Lovely Encounters II


Waking up in each other's arms was heaven. Joshua stirred a little and didn't want to leave Dokyeom's warmth.

They ended up doing a little bit more than kissing last night and the memories played in the back of his head like a symphony as Joshua blushed madly.


Feeling him stir in his arms, Dokyeom opened his eyes and sleepily glanced at what seemed like one of his fantasy dreams come true.

He smiled to himself remembering the way the two fooled around passionately last night and blushed harder than ever.


"Good morning" he heard Joshua whisper and he mumbled back a "Good morning to you too handsome"


Joshua giggled but didn't dare to move "Can we stay a bit longer?"


Dokyeom hummed tightening his grip around Joshua's waist pressing him tighter against him


"Sure we can" ... "We also need to come up with an explanation for when we go home"


"Let's not go then" Joshua mumbled and Dokyeom laughed "We can stay here"


"Mingyu will come after us for being here, plus" he stopped for a second, his hand going up and down Joshua's "I don't care where we are or what the other's think as long as I'm with you"


Joshua couldn't be happier, this moment couldn't be any more perfect

"Five more minutes please?"


"How about an hour?" Dokyeom suggested and Joshua giggled feeling well rested with his head against Dokyeom's chest.



Wonwoo woke up a little tired that morning  and he wasn't sure why but he barely could make it out of bed.

He tried to massage his sore neck and shoulder on his way to the washroom. Mingyu behind him changing his clothes right after getting out of the shower.


He heard him not once, but twice.

Wonwoo was coughing again.


He came out a while later and his eyes were half open, looking like he wanted to go right back to sleep.

Wonwoo slipped into one of Mingyu's hoodies for some reason, he didn't have to wear Mingyu's clothes for a while now but today he really felt like it.

He stopped when he felt Mingyu walking his way to stand behind him, he placed both his hands on Wonwoo's shoulders.


Surprised, Wonwoo turned around with a puzzled face "Humm?" He stared up Mingyu's face


"Are you okay?" Mingyu asked looking concerned about the other "You've been coughing and you look tired"


Wonwoo closed his eyes for a moment, yes he was tired for some reason

"I guess I'm still sleepy"


"Do you want to go back to sleep? Because you can, we don't have to go anywhere or do anything"


Wonwoo shook his head "I'm fine" ... "I should help the others with breakfast and some chores since Jeonghan in still under the weather"


Mingyu was still worried though, he wasn't sure if he should allow this "Okay but you'll tell me if something comes up right?"


"Yes I promise, and if I need anything, I'll let you know too"


Mingyu smiled, Wonwoo's attitude has changed since he joined them. He became more relaxed and comfortable and asking for things weren't so hard for him like it used to be anymore. Mingyu was more than happy seeing him getting better and closer to him day after day.


They both went downstairs to help making breakfast. A while later, Seungcheol and Jeonghan joined with Jeonghan looking better than ever. The two sat on the table chitchatting and giggling from time to time and Seungcheol couldn't keep his hands to himself continuously brushing Jeonghan's hair and tucking it behind his ears.


The Luna seemed unbothered and maybe even leaned into it.


Everyone seemed to finish eating and Scoups announced that he'll be taking Jeonghan away for the day.

"Somewhere nice in the city" he said with a smile. He thought that taking him out for a drive and a shopping spree in the city might do him some good and he was right, Jeonghan was super excited to go.


Everyone slowly left after bidding farewell to Seungcheol and Jeonghan at least for now. Wonwoo was sitting at the dining table sipping on yet another cup of coffee. Mingyu came closer and simply took the cup away from him and gave him another mug


"Tea?" Wonwoo looked at the cup and asked confused


"For your cough ... I added a bit of honey"


He smiled, Wonwoo leaned over to captured Mingyu's lips in a quick warm morning kiss.


"Thank you" Wonwoo mumbled, the unexpected kiss left Mingyu with a stupid grin. Their faces too close from each other and with a warmth Mingyu has never expected.


"Mingyu I ..." Wonwoo was about to take the opportunity to say something but he was soon cut off by Minghao and Jun stomping down the stairs.

The two moved away from each other with Wonwoo getting a bit shy as the newly married couple approached them. They said hi and left soon after saying something about going to Minghao's art studio


"Have you seen my studio Wonwoo?" Minghao asked and Wonwoo shook his head "No"


"Do you like art? Do you paint maybe?"


