Open your Heart


Trigger warning:

Mention of violence, murder, suicide, se*ual harassment. Please don't read or skip the parts if you're uncomfortable.



The situation goes like this,


Wonwoo on the bed, under a thick blanket, feeling disoriented and lost. He just found out that Mingyu was a werewolf and that he ignited his Spirit when they met. He tried so hard to trust Mingyu's words *I have no intentions of hurting you* but Wonwoo was hesitant, he heard those words before and in the end, he did get hurt, he got hurt for a long time, he got hurt everyday and ended up hurting other people as well, people whom he loved dearly and people he could never get back.


"Now your turn"


Mingyu said, eyes still locked deeply with Wonwoo's. The boy shivered under his gaze even though unthreatening, but curious. Their breaths inches away from each other, Wonwoo could even feel them collide in the almost freezing mood of the room.

Wonwoo hesitated, he wanted to escape so bad, he remained silent until he saw Mingyu's eyes go back to their normal color, a soft and sad expression took over and, finally, Mingyu backed away


"It's okay" he mumbled "But it's best to tell me before Scoups gets here" he looked back at a confused Wonwoo, the boy was still scared and breaths slightly shallow


"Scoups is our Alpha leader" Mingyu tried to explain "He's the owner of this house, and the leader of the Pack" a what looked like a half proud smile was painted on his face "He's not scary he just looks like it so don't worry, he's just careful that's all, he wants to make sure that you're no threat"


Wonwoo doesn't speak but only listens as Mingyu trailed with his stories

"Jeonghan is his mate, they've been together for so long I don't even know, he's the one who patched you up"  Mingyu pointed at Wonwoo's injuries where the bandages covered them tightly


"Green eyes?"


Wonwoo whispered his question rather curious and Mingyu nodded. He knew that Wonwoo wouldn't trust him so easily, he had no reason to ... not yet


"He was gentle" ... "didn't ... hurt"


Wonwoo whispered and closed his eyes for a bit obviously remembering something.

Mingyu's smile faded now looking concerned "Why? Who hurt you Wonwoo?"

Mingyu asked rather concerned but got no reply in return.

He sighed and ignored it for a second "There are 11 of us, you'll meet them later, they are weird around humans but don't worry I won't leave you alone"


Mingyu smiled and turned to the table where he kept the food tray "Let's eat okay?" Mingyu sounded excited and Wonwoo didn't understand why.

This time, he forced the younger to eat "I promise I'll make us a nice meal but for now, please have this"


Wonwoo rejected Mingyu's offer for the second time, he eyed the glass of milk and fruits that Mingyu was trying so hard to make look presentable, he didn't think he could swallow anything right now, there was just so much going on



Mingyu pleaded and for a second, Wonwoo's neck snapped to his direction a little startled, his little pout and tone of voice reminded him of someone.

Jungkook often made the same noise asking for whatever he wanted so cutely, Wonwoo would never say no. But this wasn't Jungkook, Mingyu sat there waiting for an answer, Wonwoo blinked a couple of times snapping back to reality and finally, he nodded.



Wonwoo didn't really realize how thirsty he was until Mingyu passed him that glass of water. He slowly drank it feeling the satisfying cold liquid go through his throat watering his dehydrated body that he ended up shocking and went into a harsh coughing fit.

Mingyu immediately came closer, the human boy  was in so much pain already and Mingyu was afraid they he would rip his wounds open once again


"Slowly okay?"


He coaxed Wonwoo gently taping on his back but Wonwoo flinched and moved away something that didn't go unnoticed by Mingyu. He took a mental note that Wonwoo obviously didn't like to be touched and if this isn't his tenth indicator so far, he doesn't know what else it could be.


Wonwoo calmed down a few seconds later, and Mingyu made sure to give him the space he needed. For the first time, Wonwoo looked down at his own body wincing as he moved clutching at the fabric around the large tshirt he was wearing, it definitely wasn't his own

"Let me help y-"


"I'm fine"


Wonwoo cut him off again, but he didn't sound as harsh as Mingyu expected him to be which was relieving for a moment. Wonwoo was being less hostile and that was progress in his eyes.


"How about you get some more sleep?" ... "I'll ask Jeonghan to take a look at your wounds again later"


Wonwoo wasn't sure, he wasn't ready to explore this new world he accidentally stumbled upon but he felt like he had no choice. He runaway from one cruel master to another ... he runaway straight to Mingyu.

