Chapter 15 (Behind the Mask)

Her Silence is Deafening

Wherever Yuri was, it was cold. Slowly opening her eyes, the brunette was greeted with an unfamiliar room.


Where the hell am I? She thought. The last thing she remembered was Minho. He pushed her into the janitor’s closet and told her to do as she was told and then escorted her outside.


Get in the car or I’ll hurt Jessica.


Minho’s voice echoed in her head. The threats were constant until Yuri had made it into the back of his car. Within seconds of sitting down he had covered the tanned girl's mouth with a cloth that smelled weird. At first she struggled against him but as she breathed in the fumes it slowly knocked her out and the next thing she knew she was awakened here.


As Yuri looked around, she realized she was lying on an old rust bed that could break down at any moment at the slightest movement. But by attempting to get up she realized her hands were tied down and was covered with tape.


“Help!” Yuri tried to scream through the tape. Knowing it was useless, but she couldn’t help it. The fear spreading through her was overbearing and controlling. Moments later Yuri could hear the door at the far end of the room open, trying to move again she squinted over to the door trying to figure out who had walked through it. However the figure was in all black with a ski mask and a hood, therefore she couldn’t identify the person.

“Hello Yuri.” His voice was low and she couldn’t identify it but it sounded rather familiar.




“Yuri if you’re ignoring me because of what Donghae said I’m sorry. Please just call me back.” Jessica was beginning to feel desperate as she left Yuri a third voicemail message. Yuri’s phone had either been off or ran out of battery, regardless it didn’t explain the tanned girl’s absence. The day had been unbearable not knowing Yuri’s whereabouts. At lunch, Jessica thought of calling Chae to see if she had an idea where her daughter could be at but Seohyun insisted that Yuri would show up. But no as the bell rang for the end of the school day Jessica began to feel worried sick.


“Sica unnie. Relax, she perhaps went home sick and is asleep.” Seohyun said as she, Sunny and Tiffany watched the blonde put her phone in her bag. The four girls walked through the main doors and outside.


“Seo if she went home sick, why is her car still here?” Tiffany asked. The redhead herself has been concerned about Yuri’s lack of appearance throughout the day. The girls looked down the road to see Yuri’s red car still in the spot the tanned girl had left it that morning.


“Maybe her mom picked her up?” Seohyun was thinking logically about the subject but even she knew this was odd.


“That’s it, I’m calling her mom.” Jessica stated and before she could even reach in her bag her tone went off as well as the other three girls. As well as the other students that were leaving school had their phones going off. All four girls looked towards each other as an unknown number video called on their phone. Answering altogether they were greeted with a dark figure holding the camera.


“Hello fellow residents of Lakewood. I will not take much of your time, soon you will be reunited with the freedom of using your phones but for the mean time I have a message for you…” The figure’s voice was distorted so neither girl could recognize as Jessica looked around everyone who had a phone was looking at it with curious eyes. This was clearly something that was happening to everyone and when the blonde tried to hang up the call, the phone didn't respond.


“What the hell is this Seohyun?” Sunny asked but Seohyun seems just as confused as the rest of them.


“I don’t know. How I am supposed to know? Can you lock your phone?” The others tried but again nothing happened. The figure covering its face just stood there as if expecting the reaction.


“I know you’ll be trying to ignore this but I only need a few minutes of your time..” The figure moved towards the camera and picked it up. Still on him he moved around the dark room and again stood still. Jessica looked to her friends but they were all anticipating what was to happen next.


“....I’m taking time today to talk to you, about Jessica Jung Sooyeon….” Jessica’s eye shot up and found everyone in the area looking at her. Sunny, Seohyun and Tiffany had their mouths agape in shock. “Yes, Jessica Jung Sooyeon. She manipulated and lied and ed many people over. So I’d like to get a little pay back…” Jessica could feel too many eyes gae upon her as they listened to the mystery person. The blonde hated to agree with this person but they were right. She used to be a terrible person but when Yuri came along it all changed


“As you are all aware, a new student has joined you recently. She wasn’t popular. She was just well known…” As the figure spoke, Jessica’s eyes slowly moved away in realization.


“Her name is Kwon Yuri.” Jessica’s hands went to , covering it in terror as the camera moved away from the figure to a tied up Yuri.


