Chapter 19 (Shocking News)

Her Silence is Deafening



Yuri had lost all sense of time.

It seemed that lately that was all she seemed to do. Lie in a cold uncomfortable bed waiting for time to pass. With Jessica by her side it did make everything a lot easier. The pain she felt in her chest each time she took a breath was excruciating. It almost felt as if she was being stabbed all over again. The only other activity Yuri would partake in was sleeping. She felt tired all the time.


The constant amount of medicine that went through her drip threw her sleeping patens out the window. It was hard to keep her eyes open for more than five minutes. When Yuri had first woken from her surgery, she had the fuzzy image of her mother and father standing over her. She had tried to speak but her whole body hurt to the extent where moving her lips was unbearable but when Jessica walked into her room the only thing Yuri could do was smile and force words to come out.


Jessica had said she loved her and the words fell from the blonde’s lips so effortlessly. Yuri had never imagined that her being in a hospital bed would be the first time someone told them they loved her but never the less the tanned was happy with how it went. It was perfect.


Yuri opened her eyes to have a tired looking Jessica watching over her. Yuri wasn’t sure when she had fallen asleep but some time must have passed since then.


“Hello sleepy head.” Jessica murmured softly as she adjusted herself on the seat next to the bed.


“Hi.” Yuri croaked. Her oxygen mask still covering her face. She was told by the doctor that she would move onto a nasal cannula when she had recovered from her surgery. A punctured lung was a new injury and by far the most painful, not including the stab wound but she had already had that injury before.


“How are you feeling?” Jessica asked her hand went to Yuri’s it softly.


“Tired, how are you?” Yuri’s head was turned towards Jessica but the remainder of her body continued to stay flat.


“I’m okay. Yonghwa and the girls were here. They’re so worried about you.” Yuri noticed Jessica seemed flat. Her usual cheerful self had disappeared.


“I’m worried about you Sica.” Jessica looked surprised momentarily, but her eyes kept on Yuri’s.


“Do you remember much about the last couple of days Yul?” Jessica had spent the hours thinking while Yuri was asleep. She had spent most of her time just sitting in front of the brunette waiting for her to wake up again. Yuri’s parents had tried to conversate with her but the blonde just wasn’t into it. She was worried for the tanned girl and with Donghae still on the loose, that would mean Yuri is still in danger. Her thoughts were also on her father. It seemed it would take Sangwoo forever to realize that Jessica was no longer in her room.


“Not really. I remember you called me your girlfriend before I got in the ambulance though.” Yuri smiled through several deep breaths. Jessica’s worried face had loosened and turned into a soft smile. “I like the sound of it.” Yuri continued and it made Jessica laugh.


“What else do you remember?” The blonde asked curiously.


“Not a whole lot. I remember mostly up until Donghae stabbed me, from then on it’s a blur but some things before that I remember.” Yuri watched Jessica think over her words, the blonde seemed occupied with thoughts and it bothered Yuri slightly.


“Did it hurt?” Jessica felt it was a stupid question but as she watched Yuri think it over in her head it seemed not to be.


“At first the pain was horrible but after a while it slowly disappeared, the doctors said I lost a lot of blood. Were you with me in the ambulance?” Yuri thought carefully, every so often she would remember snippets of the last couple days but it was only small memories and in small doses.


“I was. You told me not to let you go.” Jessica put her hands on Yuri’s and held her tightly.


“Yonghwa said you tried to follow me into surgery.” Yuri smiled softly.


“I didn’t want to let you go Yul. I promised you I wouldn’t. Wait, when did you see Yonghwa?” Jessica asked curiously, trying to push the embarrassment she felt away.


“Before you got here, he tried to get a statement from me but I was still too out of it. I just kept asking about you.” Jessica blushed at Yuri’s small confession. She felt truly special and it was nice to feel so wanted by someone. Moments later there was a knock on the door before Chae and Ji Wan walked in.


“Oh sweetie, you’re up.” Chae said as she walked into the room.


