Hold Me I


It's been two weeks


Mingyu started his training with Scoups as agreed and it's been a bit hectic. By the end of the day, Mingyu would be uexhausted.

His spirit was too strong and controlling it wasn't at all easy, he was struggling to tame it and to keep it under control.


Mingyu had a water spirit, so staying near the water was best at understanding it. He told Wonwoo before that the water was whispering to him, and that he couldn't understand what it was saying and it's true. He still can't understand what it was saying no matter how much he tried to focus.


He discovered a few more interesting things though.


When he was in the water, he possessed the ability to bend it . He created small waves, and manipulated it into different forms, pressurized it and even weaponized it cutting through objects like sharp knives. Water pressurization was dangerously strong and Mingyu had a lot of fun discovering it.




It was fascinating and yet, he couldn't understand the language the water was speaking. He really wanted to know what it was saying but he couldn't.

Surprisingly, Scoups wasn't so hard on him and, honestly, he didn't have to, because Mingyu was doing his mighty best and he was really proud of him.


Meanwhile, Wonwoo was getting used to the place. He was slowly adjusting to his, hopefully, new life but he still felt guilty for having it too easy.

He was thinking of the many different ways he should pay it back to the Pack. He had to earn it somehow.


So he started working.


He would wake up early in the morning to cook breakfast, usually either Woozi or Dino will be around helping him. He enjoyed their company, they were the closest to him so far. Joshua was as cold as ice towards him all the time and Wonwoo still feared DK for the life of him. So he decided to avoid the two as much as possible.


He only spend little to no time with Seungkwan and Vernon, the two only came back two days ago from their camping trip in Mingyu's tree house. He was actually curious about Mingyu's tree house but ... never dared to ask.


His wounds were healing just fine and he was doing his best to help around the house. Just like he did for his master but ... it felt better. It felt good.

He wasn't a servant, he was an occupant. It was his home too


Or so he hoped.


Mingyu was busy with his trainings lately but they've been spending more time together. Mingyu was so gentle when it came to dealing with him and Wonwoo appreciated it beyond anything else. He made sure that Wonwoo was comfortable and that he had everything he needed. They  still needed to go shopping though, even though Wonwoo absolutely loved wearing Mingyu's clothes all the time.


They were big and warm, engulfing him like a big hug and he didn't mind it at all. He enjoyed them especially when Mingyu was busy with his training, yes he missed him when he was away but he wasn't really away, he was just outside by the lake and Wonwoo would go and watch him from time to time if he wanted to.

Mingyu's eyes glittering with a bright blue shade, intensifying whenever he tried and pushed harder to pressurize the water around him.


Wonwoo waited for him to finish every day, he would sit to chat with Jeonghan or Dino from time to time and he was the sweetest. Jeonghan couldn't believe how soft spoken Wonwoo was, he seemed awfully hurt on the inside with his past but he still pushed through and found a reason to live again. He found Mingyu at least.


He was still zoning out though. No matter how much Wonwoo tried to forget, his mind would wonder here and there still mourning over his brother and Jeonghan was understanding. He asked everyone to give him space as he was still processing.


"So no sleep last night too?" Jeonghan asked from where he was sitting on the bench in the garden right next to Wownoo. The two were watching Mingyu and Scoups going through yet another practice run. Wonwoo snapped from wherever his mind was wondering staring at the tree leaves swaying with the wind


"Humm? ... I'm okay" he smiled trying to wave Jeonghan's concern away but the older knew about the nightmares and the sleepless nights. Wonwoo had his own room now, the same one he occupied since he joined them, he was still adjusting to having a warm bed and cozy surroundings and even with that, he couldn't sleep much.

Mingyu was trying to stay with him as much as possible but Wonwoo didn't want to bother him any further and kept asking him to just let him be for a while.


Mingyu respected his wishes and usually ended up waiting outside his door for a while before leaving to his own room ... frustrated


"I understand Wonwoo" ... "Something similar happened to me before and I barely ever slept for months"


Wonwoo was curious but he never asked, it was never his place to ask anything so he just listened


"It's different for when you're a human, I know, but when Seungcheol Holds me and I breathe in his scent, everything just vanishes for some reason"


"That sounds ... nice" Wonwoo diverted his eyes to the ground wondering how that must feel like? Just to be ... held lovingly?


