Chapter Twenty Two

In too deep

Hae woke up, opened his eyes and shrieked. He grabbed something off his face and threw it as far as he could. It floated on the bed. He stared at it and then picked the post-it up. Come to the kitchen, lazy bum.

As soon as he set foot in the kitchen, he was pushed down on a seat and a plate was placed in front of him by a smiling Kyu. Hyuk was trying to signal something to him but Hae could only frown.

'Eat.' Kyu said. Hyuk's movements behind his back became even more frantic.

Hae shrugged. 'Thanks.' He mumbled and took a bite. His mouth was on fire. And that was the best thing about it. An explosion of uncombinable flavours hit him hard. Hae held his hand in front of his mouth and desperately sought help. Hyuk gave him the I-tried-to-warn-you-look as he shoved his drink carton to him. Hae gulped down the strawberry sweetness. Both unaware of Kyu's sharp eye.

'Look, I know I'm handsome like a devil, hey I'm desired bachelor number two but even I have my limits. I've talked to both of you and I know it's clear that I'm not going to touch Hae. So next time you two have some marital issues, please keep me out of it.' Kyu said.

'Sorry.' Hae said.

'I'm glad I called you over though.' Hyuk stated. 'Although I'd rather not see you in my kitchen ever again.'

'It wasn't that bad!' Kyu exclaimed.

'Yes it was!' Hyuk yelled. 'You almost killed my husband.'

'B-but!' Kyu tried. Hae was faster though, he shoved a piece of the food in Kyu's open mouth.

'Thanks for everything, Kyu. I'll see you later, Hyukjae. I need to get ready for work.' Hae smiled, ignoring a panting, teary Kyu.

'Donghae, about last night...' Hyuk paused.

'I'll find a way, I wasn't thinking when I mentioned his name. I'm sorry.' Hae smiled weakly and left the room.


Hae put his shirt on and got startled by Kyu sitting on the bed.

'Ugh and I said no to that.' Kyu ruffled his hair as he tried to tear his eyes off the boy.


'I just wanted to ask if you had thought about what I said; to seduce him.'

Hae looked down. 'I don't think I can do it. Why is it such a burden to him?'

Kyu smiled gently. 'You have no idea how innocent you are. People could take advantage of that. Not that a one night stand would fix much but still.

'So it's not really the ity that bothers him but the ignorance?'

'Innocence, Hae, innocence.' Kyu said.

Hae suddenly smiled. 'Thanks Kyu!' He hugged the man and ran out.

'You're welcome, I guess.'


Hae was loving his work, he did his rounds and ended it, as always, with his favourite patient in room 201.

'Good afternoon, sir!' Hae smiled.

The man had been staring out the window but looked up at the sound of that voice. 'Donghae.'

'How are we feeling today?'

'The worst of the chemo has passed.' The man smiled. He patted on his bed indicating for the nurse to sit.

Hae obeyed gladly.

'Do you have time?' The man asked.

'For you? Always.'

'You really are a good guy, Donghae. You deserve all the happiness in the world.'

'I am happy, sir.'

'I've made so many mistakes.' The man sighed.

Hae grabbed his hand. 'Don't we all?'


Heechul was waiting for him outside. Hae smiled as he saw his friend.

'I already put your bike in the back, where are we off to?' Heechul asked lazily.

'Library.' Hae smiled.

'Ugh boring.''

'I need you, hyung.'

'I'm not carrying your books, kid.'


Heechul lifted an eyebrow when Hae asked the librarian where to find books on education.

The poor middle aged woman stared at the handsome boy in front of her, she was about to scold him but saw nothing but sincerity in his eyes. She took a small paper and wrote down the aisle. Hae bowed, grabbed Heechul's hand and went in search of the said aisle.

'Hae, why do you need....'

'To get rid of my innocence.'

Heechul frowned.

'It's hard on Hyukjae.'

Chullie sighed. 'I bet.'

'Help me pick out some good books.' Hae pleaded.

Heechul shook his head.

'Hyung.' Hae whined.

'Hae, we are at the wrong place. Follow me!'


'He is where?' Hyuk shouted into his phone.

'Mr. Kim took him to a shop and then to a strip club, my lord.' Kibum said calmly. 'A male strip club.'

Hyuk choked on air. 'Get in there and get Heechul on the phone!' Hyuk stood up and paced around. He waited until the phone was handed to Hae's personal bodyguard.

'What in the name of God are you doing to my husband?' Hyuk screamed before Heechul even uttered a word.

'He asked me for advice.' Heechul said.

'Advice on what?'

' education. Are you alright, Hyuk? You sound a bit weird.' Hyuk wanted to respond but Heechul continued. 'You should see him. It's adorable. Everytime a stripper takes something off, he blushes like a madman. But I can tell he likes it. And of course he's popular, it's like they all are giving him a private show.'

'I-Is he ?' Hyuk blurted out. Then he frowned. Why am I asking this?

Heechul laughed. 'I'll get back to you on that, I'll check.' And he hung up.

Hyuk stared at his phone. Check? He quickly dialed Kibum and ordered him to take his husband out of there.

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967 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 72: I finally finished this fic. Thank you so much for sharing.
967 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: I started reading this again.
Lavender05 #3
Chapter 72: Reread this again for the nth time and the same feels 💙 pls come back author-nim, you need to write more 🥹
1455 streak #4
Chapter 72: Read this again and wow the feels are still the same ;))
Chapter 72: This story is so amazing 😍
Chapter 72: I'm in love with this story💙
Chapter 56: i want to see hae puppy eyes too >.<
Chapter 6: hae :(((((
Chapter 72: Malgré que je n'aime pas ça quand Hae est transformé en un bébé qui pleure. C'était une fic magnifique et très drôle malgré l'angoisse du début. Merci
Chapter 7: Hyuk pense qu'il est le plus fort, mais il va tomber de très très haut... 💙