But Mingyu wasn't so cruel, or maybe he wasn't so cruel yet.


Wonwoo closed his eyes, forcing himself to follow whatever order Mingyu gave him. Following orders was the only thing he did all his life, why should this be any different?


He laid down on the bed once again, his eyes fixed to the ceiling


"What shall I call you now?"


Wonwoo asked with a low and broken tone, Mingyu looked up at him and took a quick scan over Wonwoo's face. The boy still looked weak and pale, too thin and vulnerable, his lips parted a little as he kept taking slow deeps breaths, his ribs probably hurt with evey breath he took


"Huh, what do you mean?"


Mingyu asked and feared the kind of reply Wonwoo was about to give him


"You said that you can't let me go even if I wanted to ..." Wonwoo closed his eyes trying to remember Mingyu's exact words


"You said that you can't let me die" ... "And that I ignited something within ... You"


Wonwoo glanced over at Mingyu, their eyes didn't meet, Wonwoo avoided them for he was expecting them to be hovering all over him

"So what do I call you? ... Sir? Master? Lord?"


Mingyu frown got deeper, he wasn't sure how or what to respond but at the end his face softened "How about just Mingyu or ... Gyu the boys call me that sometimes"


Wonwoo didn't expect that answer, but he nodded softly nonetheless


"Wonwoo why do you think you should call me such things?"


Wonwoo didn't know what to say for a second "That's what I'm used to" he simply said


"You had a master?"


Wonwoo nodded


"Did he hurt you?"


It was obvious that Wonwoo didn't want to answer that one particular question. He closed his eyes and looked away.

He didn't say anything but simply nodded.


"Is he the reason why you runaway into the forest?"


Wonwoo nodded


He was trying so hard to finght bzck the tears again and Mingyu hated the fact that Wonwoo was crying nonstop since they've met. He wondered what type of psychopaths his previous master was.


He sighed not wanting to force the topic on Wonwoo any longer, he couldn't bare seeing anymore tears running down his cheeks.


"You're safe here Wonwoo"


Mingyu's voice soft and reassuring. He placed a warm hand on Wonwoo's head gently playing through his hair creating a soothing pattern to which Wonwoo leaned into it and maybe even ... asked for more?


Mingyu was warm and gentle, he could have let him die, he could have killed him too, he could have taken advantage of him like a certain someone would have multiple times by now ... but he didn't


Mingyu smiled, Wonwoo didn't push him away like he did before, he was accepting him slowly and Mingyu wouldn't have it any other way.


He closely watched as Wonwoo closed his eyes, relaxed and was about to drift back to sleep when he heard his name being called




Like music to his ears, Mingyu's inner wolf and spirit tingled inside of him, there comes that feeling again.

He fixed his eyes at him "Humm?"


"Thank you"



Mingyu watched Wonwoo go back to sleep, it was still early for him to start explaining their connection or if it was even a possibility because Wonwoo was ... a human but for now, he let it be


Mingyu sighed away his thoughts, it will vanish right? It's like having a crush you didn't expect having and Mingyu couldn't trust his inner wolf anymore as it only made him feel more anxious. It only danced around like a child every time his eyes landed on the human boy's face.


A glance at the closed door made him feel a little relieved but threatened at the same time. Scoups let him go easily, actually, he might have been too easy on him and he asked himself why multiple times but couldn't quite figure it out.


Knowing everyone's history with Humans in this house, Mingyu wasn't so sure if the rest will be understanding but as long as Scoups was, the others had to follow.


Wait a minute ...


Mingyu got lost in his thoughts

He closed his eyes as he came to realize something

"Of course" he muttered to himself


Realization hit him in the face like an awakening slap


The only reason Scoups let him off so easily was to protect him and Wonwoo. Scoups agreed to whatever Mingyu wanted only to protect him against what the others might think. If the Leader allowed Wonwoo to stay, the rest can't do anything about it, they have to bow and accept.


Mingyu sighed again, looking back at Wonwoo, he felt bad, he can't be so selfish only thinking about his inner wolf and this somewhat delusional connection, he has to take into consideration how the others might feel as well and especially Joshua and the Twins.

Joshua must be out of his mind right now and Mingyu wondered where the older might be doing or ... thinking.