Wonwoo shrugged "Not really but can I try?"


"Sure, come on I'll show you" Minghao was the sweetest, he was wearing yet another bright lime green hoodie and light jeans with his hair tied up in the baDK


Again, Wonwoo admired his style just so fresh and out of the ordinary.

Wonwoo took his cup of tea with him and was about to stand up when Mingyu grabbed his arm "You were going to tell me something?"


"Oh ... yeah it's nothing really, forget about it"


"Are you sure?" Mingyu frowned hoping that nothing was wrong with Wonwoo

"Yes, just wanted to ask you about something in the library... I'll ask Joshua maybe?"


"Humm library?" Mingyu questioned a bit puzzled "Sure, I guess"


Wonwoo smiled reassuring Mingyu with a squeeze on his shoulder before he trailed behind Minghao.

Jun on the other hand walked to the kitchen, brought a can of juice and sat near Mingyu.


"I hope we didn't interrupt anything?" Jun teased with a side smile


"Humm nothing too important" ... "I guess" he decided to put Wonwoo's sudden request to go to the library aside, after all, it was just the library inside their house and sure, Wonwoo can go if he wanted to anytime, Joshua can help him out without a problem.


"So" Mingyu turned to face Jun who was silently sipping on his juice "Tell me more about the trip, did you guys fight any creatures?"


"Not really no" Jun confessed "We run into some rogues, but we stayed out of the way, last thing I want is to put Minghao in harm's way, we avoided everything and everyone"


"Not really fun huh?" Mingyu shook his head


"We did get mugged by a human though" Jun confessed


"What?" Mingyu giggled "You can't be serious"


"Pickpockets in Sicily are no joke man, it took us hours to find the guy ... Hao was furious"


Mingyu giggled at the unexpected adventure Jun told him. The couple seemed to have had the best time and their relationship is stronger than ever because of that, something Mingyu really admired.



Wonwoo was coughing again.


In the art studio, Minghao was showing him the place, it was a beautiful art gallery of some sort. The bright boy had different materials, canvas and paint colors all over the place. Some are neatly placed and stored, others scattered around.

He really enjoyed his time with Minghao. The two were chatting and Minghao gave Wonwoo an empty Canva so he can try and paint something on his own.


"Is everything okay? You keep on coughing" Minghao asked a bit worried noticing the way the human boy looked a bit weak


"Yes, I'm fine thanks for asking, my throat tickles a little"


"Oh" Minghao replied and then brought his chair closer to Wonwoo "Werewolves rarely if ever we get sick, our stamina is different than humans"


"I'm aware" Wonwoo nodded following Minghao's words


"But if we ever get sick, our mates can sense that we're not feeling well and it effects them as much as it effects the other person"


Wonwoo was still processing but he knew that whatever a werewolf feels does effect his mate and the rest of the pack too "I know, Like what happened when Jeonghan got poisoned, Scoups felt so bad that he lost his scent for a while"


Minghao stopped and blinked "Coups lost his scent when Jeonghan got poisoned??"


Wonwoo nodded and the boy's expressions didn't fade away with wide eyes and a shocked face


He sighed


"That's even worse" he confessed and Wonwoo nodded "I know" his voice a bit sad


"Anyways" Minghao did some random motion in the air with his hands "My point is, if you're sick or hurt or happy or excited or anything else, Mingyu is bound to you, he'll know how you feel just by looking at you"


Wonwoo nodded "I know, I don't keep anything from him"


Minghao nodded "Okay, I'm glad you do and if you have any" he got closer and whispered "Relationship questions" ... "You can come to me"


"Oh" Wonwoo laughed "I was going to ask Joshua if he could give me some books to read but I ..." Wonwoo stopped, his mind wondered off somewhere for a second before he came back "I couldn't find him, so I'll ask him later"


"That's a good idea actually, but anyways,  you can come to me if you need anything"


"Thanks Hao I appreciate it"



Wonwoo didn't get that chance to ask Joshua for those books about werewolves. Because the moment Joshua showed up with Dokyeom later that morning, it felt like the doors of both hell and heaven opened up inside the mansion.


Wonwoo couldn't catch up on the smell like the others did. He simply stared around confused as the entire house was in the living room.


