Open your Eyes


Toasted vanilla champagne,


Mangy opened his eyes to the unexpectedly intensifying scent of the boy on the bed, was he even supposed to smell him? Humans didn't have a scent, not any that wolves should be picking up anyways but Wonwoo had this sweet bubbly smell that tickled Mingyu's scenes driving him immediately out of his uncomfortable slumber on the armchair sofa.


Wonwoo's eyes were blurry, his breaths and heartbeats surprisingly calm. For a couple of seconds, everything seemed to be okay until it wasn't


He tried to blink away the dizziness that took over his weak mind and his body suddenly reminded him of the pain he went through the night before and started aching in all different directions. He was again trapped in the agony of his own wounded body giving him yet another level of emotional and physical pain and he was too paralyzed to move.


A loud whimper escaped his mouth.


He took in a deep breath that only caused his broken ribs to give him even more painful shockwaves across his weak body.


He couldn't even take a proper breath.


His eyes immediately closed again, trying to make sense of everything around him, everything that has happened to him, things were foggy and his mind was like the turbulent stormy sea, waves of dizziness taking him back and forwards slumming him against the rocks of the shore.



He heard his name being called, but he was too out of his senses to recognize the owner of the voice


"kookie?" Wonwoo mumbled to himself almost delusional,


"Wonwoo, open your eyes,"


The voice wasn't scary, it was soft and soothing but Wonwoo was too scared to do what the voice wanted, and Mingyu could definitely see how afraid he was.


"Don't be afraid" Mingyu softly whispered hoping that somehow Wonwoo would feel the sincerity in his words. Wonwoo's painful muffles only got louder and Mingyu frowned at the sounds  the boy was uncontrollably making


"Kook?" Wonwoo called the name again, but a few seconds later, realization hit him and he knew for sure that the name he was calling was no longer there to answer back. His tears started falling down his cheeks, leaving a burning trail in his throat and his chest and all he wanted was to ... break free.

From the feelings

From his life


Wonwoo cared less and less about the actual owner of the voice calling his name. He was brought back to reality by a gentle push, a firm hand placing back down on his bed.

Even Wonwoo himself didn't know he was going into an after shock.


He was hyperventilating again, almost causing his lungs to crash, his mind was unaware and almost delusional. Mingyu pinned him down, he remembered to be *Gentle* like Jeonghan asked him to be last night, he tried to help him but Wonwoo wouldn't let him and completely ignored his mere existence until Jeonghan flung the door open.


Jeonghan's eyes glittered in the dark room once again as he tried to scan the boy's body. His aroma already relaxing him, bringing his blood pressure and breaths down to a normal rate after being in the room for a few minutes.

The palpitations calmed down, and the nonsense mumbling stopped for a while.


Wonwoo opened his eyes just enough to see Mingyu hovering on top of him.


No, he wasn't hurting him like he thought he would be.

No, he wasn't taking advantage of his weak condition.

Yes, he was actually talking softly to him, and No, the disturbing memories playing in the back of his head were not happening today.


The flashbacks of the voices he locked inside the small box and pushed at the very back walls of his mind were not there to hurt him anymore.


No, this tanned tall boy wasn't hurting him.


He was calling his name softly almost lovingly, but even his own mind chuckled sarcastically at his own thoughts, what was he thinking? When did he ever feel love?


He was scared, yes, but the little memories he had from the night before were a little relieving, if they wanted him dead, he would be dead by now. Maybe they were not bad people after all? Maybe he could trust this muscular boy who saved him in the forest.


What was his name? Mingyu?

Right ... Mingyu


The flow of information running through his head was unbelievably alarming. Wonwoo tried to breathe through the dizziness and the pain his body was giving him. He felt like he was having a bad dream, a nightmare of some paralyzing kind that woke him up to shivers and cold sweats but soon enough, he was coaxed back to sleep by the calming smell of flowers? And the sight of Mingyu.



"Thank you" Mingyu mumbled to Jeonghan.


The older came in as soon as he and Scoups caught the distressed scent coming from the room.


