Souls & Spirits


In this world, many species are trying so hard to keep their identities on the low, they live and walk among us like nothing is special but what's hidden underneath the surface would turn heads, start wars, and break hearts. History has shown them that they could never trust just anyone, and that the further they lived away from the modern world, the better survival chances they had.


Seungcheol built this house many years ago. He and Jeonghan promised themselves to build a place where no human could ever disturb their peace again.

Seungcheol had to watch the way Jeonghan suffered with his own emotions for a long time, the sense of betrayal hunted him for years.


Humans put both of them in danger and not to mention almost got Jeonghan killed. He could never forgive himself for what happened and he promised to build a home where no human could find so easily.


Jeonghan proudly watched as their home went from a small cabin in the woods to a sophisticated mansion. In the beginning, it was only him and Scoups but their family grew throughout the years bringing more stories and vibration into their lives.


Werewolves are noble creatures who stuck by each other, formed a pack, and fought next to, and for, each other. Their lives had a few important guidelines that every wolf must know and experience:

*A human form, a wolf form & a spirit*

We all know what a human form and a wolf form is but a Spirit is much more important. The Moon goddess, as many choose to call her Fate, gives different wolves different spirits.


A spirit is the very essence of a Wolf, it's like the soul that defines what and who he is.

It is always linked to that particular wolf's specific traits and personality.

Jeonghan is very kind and caring by nature, there's no wonder that his spirit is a green healing spirit that makes everything better with a single touch.

A Red spirit is fierce and dangerous just like Seungcheol. It is powerful and respected and well suited for the Alpha he is.


A Spirit follows its owner since birth, it grows and strengthens throughout the years, wolf years, and it manifests when it's triggered. The Most common reason for a Spirit to manifest is when a wolf finds his mate, that spark usually ignites the spirit inside of him but other reasons could trigger it as well.


The trigger of Seuncheol's Red spirit was actually Humans.

Their Betrayal and the Pain

And his final act of revenge was when he set everything on fire, holding his trembling mate in his arms, and walking out of that place many years ago.


Jeonghan's spirit, on the other hand, surprisingly manifested itself before that. Seungcheol was continuously getting hurt every night trying to escape the fire torches, the axes and the swords they were hunting them everywhere they went. He almost lost Seungcheol that one night, his injuries were so bad. The feelings piled up inside of him and his spirit manifested for the only reason was to save his mate.


So when Mingyu's spirit was triggered by a dying pretty human laying in the dirt in the middle of the forest, nothing made sense.



Scoups gentle touch calmed Mingyu down for a while but the younger still couldn't grasp the situation unfolding inside of him. Mingyu closed his eyes for a second taking his leader's reassuring words ''Right'' he breathed in his own words ''It can't be him, it's impossible'' Mingyu tried to convince himself


A werewolf couldn't build a connection with a human. Period.


A connection is a binding link and Werewolves create connections instinctively almost outside their control. Their inner wolves would  immediately connect to each other in the hopes of finding a Mate.

In humans words;

it's like the rush of having a crush.

Love at first sight.

Taking someone’s breath away without trying.


A connection meant a possible bond, a possible bond meant a possible relationship, and hopefully a possible Mate.


Right now, this logic didn't make any sense because werewolves and humans can't develop this type of connections and the reason is rather too simple. They are different species, different creatures with different instincts. It was unnatural and not to mention very dangerous. The two are unmatched, a wolf is far stronger than an average human, and one wrong move could easily cause humans serious injuries, break their bones or maybe kill them.


All in all, it was not possible.


Mingyu let out a sigh, he seemed to be calming down, the shade of blue in his eyes going lighter and lighter until it finally disappeared into his normal chocolate-hazy eyes.

Scoups smiled proudly finally standing up and leaving some space for Jeonghan to kneel near the younger. The leader was aware of his mate's presence ever since he trailed behind a confused Mingyu through the hallways, but it looked like Mingyu has lost track of everyone's scent for a while until his Spirit died out. Mingyu blinked and looked up to find Jeonghan at his side instead of Scoups, the other's eyes glittering with a light Green, his scent radiating nothing but calmness


''You don't have to do that'' Mingyu mumbled, his voice much clearer than earlier


''I know'' Jeonghan replied ''But I want to'' The older trailed as he scanned Mingyus's body up and down looking for anything unusual, to his relief nothing was out of the ordinary


''Maybe because you wanted to help him?'' Jeonghan gave a small explanation, ''You know that's how my Spirit manifested'' his personal experience probably wasn't the best reference but it might be similar.

