How Tables Turn


woke up the next morning being pressed tightly against Mingyu's chest. He appreciated the long talk they had last night but didn't appreciate being suffocated in his embrace like this.

He squirmed a little trying to find a way out of his arms but it only woke Mingyu up.


The Alpha looked down at him in his embrace and Wonwoo smiled "You're kinda smothering me, Min"


"Oh" he was all sleepy and his voice too deep "Sorry" he let him go


"How are you feeling?" Wonwoo asked not really leaving the other's embrace but simply laying there

"All I needed was you, some rest and apparently a very large sandwich made by Joshua"


Wonwoo chuckled "I'm glad you're feeling better" he reached to play around Mingyu's cheeks with his fingers and Mingyu seemed to still be tired, "You can go back to sleep, I'll make us breakfast and wake you up later"


Mingyu hummed and Wonwoo placed a small kiss over Mingyu's cheeks and down on neck making him sleepily chuckle before he left the room to make breakfast.



Joshua woke up a bit later today, DK shirtless by his side holding him close and Joshua found himself blushing at his own thoughts. This handsome muscular guy right next to him is his Mate, and he simply couldn't believe it. Everything he ever wanted was right here under his nose the entire time, he was just the luckiest man alive.


Dokyeom fluttered his eyes open to find Joshua staring right at him with a pink blush all over his face.

"Good morning"


"Good morning"


To his surprised, Joshua reached his hand to cup DK's cheek, them softly

"Is everything's okay?" DK asked a bit concerned but Joshua's face lit up

"I'm fine ... perfectly fine, waking up next to you makes me feel ... fine"


DK smiled, he held Joshua's hand from his cheek, gave it a kiss and held it tightly.

"Baby what do you say we take a trip for a few days?"


"Huh? Where?"


"Anywhere you want ... somewhere romantic, France? Italy? What do you say?"


Joshua smiled loving the way his heart clenched with excitement "Sounds perfect"



Jun picked his Mate gently in his arms that morning. Minghao was tired and too sensitive and Jun's scent was the only thing that calmed him down for now. Jeonghan was right, Minghao was about to start his heat and it wasn't going to be easy, giving his last two panic attacks from last night. He was exhausted and sleepy, he wanted to nest right there but Jun knew better not to let him.


Minghao was whiny the entire time and Jun was too patient with him. He dressed him up, got some of their stuff ready and picked him up in his arms, the boy still sleepy and it was still too early in the morning.


Walking down the stairs, Jeonghan was already awake and Wonwoo was making breakfast. The Luna immediately stood up with his spirit manifesting.


"I'm taking him to our cabin" Jun announced and Jeonghan nodded. A simple touch over Minghao's head and he had everything he needed to know.


When they finally got married, they bought that place as a potential home and a refugee place in case they needed it or in case someone from their families came looking for them.


A safe house if you want to call it.


Jeonghan nodded and wasted no time to check on Minghao again "He's really uncomfortable Jun"


"I know" the Alpha looked sad, Wonwoo came closer seeing his friend in his Mate's arms like that was a bit concerning "Just be gentle and patient with him Jun, let him nest well and ... help him okay?"


Jeonghan advised and Jun nodded, of course he knew better than to let his Mate suffer on his own "Jun, when was his last heat?" Jeonghan asked, he was having a feeling that something was wrong about the whole thing


"Seven ... maybe eight months"


Jeonghan blinked and realized just how irregular Minghao was "That's too long Jun"


"I know" he sighed again


"Be careful and take care of him"


Jun nodded and dashed through the door.

He had his truck waiting outside and soon, the couple were gone.


Wonwoo was still standing close by, feeling a bit worried "He'll be okay right?"


Jeonghan nodded "He'll be fine, it's just a little uncomfortable" he realized that the young human probably didn't know much about Omegas in heat.


"Heat cycles usually happen once every three months or so and it's a weird phase to be honest" ... "Everything affects you, you get mood swings, you get tired for no reason, your Mate's scent intensifies, and his presence is either too important or too annoying but it's essential anyways ... it soothes the pain, and you get needy, too needy"


"I see" Wonwoo was still in a foggy place, he couldn't imagine such a situation


"Minghao has separation anxiety, and hasn't been regular so it'll be a be tough for him this time, I hope Jun handles it well"


Wonwoo trusted that his friend will be okay as long as Jun was there with him "

He will be fine as long as Jun is with him I'm sure"


"Yeah, he'll be fine he just needs some time"


Wonwoo went back to making breakfast a while later, Mingyu was still sleeping and he was still tired, he needed to go back to him soon. He couldn't stop thinking though, being bonded to someone like this definitely wasn't easy, their bodies react to each other and their scents become the only and most important thing there was.


