Chapter Fifty Four

In too deep

Donghae only left Hyuk's side to check on Onew and Kyu. Onew had woken up already. He was doing well after his operation, he only lost his spleen. He told Hae, Changmin and the rest how L.Joe had walked up to him and just had pierced him with a knife without saying a word. He started crying when he heard about Kyu and Hyuk. Hae gave him another sedative and watched him fall into a dreamless sleep. He then went to Kyu, no one else was allowed in there. He checked the man's vitals and sat down next to him.

'Aish, Kyu, you better wake up before Hyuk does. He won't be able to take your condition.' Hae whispered. 'Heechul hyung is going nuts by the way. I think he might of kind of like you. Be gentle with him, he seems tough but deep down he's quite vulnerable.' Hae sighed as he stared at that motionless face. 'Changmin came to help. He's....well impulsive I guess.But he cares for you and Hyuk, I can tell. Onew told me you took this wound to protect Hyukkie.' Hae's voice was cracking. He bowed his head. 'Thank you so much Kyu, thank you for protecting him. But now you have to pull through. For Hyuk, for Heechul and for me. You are loved, so don't you dare leave this world!'


'Mr Choi is asking for you, Hae.' Sungmin said softly as walked into the nurse's station and found Hae staring out the window.

Hae nodded.

Sungmin hugged him from behind. 'Why don't you try to get some sleep?'

'Every time I close my eyes I can only see blood, all over Hyukkie.'

Sungmin held the boy and comforted him with silence. A cough made them look up. Kangin looked at them intensely.

'Yes?' Sungmin asked.

'Taemin send me here to tell you their is progress with Kyuhyun.'

Hae immediately ran to the room. Kyu's vitals were changing indicating he was about to wake up.

'Man, he's one tough cookie.' Taemin said.

Hae took Kyu's hand and squeezed it. 'Kyu, it's okay, just open your eyes.'

A frown appeared on the patient's face.

'I know it's hard, but just fight it, come on, open up those eyes for me.'

The eyelashes were trembling.

'You are in the hospital, this is Hae, come on Kyu, show me you are alright!'

The eyes fluttered open and revealed confusion. They were met with a breathtaking smile of Hae.

'You are going to be alright, Kyu!' Hae said gently.

Kyu tried to open up his mouth but he was intubated.

'Don't speak yet, we'll get rid of that when we are sure you can breath on your own.'

Kyu's expression turned to helplessness.

'Hyuk is fine, he just has to wake up but he's going to be okay.' Hae informed him.

The door was pushed open and Changmin walked in.

Kyu's eyes widened in shock then tears appeared.

'Oh come on Cho. Is that a way to greet me?' Changmin said, his voice bordering tenderness. 'Whoever did this to you, I'll get them.'

Kyu nodded. He then looked at Hae and back at Changmin.

The latter chuckled. 'Yeah, yeah, I'll protect this one as well.'

Tension seemed to leave Kyu's body. His mind was back at ease.

The door was slammed open again.

'Sorry, I couldn't hold him back anylonger.' Kangin screamed from in the hallway. 'He frigging bit me!'

Heechul had stormed in, his eyes wild. He looked at Kyu. 'You ing bastard!' He yelled.

Kyu looked shocked.

Tears streamed down Heechul's face. 'How could you? Huh? How could you do this to me?'

'Hee...Heechul' Kyu's voice sounded strained and extremely hoarse.

'No, don't try to speak yet, Kyu.' Hae tried to sooth him.

But Kyu was stubborn, he kept looking at Heechul falling apart. '' He croaked out.

This made Heechul cry even harder. 'You jerk! Look at you! They actually had to revive you several times! And I couldn't even do anything!'

Kyu made a motion to indicate he wanted Heechul to come closer. The bodyguard obeyed. Kyu's trembling thumb wiped away a tear.

'Don't ccr-cry.'

'I'm not.' Heechul huffed. He grabbed the hand and kissed the palm. 'I'm not, you fool. Why would I?'

Kyu smiled.

A smirk appeared on Changmin's face. 'So Kyu, is this the one you were telling me about?'

Kyu's eyes grew large as he panicked.

Changmin chuckled. 'You always loved living on the edge. Falling for the Kim Heechul is quite dangerous.' He continued.

'What?' Heechul said, he looked at Changmin and then back at Kyu. The latter was sending every non verbal hint he could to make Changmin shut up.

'It's okay, Cho. I won't tell him how much you are infatuated by him. How you admire him and how much you crave for him.'

Kyu paled.

Heechul stared at him. 'Is this true?'

Kyu looked away and nodded.

Soft lips kissed his cheek. 'You better get well soon, we have more training to do, punk.' Heechul said softly. 'And don't get any wrong ideas, it's not cause I like you that I'll go soft on you.'

Hope flickered in Kyu's eyes.

'Don't look so surprised, you know we have lots more training to do since you ended up in the hospital looking like this.'

The light disappeared in Kyu's eyes, he simply nodded.

Heechul stared at all the tubes again. He kissed Kyu's forehead. 'Now sleep, Kyu baby.' He whispered. 'Stop making me worry.'

Warmth filled Kyu's heart as it fluttered at those words. A blush painted his pale cheeks as he saw the intensity of Heechul's gaze.


Hae rearranged Hyuk's sheets and pushed Deedee closer to his lover, while he crawled into the small bed and rested against his husband.

Kibum watched from the corner and smiled softly at the scene. Yunho and Leeteuk were outside guarding the door.

'Sleep well, sweety.' Hae whispered and pecked Hyuk's nose. 'I love you so much.'

He nestled his head back against Hyuk's neck, careful to keep the wound untouched as he gave in to his tiredness.


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967 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 72: I finally finished this fic. Thank you so much for sharing.
967 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: I started reading this again.
Lavender05 #3
Chapter 72: Reread this again for the nth time and the same feels 💙 pls come back author-nim, you need to write more 🥹
1455 streak #4
Chapter 72: Read this again and wow the feels are still the same ;))
Chapter 72: This story is so amazing 😍
Chapter 72: I'm in love with this story💙
Chapter 56: i want to see hae puppy eyes too >.<
Chapter 6: hae :(((((
Chapter 72: Malgré que je n'aime pas ça quand Hae est transformé en un bébé qui pleure. C'était une fic magnifique et très drôle malgré l'angoisse du début. Merci
Chapter 7: Hyuk pense qu'il est le plus fort, mais il va tomber de très très haut... 💙