Amid his hazed feverish night, Wonwoo was convulsing, violently shivering, and twisting under Jeonghan's watch as he tried his hardest to keep him calm and breathing.


It got to a point where he had to pin the boy down on his bed with too much force that he was afraid to open up all his wounds again but the shivering wouldn't stop and the feverish incoherent mumbling got worse and louder.


Jeonghan sighed signaling his distressed scent in the air ... he needed help, he expected Seungcheol to be the one unlocking the door but instead, it revealed a worried Mingyu frantically looking around the room for the source of the distressed scent only to find Jeonghan basically on top of the convulsing human trying so hard to pin him down as the other twitched underneath him like if he was possessed by a demon.


Mingyu's eyes lit up for the second time tonight, his spirit manifested itself once again upon seeing the much smaller boy heaving under Jeonghan's touch and no matter how calming and healing Jeonghan spirit was, the human boy didn't seem to be affected by it.


Mingyu took a few steps closer ''Pin him down'' came Jeonghan's voice ordering him urgently to take his place ''I need to prepare the syringe''

Without wasting any time, Mingyu took Jeonghan's place hoovering above the shivering human, pinning down his fragile wrists and restraining him underneath him


''GENTLE'' Jeonghan hissed and Mingyu frowned upon the order ''He's a Human Mingyu, unmatched to you strength ... BE GENTLE'' he almost murdered him with his eyes as he hurried to the desk nearby opening up a new syringe, reaching for the liquid medicine bottles he had prepared just in case, and his case just presented itself.


Mingyu couldn't take his eyes off the trembling boy beneath him, he remembered the way he was shivering in his arms a few hours ago and this was way worse, the boy was having a convulsion, his lips trembling, mumbling something no one could understand and then suddenly, his eyes cracked open only for a fraction for his cat-like eyes to make contact with Mingyu's glowing blue pupils and send shivers down Mingyu's spine... again.


Those eyes were the only thing he longed to see again all night and there he was again, his heart beating out of his chest mesmerized by this human's eyes drawing him deeper and deeper into him




Mingyu's eyes widened and Jeonghan stopped rummaging with the medicine for a second, they heard the boy's shaky voice for the first time and it all came a little too sudden.


''You s-should have l-let me d-die''  The boy let out a painful breath trying to suppress the burning sensation that shot through his bruised and almost dying body. Mingyu shook his head violently almost immediately ''No... I can't let you die''


Another muffled scream escaped the human boy's lips, his eyes are now screwed shut trying to bare with the pain and get away from Mingyu's grip. He knew that he was too weak to push him away but still, he was too determined to break free from Mingyu's grip


''We are not trying to hurt you'' Jeonghan's voice came as sweet as honey, he didn't want to scare the boy any further but his attempt was deemed to fail when his convulsion only worsned.


No medicine is going to kick-in in time to cease the feverish seizure the boy was having but Jeonghan injects him anyway watching as the boy squirmed in pain letting the hot breaths he was holding for a while escape his purple-turning lips

''... Ughhmm''


''Water'' Mingyu mumbled almost to himself, his spirit manifesting and as if it was telling him what to do, Mingyu was listening to his inner wolf


"I can take him to the lake and dip him in cold water''


''It's ... way too cold it will do more damage than good'' Jeonghan tried to explain, reminding Mingyu, once again, that he was dealing with a fragile human


''I can stabilize him'' Mingyu finally broke his gaze from the trembling mess beneath him looking at Jeonghan's green glittering eyes ''I g-guess'' Jeonghan knew what he was talking about but it was too dangerous


''Mingyu no it's too soon''


Jeonghan whispered the younger's name in concern. He knew very well that Mingyu's spirit was a Blue one giving the shade his eyes were glittering, and Blue was Water just like Vernon said earlier.

Just like Jeonghan is Green and he heals, Seungcheol is Red and he plays with Fire.

Spirits and elements go hand in hand, a spirit unlocks the ability to use ones specific powers in the way its owner sees fit.


Mingyu should be able to manipulate water or at least connect to it differently. He should be able to stabilize it but that's far away from happening overnight. It took Jeonghan and Seuncheol decades to master their spirits, and he didn't expect Mingyu to begin to understand what to do with his own spirit so quick and on the same day he got it.


