Chapter 4 (Realization)

Her Silence is Deafening




As the weeks progressed Jessica and Yuri grew close. Yuri would only speak to the blonde and no one else. She didn’t feel any form of pressure anymore and it was nice. Though Yuri found that her parent’s had given up the endeavour to get the brunette to talk, she found that even in the presence she could feel the apprehension in the air. It became suffocating but with Jessica it just wasn’t the case. Yuri felt free from all worries.


“Hey since it is Friday, we should go and watch a movie or something instead of doing homework.” Jessica popped her head around the side of Yuri’s locker. Finally another school week had ended and with their project finally handed they could relax slightly.


“I can do a movie.” Yuri smiled as she shut her locker and headed outside with their arms linked. As they departed the two said quick goodbyes to Seohyun, Tiffany and Sunny.


“Are you going to Donghae’s house tonight Jessi?” Tiffany asked in a rather excited manner. Jessica had completely forgotten about it. It was supposed to be a celebration for something. She couldn’t remember what though but usually she would show her face. However she had still not spoken to Hae since the episode in the kitchen and she had no intentions of changing that.


“We can reschedule if you want.” Yuri whispered in Jessica’s ear, though she secretly hoped Jessica wouldn’t want to. Yuri didn’t like the idea of Jessica spending any external time out of school with Donghae, she would never trust him. Not that Yuri’s opinion was valid; she didn’t own Jessica and she could do whatever she liked. Still, a hint of jealousy always rose in Yuri’s stomach at the sound of Donghae’s name.


“Don’t be silly. I would rather be with you.” She whispered back.


“God! Get a room you two!” Tiffany giggled slightly. Both Yuri and Jessica blushed, however Jessica recovered a lot faster than Yuri. She was usually rather discreet about showing emotions but when the topic of interest was Yuri, she became obvious.


“Oh shut up Tiff, go and snog Nichkhun.” Her comments were always slightly terrifying even when she was joking. The other girls laughed and Tiffany blushed but her colored cheeks were followed by a large grin.


“Okay. I will. Tonight at Hae’s party, but you won’t see because you’re not coming.”


Oh god! What a shame! I’m going to miss you lock lips with your man-candy! Geez, I’ve got better things to do Tiff.”

Jessica laughed along with Tiffany, her smile always became quite large at the sound of Nichkhun's name and it was nice to see after her ex-boyfriend Siwon broke up with her. Nichkhun truly cared for Tiffany and that’s what Jessica liked to see.


“Did you tell Hae that?” Sunny asked curiously, though the other two were aching to ask themselves. The girls had noticed that the two hadn’t been talking and they were wondering as to why.


“I didn’t need to. Yuri made it pretty clear to him.”

Yuri looked over at Jessica in mild surprise but she smiled softly when Jessica winked towards her. The blonde’s eyes made her smile uncontrollably. Seohyun raised her eyebrow inquisitively but Jessica didn’t budge under her gaze.


So….you do talk?” Sunny asked as if the topic was a sensitive one. The question may have been a bit abrupt but Yuri merely smiled and nodded in response.


“Damn it! I just lost twenty bucks!” Tiffany exclaimed suddenly.


“Hand it over Tiffany.” Seohyun said as she placed her hand out in front of the blonde, reluctantl Tiffany pulled out her purse and handed the younger a twenty dollar bill. Seohyun, looking proud placed it in her jean pocket while Tiffany crossed her arms and sighed.


“Care to explain?” Jessica asked as she raised an eyebrow at the pair. The two girls looked in  between each other and then back at Jessica. Both trying to figure out if it were wise to tell the truth.


Tiffany signalling Seohyun to tell since she was the youngest of them all but it seemed as if the younger girl didn’t see her doing so.  As the petite brunette noticed both girls were not willing to she did.


“They had a bet going.” Sunny giggled softly. Tiffany and Seohyun snapped their heads towards the petite girl with anguished faces. “What? You should've just waited until they were both gone to get the money.”


“Okay well we’re busted, but I thought Yuri could talk and that she just didn't want to. And stupid unnie over here thought she was mute.” Seohyun pointed over to Tiffany and laughed.


“Hey! Who you think you’re calling stupid!?” Tiffany voiced out. “Whatever unnie.” Tiffany could only gasp. “Look at what our youngster is saying! You influenced her Jessi!”