“Hi mom. Hi dad.” Yuri murmured as her mother laid a soft kiss on her forehead. Sitting on the chair opposite of Jessica, Chae opened a small folder; looking curiously Yuri saw her name printed at the top of the paper inside.


“What’s that?” Yuri asked.


“It’s your medical files. The doctor said he would be here in a moment to talk about some of your recovery.” Seconds later there was a small knock at the door.

“That was uncanny.” Yuri chuckled as Ji Wan stood from his chair to open the door. Doctor Lee Jae Wook entered the room. This time however he was dressed in a plain white medical coat.


“Mr. and Mrs. Kwon.” He said as he shook Ji Wan’s hand and nodded to Chae. Ji Wan motioned for him to enter the room as he himself sat back on his chair.


“Thank you. Hello Yuri, I’m Doctor Lee. I was the senior surgeon in your operation.” Standing at the foot of Yuri’s bed, Doctor Lee smiled towards the brunette.


“Hi.” She said almost shyly.


“I just thought I’d come see how you’re doing. By now you would have been told about your lung, yes?” Yuri nodded, the surgeon seemed very formal, it was slightly overpowering. “Since it’s such a serious injury…” Suddenly Lee Wook stopped and looked towards Jessica. The blonde was slightly taken aback by his abrupt silence.


“This is my girlfriend Jessica. She can stay.” Yuri said confidently. Chae and Ji Wan shot their looks from Jessica to their daughter in slight shock. Yes they had seen the videos with Donghae, but they didn’t expect Yuri to be so casual about their relationship with Jessica so soon. Not that it wasn’t obvious, considering the two were holding hands. Doctor Lee raised his eyebrow to Ji Wan and Chae before continuing.


“Since it’s such a serious injury you will need to be provided oxygen for a good percentage of the time. Now the good news and the reason I’m here is to say that you will be moving from the mask to a nasal cannula.” Lee Wook had a small smile rise in his cheek when Chae exhaled happily. Yuri could see from the corner of her eye everyone in the room relax slightly.


“When can I leave the hospital?” The brunette asked eagerly.


“In a few days. A week tops.” Yuri looked over to Jessica and smiled softly, the blonde’s hand tightening slightly around its hold.


“Why so long?” Yuri focused her attention back on the doctor.


“We will be working on rehabilitation over the next few days. It will be a judgement on whether you are capable of taking care of yourself.” Doctor Lee’s formality was starting to bother Jessica. The way he spoke made it seem as if Yuri’s injuries were almost nothing in comparison to others.


“Rehabilitation for what?” Yuri felt worry course through her.

What’s wrong with me that I have to stay in this hell hole? She thought


Doctor Lee looked between Yuri and her parents who both looked away from the brunette in a silent guilt. 


Walking.” The doctor said neutrally. It seemed this was the easiest way to break the news to people. Yuri looked down at her legs and realized that she hadn’t moved them in a very long time.


No…..this can’t be happening! Yuri thought. Subconsciously forcing herself, the tanned girl tried to sit up and move her legs but when the only action that followed her toes was moving slightly. Yuri felt tears well in her eyes. Jessica covered in an attempt to cover her own cry.


“W-why can’t I walk?” Yuri’s voice was softer and had a helpless tone to it. She felt weaker than before.


“Well, with the amount of head injuries you sustained, your primary motor cortex or the M1 which is the main area of the brain that involves motor function suffered serious damage. The role of the primary cortex is to send impulse messaged to the brain and therefore create the execution of movement. The frontal lobe, where the primary cortex is located was hit a dangerous amount of times but you only suffered minimal damage,as you can see you can still move your arms and neck.” As the doctor spoke, Yuri’s hand squeezed Jessica’s, the blonde had withdrawn from the conversation because she couldn’t handle the bad news and it caused her to forget to hold back her tears. Donghae had done this to Yuri. He had hurt her to the degree where she could barely move and what was worse he had escaped.


As if Kris wasn’t enough. Jessica thought.


“How long will it take me to walk again?” Yuri’s eyes didn’t leave Jessica’s. She knew the blonde wasn’t coping and the last thing she wanted to do was look away from that.


