Chapter 26 (Kris's 'Welcoming' Visit)

Her Silence is Deafening

I enjoyed this chapter! Enjoy everyone! And Happy Easter! y'all checked Jessica's Teaser yet?  :D


“Jessica Jung, please report to the Principle’s Office.”

The PA system was just that little bit too loud as it announced its message throughout the halls and grounds of Lakewood High.


“ing hell.” Jessica sighed to herself in frustration as many heads turned in her direction.


“Do you want us to come?” Tiffany volunteered as Jessica stood from their usual lunch table.


“No that’s okay. Stay and enjoy your lunch.” Jessica turned away from her friends before they could say another word and headed back towards the school building. She had been outside for lunch for less than five minutes and she was already finding herself walking back down the dark smelly halls of the school.


“She seems really low lately.” Sunny turned back to face Seohyun and Tiffany who still had their heads facing Jessica’s direction.


“It’s understandable. She’s been taking care of Yuri, trying to study for finals and work at the Elixr all at once. I don’t know how she’s doing it. I’m barely surviving and all I have to do is study.” Seohyun sipped her coffee constantly, filling her body with the energy she needed to help her fill her head with information.


“I don’t know why she’s working so much. I thought she had money?” Sunny asked.


“She did but I don’t know what happened to it and I don’t think it’s my place to ask.” Tiffany looked up from her phone. She had been talking to Yuri occasionally throughout the week. With Jessica constantly working, Yuri was home alone a lot and it worried her.


“Have you noticed how tired she look?” Seohyun continued. “It looks like she hasn’t slept the last two weeks.”

“She probably hasn’t.” Sunny mumbled.


“Did she say if Yuri was still having those nightmares?” Seohyun had been worried about Yuri’s nightmares, Jessica had told them that the brunette had been dreaming about Kris every night for the last couple of weeks and they hadn’t been going away.


“Yeah, I don’t know how she’s going to cope when she finds out about Kris being back.”

“She still doesn’t know?”
Sunny looked between Seohyun and Tiffany mildly surprised.


“Jessi hasn’t had the heart to tell her, she doesn’t think she’ll cope.”  Tiffany answered after a few moments of silence.



Jessica knocked on the Principal's door before entering, Lee Soo Man was sitting at his desk with his laptop opened and the phone to his ear, he quickly finished the conversation with the person on the other end before hanging up, giving Jessica his full attention.


“Ah, Miss Jung, please come in and take a seat.” He said politely as Jessica lingered in the doorway. She did as she was told and sat her bag on her lap.


“Why did you need to see me Sir?” Jessica held back a yawn before rubbing her eyes subconsciously.


“It has come to a few of the facility member's attention that you have been struggling a little with your work.” He waited for Jessica to respond but she felt she really had nothing to say.


“Am… I in trouble, Mr. Lee?”


“Goodness no Jessica, a few teachers have come to me worried though. I wanted to make sure you were okay.” He looked down at his computer before looking back at Jessica, his eyes were displaying something she couldn’t pinpoint.


“I’m okay.”




“With all due respect sir, my marks haven’t faltered, I’m still a straight A student and I haven't missed that many classes.” Jessica felt exhausted and she hadn’t done anything that day yet, it was coming to the end of the week which meant she had some time off work. She had only been working a couple of weeks but it was exhausting, especially if she had to work straight after school.


“I’m aware Jessica. In fact I’m very impressed with all the work you’ve accomplished the last few months. Especially your biology assessment you did with Miss Kwon, I was privileged enough to read it.”


“I’m confused, why am I here then?” Jessica played with her fingers as she watched Mr. Lee look between his computer and her again, her curiosity grew when his eyes scrunched slightly at whatever was on his screen.


“I know that there isn’t really a good relationship between you and your family at the moment and i know you’re aware that it has raised a few issues with your school fees but Jessica you shouldn’t have to pay for such an education.” Mr. Lee looked at Jessica sympathetically and watched her process his words.


“Mr. Lee, respectfully, this is only a public school. I can afford it.”


“So that’s why you’ve been working every day after school at the Elixr then?”

“It’s a job, a lot of people my age have jobs and Lee Sungmin was kind enough to give me one.” Jessica was thankful for the fact that Sungmin had given her the job, considering he had only reopened the place after buying it from the old owners, it seems high school education wasn’t his calling. Jessica observed the principle, he was holding back something and she knew there was another reason to why she was here.


“Jessica, I have been informed that Lee Donghae has been found. Apparently a young lady had caught him.” Jessica’s breath was caught in as Mr. Lee revealed the real reason to her presence in his office.