Seungcheol who was standing behind his mate flashed a sad smile, the memories tingled at the back of his mind to the time when they were newly connected, their bond was unbelievably strong and still is, and to the moment when Jeonghan's spirit manifested just to save him.


Mingyu squinted his eyes, thinking hard about what Jeonghan said. He wanted to protect and save the human boy so bad that his Spirit suddenly acted up on him?

He wasn't even ready for it or expecting it for the matter. He genuinely didn't know what the reason was or how to begin to explain this rubbled-up feeling inside of him.

He sighed ''Maybe?'' a second of silence took over ''I'm not sure''


''It's okay'' Jeonghan mumbled ''You don't have to figure things out right away'' his voice gentle like always, he ruffled Mingyu's hair like a small puppy ''Take some rest and take a shower or something you stink'' Jeonghan scoffed jokingly as he finally stood up ''I need to go back and check on the Human, if tonight goes well, he might wake up in the morning''

''And if he doesn't?'' Mingyu asked, feeling his own muscles stiffen at his own question and was met with silence

''Let's just hope he does, okay?'' Jeonghan flashed him a gentle smile, he tagged into Seungcheol's arm signaling his mate that it was time to leave the room ''Just rest for now, I'll check on you later'' he said before they both exited with Jeonghan holding into Seungcheol's forearm slightly gripping onto the fabric of his jacket.


Silence took over after he heard the door slam closed behind the Alpha and his Luna and Mingyu was left to drown into his own thoughts.




In the hallway, Jeonghan and Seungcheol took a few steps away from Mingyu's room. Right at the end of the hallway was the Human boy probably laying motionless the same way Jeonghan left him a while ago. Jeonghan stopped in his trails when his mate slowly moved his hand away from his forearm and intertwined their fingers. Jeonghan looked burdened and he didn't need to say it out loud for Scoups to pick up on it


''What's happening?'' Jeonghan whispered a bit devastated ''We never had a Human this close to us in decades, what happened? why did you approve this?'' Jeonghan asked his mate, knowing their past experiences with humans, Jeonghan didn't expect Seungcheol's heart to soften so easily.

Taking the human boy in like that, wasn't something he had expected and he couldn't ignore it anymore when Mingyu's eyes were brighter than the full moon, his spirit radiating the entire room the second he laid his eyes on the sleeping human stranger.


Scoups sighed, ''He had a faint scent on him'' finally exposing the little secret he held so far ''A burning scent, I didn't know what it was at first, because you know humans don't have scents, not the one we would usually pick up anyways''


Jeonghan frowned in worry at the sudden information, ''He had a scent? and you chose to bring him inside our home?''


''And then, you said he was a pure soul, and it hit me'' Scoups tried to explain now looking at a very worried Jeonghan ''I sware I was going to take him back where we found him the moment you patched him but'' Scoups looked around him ''then all of this happened and I want to get to the bottom of it''


Frustrated, Jeonghan squeezed Scoups hands ''He might die tonight Seungcheol did you think about that?'' Jeonghan seemed upset, ''What if someone comes looking for him? Did you see the state he's in? What if we get blamed for it?'' his eyes tearing up a little holding a suppressed whine before he uttered the word that made Scoups spine shiver ''Again'' and he shook his head endlessly reaching for Jeonghan's cheek, his thumb drawing a soothing pattern on his soft skin

''No'' the Alpha's tone so subtle and serious bringing Jeonghan closer to him, their foreheads colliding softly onto each other and the warmth overwhelmed the younger beyond anything else ''Never ... Aagin'' the Alpha promised, his other hand reaching behind Jeoghan's ears to his neck bringing him closer as he planted a soft kiss in his forehead to which, Jeonghan let out a sigh he was holding for a few minutes.