"Wait until Scoups and Jeonghan hear about this" Soonyoung said in disbelief


Vernon and Seungkwan were frozen for a second "We didn't do this did we?" Vernon whispered to Seungkwan. The two planned to put them into more romantic situations to get them together but this ... they never saw this coming.


Seungkwan didn't reply

His eyes hovered over his brother's figure standing next to Joshua holding hands and being questioned by everyone else.


"Seungkwan?" Vernon called for him when he didn't answer.


His eyes teared up, he was so happy for his twin.


Finally, Joshua accepted him.

His brother finally got his happy ending and if it was his and Vernon's doing or not, it didn't matter to him at all. They were finally together just like it was always meant to be.

Dino was silent at first, trying to process the situation. He knew their story and to finally see them together made him feel a bit confused but nonetheless so happy for them.


Vernon saw the look on Seungkwan's face and he softened a little. Seungkwan was genuinely happy for Dokyeom and Joshua

"ing Finally" he heard Jihoon mutter under his breaths near them with a bit of surprise and excitement.


Jun, Minghao and Mingyu were all over the couple. Joshua was turning red hiding behind Dokyeom for the hundred time. Dokyeom smiled shyly but eventually, he put a protective hand over Joshua pushing him behind him even more


"Okay guys that's enough" he softly announced "So now you all know" ... "Once Jeonghan and Scoups come back, we will tell them ourselves so please don't ..." Dokyeom sighed "Please don't tell them before we do okay?"


Everyone seemed to calm down a little. They were surprised sure, too excited maybe? But for sure they were happy for the couple.

Dokyeom saw the way everyone looked at them.

They were happy for them for sure. He could clearly see it, in Seungkwan's tears and everyone else's eyes.


They nodded, respecting Dokyeom and Joshua's wishes.


Joshua was still burning red but Dokyeom's aura made him feel well protected. He smiled behind his broad shoulders and held his hand tighter


"We will be upstairs if you need us" Dokyeom announced taking Joshua by the hand and they both walked to their side of the mansion.



It was a bit overwhelming to hear the full story from Mingyu. Wonwoo's heart softened hearing the sad love story Joshua and Dokyeom had to live through.

He remembered the way Joshua acted towards him and honestly, he understands why he's been defensive and scary.

He could never blame him after hearing the entire story.


Even Mingyu couldn't explain why they only got together just now. The two were in a push and pull connection for years, something must have happened that finally brought them together but no one knew the real reason.


Wonwoo simply listened and nodded, he felt all types of sadness and relief at the same time.

He was really happy for them nonetheless.


Minghao flopped next to Wonwoo on the living room's sofa. The two exchanged a soft look and simply smiled at each other. Minghao knew how Wonwoo felt and simply held his hand "Don't think much of it okay?" Minghao said and Wonwoo gazed away somewhere and nodded.


Mingyu by his side wrapped a hand over his shoulder and brought him closer in a warm hug "I'm sure they workout whatever was between them and we're happy for them right?"


Wonwoo nodded resting his head over Mingyu's shoulder. Even though it wasn't at all his fault, he felt somehow responsible. Joshua is in this situation because of his own people.

Humans hurt him so much and it was the reason he hated him when he first came around. But now, he was really happy for him.



In his bedroom, Dokyeom simply laid on the bed next to Joshua


"Are you sure you're okay?" He whispered to the boy next to him

"I'm fine" Joshua muttered, hiding his face a little in the pillow with a blush still covering his cheeks "Stop staring at me"


Dokyeom smiled widely "How can I not, and you're right here?"


Joshua smiled and buried his face into the pillow even harder and felt as Dokyeom got even closer to him wrapping a hand over his waist to bring him close

"This has been a dream, Joshua I can't say this enough"


Joshua picked his head up to cup Dokyeom's cheeks and leaned for a deep and passionate kiss that lasted for a long while.

Joshua moaned and Dokyeom had to shush him.

"We can't do this here" Dokyeom breathed through the kiss and Joshua pulled away letting his head fall over Dokyeom's chest

"Can we leave then?"


"Are you sure? We're still tired from last night" Dokyeom giggled while Joshua blushed again biting his lower lip a little


"Humm" Joshua whined "Yeah I'm sure"


"I know the perfect place"


Joshua lifted himself up to stare at Dokyeom "Please not the tree house" he laughed and Dokyeom laughed right back with him "Mingyu will kill us if we go back there"


"No" the laughter continued and Dokyeom was so excited to hear Joshua giggle, so happy to see him so close and felt so blessed to finally be Mates with him. Not just connected, bonded or marked they are officially Mates.


