Hypnosis I


Trigger warning:

Mention of violence, blood, murder, suicide. Please don't read if you're uncomfortable with such scenes



Mingyu took Wonwoo to his room, no not to where Wonwoo was staying since he joined the Pack, no, Mingyu's personal bedroom

Needless to say, Mingyu's bedroom was too minimalistic. For some reason, he barely had any furniture other than a huge king sized bed in the middle, two doors one leading to his washoom, the other to his his closet ... that's all actually.


Wonwoo was still in recovery and their conversation was a bit too intense that night. Mingyu caught him the moment he felt him slide off his shoulder and picked him up in his arms.

Wonwoo's knees simply gave up on him.


He was awake but tired, Wonwoo felt Jeonghan's touch and how concerned the older sounded but simply rested his head over Mingyu's shoulder letting him take control over his exhausted body.


Mingyu effortlessly carried him upstairs to his bedroom and placed him gently on his bed. Wonwoo immediately sunk into the soft mattress, then Mingyu leaned closer to lay down next to him. He reached out and wiped the trail of tears off Wonwoo's cheeks and the younger immediately closed his eyes


"I don't want to see these tears anymore, it hurts me to see them" Mingyu placed his hand over his own chest "And it's not just me, my inner wolf is sad seeing you like this"


Wonwoo didn't even know what that really meant, but what did he know really? He nodded and closed his eyes "Rest I'll be here" Mingyu said before reaching for his blanket spreading it across his and Wonwoo's body.


Everything went silent after that, Mingyu was obviously still awake laying next to Wonwoo when he suddenly rolled on his side to face him. He opened his eyes to find Mingyu's staring right back at him


"Can I get you anything—" he was about to offer but Wonwoo had other plans


"I was sold like a slave to my master when I was 6 years old"

"I don't remember much about my life before that, they said I was an orphan and my mother just abandoned me at someone's doorstep"


"Wonwoo I —" Mingyu was surprised but was also glad, Wonwoo was finally opening up to him, he was talking to him and he was telling him his story and even though he tried to stop him, ask him to slow down but Wonwoo went on anyways


"I knew nothing but him and he was cruel"

"I was his prisoner, and he was a greedy, filthy rich man and I could never disobey or talk back at him"

"I couldn't eat, sleep or even breathe without his permission"

"I barely had any education, I ate whatever scraps he put in front of me, and waited for his permission to eat"

"I did whatever he asked me to do because if I didn't ..."


Wonwoo stopped, he swallowed thickly as his tears started to fall again. Mingyu leaned in closer wiping his tears away and bringing him straight into his arms again. Wonwoo rested his head comfortably right under Mingyu's chin, he took in a deep breath before he could continue his story


"He would hurt me Mingyu"

"It didn't matter if he didn't like the way his face looked in the morning, it was always my fault and I had to take whatever punishment he chose for me that day"

"He would beat me up and expect me to have dinner ready for him in less than an hour later"


"I wasn't allowed to get sick, or look hurt or faint from exhaustion or ... simply say no"


"And when I turned 10 he found another way to hurt me even more"

"Whenever he fancied a good time, he would call me into his room ..."


Mingyu hugged him closer, he knew what was about to happen. Wonwoo's tears didn't stop, he clutched into Mingyu's shirt so hard, his breaths hitching and lips trembling


"I felt disgusted with myself"

"I hated every single thing about myself"

"I hated the way he touched me, I hated the way he claimed me as his own, his breaths, his lustful stares ... everything"

"and I hated being touched ever since"


Mingyu's eyes sparkled in the dim lighted room, his spirit was furious, he wanted to shred this man to pieces, he wished he could have him in a closed room for ten seconds, enough to rip his head off his body and play with it like a ball, he wanted revenge for what he did to Wonwoo and even more


"That's why you runway?" Mingyu concluded but Wonwoo shook his head

"No" he shook his head again "No" he whispered again and Mingyu was shocked to find out that there was another reason for Wonwoo to runaway

"There's more?"