He finally backed away from his mate’s soft and reassuring embrace “I have to go back and check on him'' and Scoups nodded, ''Please make sure that the borders are secured'' Jeonghan asked and Scoups smiled letting his mate's slim and tender fingers slip away from him ''Always'' he smiled reassuringly watching as Jeonghan disappeared behind the newly occupied room.

To say the least, Jeonghan was worried, he took a scanning look with his light green eyes over the sleeping boy on the bed, this boy is not even awake yet and he was causing more distress this house has seen in years.

He sighed “Who are you, kid?” looking over Wonwoo's body. His lips parted gasping for air, his body motionless thike a corpse, and wounds bleeding a little.

Ghostly pale bony fingers, his body was too fragile, too malnourished that his collar bones and his rib cage were visible in an unhealthy way. Jeonghan sighed as he ran his X-ray eyes on the smaller boy once again and cursed at how unnaturally hot he felt under his touch. With so many open wounds, it was only normal to develop a fever, it was his body's way to fight against the infections, but obviously, his body needed a little boost, a little boost that came in the form of a home remedy Jeonghan had cooked up with natural antibiotics and, Jeonghan prayed it would help him through the night, that's all that he asked for.


“Tonight kid, just tonight”




Downstairs, it was rather quiet. No one dared to defy their Alpha nor question his decisions but then they were all worried. Joshua buried himself in the library like he always did when he didn't want to deal with anyone, silently flipping the pages of a book in his hand, next to him was Lee Chan, but preferred to be called Dino all the time, because he hated his human name that much and a werewolf / dinosaur was way cooler. Chan was their little puppy and Joshua was responsible for tutoring him, he was trying so hard but Dino has been a stubborn baby recently


''Do you really expect me to read about vampires when we have a pure-souled human upstairs?'' Dino scoffed rather frustrated making Joshua grit his teeth


''Just focus okay, Seungcheol might quiz you later don't say I didn't warn you'' Joshua hissed and Dino flopped on his stomach, on the floor opening the book Joshua gave him a while ago, he sighed and muttered something under his breaths like a whiny little kid who's parents forced him to do his homework on a weekend.


He flipped through the pages and rolled his eyes, how can Joshua be so calm? he wondered to himself. Yes, he trusted all of them with every single breath he took, but they were too quiet, and not answering any of his questions


''Can I have a book about Pure Souls instead?'' he asked only to get a death glare from Joshua ''No'' the older glared


''But I'm curious~'' Dino whined rolling on his back, still on the floor


Joshua closed the book he had in his hand rather roughly, his fingers found a way to massage his temples and he sighed upon seeing Dino's eyes almost glowing, the puppy was curious and maybe Joshua could take advantage of the situation and teach him a thing or two even though he wasn't so sure about it right now but he gave in

''Fifth raw, top shelve, the two last books on the very right'' Joshua gave his instructions only to see the younger jump in excitement and disappearing behind the bookshelves in no time.


Joshua smiled to himself, this kid was going to be the death of him, he was with them for almost two years now, six months of which, he spent healing and adjusting. He couldn't expect him to study all the time, he was still too young and too curious and was probably still dealing with his own past.


Joshua knew that things were probably still a mess inside the younger's head and never pushed him to do anything against his will, none of them did, especially when the puppy was guarded by Jeonghan almost all the time. Joshua chuckled at his own thoughts, he has never seen Jeonghan pinch anyone's cheeks before and he did that to Dino all the time.


Dino was Jeonghan's baby all the way … nobody could say otherwise


Only a second later, Dino came back with the two books in his hand getting more curious by the second ''I only found these two'' he addressed Joshua rather enthusiastically

''It's because we only have two'' Joshua chuckled going back to his own book ''Just ask if you have any questions'' Dino nodded endlessly going back to his spot on the floor but before he began to flip through the old pages, Dino asked his first question ''Do you think he'll be okay?'' his voice rather sad and unsure making Joshua lose his focus again, he was reading the same line far too many times ''It's up to the Gods I guess''

''And Jeonghan'' Dino added, Joshua smiled ''Yes, and Jeonghan''




The night was still young, Woozi was in his room, soft music was playing in the background as he tried to avoid a few things lately. One of those things was the scent of the boy standing outside his door.