“She and Jessica Jung grew close over the last couple of months and since Yuri has proven to be of great use to me, I intend to use her to get what I want.” Yuri’s eyes widen, her fear clear even from the picture of the camera. Jessica could feel her heart breaking at the sight of Yuri, but what was worse is all she could do was listen to the figure speak, each word worse than the last.


“Stay tuned, I will have more with Yuri a little later. Goodbye fellow mates. For now.” The screen went back to Jessica’s background picture of her and Yuri. She could instantly feel tears well up in her eyes as her hands feel to her sides in despair.




Yuri screamed through the tape. She was terrified and this person was messing with her. In the time Yuri had been lying on the rusty old bed she had already begun to lose track of it. She couldn’t tell if it had been five minutes or hours since he’d sent the live video to the community but she was sure some time had passed.


Shh shh Yuri. It’s okay. I won’t hurt you. As long as you give me what I want.” The unknown figure said while entering the room once more and as he placed his video camera down he sat on the edge of the bed. Yuri purposely moved as far from him as she could.


“Aww c’mon. Don’t be like that. All I need you to do is publicly say a few things about the Jung family.” Yuri looked at the person curiously. She was slightly surprised that’s all he wanted but she still didn’t respond. “You just have to say that the Jung family, and I mean all of them, that they’re bad people. The worst. That’s all I want. I’m sure you want them to hurt as much as you have been hurt don’t you?”


Yuri lay in bed. Her thought’s processing what the person was asking. It wouldn’t be that bad, just saying that the Jung family was bad, would it? It did mean she would get out of this mess safe. But it felt wrong and even if they had hurt her, she wasn’t going to give this person what they wanted. Shaking her head defiantly, Yuri tried pulling from her imprisonment.


“C’mon Yuri. It’s easy. Say a few things and you’re free to go.” The male lifted his hand and moved it to Yuri’s cheek, softly. Yuri tried moving away but he merely followed, shaking her head again the brunette could tell he was angry. The figure quickly removed his hand from her cheek, only to smack her hard in the face. Yuri’s head swung to the side in pain. Her cheekbone hurt immensely as the figure stood and grabbed his camera. Moving to the other end of the room and out the door, Yuri could hear him typing away on a keyboard. Since he didn't shut the door the brunette could see light from the other room.


Trying to get a clearer look, Yuri moved onto her elbows but unfortunately the only thing she could see was a desk and the camera that the figure had sat down momentarily. Tears forming in her eyes, Yuri tried to remain strong. The thought that this figure was streaming this video to everyone in Lakewood gave her hope. Hope that someone would be looking for her but as fear pulsed through her the only thing the brunette could focus on was Jessica. Hoping that the blonde was okay and safe.


“So Yuri. I’m sure you’re attentively vigilant of the fact that a good percentage of Lakewood knows you’re here with me. You probably think they’ll find you and rescue you. But i can assure you, we won’t be found unless I want us to be found. Now get ready we’re going live.” Yuri could hear the figure’s smile even though his face was covered and she could tell he was taking great pleasure out of this. As he flipped the little hand held camera open he switched it around to face him, pressing a button,  a little red light appeared and he began to speak.


“Hello again. It’s been a few hours since we last spoke and I wanted you all to know that from now on if you don’t want to receive any further contact from me, merely press the hash key on your phone. I will take you off my list and poof no more videos.” Yuri watched curiously as the figure spoke. He seemed confident that no one would really want the videos to stop. She was hoping people were trying to figure out where she was by them.


“But I promise you Lakewood, you won’t want to miss the fun we’re going to have together and by we I mean Kwon Yuri and I.” Moving the camera to face Yuri, the figure slowly moved towards her, in an attempt to keep distance from the figure the brunette struggled against her captivity but with her hands securely at her side Yuri couldn’t move.


“She’s still here, safe and sound but don’t do anything rational...” The figure's hand moved to his waist where a black pouch was strapped to his belt, opening it he pulled out a handgun and moved even closer to Yuri. her eyes widen in fear and the brunette had completely forgotten about the camera, she was now focused on every move the mysterious man was making.