He suddenly just stopped and stared at him, Joshua was saying something but Dokyeom only cared about how Joshua was really his now.

He couldn't believe they were finally together. He wasn't dreaming and Joshua was basically sitting on top of him asking him to claim him once again.


He sat up and pulled Joshua closer to him, their lips syncing together so perfectly


"Marry me"


The words simply left his mouth ever so effortlessly. Did he think about them? For years yes, but not right now, no.

He opened his eyes to look at Joshua's face, staring at him with a bit of shock and surprise, his breaths simply stopped for a second


"Shua I can't believe you're right here" Dokyeom reached his hand to move some of Joshua's hair away from his face and tuck them behind his ears. His fingers lingered across his cheeks and down to his jaw.


Joshua let out a long suppressed breath, his eyes immediately watered and the moment got really intense


"I don't want to let you go ever again"

"I want to be with you every second of every day"

"I want to shield you from the world and protect you and make you happy"

"For years I just wanted to hold your hands"


Dokyeom's fingers fell to hold Joshua's hands


"I wanted to see your face first thing in the morning when I wake up"

"I wanted to kiss you goodnight every single night"

"Take long walks with you, talk to you and maybe fight with you"

"I wanted to build everything together with you"



"Dokyeom please" Joshua cut him off, tears already falling down his cheeks

"It hurts me to reject you more than you think"

"I was broken and I didn't know what I was supposed to do or how I'm supposed to feel without my inner wolf guiding me"

"I loved you so much back then I still love you so much right now and I don't need an inner wolf to know that"


"Then Marry me, let us do this the right way forever"


Joshua couldn't help the tears that kept flowing down his cheeks

"Yes Dokyeom" ... "I'll marry you a thousand times"



It was later in that same afternoon that Jeonghan and Scoups walked through the main door holding many shopping bags in their hands.


Minghao and Wonwoo glanced over at them from the living room where the two have been watching tv almost all day lazily doing nothing.


Wonwoo immediately looked away, avoiding Jeonghan's eyes afraid that he might give into them. Minghao on the other hand, was struggling not to laugh


"Stop, you're going to make me laugh too" Wonwoo whispered to the Chinese boy next to him but Minghao didn't seem to listen


"Hey" Jeonghan walked in and Wonwoo greeted him trying to look as normal as possible


"You seem like you did a lot of shopping" Wonwoo pointed out and Jeonghan grinned "Spending Cheol's money is always a pleasure"


"Always a pleasure" Scoups repeated after his Mate sarcastically while taking the shopping bags inside


"So what's up with you two?" Jeonghan asked and Wonwoo shrugged "Nothing" Minghao completely turned his face to the other side and refused to look at him


"What is it?" Jeonghan asked again "What are you two hiding?"


Wonwoo shook his head "No, nothing ... I don't know"


Jeonghan eyes him up and down "Wonwoo I would expect this from the others but not you"


Even Scoups was standing curiously waiting for their reply with an awkward smile

"I don't know" Wonwoo said one last time before Jeonghan gave up "If I find out on my own it's worse you know that right?"


"Humm I guess it's better that way" Minghao mumbled under his giggles.


"Where are Jun and Mingyu anyways?" Scoups questioned "Why two are alone?"


"Mingyu is training with Jin outside" Wonwoo explained "It's too cold so I couldn't go and Minghao is keeping me company"


"Yeah he's been coughing a lot lately" Minghao pointed out and Jeonghan frowned.

Wonwoo looked away "I'm fine really it's just a cough"


Jeonghan sighed, he couldn't do much anyways, his spirit was still not fully back yet "Please tell me if you need anything" Jeonghan softened and Wonwoo nodded.



Jeonghan and Seungcheol went upstairs, they were about to go freshen up and get some rest from their trip together only to find Joshua and DK waiting for them at their door


DK smiled "You're back" he announced "We need to talk" he simply said and Joshua held DK's arm tightly leaning over to him.


Jeonghan immediately stopped, Scoups blinked confusedly. Everything around them seemed calm and ... exciting for a moment.



