Chapter 3 (First Conversation)

Her Silence is Deafening
The next day Yuri was dreading school, not only would she see Donghae and have to spend the first class with him, but she would also have to spend a whole class with Jessica as well.

The night before had been horrible for Yuri, she had driven home shaking terribly from the encounter with Donghae and then when Jessica became angry with her because she hadn’t spoken. Well to say the least Yuri was confused. She got home to her parents watching television; she gave them the usual smile and quickly disappeared up into her room. Yuri knew that this disappointed her parents. She just couldn’t help it. She always wanted to be alone, she felt safer that way.


Waking up the next morning always felt like a chore, her mother would always place antidepressants and pain kill tablets on her bed side table for the day but Yuri knew her parents were secretly worried she wouldn’t take them. The painkillers Yuri would take, it subsided the pain in her side and with the anti-depressants well, the brunette wasn't a fan but she couldn’t argue.


The day was like any other; Yuri got dressed for school, made herself a coffee and got in the car, and the brunette began mentally preparing herself for the day ahead.


Jessica on the other hand was very ready for school; she was ready to get Yuri to talk once and for all. As she arrived from school she noticed Yuri getting out of her car, well more like attempting to anyway. She noticed MInho, one of Donghae’s friends, leaning up against her. The brunette looked extremely uncomfortable but she didn't budge for a moment. When the dark haired boy  moved in and whispered into Yuri’s ear, she pushed him away.


Strong arms. Jessica thought to herself. For some reason the way Yuri walked away from Minho very distorted by what happened caught Jessica’s attention and she couldn’t help but notice her legs following the distressed girl. Jessica walked behind her for several minutes before realizing that Yuri was headed towards the library. At first she thought of heading back and going to class but the brunette was far more fascinating. She couldn’t help but follow.


“Are you okay?” Jessica asked as she sat down next to Yuri at the back of the library. Considering it was first period the library was relatively empty so she didn’t bother keeping her voice down. As she was expecting, Yuri didn't answer but instead had a shocked look on her face.


“I saw MInho with you at your car.”


Yuri paused momentarily before nodding but she was secretly hoping the blonde would stay. She enjoyed the company and was hoping that she could learn more about Jessica but also hopefully try and understand why she was so mad last night, especially after what happened.


“Did he say something to you?” Jessica pushed the topic; she was becoming a little protective of the brunette, seeing her uncomfortable for some reason worried her. Yuri didn’t say anything but Jessica would tell whatever he did say was inappropriate. Jessica placed her hand on Yuri’s in a soothing manner.


“Whatever he said Yuri, don’t let it get to you.” Jessica could tell that being around Yuri was different because she was different and though she liked it she also disliked it. Yuri had picked up on Jessica's change in behaviour, it caused curiosity to course through her and suddenly her encounter with Minho today didn't seem so bad. He had really only asked her on a date but when she shook her head and turned to leave he whispered in her ear something about knowing why she was always quiet. It confused Yuri. No one knew why she was always quiet except for her parents. So she assumed that Minho was just being a typical guy and pushed it to the back of her mind.


Jessica looked at Yuri as she pulled out her work, it was the biology assignment, and the brunette looked up at Jessica holding the textbook smiling gently. The b blonde noticed that this was the first time Yuri had fully smiled in her presence. It made her smile.


“Okay we can do the assignment.”


After a week’s worth of work, Yuri and Jessica had almost finished the assignment. This slightly surprised Jessica because not once had Yuri spoken a word but by Friday everyone was excited for the weekend.


Donghae hadn't been to school since what happened between him and Jessica, and Jessica was quite fine with that.


“Hey if you come over tonight we can probably finish off this damn assignment.” Jessica offered the still very quiet brunette; Yuri’s silence however did not bother Jessica anymore. She had grown a familiarity with Yuri; she even knew her favorite type of music just because she could hear Yuri listen to it during their studies.


Though Jessica desperately wanted to hear Yuri’s voice she knew that the brunette would speak in her own time. Yuri smiled softly and nodded enthusiastically. This was the first time Jessica had offered her to come over instead of demanding it; this made the brunette feel special. Something she had not felt in a long time.


“Excellent, see you at 7:30 then.”


With that Jessica was gone; Yuri smiled again at both the girl’s eagerness to study. It would look peculiar in anyone else’s point of view.


Yuri decided that before she headed to Jessica's that she would do some laps in her pool. She found it relaxing. It was the one thing in her life she felt she was good at and before she knew it she had passed several hours in the pool. It was a great refreshing feeling as she dried herself off and got changed for Jessica’s


Today she decided to look a little nicer for the blonde. Yuri didn't know why but she always wanted to impress the girl. She originally thought it was because of the popularity but then she just grew a general interest around Jessica Jung.


She had reached the residence a lttle earlier than usual but she didn't mind and as she knocked on the door she heard Jessica yell that she was coming from upstairs. It made her smile. Whenever the shy brunette was around Jessica she found that she was smiling and lately her parents had noticed a change in her behavior. Though she still wasn't talking it was a great start.


“Hey! Sorry I was getting changed, you’re early.”


Jessica teased; she did however look beautiful as always. A nice tight hip skirt and a plain blouse with a cosy looking cardigan thrown over the blonde and she still looked amazing, Yuri felt her stomach jump at the sight of Jessica but she tried to conceal it.


“My parents are working late, so it’s just us again.” Jessica murmured as she headed upstairs. Yuri was slightly confused; she waited for instructions from Jessica at the bottom of the stairs.


“Come on, we’re going to my room, it's way nicer than the kitchen.”