“The police were going to come here and ask you to identify him, as a formality, but I insisted they waited until the weekend.”


“Did they give you the name of the young lady though?” Jessica asked.




“Ah...Thank you.” It was the only thing Jessica could manage to say for several minutes because she knew that the police would be asking Yuri to do the same thing. Her mind closed off from Mr. Lee and went straight to her girlfriend, she felt worried and stressed but she wasn’t sure why. Donghae after all was caught and behind bars, it was one less person to worry about. “Is that all?”


“Yes you can go.” Mr. Lee sighed in defeat. He felt as though Jessica was struggling more than she let on. “Jessica?” He called as she went to open the door.



“If you need someone to talk to, anyone, you can talk to me or there’s a guidance counsellor.”
His voice was warm and weirdly lifting and she did feel slightly better.


“Thank you, Sir.” Jessica’s eyes may have been on her Principle but her thoughts were elsewhere, it was rare that there was a moment she wasn’t thinking about Yuri anyway.



“Hey Jessi, can we talk?” Tiffany asked whe she leaned next to Jessica’s locker after school. The blonde had just opened the door and began putting away her books when she nodded.

“What’s up?” She yawned.


“I just wanted to ask….If Yuri knows about Kris yet.” Tiffany paused and thought about her words carefully, when Jessica was tired she was easily provoked.


“No, I haven’t told her, she’s been really busy with therapy the last two weeks and I didn’t want to interrupt that.” Jessica grabbed her bag when she had finished with her books and closed her locker door, giving Tiffany her attention.


“I think you should tell her Jessi. She deserves to know.” Tiffany was trying to be more matter-of-fact than bossy but it wasn’t coming across that way to Jessica.


“I know that Tiffany, don’t you think I know that? It’s just hard. She doesn’t leave the house enough as it is.”


“I know, I just think she should know.” Jessica thought about Tiff’s words and she was right. Yuri did deserve to know, it was just heartbreaking to watch her endure so much and put further stress on her.


“I have to go to work but I’ll tell her after, okay?” Jessica said genuinely.


“You promise?” Tiffany smiled softly.


“I promise.”

“You pinkie promise?”
Tiffany raised her hand to Jessica while lifting her pinkie finger, wiggling it quickly.


“What are we? Five years old?” She asked sarcastically, but Tiff merely continued to wiggle her finger until she complied. Jessica sighed in defeat and raised her finger to meet Tiffany’s. “I pinkie promise.”


“Good. You see wasn’t that hard.” Tiffany had a triumphant smile slapped across her face and it caused Jessica to roll her eyes.


“I have to go or I’m gonna be late for work.” Jessica turned and headed down the hall and out of the school with Tiffany by her side.


“So is she still having nightmares?”


“Yeah.” She sighed. She didn’t really feel like talking about Yuri’s nightmares. They had gotten to the point where Yuri was screaming so loud in her sleep she would wake her parent’s down the hall, she was running out of ideas and what was worse is she felt she was failing her girlfriend.


“Jessi, you’re doing really well.” Tiffany sensed Jessica’s insecurities and patted her shoulder supportively.




It had been four hours into her shift when Sungmin approached Jessica who had a tray full of coffee mugs and dirty dished.

“Jess, do you need a break?”

“No it’s okay. I’m finished in two hours. I’ll be alright.” Jessica knew Sungmin knew she was lying. She had been yawning for most of her shift, and she was slightly worried she was going to frighten away all the customers.


“At least go have a drink or something.” Sungmin insisted. Jessica smiled and decided she was thirsty so walking out to the back room she placed the tray into the sink and grabbed a drink of water. When she walked out again she noticed Tiffany, Seohyun and Sunny waiting at the counter. It had been a slow afternoon and evening that she had decided to focus her attention on cleaning.


“Hey guys.” Jessica smiled, feeling her spirits lift at seeing her friends. “The usual?”

“Actually we’ve got something for you.” Seohyun smiled cheekily before walking to the door of the Elixr. A few stray customers were sitting at random tables but didn’t require Jessica’s attention so she was happy to be with her friends as long as she could be. Seohyun looked over at Tiff and Sun who both had smiles on their faces as well, causing Jessica to become even more curious as to what their plan was.


Opening the door Seohyun revealed Yuri sitting in her wheelchair being pushed by Taeyeon, smiling happily with a bunch of orchids on her lap. Jessica’s favorite flower.


“Surprise.” Yuri murmured softly as Jessica walked over quickly to greet her girlfriend excitedly.