Jeonghan waved him off with a heavy sigh. Wonwoo was getting better, this aftershock wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. His wounds were visible but most of them healed by Jeonghan and apparently Mingyu's healing holy? water.


"He will be okay," Jeonghan said, his eyes lingering over the smaller boy "He needs time"


Mingyu sighed, feeling relieved for a second, he was tired and barely had any rest since dawn. He couldn't move from where he was sitting on the armchair sofa near Wonwoo's bed.


Wonwoo closed his eyes once again surrendering the overwhelming darkness drowning him into yet another dimension and sadly unlocked that little box he pushed away.


Memories came rushing in, flashbacks from his previous life uncontrollably reminded him of why he was in this condition. He run away to find eternal peace, he wished for nothing but freedom, eternal freedom.


He didn't think it would be this hard.


Maybe it's the universe's way of telling him that his life mattered? But did it really matter?


He deeply doubted it


Flashbacks from the past, from when he was a little boy. He didn't remember much before that cold rainy day anyway. He was sold like merchandise to the highest bidder, to a man who was nothing but a monster.


Wonwoo worked for him since he was 6 years old, he cleaned like a servant, worked the stables, slept in the cold basement and on wet floors, wore nothing but rugs, ate nothing but scrums, and satistfied him like a slave.

He knew nothing but that big cold house, he had no one but the sharp looking monster in his life. No matter how much he wanted to runaway, at the end of the day, he went right back to the filth.


He hardly had any education, only enough to know how to spell and write his name. He remembered the small red book he found near the trash. A fond memory of him hiding it under his shirt and bringing it home in secret, stuttering the words as he tried to read and understand the title *Alice in Wonderland*. Even though he knew he was going to be in so much trouble later if the book was ever found in his possession, it was all worth it.


Things changed when he was 12 years old.


Wonwoo had a brother.


A smaller boy joined him in his agony and Wonwoo felt most sorry for him.



"Junkook you'll be late buddy wake up"


Wonwoo remembered waking Jungkook up every morning. The boy mumbling somethings in his sleep

"You need to go to school, you'll be late"

Wonwoo basically raised him, the things he had to do for his master to allow the younger to go to school were unspeakable, but Jungkook didn't have to know that.


Wonwoo was happy that the boy was allowed to go to school in the first place and made sure that Jungkook was clean, his clothes even though old, but always descent unlike his own, that he had enough food, that he did his homework and was doing okay.

Once Jungkook came back from school every afternoon, he would help Wonwoo around the house as well, he couldn't escape all the chores anyways, Jungkook was okay with it as long as he gets to go to school and so did Wonwoo.


The next few flashbacks came in rather intense and scary. Wonwoo didn't want to re-live any of them again, he tried to focus on the happy memories.

Jungkook reading Alice in Wonderland to him at night before going to bed was once the best part of his day. The smaller boy helping him change the sheets and cook dinner, they almost never had any of it but being together was the only anchor Wonwoo ever had.


Now that anchor was gone and he was drowning.


The anchor was Jungkook and Jungkook was gone.


He was 8 years old ... almost 9 in a couple of months

Too young


Wonwoo could've left a long time ago, but when Jungkook came along, he couldn't leave. His anchor was set with Junkook, he couldn't leave him anymore, he protected and cared for Jungkook the way he wished and prayed for someone to protect and care for him.


His wishes never came true though, but he thought he should be there for Jungkook. As long as he was there, nobody could hurt him the way he was hurt, no one would touch him or make him cry, no one will make him feel any less of the boy he is, no one will take away his childhood.


The next few events of his life were even more intense, he started crying in his sleep again. It's been a few hours since his last outburst, Mingyu dozed off once again on the armchair near him and fluttered his eyes open. As if he was on guard, Mingyu immediately found a spot by Wonwoo's side.


The boy's face was pale, his lips shopped with a hint of a flushed pink color, his features soft but sharp at the same time and Mingyu's heart sunk as he saw Wonwoo's tears again.


But this time, he knew that it was a bit different.



Wonwoo cracked his eyes open, Mingyu was calling him softly again.