Woozi quietly stared at his door and sighed deeply.


He was never the confrontational type, he liked to keep things simple and avoided pointing fingers or making trouble. He knew that the other behind his door wouldn't dare to come inside without his permission, but tonight was a bit different. Tonight some things were bound to happen and he could use the company.


''You can come in'' he muttered knowing for sure that the boy behind his door could hear him. He was rather embarrassed, Hoshi was waiting outside his door almost every night waiting for his permission to spend some time with him, to talk to him, and maybe ... strengthen their connection.


Yes, Hoshi and Woozi shared a connection but it was rather an unusual connection.


An almost one-sided connection


Woozi expected his door to open immediately but it didn't, and he frowned a little thinking maybe Hoshi didn't hear him. He was definitely still outside. Hoshi was rather excited that it took him a second to react and turn the door knob. He peeked slowly inside Woozi's room and the younger relaxed a little upon seeing him


''Sorry for keeping you out there'' Woozi immediately apologized gaining nothing but a sweet look from Hoshi ''It's okay'' he stopped somewhere near his desk ''I promised I will wait until you're ready'' Woozi's eyes shifted to the tiles of his room, yes he remembers that long night of talking, screaming and tears.


God, so many tears.


He cried for hours on that very cold night. His feelings were all over the place that day, their connection was somehow expected after that heated night they had together while camping in the woods, but it also sent Woozi rounds and rounds. The younger wasn't sure about this connection, he definitely didn't expect Hoshi to confess to him a few days later.


A connection wasn't a permanent thing, just like a human crush, it can fade away, but once it becomes a bond it was harder to shake off, and when they mate, it never wears off. Woozi hoped and prayed to the Gods that this connection would fade away but Hoshi was as stubborn as a mule.



''Jihoon please,'' Jihoon pleaded, his eyes filled with desperation and passion, ''I never thought of you this way before but I'm ready to take the risks'' Hoshi really wanted to make things work and calling Woozi by his real name was a huge step up


Woozi had his back against the cold walls of Hoshi's study room, his breaths hitching against Hoshi's collarbone, not realizing how close the two were to each other. Tears run through his cheeks like rivers down to his chin and Hoshi couldn't understand why. Yes, it was a bit weird since they knew each other for quite a while and maybe Woozi didn't think it was worth ruining their friendship over a connection that may or might not work.


Hoshi stared down at a shaking Woozi, meeting his dazed eyes and suppressing his own inappropriate thoughts away. Woozi remained hypnotized under the gaze staying still like a statue, looking so scared of  Hoshi's sudden touch. Hoshi gently brushed his thumb along Woozi's jaw and down his pale neck.


Woozi closed his eyes submissively and exposed his bare neck to Hoshi giving him a direct invitation to put a scented mark on him. Hoshi was happy for a second, he leaned closer only to feel Woozi shaking like a leaf under his touch. He closed his eyes and backed away from the younger


''I can't ... I won't'' Hoshi promised

''I'll wait for you, whenever you're ready I'll be there ... just don't shut me off without trying''

End of flashback


The memory run through Woozi's head like the music playing in the background, he smiled and nodded but had no idea what to do next. Hoshi took a few steps toward the shorter

''So Mingyu goes for a run and brings home a Human with a pure soul huh?''

Woozi smiled rather ironically, yeah they can talk about that, actually it was the only thing he wanted to talk about tonight, he was so curious as he only read about them in books and some old tales but never thought they existed


''Any idea how it all works?'' Woozi asked feeling the mattress near him sinking as Hoshi sat next to him and he didn't even flinch. Hoshi was so understanding and patient with him, things between them have been awkward for months now but Hoshi never backed down not even once.

He never lost his temper nor his control over his emotions and no matter how badly he wanted to bring the younger closer to him, pull him over him and under him and in every and other different direction he pleased, Hoshi was very self-conscious about Woozi's boundaries.


He respected his wishes no matter how hard it was to suppress himself from creating this bond.