“Yul! You’re out of the house!” Jessica exclaimed happily while kneeling in front of her.


“I thought the best way I could get out of the house was to see my girl at work.” Yuri smiled and handed Jessica the orchids, softly she smiled and watched Jessica’s face light up and it instantly made her feel ecstatic. “And I’ve got another surprise for you.”


“What is it?” Jessica’s smile grew as Yuri kissed her cheek softly.


“Why don’t you put the flowers down on the counter and then close your eyes.” Jessica raised her eyebrows curiously before complying. She stood from the floor and walked over to the counter, watching Seohyun, Tiffany, Sunny and Taeyeon. All four girls had smiles stuck on their faces as Jessica put the flowers down and before turning she noticed a few customers had moved from their own conversations to look on what was going on. Ignoring them she turned around to face Yuri who also had a cheeky smile across her lips.


“Close your eyes Miss Jung.” She commanded and Jessica giggled before again complying. Yuri looked over at Taeyeon who waved her hand in front of the blonde’s face, making sure she wasn’t sneaking  a peek. Quietly Taeyeon gave Yuri the thumbs up and moved towards her.


“I’ve got it.” Yuri whispered to her friends as they went to help her out of the wheelchair. As quickly and quietly as she could Yuri slowly moved her legs out from the holds of the chair and slowly stood. Her legs hurt slightly but with the therapy she was improving rapidly, however there was still a long way to go. Jessica waited as patiently as she could, playing with her fingers to subside the urge to open her eyes. This was noticed by Taeyeon, who couldn’t help but chuckle.


Yuri slowly made her way to the blonde that was almost jumping up and down in anticipation, as she watched her all the thoughts of pain disappeared and were replaced with excitement for Jessica’s reaction. When she finally made it in front of the blonde Yuri reached for her fiddling hands and brought them to her lips, kissing them gently.


“Open your eyes.” Jessica heard Yuri whisper and within seconds her eyes shot open to find Yuri standing in front of her, smiling happily. “Surprise.”


“Yul! You’re walking!” Jessica felt tears well in her eyes from happiness as she quickly embraced the brunette, causing her to wobble.


“A little.” Yuri laughed.


“Sorry.” She giggled with excitement. Seohyun, Sunny and Tiffany all felt tears slowly form in their eyes and Taeyeon with a wide smile plastered on her face as they watched Jessica hold Yuri’s cheeks before leading into a chaste kiss.


“I’m so proud of you.” Jessica murmured. The doors of The Elixr opened and closed but no one bothered to see who entered as they were all too invested in the scene in front of them.

“Aw. What a sweet display.” A voice came from the door that Taeyeon, Jessica and Yuri recognized immediately. Turning away from Jessica and Yuri’s embrace Yuri found the eyes of Kris Woo Jung staring into her as he stood a few feet away. Seohyun, Sunny and Tiffany all looked at him, their minds mentally swearing at him for ruining such a beautiful moment.


“Kris you need to leave.” Tiffany moved over to him first, keeping him as far from Yuri as she could.


“I have the right to be here.” He crossed his arms and smiled up at Yuri who had gone silent at his presence. Seohyun and Sunny soon joined Tiffany in making the wall between him and the other two girls. As Taeyeon looked at the scene in front of her. Jessica’s arms went around Yuri as she slowly helped her to the wheelchair. It was becoming obvious that standing for that long was hurting her.


“I see you’re making great progress Yuri.”


“Don’t you dare talk to her.” Jessica grinded her teeth as she made her way in front of her friends, indicated them to go stand by Yuri. “What are you doing here?” She questioned as Tiff, Seo and Sunny stood by Yuri protectively.


“I wanted coffee.” Kris continued to smile as Jessica crossed her own arms across her chest.


“You’re not going to get it here, so I suggest you to leave.”


“That’s not very good customer service, Sooyeon.”


Jessica.” She corrected him. Taeyeon walked towards Jessica as she sensed the tension grow in the air as Kris continued to look over at Yuri, her eyes were filled with tears but she hadn’t let them fall. She was so surprised that Kris was out of prison that she couldn’t even think of words to project.


“My bad, Jessica. Hello Yuri.” He moved his head to get a full view of the brunette who had been struggling to hold back her tears. “I heard Donghae got caught. That’s always good. As one goes in, the other comes out, isn’t that funny?”

“What’s going on here?” All heads turned towards Sungmin who had emerged from the back to see why it had gotten so quiet.