All what Mingyu knew at this point was the boy's name and he tried to wake him up. He run a gentle hand on his cheeks and whipped away the tears "Shh it's okay, you're safe, you'll be okay"

His words, no matter how simple and naive they may be, it meant a great deal to Wonwoo.

Wonwoo opened his eyes to see Mingyu, just like earlier, he was soothing him, telling him that everything's going to be fine ... was it really?


Wonwoo opened his mouth trying to say something but it remained unspoken, he calmed down for a second his eyes looking right into Mingyu's deep brown eyes


"Hey" Mingyu smiled, his smile going all the way to reveal his canine teeth and to his surprise, Wonwoo found it so pretty and innocent

"Hey" Wonwoo replied for the first time since last night, his voice calmer than before and barely above a whisper and it only made Mingyu's smile go wider


"You're shivering are you cold?"

Looking down at Wonwoo, Mingyu could see the way the younger was slightly writhing




"Are you in pain?"


"A little"


Wonwoo said as he closed his eyes for a second listening to his own body. He didn't know how but he knew for sure that he was feeling much better than the night before. When he opened them again, Mingyu was giving him a sad smile


"It will get better I promise"


"Why?" Wonwoo asked out of nowhere "I just wanted to die why wouldn't you let me?"


"Because I wasn't going to let it happen" Mingyu smiled "You might not understand it now but I hope, soon, you will"


Wonwoo frowned weakly, Mingyu's words didn't make any sense right now but at the same time, what does he really have to loose? He trusted Mingyu ... for now at least


"How about you rest a little more and I'll go get you something to eat?"


Mingyu said before he retreated heading to the door, he flashed the younger a smile  "I think we owe each other some explanations ... once you feel better, we will talk"


Wonwoo was hesitant, he could feel the wave of mini heart attacks fluttering throughout his chest, he didn't want to talk, he doesn't want to remember why he was here but at the same time, he was curious. Who are these people? Why did they save him?


He closed his eyes again, he remembered the events from last night. He remembered being pressed tightly against Mingyu's chest, he remembered feeling safe but his mind was stronger than his feelings.


He remembered pushing the boy away even though he was trying to help him, the way he desperately wanted to escape his embrace.

Wonwoo sighed, why was he so warm? Mingyu he meant, the lake must have been freezing but he doesn't remember feeling cold at all.


Mingyu was safe? can he really trust him?



Mingyu closed the door behind him and leaned on it a little, he knew that Scoups and Jeonghan were waiting outside.


Scoups took a step closer, it was so obvious, his dominant scent taking over the place. Mingyu's heart dropped for a second, his eyes wondered "NO, please wait" he took a step further, blocking Scoups way to enter the room

"You promised I'll talk to him first"


Scoups raised an eyebrow "And you did"

Mingyu frantically shook his head "Not yet, please no, I need more time"


"That wasn't the deal Mingyu"


Scoups might have sounded harsh, but Mingyu knew that the Alpha was just trying to get to the bottom of the story. He wanted this to end as soon as possible so they can all just go back to living their lives.


With his back against the door, Mingyu tried to stop Scoups, the older looking at him with a confused look on his face


"What are you going to do to him?" Mingyu asked worried and curious and it somehow made Scoups tilt his head to the side in confusion. Mingyu's scent was submissive, too submissive, the boy was basically begging Scoups to stay away from Wonwoo


"I'll ask him a few questions and hopefully send him on his way"

The leader's voice was as calm as the cold air of that morning

"What's wrong Mingyu? I thought we are on the same team here"


"We are" ... "It's just ...he"


Mingyu's eyes started glowing, his blue spirit unexpectedly manifested itself in a defensive mode

"He's the reason why I got my spirit" Mingyu's words were heavy, he could feel his own guts twisting and turning and he took a deep breath before continuing


"I ... I think, ... when I found him, when I saw him for the first time, ... he uhm, we shared a brief connection"


"MINGYU" Scoups basically growled at him, Jeonghan shook his head lightly "We talked about this" the leader was somehow furious "It's IMPOSSIBLE"