Mingyu didn't need any permission, he ignored Jeonghan's concerned looks and unsure expressions as he slipped his arms under Wonwoo's knees and tossed the younger's arm effortlessly around his neck. He picked him up regardless of his squirming and jerking trying to get away from his tight grip to no vail


"No, nuugh please no'' the boy kicked Mingyu countless times, putting aside his feverish seizure, he was relentless and really wanted to get away for some reason neither Jeonghan nor Mingyu could understand at the moment



Stumbling through the hallways, Jeonghan trailed behind Mingyu, they run through the staircase downstairs to their main living room and right through their main door.

On the way, Mingyu didn't even stop when he met Scoups near the entrance. The leader's eyes widened and gasped as the younger gave him no time to react and Jeonghan tagged him by his arm to follow them. He was being dragged outside with nothing but baffled eyes and lips still forming a gasp


''I called out for you, where the HELL have you been?''


Jeonghan hissed at his mate but didn't slow down, he dragged Scoup with him outside, Mingyu was only a few feet in front of them "I ... I heard you, I was securing the boundaries like you asked me to'' Scoups tried to explain but that was not important right now ''WHAT THE IS HAPPENING?"


''Mingyu is dipping him into the lake, he's having a convulsion''


Jeonghan breathed in the cold night air, it was freezing outside and Jeonghan had little to no faith in what Mingyu was trying to do. The fate of this kid was far from clear, the water was too cold for a human, and his body was just too weak and vulnerable.


The water could bring his fever down but he won't survive the cold either. Unless Mingyu does something about it. Unless Mingyu is able to stabilize the water, his spirit should be able to help him do it, but he is still new to this, he is inexperienced and was never ready for this.


To say the least, Jeonghan was terrified of the whole situation, with Scoups at his side, both of them watched as Mingyu got closer to the water.



Mingyu couldn't bring himself not to worry when the boy who is violently shivering in his arms became quieter and quieter, at least, when he was kicking and mumbling, Mingyu was rather more relieved. He had to secure the younger's body in his arms before he took his first step into the lake. He looked down at him one last time before he took a step in


My god, it was cold.


''Be careful please'' Scoups howel from a distance holding Jeonghan's waist closer to him knowing that his mate was terrified of the outcome of this reckless decision.




Mingyu took a few steps into the lake, his eyes like a Blue flashlight in the dark. To his surprise, the lake wasn't as cold as he thought it would be, or maybe it was something his manifested wolf spirit helped him feel. Water was up to his knees when his eyes fell back lingering at the boy in his arms, his breaths hot, panting, gasping for air against his chest with no more energy to fight back. Mingyu was just glad he was at least still alive.


Mingyu took a few more steps into the water, it was now going up to his hips, a couple other steps and it reached his torso. He closed his eyes and prayed to the Moon that the water wouldn't be too cold for the human boy in his arms as he kneeled a little submerging both of them under the vibrant waves.


Around them, the water seemed to have created a protective circle. Right under the moonlight, their bodies were merely nothing but dark shadows in the night.


Mingyu breathed in the cold air gritting his teeth as he felt the boy move in his embrace. The human boy moved his hand up, in a final attempt to stop whatever Mingyu was doing to him, and pressed his palm lightly against Mingyu's chest ''N-no'' he whispered, his voice cracking up and vanishing too quickly, too tired to say anything else ''L-et . me . D-die''


''I'm sorry but I can't'' Mingyu mumbled not even sure if the boy was able to hear him, Wonwoo was neither conscious nor strong enough to keep his own eyes open and it made Mingyu's heart twitch at his agony.


The dim moonlight covered both of their silhouettes and the human boy's face was blissfully decorated with droplets of water, skin glistening under the light in a soft gleam as Mingyu submerged both of them further into the deep cold lake waters. There's nothing short of perfection in his form, Mingyu hugged him even closer, his eyes never leaving the boy's face.


The human looked rumpled up and exhausted but luckily ... unbothered.

The water was slightly vibrating around them, and the aura was different, Mingyu's aura was different, his scent covered the place and probably reached the house because soon enough, almost everyone was piled up at the main entrance.


The atmosphere smelled of soft earthly oud, probably Mingyu's, pleasant and relaxing but at the same time their Alpha's anxiety and worry were radiating even when their healer was so close by his side. Jeonghan tightly held onto his mate, burring his head in his neck breathing in his scent and trying to calm his own worried breaths down.


A new spirit was never to be trusted, Mingyu was literally just experimenting right now, this might cause both of them to drown or .. who knows what Mingyu's spirit is capable of.


The boy's palm slowly dragged itself away from Mingyu's chest leaving him with a tingling sensation, his fingers soft and slender against his ribs and dumbed shirt sticking to his body.


He was still panting, catching a difficult breath after another but seemed to have calmed down, his eyes barely open but awake. Mingyu didnt move, standing as still as possible, his own breaths steady and focused.