"Yes it is" Jeonghan giggled "And it's not just for me, Seungcheol often gets fired up quickly, I have the same effect on him"


Wonwoo nodded, glancing over at Mingyu "Do you think Mingyu ... Humm I don't know how to put this, because of our connection—"


"I'm sure he does Wonwoo" Jeonghan cut him off "He just wants to be there for you" ... "I know Seungcheol would throw everything out the window for me if it made me feel better"


"How could you be so sure?"


"It's ... instinct" ... "Humans call it feelings but feelings die out, or logic but one could be mistaken, but werewolves bonds? Never die out or make mistakes"


"Dont you think he made a mistake making a connection with a human?"


Wonwoo's mood changed because that's all what he's been hearing since day one. Werewolves are not supposed to have connections with humans.


"But you're special aren't you?" Jeonghan smiled softly brushing patting hair


"I don't know about that Jeonghan but ... thank you"  Wonwoo returned the smile waiting for Mingyu to finally finish his training so he could go inside. It was getting cold and he hated the cold. He gets cold easily and his fingers were once again hiding under the hems of Mingyu's hoodie making the cutest bear paws there ever was.



Vernon was silently laying on his bed while Seungkwan was flipping the pages of a random book he picked up from Joshua in the library while laying on the second empty bed ... Previously, Sophi's bed.


"Do you want to eat?" Seungkwan asked but received no reply

"Do you want to go for a run?"

Yet no reply

"Do you want to hit the city and have some fun?"


"Seungkwan please" Vernon pleaded rejecting every suggestion Seungkwan made


"I'm just saying Vernon, you've been through some really bad lately and I really think you deserve to unwind a bit"


Vernon sighed, detoxing from the drugs was difficult and he was still tired. His scent was gradually coming back to normal, sweet bubblegum and candies just like Sophia used to call it.


"I'm tired Kwan" Vernon confessed now looking at his friend sitting across from him


"I know you are Ver" Seungkwan was too soft trying to comfort his friend


"I want to sleep" Vernon closed his eyes felling the stinging sensation piling up and the throbbing headache that never stopped for days on straight.

He wasn't able to sleep at all


"I want to stop thinking about her" tears started filling his eyes again "I want some peace" ... "I want some air, I want to breathe"


Seungkwan was by his side in no time hugging him close as Vernon sobbed again on his shoulder "Vernon please" Seungkwan tried to calm him down but Vernon was still in a trance and when he managed to calm down a little he just wanted to stay in bed and do nothing.


Seungkwan felt so bad for the other, he laid next to him keeping him company and comfort. His arm slid down Vernon's back then grabbed his blanket covering him tightly with it, hearing him still sniffing his tears away.


"Vernon, I really think we should tell Jeonghan"

Seungkwan sounded sincere and tried to express his thoughts as gentle as possible. He knew that Vernon was afraid, he was afraid Jeonghan would be disappointed with him, Scoups will be mad, they'll hate him but he owed them that much. He had to tell them, they are his Alpha and Luna and they had to know.


Vernon nodded.


Seungkwan was surprised that the younger agreed to it so fast, but they both knew that it had to be done sooner or later.

"Okay then, I'll go get him?" ... "You need to calm down first"


About an hour later, Seungkwan found himself following his Luna's scent around the house to find him. Jeonghan was with Scoups in his study room. Mingyu's training was finished for today, the sun was already setting outside and winter was starting to show his teeth.

He stood outside of their door hearing them giggle about something, he took a deep breath when he heard Scoups voice asking him to come in.


"Seungkwan what's wrong?" Jeonghan asked the second his eyes landed on the younger


Seungkwan hesitated "It's not really my story to tell but, Vernon is not doing so well lately and finally decided to tell you"


Both Scoups and Jeonghan frowned worried "Why? What happened?" Jeonghan asked again while Scoups stood next to him demanding an answer


"He" Seungkwan hesitated again "He ... relapsed"


"WHAT?" They both screamed, a look of terror took over Jeonghan's face while Scoups expressed different shades of anger.


