Chapter 18 (Fight/Escape/Visit)

Her Silence is Deafening

“Dad” Jessica asked curiously.


“Ah Sooyeon there you are. Let’s go.” Sang Woo seemed to have offended the Kwon women rather greatly but he was merely smiling at her.


“I don’t want to go.” Sang Woo looked over at his daughter. He was shocked that she actually stood against him and it displeased him.


“We are going now and I want that women arrested for assault.” Sang Woo pointed at Chae who had managed to calm herself. People in the Emergency Room watched curiously as Yonghwa stood between the pair.


“You’re lucky I’m not arresting you for assaulting a police officer. Now it’s time for you to leave.” Yonghwa’s words were almost a threat as he wiped away the blood from his jaw. In amongst the fight between Chae and Sang Woo, Yonghwa had gotten in the way and got smacked by Sang Woo, though it was an accident and Sang Woo was aiming for Ji Wan. It was an assault nonetheless. At Yonghwa’s order Sang Woo turned to leave and the looked over at Jessica.


“Let’s go.” Jessica’s father grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the hospital exit. Seohyun, Tiffany and Sunny shouted at him to let her go but he simply ignored them.


“Yonghwa?” Seohyun asked as she indicated at how rough Jessica’s father was being.


“I can’t do anything Seo. He’s her father and he’s entitled to take her wherever and whenever he pleases.” Yonghwa felt helpless, there was already enough trouble in the Emergency Room and he needed to get this under control. “You three need to leave. You know I will let you know when Yuri is out. They said it was going to be a while.” Tiffany and Seohyun exchanged looks before looking over at Yuri’s parents. Chae was crying into Ji Wan's shoulder and he still seemed aggravated from the argument. Slowly turning, the three girls left the hospital and walked over to Seohyun’s car.


“We need to go help Jess.” Tiffany stated as Seohyun started the car and left the hospital. All three girls sat in silence, hoping both Yuri and Jessica would be okay.




Jessica sat on her bed. Locked in her room feeling alone and worried for Yuri. Her father had forbidden her from seeing the tanned girl or her family, he even threatened to send her far away to boarding school in Korean if she didn’t obey. Jessica had spent the last half hour crying until she was interrupted by the sound of someone knocking on the front door downstairs.


“Yes girls?” Jessica heard him answer the door not long after.


“Hey Mr. Jung we were wondering if Jessie was home?” Jessica could hear TIffany’s cheery voice from upstairs and behind her closed door.


“I’m sorry girls, I don’t want to be the bad guy but Sooyeon’s in bed. You know she’s supposed to be resting.” Sang Woo’s voice was rather pleasant in comparison to when he was yelling at Jessica in the car earlier. It seemed he was trying to appear fairly pleasant himself in front of her friends.


“Oh come on just let us-” Tiffany began with a rather unhappy tone but she was silenced by Seohyun.


“That's completely okay Mr.Jung. We’ll come around another time. Thank you.” From what Jessica could hear it sounded like Seohyun and Sunny tried to pull Tiffany from the door and away from the house. Jessica heard the door shut and her father walk upstairs, quickly wiping away her tears, the blonde jumped on her bed and opened the first school book she could find, not forgetting to turn it upwards. Opening the door Sang Woo looked at Jessica curiously, he noticed her puffy cheeks and red eyes but didn’t say anything.


“I don’t want you talking to those girls anymore.”

“What?!?” Jessica slammed her book shut and stood up from her bed while trying to hold back tears. “Why not?”


“Because they’re friends with that Kwon girl and I don’t want you to have anything to do with her.” Crossing his arms Sang Woo stood in the doorway trying to  keep the authority on him as Jessica attempted to stand to his level.


“Why didn’t you tell me that Kris was in prison?” Jessica snapped, her thoughts were disconnected and all over the place. She could barely focus on anything she was that mad with her father.


“I didn’t tell you because he will be out soon and then he could continue on with his life like none of it ever happened. I was trying to keep it on the down low but apparently that Lee boy couldn’t keep shut.” Sang Woo was clearly frustrated and angry when he spoke to Jessica. The blonde hadn’t seem him this scary since she was a little girl getting in trouble for dragging dirt into the house.


“He deserves to be in there.” Jessica mumbled as her father’s dominance became overbearing.


“What?” he asked, shocked.


"He deserves to be in there forever.” Jessica felt tears fall from her eyes at the thought of her brother, the thought of him with Yuri, the thought of him hurting her.


“He’s your brother Sooyeon!” Sang Woo’s voice was loud and deep, he was getting angrier by the minute and Jessica was beginning to feel unsafe in his presence.


“He Yuri! And what’s worse is that you lied for him!” Jessica kept her distance from her father. She knew when he was mad he was never exactly in control of his emotions or his temper.