Wonwoo thought for a while, it's not fair that he can't process any of this while Mingyu can feel every breath he takes.


Jeonghan was worried about Minghao and Jun but not as worried when Seungkwan came running through the front door.




It was yesterday's afternoon when Vernon's scent has changed.


The boy was completely oblivious and in complete shock, while Seungkwan was puzzled beyond anything else.


"I'm a Beta?" Vernon tried to make sense of the whole situation, Beta possess the ability to either stay a Beta or become an Alpha or an Omega, but this should have happened a long time before when Vernon was a teenager ... why now? Why Vernon's pheromones decided to just evolve all of a sudden?


Seungkwan sat by his side "Do you feel okay?"


"I feel strange Kwan" Vernon seemed a bit depressed, confused and he had all rights to be. He sat there his knees pressed against his chest looking lost. Seungkwan was sitting by his side holding his hand tightly


"Vernon I understand that everything's  weird right now ... but it will clear up I'm sure, Scoups and Jeonghan will take care of it, they'll know what to do"


"They've been taking taking care of me for so long, I've been messing up a lot lately"

Vernon was so frustrated, he held the fabric around his chest "Why? Why now" he was obviously talking to his inner wolf


"Everything's been going well lately maybe he felt safe enough?" Seungkwan was trying to be supportive, even though scared less himself


"And dragging you into it? ... I'm so sorry Seungkwan I never planned on this"


Vernon looked up to meet Seungkwan's eyes, he was about to lose his mind.

The second his new scent changed, an instant connection was formed between him and Seungkwan, and he felt so guilty for creating it unintentionally


"You're my best friend" Vernon was broken "I didn't even ask if you're okay with it ... it just happened and I'm so sorry"


Seungkwan shook his head "I didn't reject it either, so I guess we're even"


Vernon took a deep breath feeling more confused than ever. Seungkwan kneeled in front of him, holding both of Vernon's hands "It's new ... it's confusing and it's definitely unexpected but ... it's not a bad thing"


Vernon shook his head "I'm not an Alpha Seungkwan, I couldn't be an Alpha for my sister and I couldn't be one for myself and definitely can't be one for you, I can never be enough for you"


"You're stronger than you think Vernon, you've gone through hell and back and doing great, you have time to figure everything out, you'll be fine ... WE will be just fine"


Vernon sighed, glanced over at Seungkwan "We?"


"You're my best friend too, Vernon" Seungkwan was sincere, calm and a bit shy when the *we* subject came up "I wouldn't reject the only and first connection I ever had, how hard could it be? I already know how annoying you are and you know me better than anyone else ... I'm okay with it, for now at least"


Vernon scoffed

"I'm annoying?"


"You have no idea, I simply, tolerate you"


They laughed, a moment Vernon thought he could never share with Seungkwan before ... they had a connection.


A connection with his best friend.


Awkward but somehow comforting.


Seungkwan knew him better than anyone else, sure it's out of nowhere but how bad could it be? Could they actually do this?


"Can we stay here a bit longer?" Vernon asked and Seungkwan nodded "Sure" he went back to occupy the empty space next to him.

They spent the night talking and trying to figure things out. They decided that once Scoups and Jeonghan clears them, they'll go away for a while, travel and spend some time together. They should take some time to test their connection and give Vernon the chance to explore his new enhanced inner wolf.


So you can imagine Jeonhan's surprise when Seungkwan came through the front door that morning with a new scent all over him and a connection.


This needed an emergency meeting.


Seungcheol, DK and Joshua were there with him when he told them what happened with Vernon last night


"Well where the hell is he?" Seungcheol asked worried and proud? He wasn't sure about his feelings right now


"He's visiting Sophia, I thought I should give him some space and give you guys a heads up ... he'll be back soon"


For some reason, Seungkwan looked calm and well collected while everyone else was a mess. Joshua noticed and simply approached him, a hand over the younger's back lightly patting him

"This is too much Seungkwan, are you okay?"


Between Jeonghan and Seungcheol asking him a million questions and his brother being too silent, Seungkwan appreciated Joshua's concern

"I'm ... okay Joshua, thank you for asking"


Joshua smiled and nodded, feeling a bit soft for the boy "Well I guess it's not a bad thing right? Vernon will not change it's just ..."