"How did this ... ? We don't even keep pills in the house .. where did he ... ?? WHY?" Jeonghan couldn't even form one complete sentence and he didn't even wait for an answer as he rushed through the door to find Vernon, following the faint sweet smell of bubblegum and candies.


Seungkwan whimpered under his breaths when he felt Scoups Alpha presence getting closer to him. His eyes immediately falling to the ground


"When and how you found out?"

The interrogation began


"Right after Wonwoo joined and because his scent was fainter than ever, I thought he was injured"


"That's why you took him to the

Tree house?"




"You've been there for days"


"Yes, he was detoxing, I tried to help him, he's still depressed thinking about Sophia"


Seungkwan heard Scoups sigh, his hand falling over his shoulder "You did well protecting him but you can NEVER hide something like this from us again"


"I wanted to come to you sooner but he wasn't ready"


Scoups nodded "Let's hope Jeonghan will be able to fix this"


Seungkwan nodded and soon followed behind Scoups to join his mate only to find him holding a sobbing Vernon in his arms. His eyes of a bright green shade trying to calm Vernon down and Scoups knew just how broken both of them were.



Jeonghan scanned Vernon for the hundred time, the boy was peacefully sleeping under his touch.

Scoups sent Seungkwan away for a while, he sat next to Jeonghan, a hand slipped to hold him by his waist bringing him closer to his chest 


"How are we?" He asked gently placing his shin over Jeonghan's head


"Luckily most of the chemicals left his body already"


Jeonghan sounded exhausted but more than that, he sounded broken. For this to happen right under their noises, for not being able to notice how Vernon was struggling all alone was beyond Jeonghan's understanding.


"What do you want to do?" Scoups asked, even though he was the leader, this was too sensitive for Jeonghan and he wanted to hear his decision


"I'm just disappointed ... mostly of myself, I thought he was doing good"


"It's not your fault, we all thought he was doing good"


"I'm mad at him for going behind my back but I can't help but to make sure he's okay"


Seungcheol chuckled tightening his grip around Jeonghan's waist "You wouldn't be the best Luna in the world if you didn't"


Jeonghan just watched Vernon sleep, the boy was exhausted not being able to get enough rest for the past week. He let himself lean on his mate, the back hug was giving him the comfort he very much needed and just waited for the night to pass.



In the library, Joshua sat quietly on his desk currently going through some ... paper work of some kind ?

DK sat in front of him

"I really don't understand why you're putting yourself through this again"


"I like it" Joshua smiled looking down at his desk impressed by his own work


"This is what? Your third doctorate dissertation?"


"Fourth in the last twenty"


"Wow" DK exclaimed shaking his head "Well if you enjoy it then who am I to stop you?"


Joshua nodded "You can't" he giggled looking up to meet Dokeyom's eyes staring at him in awe when they realized Seungkwan was outside their door and let him in.

The younger walked over to the sofa and flopped like he was holding the weight of the world on his shoulders


"Is everything okay?" DK asked his twin brother knowing how emotional he could get from no obvious reason sometime. The look on his face wasn't an annoyed one but a rather worried one as Seungkwan looked like he was about to have a meltdown.


"Vernon relapsed" he announced dropping the news like a death sentence on both of them.

Joshua's face dropped and DK immediately jolted off his chair "What?"


"Scoups and Jeonghan are handling it"


"You knew?" DK asked his brother with a face full of confusion


"Yes, been trying to help for days"


"I know it's been your talent hiding your real scent since we were kids, but this is not funny and you shouldn't have helped him to to hide this" DK was lashing out at his twin brother, Seungkwan should've told them sooner


"I tried okay? He needed some time to collect himself before telling anyone"


"It doesn't matter he's probably too out of his mind to make his own decision—-"




Seungkwan suddenly exploded, he grumbled at his brother with a tone they've never heard before not even Seungkwan himself. It was weird, strong and authoritarian and he stopped to stare angrily at his brother before he rushed out for the room.


DK and Joshua were left in disbelief, surely Seungkwan didn't mean anything by what he said but it did hit close to home and Joshua's mood suddenly changed. Everyone was busy with their own things that they didn't even notice that one scent going missing and Joshua blamed one person ... Wonwoo.