The water rampaged at his sides creating small waves hitting his abdomen, he was unbothered, he actually liked it. The water felt like a child tagging at his shirt, he closed his eyes for a second and he heard whispers, he couldn't focus on what the whispered said and the moment he opened his eyes, they were gone. Again, his eyes almost instinctively fell on the panting boy, his cheeks flushed and the shivering seemed to calm down.


"What's your name?" Mingyu asked hoping for an answer, hoping that he was aware enough to hear him but the boy didn't even flinch, his finger tagged along Mingyu's shirt again


"K-kill me pp-lease" his voice barely above a whisper, hot air leaving his lips to create a small puff visible in the dark. Mingyu swallowed hard getting rather frustrated with his request


"I said No, I won't"


Mingyu tried to be as firm as he could be, giving the situation. He was determined not to let him die and his tone was rather strong but not intimidating.


Wonwoo's hand weakly tapped on Mingyu's chest, trying to push himself away but it only made him weaker




Mingyu exasperated rather annoyed with the boy and his stubborn attitude "I said NO" and he felt him stiffens.


So far, Mingyu has been nothing but gentle with him, trying his mighty best to save him and putting himself in a dangerous situation with his newly acquired spirit just so that he can survive, why is he still insisting on this death wish?


Mingyu sighed, letting his muscles relax shaking the frustration away and regaining his composure, he felt the boy's hand retrieve from his chest falling somewhere behind him making a blob sound as it hit the water. The boy was scared again, Mingyu could tell, he was as scared as he was in the forest where he found him but he wasn't going to hurt him, he just wanted an explanation


"Tell me what's your name" Mingyu's tone switched back to the sincerity it always had but it brought no relief to the shivering boy in his arms.


"WonWoo" ... "Jeon Wonwoo"


Finally, he had asked for too little, only a name, but it felt so good coming out from his paled parted lips. Mingyu flashed him a smile for the first time completely relaxed to the mixed smells of the forest aroma around them and the small hushed whispers of the water


"Pretty name" he whispered loud enough for the younger to hear him but received no reply. He figured that he probably had nothing to say to that anyway,


"Are you feeling cold Wonwoo?" He was worried that he was the only one who could feel the vibration of the water around them, that he was the only one his spirit was helping but the shaky "No" coming out from the pale and breathless Wonwoo brought relief all over his body.


Mingyu watched as Wonwoo calmly closed his eyes still panting and breathless but he could see that he was doing way better than the first 10 minutes they spent in the water.


"It's okay, you can rest your eyes Wonwoo ... you'll be okay"


To be honest, Mingyu liked the way that Wonwoo's name effortlessly slipped from his mouth, it was rather amusing to him, having him in his arms so close even though so scared himself, it made him feel so alive and so aware of everything around him.


The water whispers never stopped, but he couldn't get himself to listen to what it was saying, he knew that the water was trying to draw his attention to something, it was telling him something, actually, it was telling him so many things at the same time and it all came uncoherent and impossible to understand just like a group of people talking all together at the same time.


But he didn't care much right now, he watched Wonwoo blink a couple of times before he surrendered to his tired body. His eyes closed ever so lightly making his face look too gentle and too soft, softer than it already was, minus the injuries. He definitely looked peaceful and at ease signaling Mingyu that it was time they left the lake.




The sudden aroma of anxiety and distress woke everyone up. It was a rather alarming tone throbbing its way throughout their heads too distinctive and focused ... it was Jeonghan's way to ask for help.


They were clueless at first, Hoshi's first reaction was to find Woozi, he jolted up his bed and run through the hallways, his eyes fell on the younger standing still by Dokeyom's side about to go down the stairs following the distressed aroma filling the air becoming stronger with by the second.


Woozi seemed to be doing fine and somehow Hoshi was disappointed, he really wanted to be the one to protect him and be close to in case anything happens but he seemed to be doing fine with DK by his side and he was glad that at least he was with someone. But when their eyes met, Hoshi didn't waste any time extending his hand and Woozi gladly took it, his face showed a mixture of expressions; worry and anxiety and somehow confused by the gesture but he took his hand anyways and even squeezed it tightly.


Joshua joined them a few seconds later with a sleepy Dino following his trails and they all hurried downstairs. It was weird as they didn't expect their Alpha and Jeonghan to be outside at this time, if something was ought to happen tonight, it was the human boy dying but something bigger seemed to be taking place.