“Hi Mr.Lee, I see High School education wasn’t your thing.” Kris finally moved his eyes away from Yuri and towards his old English teacher. Yuri finally relaxed and moved her gaze to Jessica who was deliberately looking away from her, regretting the fact that she hasn't told her sooner.


“Kris, I’d like you to leave.” Sungmin walked over and stood in front of Jessica, giving her some support as she stood in front of her brother  while Taeyeon was at Jessica’s side.

“You can’t make me.”


Taeyeon already sick of this stepped up and came forward to Kris. “No he can’t but I’m sure your parole officer will do the job just fine.” Kris’s smile disappeared quickly as Taeyeon reached in her pocket and pulled out her phone.


“Fine, you guys are no fun anyway.” He glared at Taeyeon and Jessica hard. Turning away in defeat and then looking back towards Yuri who was still struggling to hold back her tears. “Oh and Yuri, just thought I’d inform you that Jessica and Taeyeon has known I’ve been out for two weeks, some food for thought.”


“Leave!” Taeyeon almost yelled.


Kris smirked at Taeyeon. “That’s the way you treat me? I guess Jessica didn’t give you my present.” Taeyeon looked at Jessica then back at Kris in confusement. Jessica reached towards Taeyeon as she knew what Kris meant but Kris grabbed Taeyeon and smashed his lips onto her hard. Taeyeon in shock stood there as Jessica looked hurt at the scene in front of her. She pushed Kris away from Taeyeon and yelled at him in anger.

“Get out Kris! Get the out!”  Taeyeon touched Jessica’s shoulder to calm her down.


“Taeyeon, how does it feel to know that if it weren’t for you being a coward Yuri wouldn’t be suffering, hm?” Everyone looked at Kris at the sudden question other than Jessica who faced Taeyeon.  Ignoring Jessica’s eyes, she spoke up, “How does it feel to have your ‘friend’ put you in jail for robbery?” Kris’s eyes went wide at the sudden revelation.


“So it was you!” Kris lunged at Taeyeon but Sungmin stopped him. Taeyeon smirked.


“Get out...NOW!” Jessica couldn’t handle any more of this.


“It’s not over Kim Taeyeon.” Kris looked over at Taeyeon and Jessica then at Yuri. “Goodbye Yuri.” He winked and then disappeared out the door leaving an atmosphere of complete awkwardness behind him.


“Take me home.” Yuri murmured to Tiffany quietly.


“Yur-” She began.


“Please just take me home.” Yuri interrupted her friend and wiped away a tear that had finally slipped from her eyes. Tiffany looked between Seohyun and Sunny who shrugged their shoulder in defeat and walked towards the door.


“Yuri…” Jessica began as she watched Tiffany wheel the brunette to the door. “I’m sorry, I was going to tell you. I swear.”


“Let’s go.” Yuri said, ignoring the apology. Tiffany looked over at Jessica with an ‘I-told-you-so’ look before exiting the Elixr. Seohyun and Sunny remained behind to support Jessica but she felt as she didn’t deserve it.

“Thank you.” She directed to Sungmin as she held back the tears in her eyes. She walked out to the back room ignoring the pair of the older blonde’s eyes that followed her.


“Jess, it’s not your fault.” Seohyun murmured as she followed her.


“It is Seo. I should have told her the moment I knew.”


“You were protecting her.” Sunny tried to convince her friend the truth but she knew it would be a lost cause at this point.


“Yeah and looked what happened. She practically hates me.”


“She can’t hate you, Jess. She loved you way too much for that.” Seohyun insisted as she brought the teary blonde into a comforting hug.


“Jessica, are you alright?” Sungmin asked as he entered the room. Jessica nodded into Seohyun’s shoulder before letting the taller brunette go. “You can go home. I think I’m going to shut down early anyway.”


“I can wait back and help you clean.” She offered as he walked over to Sunny.


“That’s okay Jess, I’ll cover for you. You can go and see Yuri.” Sunny looked up at Sungmin with a smile and moved into his arm that he had wrapped around her. Jessica decided not to argue with the petite brunette and instead looked over to Seohyun.


“Go on.” Seohyun smiled and Jessica quickly went for her bad, “But what are you going to do with Taeyeon?” Jessica stopped and sighed remembering the scene and revelation from earlier she grinded her teeth. Not wanting to answer she left the kitchen without another word.


Noticing Jessica was about to leave, Taeyeon got up from her seat and reached for Jessica hand.

Sooyeon-ah can we-” Jessica turned around and shrugged off Taeyeon’s hand. Hurt by the action she looked down.