This was the first time Yuri had been in any other part of the house besides the kitchen and again the timid brunette felt a hint of something she couldn’t quite put her finger on.


Was any of Jessica's other friends allowed in her room? Or upstairs for the fact?

As the two girls walked into the blonde's room, all Yuri could think was wow.

Jessica’s room was modern and. . .huge. It was exactly what Yuri was expecting though. Posters and pictures of bands, several make-up items on a desk in front of a mirror but there was one thing  Yuri didn't expect and that was the large canvas of the Eiffel Tower. Yuri walked in and started enviously, she had always wanted to go to Paris. Jessica noticed the quiet girl looking at the poster but decided not to point it out. She would remind herself to ask Yuri about it when she was ready to talk.


“Here, I’ve got some final notes here; I just need to write out the last of my conclusion. How are you doing?” Jessica had all her biology work spread out on the floor and as she rummaged through different papers Yuri had time to find her finished conclusion and showed the blonde.


“Well, excellent. This will only take me like ten minutes.” Yuri nodded, she was more than happy to watch the blonde, and she found it just as relaxing as swimming when she watched Jessica deep in thought.


As the minutes passed, Yuri watched Jessica write away, her hands elegant and swift in behavior and as she thought about Jessica she thought of all the things Jessica had told her.


Yuri had the feeling that even though the blonde was popular, she never actually spoke much. It was more what the people wanted to hear rather than what Jesca actually had to say. But from what Jessica had told her, Yuri knew her favorite songs, artists, movies, even her favorite color but Jessica didn't know a single thing about Yuri.


Jessica could feel the brunette watching her and though normally she would hate having anyone watch her work she didn’t mind Yuri. every so often she would look up and Yuri’s eyes would dart to her hands that were playing with a pen. Jessica noticed that Yuri would always twirl a pen in her hands when she was nervous but for the life of her she couldn’t figure out why Yuri was nervous.


“I like a double-shot cappuccino with one sugar.”


Jessica almost jumped when she heard the brunette speak but her voice was too husky sweet and soothing for the action to happen. Although her first thoughts should have about Yuri’s rather interesting statement Jessica was only focused on the resonance that came from the brunette. She sounded beautiful but she was disappointed that she was not looking at the brunette when she spoke. When jessica focused back on reality she noticed Yuri was waiting for a response, not it looked like she was the one stuck for words.



“You asked me the other day how I took my coffee.” Yuri was quiet, her eyes showed embarrassment but she tried to hide it.


“Oh…” Was all Jessica could manage, she was stunned. What odd first words. Yuri could sense Jessica’s confusion and was immediately embarrassed, she hadn’t intended to speak to Jessica but the words fell out. She wanted to talk to the blonde, she wanted to tell Jessica what music and artists she liked. Yuri lowered her head in discomfiture and Jessica instantly picked up on it.


“Don’t stop talking Yuri. you have a beautiful voice.” Yuri ‘s face lifted and her cheeks were slightly pink and it made Jessica smile.


“What do you want to talk about?”


“Um, how long has it been since you’ve spoken to someone?” This was one question that Jessica had been aching to ask ever since she met the brunette. Yuri seemed lost in thought as she tried to remember back to the last time she’d even spoken. It had been that long.


“About eight months I guess.”


Jessica was shocked, eight months! Wow, her relationships didn’t even last that long. Yuri could sense Jessica’s surprise and looked down again. This was embarrassing for her but Jessica wanted to keep her talking and confident.


“That’s a long time.” Jessica murmured softly.


“Yeah, I almost forgot what I sounded like, and it feels weird.” Yuri murmured. Jessica smiled. She felt honored that she was the first person that Yuri had spoken to in months. In any other situation Jessica would thrive off the attention but she felt different, this was different and Yuri was different.


There was something about Yuri that Jessica couldn’t figure out.


“Why did you stop talking?” Jessica blurted out; she instantly knew that the brunette was uncomfortable with the question. There was obviously a stop behind the girl that Jessica was not aware of but she couldn't help asking.


“I’m sorry. I just find you...interesting.” Jessica recovered herself and shuffled slightly closer towards Yuri.


“I’m not….ready to talk about that.” Yuri’s voice croaked; it had definitely been a long time since she had spoken; it was like her vocal chords had forgotten how to function.


“Okay. I’m sorry.” Jessica looked away from Yuri; she was slightly ashamed she had blurted such an unsuitable question. Clearly Yuri was not ready.


“What’s your favorite color?” Jessica was trying to move away from any uncomfortable topic, this made Yuri smile and lean up against the food of Jessica’s bed crossing her knees.


“Blue, like an aqua blue.” She smiled; Yuri had forgotten not only what it was like to talk but what it was like to talk about the simple things.


“Why is that?”
“I like swimming.” Jessica smiled at the new information.

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Gile lu kombek kah
Chapter 31: Please don't left this story unfinished😭 i hope you update soon... I want my yulsic back.. I hope yuri will recover soon and taeyeon is also safe from kris... Please update author😭😭💔
How did your exam and oral presentation go, author?
jho_2122 #4
Chapter 31: I hope u update soon... :-)
Apollo13 #5
Chapter 31: it's ok. Hope you are doing well with school ^^
Lacosion #6
Chapter 31: Hope you're doing well, author-ssi. I'm interested in your new story :)
Paramaountpamp #7
Chapter 31: I subscribed!
Chapter 31: it's ok, we understand that you're busy. I'm celebrating mother's day, but not as a mom (too young to be a mom right now lol). I have already subscribed to your story :)
Chapter 30: looking forward for the next update. All the best for ysblink21 for the presentation :)