“I did my job Sooyeon, now you are not to see those girls for a while and you’re not to see that Kwon girl ever again! You understand me?” Sang Woo put his hand on the door knob and was about to slam the door when Jessica crossed her own arms and conjured up the courage to speak.


“You can’t keep me away from her! I will see her.” Jessica’s father opened the door the entire way again and moved into the room, watching the blonde curiously.


“I saw the videos Sooyeon, so whatever feelings you think you have, is just a phase. It will pass if you don’t see her.” Sangwoo was significantly calmer as he spoke to Jessica and it made her curious as to why.


“A phase? Dad you are delusional. Face it! Your kids aren’t perfect but at least I didn’t someone and at least I didn’t rob a bank! You see? No matter how much you protect Kris he will always end up where he is now because he can’t help himself! You lied for someone who was inevitably ending up in prison. Kris took so much from Yuri and all you can think about is your stupid image! So what if I care for another girl? That doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with me. Yuri is the best thing that that’s ever happened to me. Can’t you see how much she means to me?” Jessica took a deep breath and looked towards her stunned father, he seemed stuck and unable to think of anything to say but as Jessica wiped away the final tear from cheek he finally managed to speak.


“She got your brother in a lot of trouble.” Sang Woo had run out of things to say, in terms of being a lawyer he had lost his case but in terms of being in control he would never lose to his family. Jessica rolled her eyes at her father’s response and raised her arms in defeat. She knew she wasn’t going to win.


“No dad. Kris got himself in trouble.” Jessica was losing hope of getting through to her father. It seemed he was too clouded by his own judgement.


“You are not to see that girl again Jung Sooyeon.” Sang Woo’s voice return to its stern deep self and the eldest Jung turned to leave the room.


“Yuri. Her name is Yuri.” Sang Woo paused momentarily at the door but didn’t bother to look at his daughter. He merely dropped his shoulders and shut the door behind him. Jessica crumbled to the floor in defeat and she had never felt so lost. Holding her arms around her legs, Jessica let the tears fall down her cheeks as she let her mind ship towards Yuri. The blonde wondered how Yuri was, if she was even alive.




Yonghwa had been pacing in the hospital waiting for hours before his legs began feeling tired and sore. The young police officer had been waiting for news along with Yuri’s parents. Every time a nurse walked through the doors, Yonghwa and Ji Wan would jump from their seats but each time it was a false alarm


“Officer Jung?” The nurse that had attended to Jessica hours ago had emerged from the desk and held several papers along with a dark bag mark with evidence across it.


“Yes?” Yonghwa said as he straightened his uniform.


“This is the evidence report on Kwon Yuri. The weapon is safely concealed and ready for any further analyse by the police.” Yonghwa knew that for the moment his work at the hospital was done, the report on Yuri was finished, which meant they got all that could from the surgery and the weapon had been removed, which also meant he had to deliver it to the office for further testing.


“Any news on Yuri?” Yonghwa asked hopefully?


“It’s still too early but we will call you when she is out of surgery.” The nurse could sense his eagerness, even though he had never met Yuri he knew she was important to her friends and that meant something to him. He dropped his shoulders in disappointment but thanked the nurse before making his way to Chae and Ji Wan who stood in hopes of good news.


“I have to deliver this to the precinct, the nurse said they’ll notify me if anything changes but I suspect you’ll know before I will.” Yonghwa smiled sympathetically towards the couple. Chae’s eyes were bloodshot from crying and Ji Wan looked unbelievably tired. Ji Wan smiled back and provided Yonghwa his hand, shaking it strongl. Yonghwa nodded his head and turned leaving the hospital.


“I can’t believe we’re back here again.” Chae murmured softly as she sat down with Yonghwa while holding his hand tightly.


“I know and I can’t believe that man came in here. The nerve. Ji Wan had grown incredibly frustrated with Sang Woo Jung and he of all people understood what it meant to stand up for family but he knew that Sang Woo was only worried about his reputation.


“I just want Yuri to be okay.” Chae’s head fell to Ji Wan’s shoulder and he felt his wife cry softly before her eyes slowly shut. After some time had passed Ji Wan himself felt his eyes begin to close when he was interrupted by an unfamiliar voice.


“Mr. and Mrs. Kwon?” Ji Wan shot open his eyes to find a doctor in blue medical robes standing in front of him. The man presented Ji Wan his hand and quickly he stood from his chair, forgetting Chae was sleeping next to him and when she realized who was in front of her she stood up.


“I’m Doctor Lee. Lee Jae Wook. I was the senior surgeon in charge of Yuri’s operation.”

Doctor Lee shook Ji Wan’s and Chae’s hand as he watched them fully wake up from their slumber.


