Chapter 2 (Just In Time)

Her Silence is Deafening


It had finally hit 3’oclock and Yuri half sprinted out of her class and to her locker. She grabbed her bag and headed out towards her car. Her Toyota Corolla was waiting less than fifty meters away and she wouldn’t stay at this school any longer then she had to.


Sure she had met some nice people today but she just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep.


Her house might have changed her bed sure hadn’t and to that there remained some part of Yuri’s life before her incident. No matter how hard she tried to forget about it, it remained in the back of her mind…


Not letting anything make her day worse she threw she threw her bag onto the passenger seat of the car and started the engine. Just as she was about to drive away someone knocked on the window and the noise made Yuri jump. When she looked up she saw none other than Jessica looking down at her...again. She rolled down the window to see what she wanted, to again hurry things up.


Jessica was still unimpressed that Yuri hadn’t spoken to her but in a more serious matter they had a biology assignment to do and Jessica Jung was not having any bad grades on her record because of a girl refusing to speak.


“We will meet up this afternoon at my house to organize the start of our assignment” Yuri had already forgotten about the assignment but she nodded at Jessica and waited for more instructions. It was clear the blonde had more to say.


“You will give me your number and I will message you the rest of the details.” Jessica said handing Yuri a piece of paper and a pen. Yuri figured she should do what she’s told if she wants to get home quicker.


Speedily writing her number down for Jessica and her name just incase she would forget. The brunette picked Jessica to be the type to forget people who didn’t matter to them.


“You will hear from me.” And with that Jessica left. Yuiri watched her depart in her side mirror, watching the blonde’s hips and her hair sway in unison as she walked.


Within half an hour Yuri was back home and in sweat pants, she made herself a cup of tea and now on her window seat reading. It was a nice afternoon; the sun was shining into her room through the trees it gave Yuri a content feeling. She was relaxed and it was nice. After about an hour reading through her new biology assignment she heard her phone buzz, thinking it was her mom telling her she would be late from work or her dad would be late she was mildly surprised when a message from an unknown number came up.


Be at my house by 7:30



That was it but Yuri didn’t even know where Jessica lived, she felt mild panic when she didn't  know what to do but moments later Jessica sent her another text of her address and a screenshot of Google Maps showing how to get there. Could it really be that complicated? It was just a house after all.


By the time Yuri had showered, eaten and gotten her stuff ready it was already 7:16. The drive to Jessica’s was a short ten minutes. Her house was beautiful and it did have a long driveway that Yuri wouldn’t have found if it weren't for the screenshot Jessica sent her.


As she pulled up she could tell then and there the Jungs’ were well off, it made Yuri even more nervous. She had been at school for a day and she was already doing a project with the rich popular girl.


“You’re late.”


Jessica said as she walked out from around her house. It startled Yuri but this time she didn't jump. She merely cleared and pulled her bag full of biology work out of the passenger seat.


“Well, come on in then let’s get this over and done with.”


Jessica tried to sound like she wasn’t bothered with Yuri’s presence but in reality it still troubled her that Yuri hadn’t spoken yet, maybe she couldn’t speak? No, that couldn’t be it, but Jessica didn’t want to dwell any further on the topic so she directed the brunette into her house and towards the kitchen.


“My parents are away on business trips or something so it’ll be just us.” Jessica wasn’t sure why she spoke of her parents, she rarely brought them up and it wasn’t like it would be important information to Yuri. There was something about this girl that made Jessica struggle with her words. Maybe it was because Yuri didn’t use words at all? Jessica thought to herself as she sat her laptop down on the kitchen bench. Yuri followed suit  like everyone did in the pressure of a Jung. The brunette also pulled out of her bag the biology textbook and a note book. Both looked brand new which was a given of course since it was Yuri’s first day.


For about an hour neither spoke, Jessica searched the internet for a reliable source to use and Yuri wrote up useless notes, she had already written a significant. Amount  of work before she arrived at Jessica’s. For some reason Yuri wanted to impress the blonde but at the same time just wanted to be ready for the evening.


Every so often Jessica would look over st Yuri never let her eyes leave her paper. She would focus and not let her eyes give her away.