Ever since he came around everyone's attention seemed to be diverted on him and they lost each other in the process. Joshua was already cold and distant towards him and he tried to avoid any confrontations with him for everyone else's sake and especially Mingyu, he tried to give him a chance but look where it got them.



Vernon opened his eyes to find Jeonghan sitting by his side unmoving, his spirit making him feel calm and relaxed. Scoups was whispering something to him but then a third scent caught his attention

"Seungkwan is outside?" He mumbled sleepily


"Yes" Jeonghan brushed Vernon's hair "You need to rest so we sent him away for now"


"No please I want him here" Vernon sounded sleepy and vulnerable but still asked for Seungkwan to be with him

"He's been by my side the entire time, I'll feel better if he's here"


Jeonghan exchanged a soft look with his mate. Seungcheol smiled and nodded almost immediately, he walked over to the door unlocking it to reveal Seungkwan standing aimlessly in the corridor.


"He wants to see you" Scoups announced and Seungkwan was more than happy to join his friend.


Jeonghan stood behind his mate at the door frame watching as Seungkwan sat next to Vernon and the two seemed to be talking casually. Vernon even laughed at some random thing Seungkwan said.

Looking at the two, Jeonghan couldn't help but to wonder


"Do you think they are ...?"


Jeonghan trailed and Scoups knew exactly what his mate was implying. The Alpha leader had to double take

"I don't see anything out of the ordinary but they seem closer than they ever been"


"I'll be more than happy if they actually shared a connection" Jeonghan only hoped, the two did seem to be getting along in a more relaxed and intimate way.


"I think we had our hands too full to notice all of this happening" Scoups spoke up blaming himself for not paying much attention


Jeonghan sadly agreed "I feel terrible"


"I know, me too Angel"

The Alpha leader only pulled his mate closer, placing a soft kiss over the top of his head.


"I think we should leave them alone for a bit, Vernon looks calmer with Seungkwan around than with my spirit"


Scoups chuckled "Jealous?"

Jeonghan titled his head to the side pouting "A little?"

Scoups scoffed at how cute Jeonghan looked "How about we go to bed and let me hold you tight tonight"


"That sounds great" Jeonghan smiled leaning forward to steal a quick kiss from his mate when Vernon and Seungkwan weren't looking.



Joshua was in the kitchen trying to get his mind off the argument that he had with DK after Seungkwan left.

"It's all that Human's fault" Joshua was furious and DK tried to calm him down "We shouldn't have taken him in, Mingyu can go Fu** himself"


He stormed out of the room leaving DK to his own thoughts. He went down to the kitchen to calm down a little. Joshua breathed in deeply thinking about the way he lashed out at DK.

He didn't deserve that, it wasn't his fault ... it's Wonwoo ... it's Wonwoo's fault.


With both hands on the kitchen table, he tried to recollect his own thoughts when a familiar scent was getting closer.


He turned around and no, it wasn't Mingyu.


The scent had all of them mistake him for Mingyu and right now, it was the most frustrating thing in the world. Wonwoo stopped when he saw Joshua, he tried to avoid the boy who treated him so coldly since he arrived.

Wonwoo never asked why, he was just sure that Joshua must have his own reasons. He can't deny that him joining the Pack was anything but usual, Wonwoo didn't blame him for hating him or not accepting him. He just wished Joshua would be a little nicer to him but he was used to be treated in worse ways than this. So Joshua's attitude wasn't actually that bad.


Wonwoo came down for a bite to eat. He was feeling a bit cold since earlier.

He took a walk with Mingyu after his training with Scoups and they ended up staying outside a little after sunset.

Mingyu was tired so Wonwoo came down to the kitchen to eat something while Mingyu got some rest.


"Sorry" Wonwoo apologized immediately the second his eyes locked with Joshua.

Joshua looked away completely ignoring him, or at least he tried to. Wonwoo walked past him "I'm making some toasts would you like—-"


"NO" Joshua cut him off like a knife, cold and harsh


"I can—" Wonwoo was trying to get a bit closer to him, maybe strike up a conversation?


"I SAID NO" Joshua snapped at Wonwoo and the boy flinched taking a step back. His past experiences with his old master flashing before his eyes. He jolted and walked away a little.