"One night he brought me a little brother"


"He was too young and I loved him beyond anything and anyone else, he was precious and he changed my miserable life around"


"He was the sunshine I never had, he was a happy little kid and I promised myself to be there for him, protect him and give him the things I never had"


"So I made a deal with the devil"


"He would let Jungkook go to school, take care of his expenses a little more, food, clothes and he would just help me around the house if I needed him"

"And in return, he can ... he could have anything he wanted ... he could have me"


"I was set to be his slave bride"


"But I didn't mind as long as Jungkook never had to go through anything I went through"

"He ... he was the devil, and I should've known better because the devil doesn't bargain"


Wonwoo was on the verge of losing it, shaking terribly in Mingyu'a arm and Mingyu was getting worried

"Shh it's okay , take your time, we don't have to do this now" Mingyu tried to sooth him in his arms, drawing soothing circles over his back but it wasn't working

"Wonwoo you're shaking please you just starting to get better, let's take a break"



"He hurt him too"

"He hurt him too, he was too young and couldn't live with it"

"He died Mingyu"

"He died and it's all my fault"



"No no no no"

Mingyu's spirit intensified in the dark and his inner wolf was howling inside of him, he felt his heart shutter. A wave of anger, sadness and something else he couldn't understand took over him, he was rocking Wonwoo back and forth tryin to calm him down like a child


"I had nothing to live for anymore"


Wonwoo was hyperventilating, his breaths stuck in his throat, his tears covering his cheeks down to his neck, wetting the other's shirt, holding tight into Mingyu

"Shhh it's okay, I'm here now you'll be fine I promise"


Was there really anything else to say?


Mingyu didn't really know, he didn't expect Wonwoo's life to be this shocking, he didn't expect the reason that lead Wonwoo to runway and kill himself was so ... justified.

Mingyu would probably do the same if he was in his place.


Mingyu continued to calm him down, speaking softly into his ear, caressing his back, rocking him like a child in his arms cooing him to sleep.

Mingyu felt pity and anger, his mind went rounds and rounds over the many things Wonwoo must have been through, his insides about to burst, his inner wolf so sad and mad at the same time and there was something else too.

Something a bit stronger a bit tighter pressing over his chest.

Wonwoo trusted him enough to tell him his story, he appreciated the way he opened up to him, it was a huge step for Wonwoo and strengthening their connection in the process.


That's what Mingyu was feeling, his pull toward the younger was getting stronger. He pulled him in closer, if that was even possible, Wonwoo was still shaking uncontrollably in his arms


"Wonwoo?" He called for him to no vail "Won?"

"Breathe with me okay?"

"Deep breaths, you'll be fine I promise, you're safe here"


Wonwoo sobbed until he couldn't anymore, his body tensed and his wounds were probably bleeding again. He tried to take deep breaths following Mingyu's motions and ended up panting badly, he buried his head in Mingyu's neck with his tears still trailing down his jaw and falling into hi -actually Mingyu's- hoodie.


Wonwoo was powerless, he relaxed into Mingyu's arms after a long time and felt as Mingyu pulled him closer. He covered both of them tightly again with his soft blanket and run his fingers through Wonwoo's throbbing head hoping it would sooth him a little.


Wonwoo cried himself to sleep still



Light came through the windows and Wonwoo dreaded the mere thought that he had to even move.

Mingyu was half awake, he cursed himself a thousand times, he should have closed those drapes yesterday when he had the chance.

Wonwoo's eyes still closed with a puffy swollen red shade underneath them, he twitched a little under Mingyu when he felt him slowly and gently placing him on the pillow next to him but it only made Wonwoo whine at the sudden loss of warmth and presence


"I'm just closing the curtains I'm right here" Mingyu whispered softly before he quickly sprinted through the room to close the drapes and immediately came back to lay down next to Wonwoo. Feeling the mattress sink next to him, Wonwoo cracked his eyes open just enough to glance over at Mingyu and closed them right back.


He felt Mingyu's fingers over his burning cheeks gently brushing them

"You cried a lot in your sleep last night"

Mingyu pointed out but gained no reply, not that he was looking for one.