“Are you thirsty at all?” Jessica asked during the silence but she really just wanted Yuri to look up from her work. She wanted to see the brunette’s warm eyes again. There was something comforting about them.


This bothered Jessica even more.


Yuri finished writing the final word of her sentence and looked towards the blonde’s eyes; they didn’t seem to show any emotion. It was like Jessica didn't want anyone to see what she was thinking or feeling. The brunette shook her head and closed her book. She quickly grabbed her phone to check the time and realized almost two hours had passed.


Being in Jessica’s company was refreshing, she didn’t seem overly demanding for Yuri to speak to her and Yuri could tell it was because she wasn’t interested but she liked feeling no pressure nevertheless..


Jessica followed Yuri’s eyes to her phone, she couldn’t see the time but instead she looked towards the clock on the wall.


Suddenly there was a knock at the door, Jessica excused herself and went to see who it was.


“Hey baby!” Donghae said as Jessica opened the door.


“Oh hey Hae.” Jessica allowed her “not-boyfriend” to walk inside and they headed towards the kitchen. She was slightly surprised siing Donghae at her door but then she realized she had organized to spend time with him after her and Yuri were finished. She honestly thought the brunette would’ve left by this time.


“We were just finishing up.” Jessica said as she closed her laptop.


“Hey Kwon. Taking up all my time with my girl are ya?” Yuri quickly put her books in her bag and stood for the chair. She was automatically uncomfortable again, there was something about Donghae that she didn’t like and she wasn’t ready to be around her outside of school. Not that she probably ever would be either.


Jessica looked up at Hae, his eyes were fixed on Yuri purposefully trying to make her uncomfortable and this bothered her for some reason.


“That’s enough.” She said demandingly and Hae didn’t continue.


“I’ll see you tomorrow. You did some good work.” Yuri and Donghae both looked at Jessica in bewilderment; her sweet behaviour was odd to the both of them.


“But i’m going over your notes tomorrow in class. You can see yourself out. Goodnight.”


Yuri merely nodded and headed towards the door, she could hear a small laugh fro Jessica thinking that she was mocking Yuri. the brunette couldn’t help but sneak a quick look to confirm if her assumptions were true. Instead of finding Jessica and Hae laughing at Yuri, Hae had lifted Jessica up onto the kitchen bench and was trailing kisses down her neck. Immediately Yuri looked away, opened and closed the door behind her.

Jessica felt Hae press his body against hers, it made her giggle when he lifted her up onto the bench but her eyes stared off to the departing Yuri. she briefly saw the brunette look towards the two of them, blush and then leave.


“Hae, come on no. This is the kitchen for goodness sakes.”


“Oh come one Jessi baby. Please?” He begged.


Though this was normal for Jessica, Hae begging didn’t seem as appealing tonight. They had not slept together yet but he was content on making the goal happen and Jessica was too but in her own time. Hae just kept pushing lately though; she wasn’t even sure why she agreed to hang out with him tonight.


“Seriously, Hae, Stop”


“Jessi baby we’ve been hanging out for months now! Come on.”


Normal he would’ve stopped by now, normally Hae would stop and have a laugh with Jessica about it but he wouldn’t budge instead he continued to kiss. His grip that remained on her wrist grew in strength and Jessica began to panic along with an adrenaline kick. She pushed him away and moved off the kitchen counter.


“I think you should go Donghae.” She said moving away from him.


“Come on baby let’s have some fun.” He cornered Jessica in between the edges of the kitchen bench; she could feel her heart rate increase as her fear surrounded her body.


“Donghae. Please. Stop it!” Donghae had moved his lips to Jessica’s and all of a sudden she didn’t like the taste of them, the feel of them, or the way hed bite her lip playfully. Now it all seemed wrong, he wasn’t going to continue this surely? This was Donghae. The sweet boy that played video games with her and joked about any random thing. This was surely one of his practical jokes.


“Seriously Donghae if this is a joke it’s not funny! Stop!” She screamed at him but it was no use, no one could hear and she wasn’t strong or fast enough to escape.


Jessica could feel tears fall from her eyes and Donghae moved his hands away from her wrist to her waist still holding her in place.


“Let’s just get this jacket off you baby.” Without even giving Jessica a chance to speak, her leather jacket was off and on the floor and his lips went back to hers. She tried desperately to push him.


