jungah continued to smile while Jessica’s hands shook with fury. It took all the strength she had to keep herself from screaming.


“Really? Well can you and dad accept my feelings for Yuri?” Jessica asked rhetorically, she already knew the answer by the look of disgust on her mother’s face.


“Sooyeon. Sweetie, you’re just confused.” Jessica was about to launch at her mother when her phone suddenly went off in her pocket. It was obvious that her friends were glad that some tension had been broken.


“Hello Yul.” Jessica answered as she looked at the caller ID.

“Hi! Jessica! It’s Chae.” Chae’s voice was flustered and it automatically caused anxiety to shoot through Jessica and forget about her mother.


“Chae? What’s wrong? Is Yuri okay?” She walked away from the older Jung and heard her friends follow, leaving Jungah alone in the hallway.


“She’s just been having bad nightmares all morning, she keeps calling for you.” Chae was slightly calmer now that she was talking to someone about it but it was still slightly terrifying to hear Yuri scream while sleeping and not being to help.


“I’ll be over right away.” Jessica felt Tiffany at her side trying to listen in on the conversation, obviously very worried about Yuri as well. By the time Jessica had made it to the car she had said her goodbyes to Chae and began searching for her keys in her bag. People that had been enjoying their lunches looked on curiously as Jessica and her friends made their way to her vehicle. It was obvious to the blonde that her friends were going to tag along to find out the outcome, she figured it was a lost cause to argue so when she found her keys she unlocked the car and threw her bag inside.


“Jessica, please. Don’t choose that liar over your own blood, we’re your family for goodness sakes!” Suddenly Jungah was at the car and holding Jessica’s arm tightly, causing a tight pain to course through her already sore arm.


“We might share the same blood mother but we are not family.” Jessica pulled away from Jung Ah's tight grip and sat herself in Yuri’s car. Starting the engine she didn’t bother to look at her mother and instead turned out from the curb and drove around the corner.


“You are fierce.” Tiffany mumbled from the passenger seat, hiding from Jessica’s terrifying eyes.

“Learn from Taeyeon, Tiffany. I was just standing up for Yul.”

"I envy you Jess. You have such a caring friend. Taeyeon seems like a boyfrined material." She sighed as she thinks of her boyfriend. "Nick doesn't do the same. I'd surely like a Taeyeon." Jessica quirked her eyebrow at Tiffany's words. 

"A Taeyeon or Taeyeon? if it's the second you're going have to deal with me Tiffany." Jessica said as she drove.

"Seriously Jess? You're going to have to let go of her and share you know!" Tiffany puffed out.

"So you can hit her whenever you get mad or annoyed?" Jessica asked. "I don't think so."

"That was just one time! I wanted to see you and Yuri's lovey dovey moment!" Tiffany defended

"Whatever," mumbled Jessica.

“Can we get on topic here? Jessica you usually just raise your voice. However, I think it was scarier what you just did then.” Sunny pointed out from the back seat, Seohyun hummed in agreement and those were the last words spoken the entire drive. Jessica wasn’t even sure she had fully stopped the car and turned off the engine before jumping out and running down the path of Yuri’s house. She didn’t bother knocking before entering but instead burst through the door and up the stairs, her three friends struggling to keep up.


Jeez, I don’t remember her ever being this fast till the time Taeyeon was in the hospital one time.” Tiffany said as she started up the front path.


“She did win state track when she was younger.” Seohyun lifted her finger matter-of-factly.


“Yeah that was before she wore high-heels.” Sunny replied sarcastically.


By the time Jessica had made it to the stairs she could hear soft mumbling behind Yuri’s closed door, at first she thought it was Chae’s voice but when she listened harder she realized it was Yuri. Softly knocking on the door Jessica slighted her head through to see if she was allowed to enter. Chae was sitting beside a sleeping Yuri, holding against her forehead a damp cloth to cool her down, she was muttering words that Jessica couldn’t understand from a distance. Chae turned to look at Yuri gratefully, she waved her hand to come in and stood from the bed.


“I’m sorry I called Jessica, I just didn’t know what to do. She’s been calling for you. It was just hard watch.” Chae looked like she had been crying, her eyes were blood-shot and her cheeks were puffy and red, it was heart-breaking for Jessica to witness.


“Don’t be sorry.”


“She just needs you I think.”


