Chapter Fifty Seven

In too deep

'Donghae, I haven't seen you in days, how are you? Everything alright?' Mr. Choi asked rapidly, eyeing the boy in front of him.

Hae smiled sweetly. 'I'm fine, friends of mine got hurt, so I was busy.'

'You weren't attacked, were you?' Panic laced Mr. Choi's voice.

'I'm fine. Let's talk about you, how are you?'

The patient slumped back. 'I'm okay, I don't want anymore chemo.'

Hae grabbed the man's hand. 'I understand, it's just that it's the only way we can beat this cancer.'

A knock on the door indicated Changmin's arrival.

Hae looked over his shoulder and then back to Mr. Choi. 'Sir, this man is going to ask you some questions, ok?'


'About the attack on you, I'll stay here, don't worry.' Hae said softly.

Changmin sat himself down on a chair near the bed. 'Hi.'

Mr. Choi frowned.

'You should bow to him.' Hae whispered.

Changmin blinked at that and stared at the boy. 'Bow?' He lifted an eyebrow. 'I bow to no one.'

Hae quickly looked at the patient and bowed. 'I'm sorry, sir.'

'What the heck are you apologising for?' Changmin said irritated.

Mr. Choi squeezed Hae's hand. 'Donghae is a very good man.' He smiled tenderly. 'I'm glad I got to know him.'

'Mr. Choi, I'm Shim Changmin.'

The man paled. 'I don't want any connection with the underworld!' He exclaimed.

'Good, you have heard of me.' Changmin smirked.

'What do you want from me?'

'The truth.'

Mr. Choi shoved a little on his bed. His heart rate was increasing and he started to sweat.

'Who attacked you and why?'

'I don't know.'

The heart rate remained at the same pace.

Changmin studied the man.

'I really don't know, why would anyone bother to attack me, I'm going to die soon anyway!'

'Valid point.' Changmin nodded.

'Changmin!' Hae gasped at the rudeness.

'Do you know who attacked Lee Hyukjae a couple of days ago?' Changmin continued.

'Hyuk was attacked?'

'So you know him?'

'Y-yeah, my sons used to play with him and anyone knows the man behind Lee International. I heard he got married a few months ago.'

'He did.'

'Lucky wife, she married the richest man out there.'

'Yeah, who would have thought that clumsy poor kid would make it this far huh.' Changmin said.

'He's very different from his father.' Mr. Choi nodded.

'You know his father?' Changmin asked casually.

'Used to know him yeah, he killed himself.'


Suddenly Mr.Choi realised what he was saying, he panicked again and glanced at Hae.

'Do you know why he killed himself?' Changmin repeated.

'H-he had murdered someone.'


'Please, can we stop this?' The old man's hands were shaking.

'It's a simple question.'

'Just answer it, Mr. Choi.' Hae spoke up.

'But Donghae....'

'It's ok, I know already.'

Horror was written all over the man's face as he stared at the boy. He started crying. 'I'm so sorry, Donghae. I don't know what got over me.'

'It's alright, sir, just answer his questions.' Hae said, keeping an eye on the man's monitor.

Changmin frowned. 'Why are you getting this upset?'

'You have to understand. It was all getting so competitive back then. Lee Coorporation was huge, while the Choi Company was losing ground. We had to destabilise the market.'

Changmin was shocked. He quickly called out for Kangin. The bodyguard appeared in a second.

'Take Hae out of here.' Changmin said, his voice strained.

'Why?' Donghae asked but Kangin was already guiding him to the door.

'I'm so sorry Donghae, you have to understand, I didn't know you back then, I didn't know your brother. I'm so sorry.'

Hae froze.

Changmin cussed.

'W-what do you mean?' Hae stuttered, his heart was clenching.

'You killed his brother, didn't you, dad?' Siwon said from the doorway.

'Siwon....' Mr. Choi uttered.

'Get Hae the out of here.' Changmin yelled but Kangin was too shocked and Hae rushed back to the bed. His eyes wide open.

'Tell him you didn't.' Hae begged.

Mr. Choi looked at the boy and cupped his cheek. 'I'm so sorry Donghae.'

Hae slapped the hand away, tears were escaping rapidly from his eyes. 'No!!! Tell them you didn't!'

'I ordered Mr. Lee to kill Donghwa and Donghae.' Mr. Choi confessed.

Changmin had to support Donghae as the boy's legs gave out on him.

'Sungmin!' Kangin yelled.

'Please Donghae,  forgive me. Please, I'm so sorry.' Mr. Choi was crying.

Hae could only stare at him. His mind refused to take in any more information. He didn't notice Kangin getting him out of the room, nor Sungmin talking to him. A bit later Dr. Jung ordered to Sungmin to give him a sedative.


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967 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 72: I finally finished this fic. Thank you so much for sharing.
967 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: I started reading this again.
Lavender05 #3
Chapter 72: Reread this again for the nth time and the same feels 💙 pls come back author-nim, you need to write more 🥹
1455 streak #4
Chapter 72: Read this again and wow the feels are still the same ;))
Chapter 72: This story is so amazing 😍
Chapter 72: I'm in love with this story💙
Chapter 56: i want to see hae puppy eyes too >.<
Chapter 6: hae :(((((
Chapter 72: Malgré que je n'aime pas ça quand Hae est transformé en un bébé qui pleure. C'était une fic magnifique et très drôle malgré l'angoisse du début. Merci
Chapter 7: Hyuk pense qu'il est le plus fort, mais il va tomber de très très haut... 💙