He sunk further into the small sofa and rested his head on the arm chair, maybe he should rest too because he knows that when the time comes for Wonwoo to leave the room, he'll need all his strength to show him the new world he just walked into just like Alice in Wonderland, ironically, it was Wonwoo's favorite book but Mingyu didn't know that, a hand rested over his temples as he slowly closed his eyes to get some rest.



Things inside Wonwoo's head were a bit of a mess,


Strange and distant voices

Chuckles ... laughs

"Jungkook?" Wonwoo called out the little boy's name in the darkness of his own mind


"Come back"




A harsh scream was heard in the back of his head and the sound of broken glass made Wonwoo's body jump, goosebumps suddenly electrifying him


The boy was once again trembling in his sleep.


Mingyu blinked his eyes open, it must have been just an hour or so since they both decided to get some rest and Wonwoo was obviously having a nightmare. Mingyu stood up and slowly sat next to Wonwoo on the bed, he scanned him worriedly, Wonwoo's eyes were closed shut and his chest going up and down is a rapid pace struggling to get enough air.


Mingyu put a warm hand on Wonwoo's shoulder and shook him a little,

"Wonwoo ... Wonwoo"

"Wake up, you're having a nightmare"


But Wonwoo couldn't, he was up in a paralyzing thrill, he was so deep into the darkness of his own mind and it felt like there was no escape. The somewhat loud screams escaped him once again and the memories hunted him like a prey dog running after him


"Shhh, it's okay" ... "It's okay"

"It's nothing but a dream" ... "You're safe here Wonwoo it's okay"


Mingyu tried to calm him down, he once again, placed his hand on Wonwoo's head. He didn't seem to mind it earlier maybe it would help? His only intentions were to calm him down and for a second he did. Mingyu gently Wonwoo's hair repeating some soothing words


"N-no"  ... "No"


Wonwoo mumbled in his sleep getting rather restless


"Shhh it's okay"

Mingyu tried to calm him down




Wonwoo's eyes jolted open, alarmed and scared ... again

He saw Mingyu on top of him and as if it was an uncontrollable reflex, Wonwoo held his arms up in front of his face in a defensive position, making Mingyu worry even more


Just like when they met, the memory tickled Mingyu's mind.


"Hey ... hey" ... "It's okay nobody's going to hurt you, it's just a dream Wonwoo"


But Wonwoo was still in his dream haze, a little dizzy and delusional, he was holding his arms high covering his face, he was afraid and Mingyu felt like he took two steps closer to Wonwoo only to fall back for miles.


Mingyu sighed, he took a step back trying to show Wonwoo that he wasn't going to hurt him and that he was safe here with him.

It took him a few minutes, Wonwoo was looking around himself frantically trying to put the puzzle back together; where was he, what has happened and who is the tall tanned boy in front of him. He gasped as he realized just how unfortunate things have been and how *Mingyu* was trying to gain his trust


An apologetic look took over his face, Wonwoo felt so bad for pushing Mingyu away but the other knew that Wonwoo didn't mean it, he was just deep into his own dark thoughts

"It's okay" Mingyu said softly "Here" he poured down a glass of water and handed it over to Wonwoo and when the boy didn't have it in him to receive it, still shaking, Mingyu brought it closed to his lips helping him to get a few sips.

Wonwoo's eyes hovered over Mingyu's face scanning every little detail realizing just how close their faces actually were


"I know right?" Mingyu playfully teased Wonwoo giving him an amused smiled "I'm so handsome"




Wonwoo immediately looked away "Sorry" he whispered feeling a rush of heat across his face and a blush immediately covered his cheeks. He looked calm though, he ignored how Mingyu eyed him with that smug smile of his.

No, Wonwoo couldn't just trust him like this, he can't just ... fall like this.

After all he's been through, it shouldn't be this way, it shouldn't be this ... easy.


Wonwoo didn't say anything but only felt Mingyu's presence so close to him, he swallowed hard trying to avoid the situation


"Do you usually have nightmares?"

Wonwoo heard the question but couldn't face Mingyu quite yet, let his eyes dropped somewhere to the floor, he didn't know what to say.

Yes, they hunted him for years.

He was afraid to close his eyes every night.

He was scared of the dark most of his life.

And now, he knew that he will be having them even more and not just while sleeping.