“I’ll see what I can do, now go make yourself a coffee, you deserve one.” Chae smiled and wiped her eyes softly before patting Jessica on the shoulder and leaving the room. Every few seconds Yuri would toss and turn in her sleep, the cloth that still lay against her head was slipping so Jessica quickly made her way to the brunette’s side and moved the fabric away from her eye that wasn’t covered with a bandage. At the slightest movement Yuri flinched and struggled in her sleep, her closed eyes scrunched up in pain, it was obvious that the sudden fuss was causing the brunette unnecessary pain.


“Yuri..” Jessica whispered as she wiped the cloth against her head, though it seemed relatively useless at that point since she was working so hard to move away from it. "It’s me, I need you to relax.” Jessica removed the cloth and replaced it with her hand, slowly Yuri’s forehead she wiped the damp hair that was falling in front of her face and every so often she would murmur something Jessica couldn’t understand.

“Yuri...I need you to wake up.” Jessica didn’t particularly want to force her awake but at the same time she didn’t want the brunette causing pain for herself.


“He’s gonna…..hurt….me…” Yuri mumbled and it somewhat surprised Jessica, her words were so clear and heartbreaking.


“No he won’t. I’m here Yul.” Jessica wasn’t sure if Yuri was talking about Kris or Donghae but either way she wasn’t going to let her have anymore nightmare over it. Slowly Jessica lowered her lips to Yuri’s, her lips were dry and they were trembling but at Jessica’s touch they calmed. Yuri’s eyes flickered open, it was a very comforting sight to have Jessica there, especially since she had just been having nightmares. The constant images of Kris running through her mind, it was torturing her. The experiences with Donghae was something she could handle but with Kris even now, a year later, she was still haunted with the experience.

It had caused her to stop talking for months, she had cried herself to sleep almost every night. Granted Donghae’s experience was definitely a damaging one physically and emotionally but Kris got inside Yuri’s head. He was good at it and he knew that. But to wake up from such horrible dreams to Jessica’s eyes gave her comfort and hope. Lifting her hand that ached from too much movement she brought it to Jessica’s face, trying to convince herself that it was definitely not a dream.


“Sica-ah….” She whispered, her voice weak and broken.


“I’m here.” She replied soothingly, wiping away a tear that fell from Yuri’s eye while into her chest.


“It’s okay, you don’t need to be anymore.” Slowly Jessica’s Yuri’s hair and felt the small scar from the bottle Kris had hit her with. The feeling of the bumpy skin made Jessica’s stomach twist. Yuri’s hands found their way into Jessica’s hair and drew her into a deep kiss, softly her fingers twisted and intertwined in the blonde’s soft golden locks and held her close. In the midst of the kiss neither girl was aware of the curious eyes of their three friends lingering by the half opened door.


“I think my heart is melting.” Tiffany whispered to the hunched over Seohyun and Sunny who were trying to get a better look over her. "I’ve never seen her like this.”


“She really is different, isn’t she?” Sunny matched Tiffany’s volume.


“She’s happy.” Seohyun agreed.


“But what about Kris?” Sunny asked as she pulled Seohyun and Tiffany away from the door.


“I don’t know, I guess we’ll make sure he keeps his distance.” Tiffany crossed her arms defensively and tried peeking through the door occasionally.


“Why do I have a bad gut feeling he’s going to make this difficult?” Sunny questioned, Seohyun and Tiffany looked at each other, knowing Sunny was right. Slowly the taller brunette rubbed her forehead and sighed before replying.

“Because you know Kris well. We’re all thinking it Sunny, if he’s back, he’s going to make it known.”


Kris will make his appearance! Prepare yourselves! ;P 

Look forward to the update though!

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Gile lu kombek kah
Chapter 31: Please don't left this story unfinished😭 i hope you update soon... I want my yulsic back.. I hope yuri will recover soon and taeyeon is also safe from kris... Please update author😭😭💔
How did your exam and oral presentation go, author?
jho_2122 #4
Chapter 31: I hope u update soon... :-)
Apollo13 #5
Chapter 31: it's ok. Hope you are doing well with school ^^
Lacosion #6
Chapter 31: Hope you're doing well, author-ssi. I'm interested in your new story :)
Paramaountpamp #7
Chapter 31: I subscribed!
Chapter 31: it's ok, we understand that you're busy. I'm celebrating mother's day, but not as a mom (too young to be a mom right now lol). I have already subscribed to your story :)
Chapter 30: looking forward for the next update. All the best for ysblink21 for the presentation :)