Come on Jess! Push him away! One! Two! Three!


Unexpectedly Donghae fell to the ground. In the process of Jessica’s attempt to push him off her, Yuri had run back inside, grabbed Jessica’s leather jacket and thrown it over Donghae’s head blinding him momentarily.


The brunette grabbed the taller boys arms and pulled him away from the very frightened Jessica. Tears flooded her deep brown eyes as she desperately tried to move out of the corner of the kitchen. Yuri threw Hae against the kitchen island winding him; he then fell to the ground gasping in pain trying frantically to catch his breath.


“Donghae I think you should leave.”


Jessica said as Yuri walked over to inspect her, she seemed alright but even in shock she still managed to sound slightly terrifying. Hae had finally managed to catch his breath and stood.


“Come on baby we were just having a bit of fun.”

Yuri moved in between Hae and Jessica as he tried to reach for her. Jessica’s hands instinctively went onto Yuri’s arms; she suddenly had the need to feel secure as she anxiously buttoned up her blouse that had come undone in the commotion.


“Leave Donghae!” Jessica yelled at him. He looked between the brunette and the blonde; he sighed and left the kitchen as he disappeared he slammed the door dramatically behind him.


Yuri could feel Jessica’s hand relax around her arm, in response Yuri turned to face the blonde. Her face was tear-stain and her shirt was slightly torn. Yuri walked over to the sink and grabbed a glass that had been washed, filling it with water she passed it to Jessica.


“Thank you.” Jessica said as she took the water and Yuri nodded with a soft smile in response. Jessica realized that this was the first time in a long time she had used her manners and was surprised. However, she drank the water and wiped away her tears to regain some composure.


Jessica did not like this; the fact that she was different around Yuri displeased her.


“Why did you come back in?” Jessica’s voice was suddenly back to her stern tone but Yuri didn’t reply. “Did you hear me scream?


She was angry that Yuri wouldn’t speak, she wanted her to talk, she wanted her to hear what Yuri’s voice sounded like. But nothing! Yuri wouldn't speak.


Jessica thought that there wasn’t a chance that Yuri was even close to talking. The blonde scared Yuri and the fact that she had just rescued her from whatever happened with Donghae made her nervous, so nervous her hands were shaking but she screwed them up into her jumper pockets.


“God Yuri, will you just say something?”


Yuri felt a huge lump develop in the back of that she desperately tried to swallow.


“How do you go through each day and not manage to speak to anyone? Jeez! Do you talk to your parents?”

Yuri quickly shook her head not wanting to further annoy the distort blonde.


“How do you communicate with them?” Yuri again quickly responded but instead with a quick shrug. Jessica was radiating with pure frustration; her voice was loud and full of anger. It was like she had completely forgotten what had happened with Donghae.


“How do you communicate with anyone?! How do you take the public transport? How do you tell the waitress what meal you’d like? How do you take your coffee? How do you manage to never speak Yuri?”


Yuri didn’t speak and she didn’t move. The brunette had been exposed to this conversation before, well not this to this volume but she was familiar with it. Yuri quickly turned to grab her bag that she had thrown on the floor in a rush to save Jessica; it was not far from the blonde’s leather jacket. Picking it up along with her belongings she gently handed Jessica her jacket and left the house. Leaving a confused Jessica with no time to continue her raging speech. Although the brunette had a gut feeling that the Jung child was not used to be walked out on.

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Gile lu kombek kah
Chapter 31: Please don't left this story unfinished😭 i hope you update soon... I want my yulsic back.. I hope yuri will recover soon and taeyeon is also safe from kris... Please update author😭😭💔
How did your exam and oral presentation go, author?
jho_2122 #4
Chapter 31: I hope u update soon... :-)
Apollo13 #5
Chapter 31: it's ok. Hope you are doing well with school ^^
Lacosion #6
Chapter 31: Hope you're doing well, author-ssi. I'm interested in your new story :)
Paramaountpamp #7
Chapter 31: I subscribed!
Chapter 31: it's ok, we understand that you're busy. I'm celebrating mother's day, but not as a mom (too young to be a mom right now lol). I have already subscribed to your story :)
Chapter 30: looking forward for the next update. All the best for ysblink21 for the presentation :)