"I know ... he's still my best friend and we talked about it"


"Okay, that's great, did you decide on anything?"


"We will go away for a while" Seungkwan confessed their plans "Once we make sure he's okay, we will take a break and just travel for a while"


"Explore your connection?" Joshua smiled almost teasing Seungkwan. The younger smiled and blushed a little nodding at what the older was implying


"You know Joshua? You're basically my second Luna ... you're soon to be my brother in law and that basically promotes you to be a Luna"


Joshua gasped a little, he didn't actually think about this before "I ... guess I am" he smiled and Seungkwan laughed


"Well, I'm sure everything's going to be just fine"


"It will ... I hope so"


"You go on that trip and get your answers, don't give much attention to the over dramatic three over there, they just like to make things sounds worse than they actually are"


Seungkwan smiled "Yes Luna"


The nickname made Joshua chuckle, but he can't deny that he liked it and fondly accepted his little brother in law's new connection "You'll be okay Seungkwan, I'm confident about that"


Seungkwan sighed but nodded eventually, he was worried but also hopeful that they'll be okay eventually. It might take time to adjust to everything but they'll be okay.


Vernon came home about an hour later, got hit with the same million questions Seungkwan already answered but for some reason they had to hear it from Vernon again. Jeonghan checked on him and Vernon was physically... fine, minus the new scent and the sudden development.


Seungkwan waited for him outside until he was done and smiled at him the moment he was discharged. Vernon put his jacket on and stood in front of Seungkwan both silently staring at each other. Vernon smiled softly and looked much better than the day before


"I guess we should start packing then?"


Seungkwan nodded "Yeah I guess we should"


"We will leave by tomorrow? What do you say?"


Seungkwan nodded, he felt good about this, he felt at ease ... his connection is his best friend, and that wasn't so bad was it? Vernon is an Alpha now and even though a late bloomer, it wasn't a bad thing, it was a new beginning and Seungkwan was happy about it.


This trip should tell them more about each other, they'll be away for a while but they'll be okay.




"I can't believe this" Mingyu was munching on yet another sandwich later that afternoon. He's been sleeping almost all day  long, he missed most of the drama and Wonwoo was right there with him.


Wonwoo was blinking aimlessly trying to grasp the whole situation but was soon distracted by Mingyu's munching, he realized that Mingyu has been eating a lot lately and ... maybe it's understandable after suffering an intense rut in the bare forest without him for days.


Hearing the story, Wonwoo and Jihoon wanted to talk to Seungkwan and Vernon but the two were a bit busy packing, talking and everything in between. They ended up congratulating them and sent them away on their trip quicker than expected.


"It's just a trip DK, you don't have to be so dramatic about it"


Dokyeom was standing by the window as his brother kept packing


"I know, it's just ... you keep packing like you're leaving for a year"


Seungkwan chuckled "I'm not leaving forever relax ... I just don't know how long it'll be that's all"


"Are you okay with it?" DK asked suddenly sounding serious "Your connection with Vernon I mean? You are best friends isn't it awkward?"


Seungkwan shook his head "For some reason it feels just right" ... "My inner wolf is calm and I'm ... okay with it, I want to give it a chance, Vernon and I both do actually"


Dokyeom nodded "Okay, I'm glad you're happy"


Seungkwan smiled "I'll be back before your wedding so don't know worry ... and by the way? When is that exactly?"


Seungkwan asked and DK looked away with a smile "We've been delaying it for a while now, I guess we will delay it a bit more until you guys come back"


Seungkwan suddenly looked sad "I'm sorry, we don't want to stand in your way"


"You're not ... I honestly don't care as long as I have him near me"


"Yeah" Seungkwan sighed and stood for a second remembering all those years his brother spent in agony hiding his feelings and thinking his connection was lost forever but here he was engaged to the love of his life.


The conversation ended with a tight hug and a quick goodbye. They'll be back soon, they just needed some time to figure things out that's all.


Everything went silent after they left, Wonwoo leaned over Mingyu's shoulder while they were sitting in the terrace, both of them silently staring in the distance.


"Won?" Mingyu called the nickname softer than ever and Wonwoo looked up "Humm?"


"I know it's probably not the exact date but ... happy one year anniversary"


Wonwoo chuckled and squirmed right into Mingyu's embrace, it was exactly around this time last year that Mingyu brought Wonwoo home from the forest.