Mingyu didn't need an answer, Wonwoo's silence gave him the reply he was looking for. Mingyu just stared at Wonwoo for a while, nothing was said after that and Wonwoo's mind seemed to have drifted somewhere, looking exhausted

"How about we take a look at your wounds? I'll get Jeonghan"


Wonwoo didn't answer as well, instead he gave Mingyu a concerned expression, his eyes lingered over his own chest, he was trying to hide his face "Don't be afraid okay? You liked Jeonghan remember?"


Wonwoo nodded slightly, yes he remembers Jeonghan. Jeonghan was gentle with him, Jeonghan didn't hurt him.



Mingyu left for a few minutes, Wonwoo was left alone and everything around him was dead silent. He gazed around the room and he realized how cozy and neat it was. The windows and curtains were closed but he could see a little behind them, it seemed peaceful and he wanted to go outside and breathe in some fresh air but for now, he couldn't, his heart was racing a little at the sound of footsteps outside, to say the least, he was scared again.


Wonwoo nervously played with his hands, he couldn't wrap his head around the mere thought of Mingyu being a werewolf.

Why doesn't it bother him that much?

He should be terrified right now

He should be trying to find ways to espace

But no, he was actually calm, especially when Mingyu was there, he's supposed to stay away from him but he only keeps getting closer.


The idea of how strong Mingyu was, his shining blue eyes, the way he held him closer. Mingyu saved him when no one else, not even Wonwoo himself, wanted him to live.

He remembered when Mingyu submerged him into the lake. He was trying to escape even though he knew he had nowhere to go, he was continuously hitting his chest but Mingyu wouldn't budge, he wouldn't let him go. Water dripping from his arms and his shirt stuck on his body. What on earth was this feeling?


What is a werewolf anyways?

What do they do?

Wonwoo had nothing to loose, if they were to kill him, he would be more than grateful, they'll make it easier and do it for him



What the hell is a connection?

Mingyu said that he and Wonwoo shared one but he didn't know what it was. The sudden noise from the door being opened made Wonwoo flinch. The door slightly opened to reveal Mingyu and right behind him there was Jeonghan and ... Scoups.


Wonwoo's eyes had nothing but a terrified look, he was scared even more at the sight of the leader. The scent of fear filled the place and Mingyu frowned "Don't be afraid, we talked about this, no one's going to hurt you"

But nevertheless, Wonwoo's heart was beating in his stomach, he didn't expect Scoups to be there and his eyes fell right onto Mingyu who came closer to him


"That's Scoups" Mingyu tried to introduce the two "I told you about him remember?"


Wonwoo remembers, yes, Jeonghan and Scoups were mates, a couple of some kind.

It wasn't strange to him, no it wasn't, two boys finding serenity in each other would be frowned upon by society but Wonwoo wasn't as innocent as he looked, his previous master taught him that it was okay, and it was but not in the way Wonwoo hoped.


Wonwoo nodded

"Hey" came Jeonghan's voice, the boy was too soft, Wonwoo couldn't understand how can someone have such smooth skin and pretty face but again, he thought why not? They were not normal humans anyways. Without hesitation, Jeonghan walked toward Wonwoo's bed standing right in front of him. Behind him, Wonwoo noticed how stiff Scoups was and the way Mingyu's eyes trailed between the three of them.


"Don't worry Seungcheol doesn't bite" Jeonghan jokingly said pointing at his mate with a playful smile to which Scoups replies with the manifestation of his spirit.

His eyes suddenly glows with this bright red color and it makes Wonwoo's heart skip yet another beat.

"But I might if I have to" Scoups replied and Wonwoo can't understand if he was being playful or threatening "Pretty but deadly" Jeonghan said with a chuckle.


Wonwoo never said anything and Jeonghan kept talking about how Mingyu wouldn't stop talking about him since the second he found him. A tinted blush came across Mingyu's face trying to understand why Jeonghan would say something like that but Wonwoo had no expressions.


He trailed his eyes over Jeonghan's fingertips touching his bare skin. His green eyes glowed in the dim lights while Scoups was standing with a stern look on his face. Wonwoo couldn't lie, the older's piercing eyes terrified him and he avoided looking at him at any cost.