The moment they pushed the door open, Seungkwan and Vernon where already there standing at the entrance and soon everyone followed. They all watched from afar the scene unfolding in front of them.


They were in the water for about 40 minutes now and when Wonwoo finally stopped shivering in his embrace, Mingyu heaved a deep sigh. It was getting more and more difficult to focus, the small vibrations were getting weaker and weaker and the lake started to get colder, even for Mingyu.


It was his sign to finally leave, the water pushing him away as he started walking back to the banks as if he was unwanted, it was like the water was tired of him not being able to listen to it and asked him to leave because every step he took on his way back was harder than the previous one.


Every step was draining his body more than it should, it was taking his energy away from him, call it a payment in exchange for the help.


Scoups noticed the uncomfortable looks on Mingyu's face not being able to concentrate anymore and the water's temperature were slowly going back to normal.

He was holding the sleeping human in his arms as they left the lake water dripping off both of them, Mingyu's muscular body sculptured under his dumb clothes sticking to his body.


Scoups met the two boys half ways, his first intentions was to check on Mingyu's sudden change of mood but instead Mingyu just asked him to take the human inside


"Wonwoo" ... "He's name is Wonwoo"


Mingyu was on his knees right at the banks of the lake, panting and breathless for some reason. Scoups picked up Wonwoo in his arms instead and Jeonghan was at Mingyu's side is no time while the others watched from a distance


"What's happening?" Dino asked holding into Joshua's arm tightly almost hiding behind him


"Mingyu is using his Spirit in the water, trying to save the human" Joshua calmly explained


"But isn't that dangerous?" As young as he might be, even Dino knew how dangerous this could be, Mingyu was merely experimenting after his first day with his Blue Wolf Spirit going into the water to save a Human


"It is" Joshua confirmed "We can never predict what could happen, a Spirit can give you special powers, and it can also take from you, it absorbs your energy as you are the source of its power and if not well controlled, it can kill you"


Jeonghan helped Mingyu up to his feet slowly walking him inside wrapping a hand around his shoulders all wet and dripping and slightly shivering from the cold that he forgot it existed for a while.


They tagged behind Seungcheol as he carried the Human boy, Wonwoo, inside the mansion again followed by worried eyes and shuffling. Vernon, the last to come inside locked the door behind them as they seeked the warmth of their home.


Mingyu sat with a thud on the couch in the living room, his energy fading rather too quickly for some reason.


Jeonghan's eyes glowing with light green while Mingyu's blue glow vanished "Your spirit is feeding on you" Jeonghan muttered, "You've done well controlling it but it's draining" Jeonghan explained, not that Mingyu was listening anyways, his eyes followed Scoups with the unconscious boy in his arms water dripping from his clothes to his fingertips, the same fingertips that were running across Mingyu's chest earlier, the tingling sensation still playing along Mingyu's mind.


Wonwoo's arm tangled in the air as Scoups carried him up the stairs


"... Mingyu?" His name was the only thing that got him out of his dazed state, Jeonghan was clearly worried


"I'm fine"


he said between his breaths, he inhaled one last deep breath "I'm fine" he repeated reassuring the older. He felt Jeonghan's hand gently his back calming him down almost immediately.


Mingyu closed his eyes surrendering to the feeling and when he opened them again, everyone except for Joshua were towering him with worried eyes. He sighed and waved them off with a victorious smug smile to which they all had a disgusted reaction


"Shhh jerk, you scared me to death" Seungkwan growled at him while Vernon rolled his eyes and the rest let out a breath they were holding for too long.


Jeonghan's eyes softened, the older looked exhausted, he couldn't wait for this night to finally be over, he misses Seungcheol so bad right now and just wants to be near him as soon as possible. He bit his lower lip trying to recollect the events leading up to this.


"So~" Dino was like a curious little puppy "Did he say something?"


"Just his name" Mingyu replied his head against the sofa resting his eyes from this unusual headache he was suddenly having



He whispered the name so lightly and his eyes fluttered open remembering the boy's light figure in his arms, the dim moonlight reflecting on his face, why does he feel this rush that the go through his body whenever he remembered his face, his eyes, his hooded pretty eyes.


Something wasn't sitting right with Mingyu, he can't be having a connection with a Human it just doesn't happen, never happened before and he was acting like a hermonal teenager having a summer crush.

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Chapter 44: Ahh I wonder what these spirits do.
Chapter 43: 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
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Chapter 41: My gawd. I swear I cry every chapter. But these are happy
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Chapter 38: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 36: Oh? Vernon??
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Chapter 34: Why do they have to be adorable! Omg this poor couple