Everything they've been through throughout that year was ... weird to say the least, but here they are now celebrating it and Wonwoo couldn't stop smiling


"Happy one year anniversary Min"




[M] ‼️👇


Minghao was panting and shivering, he was tiredly looking up at Jun. In the past two days, he couldn't leave the bed and Jun's scent was covering him head to toe and it was the only thing that made him fell better.


Jun's shirt was open exposing his well shaped body hovering on top of Mingaho. The younger was too sensitive and asking for him almost every minute and not caring if he was only a few inches away from him almost delusional. He was squirming and all uncomfortable, his cheeks reddish and flushed, his skin way too hot and Jun knew that he had to relieve him somehow.


Jun gently placed Minghao's hands up by his head "I need you to calm down Hao okay?" Jun was trying to help him stop all the squirming and shivering, "Just breathe, in and out baby it's okay ... it'll pass" Jun was too gentle, extra gentle of course, his voice calming and soothing but Minghao was having a hard time following Jun's instructions, his body was on fire, too sensitive and too needy.


Jun leaned over him, exposing his scent a little bit more but not too much to overwhelm him ... he leaned over and kissed him, stealing the younger's breaths was the most effective way to calm him down.

"See?" ... "Just breathe"


Another kiss, slow and gentle




Minghao followed, with every kiss, he took a breath and after a while, he seemed to be calming down and Jun kept instructing him, voice silky and reassuring, calming his tensed Mate down.


Minghao was less restless and it was Jun's sign to keep it going.


With one hand he was gently pinning Minghao down by his hip, the other holding his arms together above his head ... y but all he wanted to make sure what that Minghao wouldn't hurt himself with all the squirming and restlessness.


His kisses traveled from Minghao's jaw to his neck and he ... marked him again.


Marking only intensified Jun's scent all over Minghao and there was no way the younger was not going to smell it on himself, or around him for at least a few weeks.

Minghao was a mess, his cheeks a burning pink shade and Jun found him irresistible especially when he was calling his name all along.


But this wasn't why Jun was doing this.

Well yes, Hao looked beautiful and incredibly needy but also ... Jun needed to prove his presence, his dominance and his scent. He wanted to make an imprint that would be hard on Minghao to forget and even harder to miss so Minghao's separation anxiety would get better.


Jun was going painfully slow and it was both frustrating and amazing. When he was done with the marking, Jun kissed the bruised spot and moved up to Minghao's burning cheeks, he couldn't resist just how hot of a mess his Mate was.


"Hao ... I just want you to feel better, ralax, I'm here" ... "My scent's is all over you right?"


Minghao nodded, opening his eyes lustfully looking at his Mate


"You'll be okay?"


He nodded again "I want you"


"I know" he chuckled "I want you even more" ... "But first, I want you to feel safe, to acknowledge that I'm not going to leave you ... I will never leave you baby"


Minghao seemed to have calmed down a lot since that morning. He nodded and smiled softly, he felt Jun's kiss against his other cheek and his scent drowning him from head to toe and he couldn't get enough of it. So he did was Jun was asking him to do all along, simply breathe it in and out.

Jun's scent was his to go to place, his safe haven, he's been longing for him so long even though he was just here ... he is here.


The sooner Minghao started to realize that, the better his breathing got. Jun smiled from where he was kissing Minghao's collarbone "There you go baby, you're relaxing"


"don't stop" Minghao said between his needy breaths


"Like I can?" Jun was working his way slow and steady, too gentle but also the perfect pace. Reaching Minghao's tummy, the younger flinched and Jun chuckled "I thought you said you wanted me"


"I do baby I really do"



When he woke up the next morning, Minghao was sleeping soundly by his side. Jun reached his hand to brush his Mate's cheeks "Damn you're really cute" he muttered to himself, last night was ... hot to say the least but Minghao was feeling much better. His body temperature subsided and his breaths were in check again, his heat seemed to be getting better.


Jun kept watching over him until the younger slowly woke up


"Good morning sunshine"


Minghao smiled instantly remembering last night's events and blushed.

Jun chuckled "How are you feeling?"


"Better ... thanks" Minghao replied shyly


"I'm glad ... care of a shower and some breakfast?"


"Not if you're not there with me, we can eat later" Minghao smirked as he sat up a little, leaving Jun a bit in shock


"Are you sure? Last night three rounds were a bit intense don't you think?"


Minghao shrugged "Yeah but I feel like one more won't hurt"


Jun wasted no time, he left the bed and picked Minghao up in his arms like a feather swirling him around as they went inside the shower.