Wonwoo hissed at the sudden feeling electrifying his entire body. It only intensified before it got better, he closed his eyes shut for a second, his hands turned into fists holding into the fabric around his blanket

"Sorry" Jeonghan apologized with a sad expression, Mingyu was worriedly staring at the duo while Scoups didn't even flinch "You're still weak but your wounds are getting better, for some holy reason" glancing over at Mingyu in the process and back at Wonwoo, Mingyu still doesn't know how his now called Holy Water healed Wonwoo's wounds to some extent.


"You have a broken rib and a couple are really bruised so you can't strain yourself okay? The rest isn't really too dangerous, you'll be fine"


Was there anything for say or argue about? Wonwoo had no choice, he just nodded.

Jeonghan's eyes were stil glistening, he put a gentle hand on Wonwoo's chest, he giggled and took it off a second later.

He looked up at his mate, Scoups had a rather confused look on his face


"His soul tickles Cheol"

"W-what?" Scoups seemed confused and Mingyu was rather amused

"It's too pure it tickels" Jeonghan continued


Wonwoo spoke for the first time, he was trying to keep up "M-my soul?"

Jeonghan was just too casual about it "Yeah, I guess Mingyu didn't tell you yet?"


Jeonghan fully faced Wonwoo, trying to be calm and cheerful as he broke the news to the human boy "You are a special type of Humans you know?" ... "It was the only thing that prevented Seungcheol from putting you back exactly where he found you, I can't say the same for Mingyu though he has other reasons" another glance was shot up Mingyu's rather shy face and back at Wonwoo's narrowed eyes, the boy was trying to understand


"You have a pure soul" ... "It's something really rare to come across actually it's interesting" Jeonghan scanned Wonwoo's puzzled face with endearment really, the boy looked too gentle, minus the bruises, no wonder he had a pure soul

"You have no bad intentions and no manipulative thoughts or grudges or bad feelings, simply Pure"


Jeonghan laid it down rather too clear and simple, Mingyu felt a bit of relief as he probably wouldn't have explained it better anyways.


The trio in the room were looking for a reaction, Wonwoo's face went from puzzled to confused to suddenly ... relaxed.

A smiled suddenly appeared on his face and a second later a laugh escaped him, giggling like a child


Wonwoo was laughing hysterically


Wonwoo was laughing? Mingyu's inner wolf tingled inside of him and he tried to calm him down but can he blame him?


Is that a nose scrunch?


Mingyu had to put his erted thoughts aside, the mood in the room drastically changed. It was lighter, it was suddenly warmer with Wonwoo laughing and Jeonghan's amused grin on his face and Scoups well ... as soft as his face could get. Mingyu on the other hand, was confused but couldn't deny the way hearing Wonwoo's laugh made him feel.


When the giggling finally stopped, Wonwoo took in a beep breath and exhaled quickly  still holding his laughers. He closed his eyes and shook his head

"Thank you but ..." an amused scoff escaped him "I'm" he continues to shake his head "I'm far from being what? Pure" ... "You got it all wrong, it's funny"


Jeonghan pouted and shrugged "I'm never wrong though"

A soft mutter was heard from the other side of the room "Tell me about it" Scoups snickered

Jeonghan smiled at his mate's comment but didn't say anything, they can bicker about it later "I'm telling you, Wonwoo, you do have it and it's interesting actually, you are a rare commodity, there are no Pure soul humans laying around anymore" his voice and eyes lowered for a second "Trust me, we know first hand, humans are no friends with us"


"Hannie" Scoups whispered his mate's nickname rather softly, he knew that the memories were tingling at the back of his mind. Jeonghan pushed it aside and smiled back picking his head from where his gaze wondered off

"But you're different" he continued looking at Wonwoo, the boy's smile was fading away, Jeonghan was serious, Wonwoo felt it, he looked up at Mingyu and the other smiled and shrugged "Well" Mingyu hummed "It's true" confirming Jeonghan's words


Jeonghan stood up, "You can rest for now, but we would like to see you for dinner later?" He asked rather casually, walking over to Scoups side where his mate immediately put a protective hand around his waist

"You have to leave the room eventually Won" Mingyu tried to persuade Wonwoo to finally step outside and meet everyone and maybe get some fresh air? He could show him around? They could talk?

The thoughts tingled Mingyu's inner wolf again


But wait? What?



Wonwoo had to take a second to wrap his head around the new founded nickname Mingyu just called him, his frown softened upon seeing Mingyu's reassuring smile.


He nodded "Okay"

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