“It will only take a couple of days. Depending on how you respond. As this isn’t a serious case, your brain will remember to walk once it begins to practice. There are severe cases where people have to learn to walk all over again Yuri. I’m considering you a very lucky patient at this point. When you return home you will still be practicing but the main part of this will be done here.” Doctor Lee finished speaking and closed the folder he had been holding. Yuri looked away from Jessica momentarily to acknowledge him. Her parents didn’t seem as shocked as her and Jessica. It would seem they already knew this.


“Will I be able to swim again?” Yuri asked. The doctor looked down briefly before looking to Chae and Ji Wan.


“That will be something we will have to tackle in the future Yuri.” A silence fell in the room and Yuri felt tears fall from her eyes. “I will arrange a nurse to get your nasal cannula ready.” The doctor shook Ji Wan’s and Chae’s hand again before departing the room.


“You knew?” Yuri directed to her parents after several minutes of silence. Ji Wan moved forward and grabbed Chae’s hand.


“We were told when you woke up from surgery.” Before Yuri could speak again a nurse walked into the room and began setting up the nasal cannula. She went through some simple instructions and explained to everyone how the machine worked.


“This is a machine, but when you leave the hospital you will have a simple oxygen tank connected to the tubes and since this will be with you most of the time it’ll be much more mobile than this.” The nurse took Yuri’s mask off and showed her how to put it on. It fit simply around her ears before sitting on her cheeks and upper lips. “So the air sits here in the oxygen tank, the Ribbed End Connector is attached to it and the Extension Tubing, which feeds air through the Wye Connector and headset loop which is sitting around your ears right now and then its final destination is the Nasal Prongs.” Yuri just nodded at the nurse’s words. The short women was very sweet and all but right now she couldn’t give any care. Just machines surrounding her, it all overwhelmed her.


“Now if you are at all feeling short of breath, just give us a buzz, there’s the mask if you need extra help.” The nurse gave everyone a small smile before leaving the room. Yuri looked over at her parents and then over to Jessica.


“Hey it’s okay.” Yuri said encouragingly to the very quiet blonde.


“You need help to breathe Yuri.” Jessica said as she wiped away her tears.


“Put it this way, it’s easier for us to kiss now.” Jessica laughed softly and moved her hand to Yuri’s free cheek. “That’s what I wanna see, your beautiful smile.”


“You will swim again Yul. I’ll help you get there, I promise.” Jessica kissed Yuri’s hand gently, he knew how important it was to her girlfriend, and she would do whatever it would take to get Yuri in the pool again.


Ji Wan and Chae looked between each other. Chae thought her daughter’s affection towards the blonde was very adorable and even if she mildly surprised about it she was still happy Yuri was happy, as was Ji Wan.


“Where is she! Where is my daughter!” A loud shouting suddenly came from the hallway and Jessica knew, from even behind a closed door that it was her father.

“Sh*t" Jessica murmured.


A/N : No doctor whizz when it comes to these things. We've been reading the comments, and sorry for having Yuri suffer too much....but that's just how it goes. DON'T WORRY THOUGH! Hahaha hope you guys are enjoying this! Leave some comments we'd highly appreciate it. :)


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Gile lu kombek kah
Chapter 31: Please don't left this story unfinished😭 i hope you update soon... I want my yulsic back.. I hope yuri will recover soon and taeyeon is also safe from kris... Please update author😭😭💔
How did your exam and oral presentation go, author?
jho_2122 #4
Chapter 31: I hope u update soon... :-)
Apollo13 #5
Chapter 31: it's ok. Hope you are doing well with school ^^
Lacosion #6
Chapter 31: Hope you're doing well, author-ssi. I'm interested in your new story :)
Paramaountpamp #7
Chapter 31: I subscribed!
Chapter 31: it's ok, we understand that you're busy. I'm celebrating mother's day, but not as a mom (too young to be a mom right now lol). I have already subscribed to your story :)
Chapter 30: looking forward for the next update. All the best for ysblink21 for the presentation :)