"Cheol" Jeonghan's voice came in gentle, trying to calm his mate down, he took a few steps toward Mingyu. Jeonghan sighed deeply, his hand now holding Mingyu by the shoulder "Mingyu, please, baby this doesn't make any sense"


"I know it doesn't ... but I don't know what else it could be"


"Mingyu" Scoups whispered the younger's name, but finds nothing to say, his eyes locked with him


"You said it's my mess, give me time to clean it up" ... "On my own"


Scoups glared at him, Jeonghan was right by his side and honestly he doesn't know what to say either. He moved back a few steps to place his hand on Scoups back, gentle and calm. The Alpha didn't seem to trust Mingyu's words as much, he ignored the feeling his inner wolf gave him and decided to put more faith into the younger


"Let us know if you need help cleaning up, because this is one hell of a mess Mingyu"


Mingyu's eyes softened, he knew exactly why Scoups was being so defensive and the look on Jeonghan's face wasn't good as well.


Jeonghan was always soft with all of them but even now, he seemed to agree with his Mate. Mingyu nodded slowly, his eyes to the ground, his devastation was clear and obvious. He didn't choose this, he had no idea why it was happening to him but he knew that he had to help Wonwoo.


Even if eventually, maybe, this connection would fade away, Mingyu won't probably get over it easily. Scoups knew that the boy will suffer a great deal, loosing a connection is like loosing a part of yourself, a little something that you will never get back and it weakens their inner wolf for a while, and if the connection was strong, Mingyu might suffer its loss for years.



Scoups moved away and left the hallway and soon was followed by Jeonghan. He reached out to ruffle Mingyu's hair a little before he joined his Mate.

Mingyu was always greatful for Jeonghan's motherly love, he always made things better, not just his spirit, Jeonghan was a healing place for everyone even without his spirit.


Mingyu sighed, looking behind him and the closed door was the only thing between him and Wonwoo.

He leaned his forehead on the cold door "What am I doing really?" He questioned himself, he stood like that for a few seconds, lost in a trance of his own thoughts, he wasn't sure what to do. He backed away, right, he was going to get Wonwoo something to eat.


Scoups stomped his way outside the house, to the garden, a wave of anger hit him and he wasn't sure if Mingyu was just messing with his temper or if he was actually serious and if he was, what will come out of this?

Wonwoo is a human and up until now, they knew nothing about him other than being a suicidal pure-souled human.


Jeonghan followed behind his mate in silence, he was heavy hearted, things weren't going as planned.

Jeonghan sighed shaking his head slightly  "Oh Mingyu what kind of a messed up connection you got yourself into? " He muttered to himself while his eyes were focused on the ground and didn't realize that Scoups stopped in his trails in front of him and like the clumsy little ball of sunshine he is, he bumped right  into Scoups broad shoulders.


A chuckle escaped the Alpha leader when he turned around and saw Jeonghan's little dumbfounded face stumbling a few feet backwards loosing his balance.

Scoups then grabbed him by the arm afraid his Mate might fall.

He laughed at his clumsiness that completely and suddenly changed his mood, making him forget about what just happened inside the house


"What are you trying to do really?"


Scoups asked and Jeonghan pouted "Sorry, I didn't see you stop there" he mumbled, folding his arms in front of his chest looking down to the grassy ground again


Scoups chuckled even more looking at Jeonghan's face "Gosh you're cute" he reached his hand to play with his hair and  around his cheeks

"Well I wasn't trying to be" Jeonghan pouted some more and it only made Scoup smile go wider


They continued walking for a while and finally sat somewhere, Jeonghan placed a hand on Scoups back running soothing patterns as he was feeling him tensing up. Nothing much was said after the cute bump Jeonghan made earlier and the younger was getting worried,


"Talk to me Cheol"


Jeonghan finally whispered breaking the silence that took over and placing his head on Scoups shoulder, trying so hard to make his mate feel better or, at least, understand what's going through hid mind


"Angle I need you to do me favor"

Jeonghan's head snapped from where it was resting on Scoups shoulder and "Sure anything love, since when do you have to ask?"