“....Because I won’t have a second thought of hurting her.” Pushing the gun to Yuri’s head the brunette closed her eyes. The pressure of the barrel against her skin caused her sense to heighten, she could hear everything. Her blood pumping in her veins, her heart racing to catch up and she could even hear the humming of the camera as it rolled through the image in front of it.


But as I said, if we all follow the rules here, no one gets hurt. Isn’t that right Yuri?” With the camera still on Yuri she couldn’t help the tears roll down her cheeks. As the figure lowered the gun she felt herself relax enough to open her eyes again.




Jessica watched as Yuri opened her eyes, the fear and pain evident as she looked at the camera. Her cheek and eye was bruised badly, it hadn't been that way the last time Jessica saw Yuri. anger rose through her as she realized what the figure had done to the tanned girl. Several seconds had passed in which Yuri didn't respond. She was in shock and couldn’t seem to register any form of a sentence. Quickly the figure struck his gun across Yuri’s ace causing the tanned girl to muffle a of pain, Jessica jumped at the sound of impact.


“Isn’t that right Yuri?” The voice repeated. Yuri understood and obeyed by nodding. Jessica felt tears fall from her eyes at the sight of Yuri in so much pain. “See you in a few hours Lakewood.” Jessica’s phone went black. Throwing her phone on her bedroom floor in anger, Jessica had almost hit Seohyun that had been sitting next to Nichkhun for most of the afternoon.


“Woah! Geez unnie! Careful.” Seohyun said looking up from Nichkhun's shoulder. It was early evening, Nichkhun, Tiffany and Sunny had been at Jessica’s school had finished.


“I’m sorry. Anything yet Nichkhun?” Jessica asked but it wasn’t a hopeful answer. Nichkhun was good at this but whoever had Yuri was better.


“No. I can’t seem to pinpoint the location. It’s like he’s got a firewall of defences that can’t be cracked.” Continuing to type away, Nichkhun searched several locations and even looked on traffic cameras to find how Yuri had gotten away. Jessica paced around her room thinking.


“The last time we saw her was this morning right?” Jessica questioned the other girls. Sunny had been talking Sungmin, informing him of what happened but since he had seen the video he had a clear idea. Tiffany had been watching Seohyun and Nichkhun work together and Seohyun had gotten in contact with Yonghwa, even the police station had gotten the video. It was clear to the group that this person wanted everyone to know he had Yuri.


“Right.” Seohyun’s eyes didn’t leave the computer screen that sat on the floor. Nichkhun had changed positions several times in the last couple of hours. Apparently a desk wasn’t his forte.


“Are there any traffic cameras near the school? Maybe Yuri got taken earlier than we’ve been assuming, maybe after we spoke to Donghae?” Everyone looked up at Jessica curiously. They found it odd they didn’t think of it in the first place.


“What time?” Nichkhun asked as he looked down to his laptop.


“Maybe nine or so?” Tiff commented as she sat down next to the pair as she watched Nichkhun type. A screen appeared with a video of cars and pedestrians. It wasn’t far from school, in the far corner of the camera, the student parking lot was visible.


“This is the closest one to school.” Everyone including Jessica had huddled around Nick and watched as he fast forwarded the image in hopes of finding Yuri.


“Stop!” Seo almost screamed, causing everyone else to jump in fright. “Sorry. Just go back a few seconds. There.” Seo instructed Nick through the image slowly before pointing at a small frame of Yuri getting into the back of a car.


“Whose car is that?” Sunny asked as they all squinted and moved closer to the screen in unison. Nick played the video in slow motion, waiting for a clue to appear. Moment later a male walked around the car and stood at the driver door, he was on the phone and his face hidden from the camera.


“Come on.” Nick muttered as he continued to play the video. The mysterious guy hung up the phone and turned to get in the car, pausing quickly, everyone opened their mouths in shock.


“Minho?” Jessica murmured softly.


“Hold on. This doesn’t add up. I saw him after school and we had history last period.” Sunny commented.


“Maybe he was just doing someone a favor?” Nick looked over Seo and then to Jessica. Her eyes were red from crying so much. “We’ll find her. Have you spoken to Yonghwa? This might be useful to him.” Nick looked over at Seo, he was having trouble looking at Jessica for more than a  few seconds because he wasn’t really getting nowhere with this guy’s streaming video and he felt like a failure.