"You're warm" Mingyu said again placing his palm over Wonwoo's forehead and frowning a little, Wonwoo wasn't just warm, he was really warm and Mingyu was worried. After last night, it was only expected that the human boy would come down with something, it was cold outside, he was crying for hours, his wounds have not healed yet and now this.


Wonwoo didn't dare to move, he felt as Mingyu covered him tighter and his heart skipped a beat when ...

"I'll go get Jeonghan to have a look at you"


Mingyu placed a soft kiss on Wonwoo's cheek.


Wonwoo couldn't even react, his head felt so heavy and eyes swollen he couldn't even open them, and by the time he so much made a move, he heard the door slam closed behind Mingyu as he left the bedroom.

Maybe he imagined the whole thing? His mind was too foggy to even know


Mingyu stood behind the closed door of his own bedroom. He realized what he has just done, he couldn't understand where he got the audacity from, his inner wolf was fan girling so bad right now *MATE* he screamed and Mingyu swallowed hard "" he cursed under his breaths "Couldn't control yourself huh?" He mumbled to no one but his inner wolf  before he started walking toward Jeonghan's scent.


The older was standing in the middle of the living room looking freshly showered and scent mixed with Seungcheol's as he was wearing one of his mate's shirts. He was looking for something "I swear Soonyoung keeps messing with my things"

His neck almost snapped looking back to meet Mingyu


"What's going on lover boy?"

Jeonghan asked sarcastically making Mingyu scoff with frustration "Not you too please" ... " I need your help, Wonwoo had a tough night, he's having a fever and can't really move much"


Jeonghan frowned "Mingyu he's just starting to get better what happened?"


"We talked for some time, it ... it's complicated" Mingyu said not really wanting to face Jeonghan or tell him what Wonwoo told him last night. The boy finally trusted him to tell him about his past and he wasn't planning on breaking his trust any time soon


"Mingyu?" Jeonghan called and the younger picked his head up "Your connection is pulling you more towards him isn't it?"


Mingyu nodded making Jeonghan sigh, yes he was frustrated "Mingyu I know that ..." he sighed again "Mingyu he's a human, he a very fragile human with a pure soul of all things"


"I know" Mingyu cut him off


"Any physical contact of any kind and you'll break his bones"


"I know"


"Mingyu he's no match for you, you could kill him instead, you won't be able to live with that"


"I know"


"Then what the hell?"


Silence took over, Mingyu didn't have much to say "I just need you to examine him ... please? He's not doing okay"


Jeonghan sighed, if SeungCheol was here right now, he would growl at Mingyu harder than he did and will make him submit even, but Jeonhan had a soft spot for the duo.


This didn't make sense but maybe ... somehow it will ?


"Okay, give me a minute I'll be right there" his voice turning softer as he saw the look on Mingyu's face.



Mingyu sprinted back to his bedroom, he stood in front of his own door once again. He didn't know why he was so drawn to Wonwoo or why his wolf chose him but he knew that he cared so much about him and the fact that he was a human didn't matter.


He will figure it out ... they'll figure it out ... somehow

Seungcheol turned Jeonghan right? To save him of course, but then they ended up with a bond stronger than anything, maybe the same thing can happen with Wonwoo? It was still too early to find out for sure and for now, Mingyu just tried to focus on what they had going on.


He quietly turned the knob and walked inside his bedroom, the room was dark but warm, minimalistic as it was, nothing was predominant in the room other than the boy sleeping on his bed.

Wonwoo was in the same position Mingyu left him in, probably too tired to move.


Mingyu sat next to him on his bed, the boy sleeping almost peacefully, he run his palm against his forehead one more time and sighed, yes it was still as bad as before. Mingyun didn't take this as a good sign especially when werewolves almost never get sick, and if they do, then something is really wrong. They have a different metabolism and their werewolf blood helps them heal quickly so Mingyu never had to worry about having a fever in decades.


Wonwoo was sleeping until Mingyu heard the whimpers. Wonwoo was crying in his sleep ... again.