Jessica giggled. “Learning from the best. Anyways….this is boring, let’s go Yuri. Have fun tonight guys.”

Before the girls could reply Jessica grabbed Yuri’s hand and darted away. The girls turned to each other and crossed ther arms in synchronization.


“So what do you reckon is going on with them?”

Tiffany blurts out, it’s not even as if she tried to be subtle about the subject, but that was just Tiffany.


“Hello, Sica-unnie is with Donghae?” Seohyun commented slightly bored with the topic. They had spoken of Yuri and Jessica for the last week and it was becoming not only repetitive but dull, well to her anyway.


“Well hang on; Jessica and Hae were never officially together. They just…” Tiffany began but was interrupted by none other than the Seohyun.


“Kissing and practically touching each other in public.” Sunny watched the pair in amusement. She found their bickering slightly amusing.


“Have you noticed that they haven’t spoken in ages though I’ve hardly seen Hae at all the last couple of weeks. And plus! Jessi never misses the chance to be seen at a party.”

Sunny’s was not the only to have these observations; both Tiff and Seo nodded in agreement.

“Well, maybe she’s experimenting?”

Sunny tried to sound like the topic didn’t bring curiosity to her but it did and her friends could tell.

“It’s a possibility.” Seohyun shrugged.

“Nah that’s bull. She likes Yuri, can’t you guys see the way they look at each other?”

Sunny and Seohyun looked towards each other and back at Tiffany. Hey were both skeptical towards the blonde.


“They’ve known each other for just over a month Tiff.’’ Seohyun commented, she never really believed in feelings after a short period of time.


“Oh geez Seo, I didn't say they were in love and gonna get married! I just said they’re different. Jess actually looks happy.”


Seohyun and Sunny's eyes drifted off as if in thought.


“I must admit, she hasn’t been so nasty lately and she definitely acts different around Yuri.” Sunny put her fingers to her chin and continued to think.


“I don’t know guys. I think we’re thinking too much into this.” Seohyun finally spoke.


“Whatever. I can see it, just you wait!” The girls laughed and left to go prepare for Donghae's party.




Yuri and Jessica drove in silence, well Yuri drove in silence while Jessica sang along rather loudly to the music. Yuri occasionally looked towards the care free blonde and would chuckle slightly. Though Jessica’s exterior was rough and she could be a real bully, there was something about her that Yuri liked.

“What?” Jessica laughed as her gaze moved towards the laughing brunette.

“You’re just funny. That’s all.”

Yuri murmured, she blushed slightly at being busted looking and laughing. Being subtle was never a strong skill of hers. The blonde shrugged and continued to sing. When they arrived at Jessica's house Yuri pulled the car at the front door step and looked over at the blonde.

“Jessica you really don't have to skip the party if you don't want to.”

Though Yuri really hoped Jessica would choose against the idea, she had a gut feeling the party was a better offer.

“Yul, you can call me Jess.” Jessica was never one for handing out her nickname but it was becoming tiresome when Yuri called her Jessica even ifs she did like the way it rolled off the brunette's tongue. The way Yuri’s lips parted when she smiled as Jessica walked in her direction made the blonde feel butterflies in her stomach but she tried to ignore the merging feelings.


They confused her.


Especially since Jessica had not spoken to her “not boyfriend” Donghae in weeks. She was secretly scared of him but she had not told anyone this. However she wanted to tell Yuri, she wanted to tell her that on the occasion that she would pass Donghae in the hallway she wanted to tighten her grip around Yuri’s toned arm. She wanted to tell Yuri that when she smiled Jessica couldn’t help but return the warm gesture. Jessica wanted to tell Yuri that when the brunette spoke to her, she felt special, she felt wanted and needed for the first time ever. And that made her feel great. Yuri made her feel good.


“What?” Yuri giggled softly as they flopped on the lounge and turned the TV on.


“Hmm?” Jessica was pulled out of her inner monologue and focused back on the brunette's warm eyes.


“What are you staring at?” Though Yuri knew exactly that the blonde was staring at her, she just wanted to hear her confess it.


“Just looking.” Jessica forced a shrug and pretended as if nothing was odd about it. Yuri knew Jessica well enough to know that she was putting on a show so she decided to play along.


“What were you looking at specifically?” Yuri pushed as Jessica flicked through channels.