He had to ask because he knew that Jeonghan probably wouldn't like it, he asked because he knew that Jeonghan avoided doing this again for as long as possible, he knew that the last time they did this, a certain someone was broken ... forever


"Can you hypnotize him?"

Jeonghan's eyes widened for a second

"W-what? Who? The human boy? or Mingyu?" Jeonghan asked rather confused and concerned





Mingyu walked back inside the room with a tray in his hand, he didn't know what to bring back, so, he got almost everything he could find, warm milk, fruits, toasts and for some reason chocolates too.


Wonwoo jolted from where he was laying down startled by Mingyu's sudden entrance "Sorry" he mumbled putting down the tray on the small table near by. Wonwoo blinked slowly looking in every direction except at Mingyu,


"I didn't know what you liked so I got a little bit of everything"


Wonwoo remained silent, a small huff could be heard from where Mingyu was sitting a huff Wonwoo decided to ignore

"What do you like?" He asked rather too casually ss if he knew Wonwoo for years already, something that Wonwoo didn't quite like


"I don't like anything" Wonwoo answered harshly without even sparing Mingyu a glance


"Hostile aren't we?" Mingyu grinned amused by Wonwoo's attitude


To his surprise, Wonwoo shifted under the covers, he was trying to push the blanket away and sit up when he hissed at his own movements. A loud whimper escaped him and Wonwoo flopped back to his pillow. Alarmed, Mingyu got closer, his eyes worried, he tried and placed a hand on Wonwoo's shoulder gently pinning him in place


"You shouldn't be moving you have brok-"




Wonwoo cut him off angrily, his face had  nothing but a devastated look, Mingyu didn't understand why Wonwoo's voice was angry when his face was about to break into tears


"I saved you" Mingyu whispered, not aware of how close their faces were. Wonwoo's eyes reflected nothing but pain and agony as if he was given a second chance he didn't want in the first place and his next words only confirmed what Mingyu saw in them


"I never asked to be saved"


His voice cracked with every word he uttered, he really didn't want this second chance and tears run down his cheeks again. Seeing them, Mingyu's expressions softened and he somehow got lost into them, he wanted to make them stop ... badly

He wanted to hold him and make all of his pain go away. He didn't expect to have this connection, he didn't even know Wonwoo but he knew that letting him have that death wish was the last thing he's going to do. Without even realizing it, Mingyu's spirit manifested itself once again, gosh he needs to start learning how to control it, his eyes glittered with a beautiful blue shade and Wonwoo ... gasped upon seeing them change.


He wasn't scared


He was confused and rather surprisedHe saw them before, but he wasn't in a condition to allow his brain to process "W-what are you?"


"I'm a werewolf"


Mingyu whispered the hard truth watching Wonwoo's expressions go from complete shock and terror, to complete sadness while his tears never stopped running down his cheeks.

Mingyu's fingers lingered up to Wonwoo's face, he couldn't help seeing him cry anymore. With the back of his hand, he wiped Wonwoo's tears away. He felt Wonwoo's ragged breaths against his hand, his chest going up and down in a rusty motion, the younger closed his eyes in defeat, the little control he had over his life was gone and he wasn't sure what will happen to him.


"Wonwoo" his name was a small enchantment that Mingyu came to really like ... "I have no intentions of hurting you"

Mingyu whispered again "When I found you Wonwoo" ... "You ignited something within me" ... "My spirit manifested and my Wolf hurts when I see you cry and I ... I can't can't get my eyes off of you"


Wonwoo opened his eyes, to find himself staring into Mingyu's beautiful glittery blue eyes again. He seemed to like them, they were not threatening, they were actually so pretty, he stares back into them for far too long, and he has no choice but to relax, his expressions softens and his rapidly beating heart calms down.


"Now your turn"


Mingyu said he won't hurt him, he said he didn't want to see him cry ... was he trusting him too soon?

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Chapter 44: Ahh I wonder what these spirits do.
Chapter 43: 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
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