Chapter Fifty Nine

In too deep

'How are you feeling, baby?'

'Shouldn't I be the one asking you that, Hyukkie?'

Hyuk noticed how his husband avoided eye contact. 'I'm fine, Hae. I'm getting stronger by the hour.'

'Good.' Hae smiled and tried to turn away but Hyuk didn't allow that.

'Please don't hide from me, talk to me.'

Hae finally looked up and saw the sad, compassionate eyes of his spouse. He bit his lip to prevent himself from crying again and just couldn't utter a word.

Hyuk noticed. 'You must of felt awful hearing that the man you have cared for all this time is the one who got your brother killed.'

Hae swallowed. 'Money.' He croaked out.

Hyuk frowned. 'What is it, baby?'

'Just because of money. I don't get it. Food in your stomach and a roof above your head, isn't that enough as long as you have loved ones around you?' Hae said, clearly upset.

Hyuk opened his mouth but Hae continued. 'He has two nice sons! If he had treated them differently, they would have loved him! He could have had it all!'

'I know.' Hyuk said softly.

'Don't let money ever change you, Hyukkie!' Hae sounded so desperate.

'The only thing that has any impact on me, is you.' Hyuk said.

'Hyukkie...' Tears were welling up.

'I'd rather live under a bridge with you than in a castle without you.' Hyuk pulled the younger in a tight embrace.

'I can't tell them.' Hae suddenly said.


'My parents. I can't tell them that he did it.'

'They have the right to know, Hae.'

'Dad will feel guilty, he will think it's his fault for building the company.' Hae hiccupped.

'Shhhh, my love. Calm down. You don't have to decide this right away, okay?' Hyuk softly rocked the boy.


'The one who hired L.Joe had a tight grip on him.' Changmin said to Kangin and Heechul.

'What do you mean?' Heechul said.

'His friends all said he was forced into it, if he didn't his family would have been killed.'

'Well that is quite sad.' Kangin uttered.

'Oh don't feel bad about him, he was evil.' Changmin shrugged. 'No loyalty, that man.'

'Seems like he was loyal to his family though.' Heechul mumbled.

Changmin looked at the two man. 'Jesus, how soft are you two? We are talking about the man that got to Cho and Hyuk!'

'Right.' Heechul said. 'So anything else?'

'Nope, dead end. We know nothing about who ordered the hit.'

'What about the police?' Kangin inquired.

'They are as useless as ever.' Changmin sighed. 'I do have Junsu tracking Hae's parents though.'

'What? We told you they are clean.' Heechul exclaimed.

'I know, but you are all in too deep to see everything clearly. I have to check them out.'

'Just make sure Hae doesn't find out.' Heechul said.


'He's okay to be treated at home.' Dr. Jung said to Hae. The boy nodded and thanked her.

'Donghae?' She said softly.


'Take some sick leave, you've been through a lot.'

'Don't worry, I won't attack patient 201. I should have listened to you.'

'What do you mean?'

'I shouldn't have gotten attached to that bastard.' Hae said, anger clearly lacing his voice.

'You wouldn't be you if you didn't get attached, Donghae. I've put another nurse on him.'


'Although he refuses all treatment now. He's on suicide alert.'

Hae looked at the ground.

'He seems to regret his actions. But Donghae, we all understand your feelings towards this.'

'Thank you.' Hae said and left the room.


'I'll be your private nurse.' Hae smiled at his husband as he was lowered into their bed.

'That sounds....' Hyuk grinned earning a smack against his head from Heechul.

'No hitting the patient.' Hae said sternly as he placed Deedee next to his lover. He looked at Hyuk and whispered loudly. 'The doctor said no until you can say at least three sentences without being out of breath.'

'I'll practice.' Hyuk said with devotion making the younger blush.

There was a knock on the door and Hae's mum's head appeared. 'Are we interrupting?' She asked.

Hyuk shot a warning glance to the others before he smiled and shook his head at his inlaws.

'We brought strawberry cake, your favourite.' Mrs. Lee said.

'And some soju.' Mr. Lee added.

Hyuk ignored Kangin's signals behind their back. He could tell the bodyguard was thinking of poison. He just smiled at Hae's parents and thanked them.

Hae himself hugged them tight. 'I've missed you.' He said, tears already ready to be shed.

'Aish, sweetheart, don't cry. He's fine!' She hugged her boy tighter. 'You're fine, right?' She mouthed to Hyuk who smiled and nodded. Relief was all over her face. She dragged Hae to the door. 'Let's go cut this cake up.'

Mr. Lee sat down on a chair and looked at his son-inlaw. 'Hyukjae.'


'Any idea who did this to you?'

'No, sir.'

'C-could.' The man swallowed, clearly fighting off some emotions. 'Could it be linked to Donghwa's murder?'

'We don't know.' Hyuk watched the older man and saw his hands shake. 'Sir? Are you alright?'

'You think they are still after our Hae?' Mr. Lee looked up with such a pained expression, it cut through Hyuk.

'Hae is the most protected man on this planet, sir.'

'They still got to you.'

'Yeah, we underestimated them. We never thought they would broaden their target.'

'My wife and I can't handle losing another son.' The man said shakingly. 'That includes you, Hyuk. You are like a son to us. You make our Hae so happy.' A tear fell down his face.

'Oh sir.' Hyuk felt all kinds of emotions blocking his throat. He just hugged the man.


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967 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 72: I finally finished this fic. Thank you so much for sharing.
967 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: I started reading this again.
Lavender05 #3
Chapter 72: Reread this again for the nth time and the same feels 💙 pls come back author-nim, you need to write more 🥹
1455 streak #4
Chapter 72: Read this again and wow the feels are still the same ;))
Chapter 72: This story is so amazing 😍
Chapter 72: I'm in love with this story💙
Chapter 56: i want to see hae puppy eyes too >.<
Chapter 6: hae :(((((
Chapter 72: Malgré que je n'aime pas ça quand Hae est transformé en un bébé qui pleure. C'était une fic magnifique et très drôle malgré l'angoisse du début. Merci
Chapter 7: Hyuk pense qu'il est le plus fort, mais il va tomber de très très haut... 💙