“I’ll call him now and give him the heads up. We’ve still got to pretend the police found it before you did remember?” Seo left the room with her phone to her ear, Jessica began thinking about how amazing Nick was being to her. Trying to find Yuri by hacking into traffic camera’s was a big deal for him but he didn’t seem to show that he cared.

“I’ve got video’s of Minho driving all the way out of town until the cameras stop. I can’t find anymore.” Nick updated the other girls and on purposefully looked away from Jessica. Tiff’s arm slung around his shoulder supportively and she kissed him lightly on the cheek.


“Great work babe.” Tiff’s head lay on Nick’s shoulder as he continued to type.


“Thankyou Nichkhun.” Jessica said as she continued to pace throughout the room. This was really the first time Jessica had really acknowledged Nick. She wasn’t sure he was good for Tiffany but looked could be deceiving and she appreciated Nick for what he’s doing. He smiled slightly and nodded back at Jessica. Deciding he had spent enough time on the floor, Nick moved back to the desk, he thought that maybe a change would help, Tiffany followed.


“Yonghwa said he’ll look into it and he’ll let us know what’s going on as soon as he can.” Seo re-entered the room and looked at Jessica when she spoke.


“What the hell?” Nick suddenly said as a beeping sound started coming from his laptop.


“What’s wrong?” Tiff asked as she watched a bunch of number show up on the dark screen. Jessica and Seo quickly joined the gron his screen up on the floor and watched as Nick attempted to stop whatever was happening on his screen


“Someone’s hacking in.” The panic in Nick’s voice was clear but he tried to remain calm. This was something he could fix easily. As he began typing several codes into his computer a blank screen popped up with a video. The group was greeted with the same covered figure that had been calling their phones.


“Hello Nichkhun.” The figure looked closely. “I see you have the whole gang there. Including Jessica.” The figure’s voice was distorted and unrecognizable. It was obvious he was trying to hide his identity using a voice distorter. It meant that the kidnapper was someone they probably knew. Nick quickly moved his hand to his webcam, covering it with his hand, he thought it might give them the advantage.


“Oh please, you’re not the only one with access to street cameras. Just look to your left. There’s a security camera on the house across the street that might’ve been installed for robbers and what not. I however find it very useful.”

All five heads turned to look out the window and sure enough looking at the very corner of the white house they saw a little security camera facing them. Nick’s hands moved away, giving up the point of trying to hide.


“Ah that’s better. Face to face is so much friendlier.” The figure didn’t move but his tone was almost as casual as he spoke to them all.


“Why don't you take of that mask then?” Tiffany’s attitude was almost scary, even Jessica was slightly afraid of her as she spoke.


“In due time Tiffany. But for now it’ll remain like this. Now, no one else is getting this message because this a warning. Stop looking. You’ll not find me and you’ll not find Yuri. She’ll only be found if I want her found and not a moment sooner and to make sure you are aware of how serious I am…” The figure stood and carried the webcam with him, entering a darker room, Jessica could hear movement. When the figure placed the webcam down on a surface not far from the bed that Yuri was laying on he sat next to her and pulled out a switchblade. Jessica’s heart was racing as she watched him flipped it in his hand. The blonde noticed Yuri’s bruise that rested on her cheek had grown in size and a new bruise was developing on her chin moving up to . The tape still covered Yuri’s lip but it was obvious that it was coming from the loss of the tears that’d fallen from her eyes.


“Please. Just let her go.” Jessica pleaded. It was the first words she had spoken to this

mysterious person and she was hoping he would listen but she knew it was hopeless.


“Well hello Jessica. I didn’t know you knew the word please. The figure mocked Jessica and his free hand went to Yuri’s cheek. The brunette tried to move away but his fingers gripped her cheeks and held her in place.


“Yuri! It’s okay! We’re going to find you. I promise.” Jessica’s voice flew the microphone and made its way to Yuri’s ears. At the sound of the blonde’s beautiful voice Yuri could instantly feel her spirits lift, she tried to speak through the tape but it was useless.