“Nothing in particular.” The blonde had finally stuck with a music channel and turned back to Yuri. Music was their pass time, Jessica had found that whenever the two were together, music wouldn’t be far. It just happened to be a coincidence that they liked the same music, it was nice to sit and hear Yuri talk as music played, and it made her confident. Jessica had noticed this; the brunette had even told her that before she moved so regularly that she was in a swim team for her old school and that she also listened to music before she would swim. Jessica smiled at the thought, picturing Yuri bouncing to the music just before she leaped into the pool. She wondered if the brunette was any good. She supposed Yuri would have to have been if she was swimming for the school team.


Jessica continued to think of the brunette and began imagining her in a swimsuit. She would look amazing. Jessica was sure. The blonde’s arm had subconsciously moved to the back of the lounge as her head rested in her hand, smiling softly in Yuri’s direction.


“Nothing at all?” Yuri teased as the blonde examined the tone body of the girl in front of her. Her lip twitched up and she shook her head, noticing Yuri’s playful behavior she couldn’t help but smile. Jessica didn’t know what it was about Yuri but there was something that made her always want to smile.

“Just something beautiful.” Jessica felt her body move closer towards the brunette, it was nice to be close to her. She felt safe and Jessica could fee heat radiate off Yuri’s leg as their legs brushed together. A small spark flew between but before either girl could act further there was a sharp knock at the door.

Jessica shrugged her shoulders and stood wondering who would be at her door and why did they have to ruin such a perfect moment. As she reached the door there was another loud knock. The blonde would usually just open it not bothering to check but as the knocking became ore constant and aggressive she decided to look through the peep while.

“Jessica! Open the door!” A loud Lee Donghae yelled. Jessica automatically tensed up and felt Yuri at her side instantly.


“I’ve got this Sica.” Yuri brushed her hand on Jessica’s arm and moved in front of her. The brunette could physically feel Jessica relax slightly however she could still sense the tension from where she stood. Opening the door slightly, Yuri poked her head through to be greeted by an angered Lee Donghae.


“What the are you doing here?” He spat at her.


“I could ask you the same thing.” Yuri spoke sternly. It threw Donghae off balance, either because it was Yuri’s first words to him or because he wasn’t expecting her to speak. She decided it was both.


“Where’s Jessica?””


Yuri opened the door slightly and moved out on the front step, closing the door leaving Jessica inside.


“She’s not here.” Yuri said back at him, folding her arms across her chest. Though they both knew it was a lie. Yuri had no intention of letting Donghae inside.


“So you do speak then.” He chuckled to himself.


“Leave Donghae. You’re not welcome here.”


“And why can’t Jessica tell me that herself?” Yuri could tell that Hae was becoming more and more aggressive by the minute but she remained calm and collected.


“Because I don;t trust you around her...And she doesn't trust you either.”

Yuri realized how protective she was sounding. It wasn't like she was with Jessica but she knew that any other friend would do the same thing in this situation.


“Right,well if you’ll excuse me I’m going to talk to her.” Donghae moved passed Yuri and went to open the door but instinctively she moved in front of him. Hae however had lost his patience and merely pushed Yuri away and then continued his path inside to find Jessica. He knew she wouldn’t be far, especially if Yuri was the one to open the door. Sure enough when he entered the residence, Jessica was standing there and instantly he could see the fear in her eyes as he walked to her.


Gathering herself quickly, Yuri rushed inside and grabbed Donghae’s arm as he reached for Jessica’s face, twisted it around his back tightly enough that he wouldn’t escape but no too tight that she would injure him, and pushed the tall boy gainst the closest wall.


Donghae reacted faster than the brunette had expected, he swung his free arm, around his front and towards Yuri. His elbow hit the side of her head and threw her momentarily off balance. Getting his revenge Donghae flew Yuri around against the wall and held his arm at her neck, pushing roughly against her.


Jessica stood in shock at what was happening in front of her. Instinctively she ran at Donghae and tried punching his back but in comparison she was nothing but an inconvenience to him. With his unoccupied arm he pushed the blonde away and caused her to hit her head. Though the force did not knock Jessica out she felt disoriented and couldn’t bring herself to move again.


“Sica!” Yuri attempted to yell but the force on her neck was too strong. Donghae’s attention was brought back to the struggling brunette and seeing her attempt to escape made him smile. Quickly he moved his hands to her body and threw her against the wall, causing Yuri to lose her breath and fall to the ground. Feeling sharp pains in her ribs, Yuri clutched her sides and gasped for air, the pain for unbeatable and she struggled to move.