Hoshi didn't know really how to begin to answer Woozi's question ''Maybe once he wakes up, Seuncheol will ask him a few questions and most probably will take him back to where Mingyu found him, I don't think Jenghan wants to deal with a Human this close anyways and neither does Seuncheol, this is basically a charity case''


''But he has a pure soul, doesn't that change anything?''


''Sure, it's rare, but I don't think so''


Woozi nodded not really facing Hoshi completely but he could feel the older scanning his face

''You're staring again'' he softly said making Hoshi shift his gaze in embarrassment ''Sorry'' he mumbled ''Do you want to grab something to eat?'' Hoshi suggested and Woozi agreed, a late-night snack sounded nice.




The living room was in utmost chaos. When Woozi and Hoshi came down the stairs all they could hear were loud noises and chit chats, it looked like almost everyone was still gathered for some reason, if Seungcheol walked in, he would probably scold them so bad


''What's going on?'' Hoshi asked rather amused by the scene in front of him, Seungkwan and DK were fighting over something incoherently


''I told you it's ICE'' DK screamed annoyingly into Seungkwan's face ''No~~~~'' the younger rather sang in his face appearing to be even more annoyed ''AIR'' he said making sure to be as irritating as possible just to get on his brother’s nerves, Seungkwan's neck snapped turning to face Vernon ''Come on help me out here'' Seungkwan asked for help only to be waved off by the other


''Sorry ~ I don't support animal cruelty'' Vernon said gaining a chuckle from both Woozi and Hoshi ''What the hell's going on?'' Hoshi asked this time demanding an answer


''Mingyu's Spirit manifested'' Vernon proudly announced watching as Woozi and Hoshi's faces lit up


''SERIOUSLY?'' Woozi's breaths hitched while Hoshi's eyes were about to burst out of his skull


''So? What is it?'' Woozi continued dying for an answer


''Blue ~~~'' Vernon sings it so proudly and announces it very amused by the information he heard a few minutes ago from their Alpha when he kicked him out of the Human boy's room. Everyone seemed to be excited for Mingyu but the question that hung into their mind was ''How?'' which Woozi spared no time asking and it suddenly got a little quieter than expected.


DK looked around ''We think it's the human boy, but it could be anything really''


''The human boy?'' Woozi muttered rather surprised ''That's not possi--'' he started trailing when his eyes landed on Hoshi who looked as confused as he was


''Yeah well it doesn't matter really'' Vernon said finally leaving his chair and walking upstairs ''He has it now, and Blue? Blue is WATER you idiots, Joshua will hit you both at the back of your heads with today's newspaper if he heard you'' Vernon stomped upstairs with an amused grin on his face waving everyone good night.




Mingyu laid on his bed, his eyes closed listening to his own heart beats against his chest. He has been feeling weird since their eyes met, maybe he really wanted to help him? to save him?


Mingyu wasn't sure, and memories filled the back of his head



"He realized that the boy was just scared, so scared that he was putting his hands up in the air to defend himself.

Mingyu held the boy's fragile thin wrists apart

'I'm not going to hurt you'' he said softly trying to calm him down and for a second, he felt him relax and he opened his eyes. All it took was one look, the boy's droopy cat-like eyes caught him in a trance. That moment was everything leading to this."

End of flashback 


He tried to ignore the fact that the boy was a few feets away from his room, he struggled to control himself from barging inside the room next door but then, ... he wasn't sure about what to do next, he just wanted to be near him. Just watch him sleep, he wanted to make sure that he was breathing.


He wanted to see those eyes again


It's true, he knew that he couldn't build a connection with a Human but what if he did? Connections fade right? They wouldn't stand a chance going against nature, it won't work anyway. But he still longed to see him again.


Mingyu let out a deep sigh he was holding for far too long, he rolled on jhis side and covered his head under his pillow trying to ignore the pounding in his chest, he prayed for this night to be over soon. He longed for those eyes, he just wanted to see them again, just ... one more time.

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Chapter 44: Ahh I wonder what these spirits do.
Chapter 43: 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
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Chapter 41: My gawd. I swear I cry every chapter. But these are happy
Chapter 40: 💔💔💔💔
Chapter 38: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 36: Oh? Vernon??
Chapter 35: They had it so hard
Chapter 34: Why do they have to be adorable! Omg this poor couple