Wonwoo was taken aback, Joshua scared him so much and he didn't want to stay in the same room with him anymore and the worst thing was that he was ... right.


At least Wonwoo thought he was right.


He took a few steps back, feeling his limbs trembling and his heart about to explode. All the memories filling up the back of his head, he was afraid that the past was about to repeat itself.


He saw Joshua walking up to him "That's right Human, you should be afraid, you should stay on your knees and stay THE HELL AWAY FROM ME"


Wonwoo couldn't even breathe, choking on his own fears he took a wrong step and slammed his back on the edge of the table sending one mug fall to the floor shuttering in different directions.

"I'm sorry ... I ... I'm sorry" Wonwoo mumbled almost incoherently. He was on his knees trying to pick up the shuttered pieces of glass scattered all over the floor but he was trembling so bad and he cut himself multiple times but didn't stop.

He couldn't stop picking up the broken pieces off the floor, his hands trembling and  breaths stuck in his throat. He felt like Joshua was about to end him right there and then.


Joshua didn't spare him a look and just ... left.


Wonwoo fell to his knees again, he was shaking, scared and palms bleeding. He just sat there trying to catch his breaths after Joshua left when he suddenly heard shuffling behind him. He turned around in a hurry only to find Dino worriedly looking at him and kneeling by his side


"Are you okay what happened?"


"N-n-nothing" Wonwoo stuttered swallowing his tears away. Dino reminded him so much of Jungkook, and just like Jungkook, he hid the bad things from him and never told him about them


"I j-just broke a mug" ... "I'm- ss-sorrry I'll just clean it up and replace it later"


Dino was worried, Wonwoo seemed too distorted over breaking a mug?


"You're bleeding wait" Dino took the shattered pieces of glass away from Wonwoo's hands

"Let me help you, if Mingyu saw you bleeding he'll loose his mind" Dino was trying to find something to say, trying to keep Wonwoo's mind off whatever just overwhelmed him.


Dino was kind enough to help Wonwoo clean the glass off the ground and gently washed his hands with warm water and rinsed off the blood from his fingers

"You know you're lucky nobody caught the scent of your blood? We are werewolves after all, we smell blood from miles away"

Wonwoo didn't want to argue he just nodded as his mind travelled to what Joshua said to him earlier.


When they were done, Wonwoo simply thanked the younger and slowly dragged his shaky feet up to his room. He put a hand over his chest feeling his heart thumbing with fear, he let his head hit the pillow feeling exactly like when his master would send him to his room after ... he was done with him.

Scared and humiliated.


Wonwoo couldn't help the tears falling down his cheeks, the burning sensation in his chest came back again from the times he spent sleeping on the hard wooden floors of his master's basement, of the way Jungkook died in his arm, the same scary feeling he lived with all of his life.


He tried to sleep it off but whenever he closed his eyes, images from the past would wake him in terror. He wasn't wanted before and he's not wanted now and Joshua was right ... Wonwoo thought « Filthy human » was the right word to use, Joshua wasn't wrong, he was just a human and a filthy one indeed.

Wonwoo sat up in his bed in the middle of the night hugging himself, his nails harshly dragged against his skin scratching his arms and hurting his already bruised palms all over again.



Mingyu was sleeping in his room, the boy exhausted from his continuous training but something made him jolt out of bed. He opened his eyes when a particular scent was getting closer, with a hint of ... blood?


Mingyu jolted up through the door the follow the smell a few feet away in the hallway. He stopped when he saw Wonwoo standing there at the end of the corridor, his hand against the wall to support him. He looked exhausted, tears still trailing down his cheeks and blood smothered the tips of his fingers.


He looked about to fall when Mingyu sprinted his way to catch him, flinching and shivering at the sudden contact


"Wownoo what happened?"


"M-Mingyu" Wownoo mumbled weakly reaching to wrap his hand around Mingyu's t-shirt "Will you Hold me?"


"What?" Mingyu whispered not fully understanding what the other was saying


"Hold me ... please"

Wownoo pleaded completelyy letting his weight fall onto Mingyu.


Mingyu caught him, of course he will hold him for as long as Wonwoo needed. He wrapped his arms around Wonwoo bringing him closer helping him take the few steps towards his room.

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