Effortlessly Donghae moved away from the brunette and towards Jessica who was still disoriented on the floor.


“Poor Jessi. So weak and your guard dog isn’t here to protect you.”

Jessica registered that Hae was speaking as his hand rose to her face. She tried to move away but he was too strong and he led her in for a kiss.


“Let her go Donghae.” Yuri had managed to lift herself off the ground and reach into her pocket where she kep an army knife her father had given her after her incident for protection.


Now seemed like an ideal time at least pretend she had the guts to do something with it.

Though the brunette was out of breath she had still managed to pull herself towards the pair that was metres away from her.

Pointing the knife into Donghae's leather biker jacket wouldn’t hurt him but it definitely made him aware of what Yuri was holding. Slowly but swiftly he moved away from the shaking Jung child and stood.

Yuri followed him.


“Leave Donghae.” Yuri managed to gasp as she walked towards him edging him near the dor. Without hesitation Donghae turned to leave but before completely exiting, he faced Jessica and gave her a small smile followed by a wink.


“Leave!” Yuri yelled once more and with that the tall boy left and shut the door behind him.

As Yuri desperately tried to catch her breath the pain in her sides increased, she couldn't; hold herself up any longer and fell to the ground, letting go of her knife.


“Yul, are you okay?” Jessica crawled over toward the puffing brunette and held her head up. Nodding softly Yuri felt tired and sore. Her body ached but the pains slowly decreased as she rested.


“Please say something Yuri,” For a moment Yuri had forgotten that she could speak. With her breath, slowly but surely returning she had more ability to speak.


“I’m okay Sica.”

Jessica’s face lit up a Yuri’s response. The fact that she had called her Sica shouldn’t have been such a big deal to her but for some reason it was.


“What?” Yuri questioned.


“Nothing, can you get up?” Though Yuri though Jessica’s was off she didn’t push the matter and instead nodded.


“Alright let’s get you cleaned up.”

Jessica helped the brunette back on her feet but as Yuri tried to move she felt a sharp pain in her ribs and leg return causing her to almost collapse again. Jessica grabbed the struggling brunette's arm and wrapped it around her neck, giving her some extra support.


“So, a knife huh?”

Jessica asked as she glanced upon the item in question on the floor before helping Yuri upstairs and into the bathroom.


“Yeah.” Yuri was embarrassed but thankful she had the weapon. “My dad gave it to me.”


“Why did he-” Jessica went to speak but Yuri immediately interrupted her.


“I’m not ready to talk about it Sica.”

The blonde didn’t push the subject since it was obviously a touchy one; she instead smiled a Yuri and gave her a reassuring and showing that she was letting the topic go...For now anyway.


“Here, sit down.” The blonde motioned as she helped the now limping Yuri towards the bathtubs edge.


Slowly helping Yuri lower herself, Jessica couldn’t help but look at the blood dripping down the side of Yuri’s cheek. The brunette noticed Yuri's stare and moved her hand instinctively toward her face.


Feeling the warm liquid fall down her skin made her wonder when she had injured herself while fighting Donghae but she couldn’t think of the exact moment.


“Does it hurt?” Jessica asked as she softly wiped the blood from Yuri’s eye and cheek.


“Not overly. When did it happen?” Yuri couldn't feel anything but pain in her back and legs, when Donghae had pushed her up against the wall he had caused damage, she could tell.


“When you twisted his arm and he threw his elbow to your head.”

Jessica accidentally brushed against the deep cut just above Yuri’s eyebrow causing her to wince in pain and bring her hand back up to her head again.


“I’m sorry Yul.”


“It’s okay, thanks for cleaning me up.” Jessica put the cloth on the sink and sat next to Yuri on the bath's edge.


“No i meant i’m sorry for everything i dragged you into,” Jessica felt scared she hadn’t realized how dangerous Donghae could be and now not only was she experiencing it but she exposed Yuri to the danger as well. She felt a tear fall from her eye but quickly wiped it away.

“Hey it’s okay!” Yuri stood from her spot next to Jessica ignoring the pain and moved to kneel in front of the distort blonde who’s face hung in shame. Yuri fund her hand leading instinctively toward Jessica's face, letting a finger rest on her chin , she lifted the blonds face so they were eye to eye.


“It’s okay Sica.”