“Talk? About what? About how Kris says things and leaving me clueless? Jessica said.  “What the hell is going on Taeyeon? We’ve been together since…….” Jessica sighed, “......since forever...but I feel like we’re distant. There are things you haven’t told me.” Jessica looked up not able to hide her tears anymore. Taeyeon stood there looking at the ground biting her lip.


Taengoo-ah, look at me.” Jessica lifted Taeyeon’s face to face her but Taeyeon looked elsewhere rather than her eyes. Jessica gasped, Taeyeon was shedding tears in front of her as well. Usually Jessica would be crying, not the other way around. “....Please Tae…..tell me what happened. Everything. Be honest with me so I would know I didn’t do a mistake in loving and trusting you…. ” Jessica wiped away the tears rolling down Taeyeon's cheeks. She was hurt seeing her this way but she needed to know.


After a few seconds, Taeyeon had her eyes on Jessica. “After this…...Sooyeon-ah promise you wouldn’t think different of me…?” Jessica immediately nodded and hugged her.


Here goes nothing, even if it costs me Taeyeon thought.




Speed walking to Yuri’s car Jessica pulled the keys from her bag and went to unlock the vehicle when she was greeted by a voice in the alley.


“Jessica.” Kris’s voice echoed as she quickly turned to find him standing in the shadows. “I see Taeyeon isn’t around to protect you.”


“What do you want Kris?” She tried to sound strong but he saw right through it.


“It seems Yuri didn’t know of my release, did it slip your mind? Ore were you just too much of a p*ssy to tell her the truth?”


“It’s none of your business.” Kris emerged from the darkness and smiled towards the frightened Jessica.


“I guess not. Whose car is that? You weren’t happy with the one dad gave you?”


“Again Kris, it’s not your business.” Opening the door she threw her bag in and went to get in when Kris pushed her against the car and held her tightly in place. “Get off me!”


“Taeyeon told you didn’t she? What about the death warning hm? If you know what’s good for you Jessica, you’ll stay away from Yuri.” His voice was low and dark.


“What’s that supposed to mean?” She felt Kris’s warning was more of a threat to Yuri than it was to her and it made her shyness disappear and be replaced with protectiveness.


“She ruined my life-”

“No Kris! You ruined your life!” Jessica tried to push against her brother but it was no use, he was always significantly stronger than her. His grip around her sore shoulder grew tighter and caused pain. She yelped in pain. Kris used his other hand to cover but someone grabbed him from the back and shoved him against the cement wall face front.


“T-taeyeon?” Ignoring Jessica’s call, Taeyeon turned him around and punched his stomach and face and kneed him. Her hands were covered in his blood but to her it didn’t matter. She looked up to Jessica quickly, “Go Sooyeon, I’ll take care of this. Go to Yuri.”


“N-no Taeyeon not after what you told me I can’t leave you here alo-”


“Go now Sooyeon! She needs you!” Taeyeon yelled in desperation and had no choice but to obligate. She moved into the car quickly before starting the engine and escaped. Looking at the rear view mirror she watched Kris over Taeyeon.


“Tell anyone. And I’ll surely kill you next.”

“She will never look at you the same way after this is out Kris.”

“You wouldn’t want your princess to die along with you? I would."



"Please be fine Taengoo-ah....." Jessica whispered as she tightened her hold on the steering wheel. More tears began to form.


Well....that was intense..... Kris why you have to ruin it!

What do you think lovely readers? :D

Yulsic? Make up? ;)

Kris outta jail and already hurting her sister......Poor or die....? 

Last Day of Spring break. I spoiled y'all everyday this I'ma leave you wondering for a bit

Till the next update!!!!! SOON



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Gile lu kombek kah
Chapter 31: Please don't left this story unfinished😭 i hope you update soon... I want my yulsic back.. I hope yuri will recover soon and taeyeon is also safe from kris... Please update author😭😭💔
How did your exam and oral presentation go, author?
jho_2122 #4
Chapter 31: I hope u update soon... :-)
Apollo13 #5
Chapter 31: it's ok. Hope you are doing well with school ^^
Lacosion #6
Chapter 31: Hope you're doing well, author-ssi. I'm interested in your new story :)
Paramaountpamp #7
Chapter 31: I subscribed!
Chapter 31: it's ok, we understand that you're busy. I'm celebrating mother's day, but not as a mom (too young to be a mom right now lol). I have already subscribed to your story :)
Chapter 30: looking forward for the next update. All the best for ysblink21 for the presentation :)