Minghao was sleeping a lot and Jun understood of course, the boy was tired, he'd be surprised if he wasn't honestly but was doing much better. He saw the cat like figure stretch from under his pile of blankets and picked his head up. For some reason, Mingaho was sprawled all over the living room floor. He said it was more comfortable and just slept for hours.


Jun waited patiently for him to finally wake up and greeted him with a warm smile "Hey" he called and Minghao giggled, he reached out his hand from under the blanket asking for his Mate and Jun obliged getting down on the floor with him and brining him closer in a hug while covering both of them in the blankets


"Are you sure you're comfortable like this?" Jun asked a bit concerned


"I'm fine" Minghao stretched a bit more "I'm really fine" he sighed and they both laughed as Jun knew exactly what Hao was talking about.

The younger looked around "I can't believe that this is our house"


It was beautiful and Jun nodded "It is baby"


"Can we stay here for a few more days? I want to go around the rooms and see how we can make it more homey ... I want to cook in our own kitchen and use the backyard?"


Jun placed a soft kiss over the boy's head "Sounds perfect, maybe add tiny feet running around?"

Minghao's eyes widened looking up at his Mate "Oh god now?" Jun hurried to explain "I mean I want kids with you of course but we are not ready yet ... right?"


Minghao seemed relieved but liked the idea

"But maybe one day? We can adopt a beautiful baby boy or girl it doesn't matter"


The younger nodded "That sounds perfect too ... one day"



Seungcheol was holding Jeonghan close "Seungkwan and Vernon left already, Hao and Jun decided to stay for a few days more, Joshua and DK are going to Italy for some reason, the house feels empty"


Jeonghan smiled sadly "Yeah, this is the quieter it has ever gotten"


"You know we can kick the others out and have the place for ourselves for once"


Jeonghan laughed but punched Seungcheol for suggesting that in the first place "Seriously Hannie, how nice would that be?"


"It would very nice but it won't feel the same"


"I bet it won't" Seungcheol smirked and Jeonghan knew exactly what he was talking about "Oh Cheol you're disgusting"


The Alpha had a shocked look on his face and Jeonghan erased it away with a kiss "You know what I mean" the Luna said with a hushed, softer than silk, voice sending shivers down Seungcheol's spine


"Damn you're good" Seungcheol his own lips and Jeonghan smiled mischievously but it was soon interrupted by Mingyu and Wonwoo. The two were hesitant at first but here they are.


"What? Seriously?" Jeonghan questioned upon hearing what the two had to say "Wonu you don't even like the city"


"I didn't like so many things before I met you guys and now I'm safe enough to try them out"


"For how long?" The Alpha asked a bit confused himself


"Just a week or so" Mingyu replied


"So everyone is going on trips except for us?" The Alpha was sulking but wasn't against it


Mingyu made a sorry but not sorry face "I just got back from a rut a few days ago and I'm done laying around at home doing nothing"


"By doing nothing you mean emptying our fridge" Jeonghan mumbled under his breaths but it didn't go unnoticed by Wonwoo and the younger giggled


"AND" Mingyu just over stepped the comment "It's basically our one year anniversary so I just want to take Wonwoo somewhere nice"


Wonwoo smiled to himself feeling like the luckiest person in the world


"Okay whatever ... just be careful" Seungcheol said and soon whispered to Jeonghan "So now it's just Jihoon and Soonyoung and we are free? I'm fine with babysitting Dino"


Jeonghan was annoyed this time and elbowed his Mate hard "Ahh fine ... fine ... I won't say anything" Seuncheol groaned


Wonwoo was excited and Mingyu was a bit worried knowing how paranoid Wonwoo was the last time he's been to the city. He kept seeing his master but somehow, he's okay with it now? Wonwoo didn't mention anything about his past in months ... Mingyu thought that he was healing and forgetting but there's always this feeling that something might trigger his past memories.


Mingyu decided to take him somewhere a bit further this time, somewhere where he has no previous memories and somewhere no one would accidentally recognize him.


Or so he thought

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Chapter 44: Ahh I wonder what these spirits do.
Chapter 43: 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Chapter 42: Won Is taking to it so easy. I think he'll be able to help do much.
Chapter 41: My gawd. I swear I cry every chapter. But these are happy
Chapter 40: 💔💔💔💔
Chapter 38: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 36: Oh? Vernon??
Chapter 35: They had it so hard
Chapter 34: Why do they have to be adorable! Omg this poor couple