Jessica felt shivers run from her toes to the tip of her nose. She felt warm at Yuri's touch and the more she felt the more she wanted. Looking back down at her fiddling fingers Jessica could feel another tear slip uncontrollably from her eye, however before she could stop the offending liquid she felt a warm hand reach for her cheek and wipe it away.


Looking up at Yuri, Jessica realised Yuri’s hand had remained on her cheek and it made her blush. Yuri softly rubbed the soft surface of Jessica’s cheek and felt sparks fly through her fingertips and without any coman she felt her body move closer to the blonde.


Pulling her cheek slightly, Yuri slowly moved her face towards the blonde. Feeling her lips open slightly Yuri flashed a quick look at Yuri before moving in for a kiss. The brunette was not even sure why she was acting like so, but instinct took over as their lips softly collided. Yuri felt her other hand reach for the back of Jessica's neck, pulling her further into the kiss.

The kiss was tender and chaste.


Jessica was mildly shocked for a moment but had no hesitation in kissing the brunette back. Her lips felt amazing and she had never felt so much in one kiss. Personally, Jessica had never believed in the whole fireworks thing until that moment. Kissing Yuri not only felt so good but so right.

WIthin seconds both Yuri and Jessica were standing, the kiss becoming more passionate and intense. Jessica felt her body being pushed up against the wall in the heart of the moment, she didn't want to stop and she could tell Yuri didn't want to either.

Yuri’s thoughts were going crazy; she felt her hands move from the blonde's face to her hips, holding her gently in place as they continued to kiss.

As Yuri’s hands pepped slowly underneath the hem of Jessica;s shirt she felt felt the blonde against her lips, sending the brunette into frenzy. Swiftly and hastily, Yuri felt her hands move to underneath Jessica’s upper thigh and lifting the blonde up from the ground.

In response, Jessica wrapped her legs around Yuri;s mid section and moved her arms around the swimmer's neck. Their moaing increased.


Jessica was becoming aware of the situation unfolding in front of her and she suddenly became nervous and for some reason angry. Why was she kissing Yuri? Why was this happening? She wanted the fireworks to disappear. She willed them to go away but they wouldn’t.


“Stop…” Jessica murmured when she realised Yuri’s lip went to her neck, her voice was soft and she was aware that Yuri hadn’t heard but Jessica was becoming upset. The thought of Yuri kissing Jessica made her become anxious, she wasn’t….Gay! She liked boys! She couldn't be doing this!


“Yuri, stop!” Jessica unwrapped her legs and push off the confused brunette.


“What’s wrong?” Yuri could only manage the two words. She was confused and rather disappointed that her activities with Jessica had stopped.


“I think you should go” Jessica paused momentarily before she moved away from Yuri and out of the bathroom.


“Wait…” Yuri said as she grabbed Jessica’s soft hand trying to make the blonde face her. Trying to see that Jessica was just making a joke and that she’d turned back and kiss her.


“Yuri leave!” Jessica snapped as she pulled her hand away from Yuri’s. If she even as so much turned to face the befuddle brunette she would cave in. As Jessica raised her voice Yuri felt her heart sink. This was now how she saw the afternoon going but she didn't plan on sticking around if Jessica was to continue yelling at her and so she turned away. Not looking back at Jessica as she walked down the stairs and past all the damaged her and Donghae had created in their fight. There were a few broken photo framed and Yuri’s army knife on the floor. She quickly grabbed it and ran from the house trying desperately hard to hold in her tears. She didn’t know what she was, gay, straight, whatever. All Yuri knew was that what just happened with Jessica, before she was thrown out, was magical.

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Gile lu kombek kah
Chapter 31: Please don't left this story unfinished😭 i hope you update soon... I want my yulsic back.. I hope yuri will recover soon and taeyeon is also safe from kris... Please update author😭😭💔
How did your exam and oral presentation go, author?
jho_2122 #4
Chapter 31: I hope u update soon... :-)
Apollo13 #5
Chapter 31: it's ok. Hope you are doing well with school ^^
Lacosion #6
Chapter 31: Hope you're doing well, author-ssi. I'm interested in your new story :)
Paramaountpamp #7
Chapter 31: I subscribed!
Chapter 31: it's ok, we understand that you're busy. I'm celebrating mother's day, but not as a mom (too young to be a mom right now lol). I have already subscribed to your story :)
Chapter 30: looking forward for the next update. All the best for ysblink21 for the presentation :)