“How’s my baby girl doing?” Chae asked.


“Well she’s going to make a full recovery.” Chae and Ji Wan relaxed instantly at the news, they had never been happier to speak to a doctor in their lives. “Although she’s very weak and has lost a lot of blood. Her right lung was punctured from the stab wound and so the injury caused her lung to collapse completely. The first move we made to keep the lung working was repair the tissue but it was unsuccessful so we had to make skin incisions. In the meantime she has a tube connected to the ribs and lung to help her with producing and removing the air.”  Chae felt her hand move to in horror and in the moment she understood why the surgery had taken so long.


“Will he be okay?” Chae asked as she held onto Ji Wan’s hand again.


“Yes. At the present time the only concern is her lung and whether it will be able to operate on its own. RIght now she has an oxygen mask providing her a constant flow of oxygen and respiratory help but later on we will move her onto the nasal cannula.” Doctor Lee was formal and very well educated to say the least, Ji Wan was glad that this man was in charge of taking care of his daughter. “For now we will be focusing on her getting better, we must make sure she gets no infections. Later we will get into rehabilitations for her breathing and walking.”

Ji Wan and Chae looked at each other before looking back at the doctor.


“Sorry doctor but walking? What do you mean?” Chae asked mildly shocked.


“Well with the amount of head trauma Yuri endured Mrs.Kwon she is very lucky to be alive.” The doctor spoke matter-of-factly but it felt more than real for Yuri’s parents.


“Can we see her?” Ji Wan asked, trying to stay positive.

“Yes, she just came out of recovery so she will be very tired.” Ji Wan and Chae followed Doctor Lee down the hall and through to a private room.




Jessica had been lying on her bed for several hours. Boredom has been eating her alive. Her father had taken her phone from her, by means of stopping her from speaking to her friends and to instead focus on school work. But she couldn’t. The only thing that was on Jessica’s mind was Yuri.


A small knock came from Jessica’s window and at first the blonde thought she was hearing things but as she looked up from her bed she saw a small pebble fly up and hit the glass making a small knock again. Getting up curiously, Jessica moved over to the widow and unlocked it. Poking her head out slightly, Jessica looked down for the offender throwing rocks, she was met up with Tiffany, Seohyun and Sunny smiling devilishly up at her.


“C’mon. We’re sneaking you out.” Tiffany said in a loud whisper.


“My dad will kill me.” Jessica whispered back, the blonde’s comment was so ironic it made

Seohyun roll her eyes. As if it was your first time she thought.


“You’re already on house arrest. What else can he do?” Seohyun said sarcastically, even she was up for the idea of breaking Jessica out. Jessica smiled softly and nodded, quickly finding her jacket she slowly lowered herself out of the window. Expertly climbing down Jessica jumped the last few feet and straightened herself up while smiling at her three friends.


“You’ve done this before, haven’t you?” Sunny asked cheekily. Jessica raised her eyebrows while smirking.


“Let’s go.” Tiffany said as she pulled Jessica’s arm and began running around the back of the blonde’s house and around the property to where she had hidden her car.


“How’s Yuri? Have you guys seen her? Is she okay?” Jessica asked as she sat in the passenger seat and buckled up her seat belt. Tiffany turned the car on  and sped off faster than the the other girls would strap themselves in.


“Yonghwa said she woke up not too long ago.” Seohyun said rather out of breath. All three girls were panting, Jessica however had so much adrenaline pulsing through her that breathing wasn’t even a remote problem. Jessica’s hands were drumming on the side of the car, her fingers tapping a constant beat that was driving Tiffany crazy but she didn’t say anything because she was just as anxious as Jessica. When Tiffany found a parking spot the car had barely stopped before Jessica had jumped out and started to head for the elevator that would be the lift to Yuri. Her friends struggled to keep up but had managed to get in the elevator before Jessica pressed the close door button repeatedly.


“Sica-unnie, it’s okay. Don’t forget to breath, I hear that’s kind of essential.” Seohyun placed her hand on Jessica’s shoulder in an attempt to calm her down but her efforts were useless. Jessica was so focused on seeing Yuri she could barely hear a word either girl was saying.

“Yonghwa said it’s just down here.” Seohyun said as she turned down a corridor and was sure enough met with the familiar face of Yonghwa Jung, she ran to him and he opened his arms for a tight embrace. Jessica caught up within seconds with TIff and Sunny close behind. Jessica went to open the door that Yonghwa had been standing in front of. He stopped her cautiously.


“Can I see her?” Jessica asked. Yonghwa knocked on the door and seconds later Ji Wan opened it. He was mildly surprised to see more than Yonghwa, he knew the young officer had been assigned to watch Yuri but to see Yuri’s friends was surprisingly not what he was expecting.