Jeonghan's scream echoed throughout the mansion from Scoups study room. The Alpha leader gasped and froze for a second while Jeonghan jumped in excitement, he couldn't believe what was happening in front of him. He held Joshua's hands tightly "Really?" He asked in disbelief and Joshua nodded confirming the news and the scent that filled the place


"You two are together?" Jeonghan asked again and Joshua muffled another yes. He pulled him in close for a tight hug, Jeonghan closed his eyes simply tightening his grip around his friend "I'm so happy for you Shua" ... "For both of you"


DK smiled and took a step toward Seungcheol who didn't seem to have a reaction "Boss?" He called "You know I need your approval too"


Scoups stood up from his chair and walked over to DK, he shook his head still processing "Yes of course you have it DK" he said before shaking hands with the other and going for a brotherly hug patting him on the back as he soon let him go.


"I'm just" Scoups stopped "I can't understand how? I mean why now? what changed?"


They all sat down, Joshua leaned closer into DK and stared away for a bit "Surprisingly" he muttered softly "It was Wonwoo"


Both the Alpha leader and his Luna stared at them confusedly as Joshua trailed off

"He made me realize that I didn't need an inner wolf to simply be in love"

"I might not feel the connection or the bond that comes with my inner wolf but I have feelings and I know that I've always loved Dokyeom with or without a Wolf"


"It was just time to accept that" ... "I realized that I might be more human than I once thought"


Jeonghan couldn't believe what he just heard and neither did Scoups but in the end, they were incredibly happy for them anyways. It was bittersweet to say the least, the only reason that put them apart was the same reason that brought them together.


A Human.



Wonwoo tried to sleep that night but for some reason he couldn't. His head was pounding and the coughing never stopped. He took a second to stare at Mingyu sleeping soundlessly next to him and smiled to himself.

Only a few months ago, he was scared to death, how did things change this quick? Mingyu was the one thing he never expected to enter his life.


He wasn't sure if he should say it ... was it too early?

Those three letter words played in the back of his head for a while now but he couldn't find the chance to say them.


No, he shook his head

Too early, he thought to himself "Not now" everything seemed to be going well right now, he even made a new friend. Minghao and him were getting close and he loved having him around. He can't mess this up, he can't say those words, not yet.


Mingyu was the only thing close to love he ever had in his life and then he remembered, he never forgot to begin with but it hit him harder than he thought ... Jungkook


He loved Jungkook and ended up hurting him badly ... ended up killing him.

But no it wasn't his fault, he can't blame himself for that, he knew he couldn't but it why it felt like it was all his fault.


He tried to shake the feelings away. He his side to look at Mingyu again, this wonderful miracle that walked into his life without explanation. He held back his tears and reached to clutch into Mingyu, he wanted to be as close to him as possible.


Another coughing fit took him by surprise and this time, he couldn't muffle it like he did several times before that night while not wanting to wake Mingyu up.

Mingyu was startled, he woke up a bit confused and hazy, he saw Wonwoo sit up wheezing through his cough


"Hey" Mingyu sleepily called for him and jumped off the bed to immediately get Wonwoo a glass of water

"Here" he helped Wonwoo to sit up properly and take a few sips calming his cough down a little


Wonwoo was panting, he held the fabric around his chest as he was trying to regulate his breaths. Mingyu put a hand on his back patting him up and down slowly and soothing his sudden outburst


"Better?" Mingyu asked and Wonwoo nodded looking a bit dull "Couldn't sleep?"


"Yeah, sorry I woke you up" Wonwoo whispered, his voice a bit thin as his throat burned


"It's okay baby, you should rest ... I'll go make you some hot tea?"


It was around 4am but hot tea sounded really good right now so he nodded. He couldn't sleep anyways so him and Mingyu simply laid in bed for a few hours waiting for the sun to rise.

Wonwoo kept having the coughing fits still but he felt so much better after the hot tea.


They talked a little and cuddled a little more. Wonwoo finally fell asleep at around 7am, he felt too tired not having slept all night. Mingyu never took his eyes off of him, he waited until Wonwoo slept tightly  to finally put him down gently on his pillow from where he was sleeping on his lap and covered him tightly.


He laid by his side and decided to get some shut eye until later on. He waited for Wonwoo to wake up and only then, he suggested to go see Jeonghan in the infirmary, maybe he had something to help Wonwoo with that cough.

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