“Your compassion is enlightening Jessica.” The figure speaks as he looks between the camera and Yuri. It was becoming clear that this person definitely knew her and at first the blonde thought it might’ve been Kris from the way he spoke but she it was impossible. “But….I’m rather enjoying this.” Yuri’s eyes filled with panic when the figure lightly placed the blade on her neck. It was in a way that it didn’t cause pain or leave a mark but Yuri knew it was there, against her pulse point almost threatening her life. Yuri wanted to close her eyes but instead she looked over to the laptop that sat on the old table not far from the bed. She could see her friends watching, waiting. Waiting for this person to make a move, to say something else but he didn’t. He merely danced the knife across Yuri’s skin and watched her react. Yuri could feel the sweat develop on her body. Her wrists were so wet they were almost slipping out of their hold. It was a strong rope but Yuri thought she might be able to escape from it.


“Would you like to talk to Jessica?” The figure asked as he placed the knife under Yuri’s chin, moving her gaze to face him. Slowly but surely the brunette attempted to free her hand, nodding to distract the mystery male. She watched his hand move to the tape on . A small ounce of pain followed as he quickly ripped it from her lips.


“Yul, are you okay?” Jessica asked desperately, though the blonde knew by looking at Yuri she was far from it, she needed to hear her voice.


“I’m okay Sica. Listen, no matter how hard it gets, don’t give in. Don’t give him what he wants! Fany don’t let her do anything stupid-” WIthout warning the figure’s hand struck Yuri’s face, a throbbing pain continued to pulse under Yuri’s skin, after another hit she was beginning to feel dizzy but with one final movement she had managed to break one hand free from the rope. Moving as quickly as Yuri could she tried to push the knife from the covered figure’s hand but with her other hand still bound, she couldn’t move fast enough. Within seconds he was kneeling on top of her, not giving any chance of escape while holding the knife tightly against .


“That’s not what I told you to say Kwon!” Yuri stopped struggling in realization, she should’ve known before but she didn’t want to believe it.


“Donghae?” The pressure of the knife against caused Yuri’s words to be short and almost unrecognizable but he heard her and she knew it. Yuri’s free hand moved to the mask and hood of the person above her and like she had thought, it was Lee Donghae.


Anger boiled inside him as Yuri revealed his identity, not being able to control his emotions. Donghae balled his fist connected with the brunette’s cheek once more, so hard that it caused her to fall unconscious. Laughing softly Donghae untied Yuri’s other hand and drew them above her head before tying them back together, he would be able to watch them from there in the future.


“Hae! I’ll get you! Let her go now or I swear I’ll kill you!” Jessica’s words had pierced through the speaker of Hae’s laptop. He found it interesting that the blonde was so ready to save Yuri. They had only known each other for a few months. Jessica couldn’t believe it was Donghae. Well she could believe it but he wish it wasn’t happening.


“I almost forgot you were there but Jessica like I said, you’re not going to find us unless I want us to be found.” With that Nick’s screen went back to its decoding program. Jessica could feel tears well in her eyes as she quickly turned to her window and shut the blind, hiding from any cameras that may be in the streets.


“We’re going to find her.” Jessica said with determination. However she was feeling very desperate. Seeing Yuri like that and because of Hae was unbearable. Jessica turned to face her friends, they were all looking at her, waiting. Tiffany had a few tears in her eyes as well. Seohyun looked horrified and Sunny looked sick.

“We have to find her.” Jessica whispered as she leaned against her wall and broke down in tears.


Somehow didn't like how this turned out. Enjoy? :) Merry Christmas Eve!! And to those on the other side Merry Christmas! I know this is "dark" and since it's Christmas really should've given you a lighter one but it is what it is. XP

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Gile lu kombek kah
Chapter 31: Please don't left this story unfinished😭 i hope you update soon... I want my yulsic back.. I hope yuri will recover soon and taeyeon is also safe from kris... Please update author😭😭💔
How did your exam and oral presentation go, author?
jho_2122 #4
Chapter 31: I hope u update soon... :-)
Apollo13 #5
Chapter 31: it's ok. Hope you are doing well with school ^^
Lacosion #6
Chapter 31: Hope you're doing well, author-ssi. I'm interested in your new story :)
Paramaountpamp #7
Chapter 31: I subscribed!
Chapter 31: it's ok, we understand that you're busy. I'm celebrating mother's day, but not as a mom (too young to be a mom right now lol). I have already subscribed to your story :)
Chapter 30: looking forward for the next update. All the best for ysblink21 for the presentation :)