“Mr. Kwon! Is she okay?” Jessica asked hopefully, she hadn’t entered the room yet and tears were beginning to form.


“Just one at a time girls, she’s very tired.” Jessica looked towards her friends, Seohyun, Tiffany, and Sunny smiled before nodding at her indicating she should go first. Ji Wan opened the door slightly more so Jessica could squeeze through. The first thing Jessica looked at was Yuri, the tanned girl was slightly elevated but was almost lying down. She was covered with bandages and the only part of her arms Jessica could see was the inside of her elbow that had needles attached to her. Jessica felt a tear fall from her eye as Yuri slowly tilted her bandaged head to face her. An oxygen mask covered a good percentage of Yuri’s lower face and her eye had a large white medical path covering it.


The room was white and quiet and the only sound that was heard was the beeping from the machines that Yuri was connected to and the sound of the tanned breathing. Chae was sitting on the chair next to the bed, she looked tired but relieved. But Jessica’s eyes didn’t leave Yuri’s.


“Hey there.” Yuri’s words were soft. It was almost impossible to hear but Jessica heard and her spirits lifted. Slowly Yuri patted the side of the bed indicating Jessica to sit next to her.


“Hey.” Jessica whispered as if matching Yuri’s tone. It was a subconscious reaction from seeing the brunette in such a state. As Jessica sat very delicately next to Yuri, the brunette lifted her hand slightly in an attempted to hold hers. Taking it without a second thought, Jessica heard Ji Wan at the door.


“Come on dear. Let’s go get some coffee.” Chae smiled and stood from her spot, leaving Yuri and Jessica to be alone. A few moments of silence passed in which the two girls merely exchanged looks.


“I’m so sorry Yuri.” Jessica said as she d Yuri’s hand. The tanned girl tightened her hold slightly and took several deep breaths before speaking.


“Don’t be sorry.” Jessica felt that even though Yuri would feel this way, no matter what condition she was in, the blonde knew that she was tired and she didn’t want to spend the time Yuri was apologizing. “You look beautiful.” The brunette mumbled. Jessica blushed at the compliment.


“And I’ve missed those rosy cheeks.” Yuri’s voice may have been muffled from the oxygen mask but Jessica could still hear the smile behind the brunette’s words. Yuri’s hand slowly lifted her arm, it felt significantly heavier when she felt the sore, the overpowering sensation of tiredness had been washing over her even since she’d woken up. Helping the brunette, Jessica moved Yuri’s hand to her cheek. The brunette’s usually warm, soft fingers felt cold and rough, small cuts and bruises laid upon Yuri’s hands from fighting against the tight rope Donghae had trapped them in. In fact, when Jessica pulled Yuri’s hands to her cheek she realized there were deep bruises that surrounded Yuri’s wrist to the degree of a very dark purple. At the sight, a tear fell from Jessica’s eye that Yuri caught and brushed away.


“None of that Miss Jung.” Yuri’s breathing was still something she seems to have to focus on. As she spoke she would have to take many breaths just to make it through a sentence. Though her words were somewhat a struggle she seemed to remain strong which Jessica found to be very brave.


“Yul?” Jessica murmured. Yuri looked up and smiled cheerfully.


“Yeah?” She replied, her voice soft. Jessica paused, thinking of what to say.


“I love you.” There was a few seconds of silence in which the machines beeped in the background. Jessica watched Yuri react but it was difficult with the mask and bandages in the way.


“I love you too Sica-yah” Yuri’s hand softly pulled Jessica’s cheek, a silent gesture that was asking Jessica to come closer. Yuri’s free hand moved to her oxygen mask, as she pulled it away, Jessica leaned in for a soft kiss. For a moment in time everything seemed to freeze. For one moment, it was just them.

And it was perfect.



A/N: There's more to this. Not even close to the ending. ;) Hope y'all liked this chapter! See you in the next update!

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Gile lu kombek kah
Chapter 31: Please don't left this story unfinished😭 i hope you update soon... I want my yulsic back.. I hope yuri will recover soon and taeyeon is also safe from kris... Please update author😭😭💔
How did your exam and oral presentation go, author?
jho_2122 #4
Chapter 31: I hope u update soon... :-)
Apollo13 #5
Chapter 31: it's ok. Hope you are doing well with school ^^
Lacosion #6
Chapter 31: Hope you're doing well, author-ssi. I'm interested in your new story :)
Paramaountpamp #7
Chapter 31: I subscribed!
Chapter 31: it's ok, we understand that you're busy. I'm celebrating mother's day, but not as a mom (too young to be a mom right now lol). I have already subscribed to your story :)
Chapter 30: looking forward for the next update. All the best for ysblink21 for the presentation :)