It's been happening all night and Wonwoo barely had any sleep. Mingyu immediately put a hand on his shoulder and gently cooed him. Wonwoo woke up, he opened his tired eyes to see Mingyu sitting by his side and got startled by his touch making Mingyu retreat his hand immediately

"Hey, it's okay it's just me" Mingyu said with a gentle voice "How are you feeling?"


Wonwoo didn't have it in him to talk much "I'm okay" he mumbled "I'll be up in a second"


"What? No, you're not going anywhere, Jeonghan will be here soon"

Wonwoo took a deep breath, if he was in his previous home right now, he would be shoved somewhere in the corner and spat on.

He nodded closing his eyes again.



It took Jeonghan a few minutes to find what he was looking for in the living room. He stopped in his trails from time to time to think about Mingyu and Wonwoo's situation.

How will they make it work? Completely platonic? Mingyu won't probably go for that. He only hoped for their connection to fade away some time soon and that Mingyu would realize that Wonwoo was just a human.


Yes, Wonwoo was pure but no, he can't possibly make it work the way werewolves do. He sighed trying to push the thoughts away from his head for a second to turn around and meet his mate.

Seungcheol was in his study room outside, the only room with a functioning landline, computer and laptop and which was only used to communicate outside their mansion, mostly for ... work.


"I'm going to see Wonwoo, Mingyu said he was having a fever" Jeonghan stated and Scoups looked a bit confused

"What happened now?"


"They talked yesterday it seems" ... "Their connection is getting stronger"


Scoups sighed but didn't say anything at first.


"Angel listen, I need that favor I asked for soon"


Jeonghan hated it "baby" he whined "Can't we just trust them? Give Mingyu some time he'll work it out I'm sure"


"I need to know for sure, please"


Jeonghan gave up, he really didn't want to do it but Seungcheol insisted and his mate barely ever asked him for anything. So he agreed with a heavy feeling sitting on his chest.



Jeonghan stomped his way upstairs to meet Mingyu like he promised, Scoups trailing behind him. The Alpha felt so bad for forcing his mate do something he didn't like, but he was still suspicious and wanted peace of mind, not just for him but to make sure that everyone else was safe.


On his way up, Jeonghan stumbled upon Seungkwan, the younger looked perplexed and avoided Jeonhan's gaze like he was hiding something "What's up with you?" Jeonghan asked as Seungkwan was passing by almost escaping him the second he saw him

"N-nothing" Seungkwan answered and Jeonghan scanned the younger up and down "How's Vernon?"




Jeonghan didn't catch any scent from the other indicating anything else or that he was lying, he shook his head in frustration before he continued walking up to Mingyu's room "I don't know what's going on, everyone is testing my patience today"


Seungkwan took his cue to get out of there, his eyes locked with Scoups for a second before immediately breaking it and hurried outside the house.



Jeonghan stood in front of the door for a moment to take a deep breath. He knocked softly on the door before he walked in. Mingyu sitting at the edge of the bed while Wonwoo looked simply sleeping, he exchanged a soft look with the younger before he stepped inside


"Mingyu do me a favor?" Jeonghan asked out of nowhere and Mingyu looked up a bit puzzled "Can you go find Vernon? I have a feeling something is up"


"B-but ..." Mingyu tried to explain that he would rather stay with Wonwoo instead, he can check on Vernon later but Jeonghan cut him off

"I'll take care of Wonwoo, please just find him I know for a fact that he's not inside the house"


Mingyu looked up at his leader, Scoups was standing at the door from, he nodded giving him reassurance. He gave up following his Luna's instructions. Mingyu gave Wonwoo's sleeping figure one last glance before he walked out of the room, he really didn't want to leave but he trusted Jeonghan and Scoups to take care of him.

He wasn't sure what was wrong with Vernon either, he remembers Seungkwan saying something about him not feeling good yesterday but no scents in the air indicates any signs of that.


Mingyu agreed, Vernon wasn't in the house for a fact, but his scent was nowhere around, he couldn't pin point Vernon's bubblegum like scent in the house, maybe he should start with asking Seungkwan first?





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Next chapter will be a little intense hope you're ready

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