Chapter Forty Six

In too deep

'I know I'm handsome but can you stop staring at me like that, it's distracting.' Heechul smirked.

Kyu rolled his eyes. 'What's eating you?'

The smirk left Heechul's face. 'We are missing something.'

'Then let's go over everything once more.' Kyu grabbed two soju's, handed one to the older and sat himself down next to the bodyguard.

Heechul just stared at him.

Kyu's eyes were mocking Heechul. 'Hey, I know I'm irresistible but...'

'Shut up, you brat.' Heechul mumbled and downed half of the bottle in one go.



'So that patient is Siwon and Minho's dad?' Hyuk said as he was towel drying his hair.

'I can't tell you that.' Hae said as he watched his husband.

Hyuk smiled. 'You are cute when you are being professional.'

'You better never get hurt so I don't need to get professional on you.' Hae mumbled.

Hyuk stopped teasing and dropped himself next to Hae on the bed. 'Hey, Sungmin is okay.'

'I know.' Hae was playing with his fingers.

Hyuk tilted the boy's chin. Hae still didn't look at him so he lowered his own head and looked up playfully at his husband.

Hae chuckled and caressed the defined jawline.

'I don't deserve you.' Hyuk whispered.

Warmth radiated from Hae's eyes as he tapped Hyuk's plump lips with a finger. 'Don't say stupid things.'


Hyuk watched Hae eat another bowl of rice as breakfast and smiled.

The younger caught the smile and frowned.

'Nothing.' Hyuk responded to the unspoken question. 'I'm glad you are eating so well. I like a little meat on you.'

Hae huffed and stood up.

Hyuk quickly slapped those inviting buns.

'Hey!' Hae acted insulted.

'Where is my kiss.' Hyuk pulled the boy closer.

'Don't know if you deserve one after calling my fat.' Hae pouted.

Hyuk rested his head against Hae's stomach and playfully pinched the boy's behind while looking up as innocently as he could. 'So sorry, babe.'

Hae tried to look stern and disapproving but he couldn't. He lowered his head and pecked those lips. 'Hyukkie?'


Hae breathed in, collecting all his courage. 'I just want you to know that I lo...'

'Good morning lovebirds!' Heechul walked into the kitchen.

'Morning.' Hyuk answered then looked back at Hae. 'What did you say?'

Hae bit his lip. 'It's not important.' He smiled sweetly.

'Be careful today, okay?' Hyuk said before he gave his husband a goodbye kiss.


'Donghae!' Mr. Choi exclaimed weakly.

'Hi, sir, how are you feeling? I heard you had quite a weekend.' Hae said softly as he checked the patient's temperature.

'No one would tell me if you were alright!' The old man said, panic still in his eyes.

'Me? Mister, they attacked you!' Hae said with a frown.

Tears appeared in the elder's eyes.

Hae hesitated. He sat himself down on the bed and touched the weak man's shoulder. 'Is there something you didn't tell the police?'

The man swallowed.

'Sir? You know who attacked you?'

Mr. Choi shook his head, a trembling hand grabbing Hae's arm. 'I'm just happy you are okay.'

'Hyung?' Taemin's worried voice sounded from the doorway.

Hae looked over his shoulder. 'It's alright, Taemin. Can you ask Dr. Oh to come?'

'He's operating, I'll get Dr. Jung.' Taemin left.

A couple of minutes later the doctor arrived. She cocked up an eyebrow. 'Nurse Lee, is this standard procedure? To sit on the patient's bed? If you are tired then you should adjust your flashy lifestyle!' She ed.

'You are right, doctor, I'm sorry.' Hae quickly stood up. 'This patient is still quite upset because of yesterday. I thought maybe he could get something to calm down? His heart rate and blood pressure have been unstable.'

'I see you still like to play doctor.' Dr. Jung snapped, pushed Hae aside and checked on the patient. Then she took the chart. 'I'll prescribe you a minor sedative.' She mumbled to Mr. Choi.

'Thank you, doctor.' Hae bowed.

'Don't bow to anyone!' The patient suddenly yelled.

Dr. Jung grabbed Hae by the shirt. 'You like to set up everyone against me, don't you?' She hissed at the nurse.

'Problems?' Kibum leaned against the doorframe, seemingly relaxed but his gaze on Dr. Jung's hand. She quickly released Hae and walked off.

Hae sighed and took the medicine Taemin had brought along. 'I'm going to attach this to your IV, sir.' He said to the patient as he took the bag and connected it to the IV. He adjusted the dripping rate.

The patient was tossing and turning. Hae grabbed his hand and sought eye contact. 'It will work any minute now.' He already saw the eyes becoming a bit cloudy.

'Donghae, you are too good to just work. Why don't you just enjoy life?'  The man whispered faintly.

'I love my work.' Hae said with a smile.


Kibum heard a whispering voice and frowned. He started eavesdropping.

'I'm telling you, they are really close, Minho!' The voice said urgently. 'He's really ill, the attack didn't do him any good.' The voice continued. 'We still don't know who did it.'

Kibum's phone started vibrating. He quickly grabbed it out of his pocket and cursed. He noticed people coming his way. He walked away from the door to answer his phone.

'Status report, Kibum?' Hyuk's voice asked.

'Dr. Jung is still at it and someone just called Minho.'

'What? Choi Minho? What about? Who?'

'About the attack on his father. I don't know who, I was about to be discovered.'

'Keep your eyes open and keep Hae safe.' Hyuk said.

'Yes, sir.'

Hyuk hung up and slumped into his chair. He pushed the intercom button. 'Kyu? Get in here.'

Kyu appeared. 'Yes?'

'We are having lunch at the hospital.'

'How...romantic, Hyuk.'

'Shut up and get your wallet, you are paying.'

'Says the richest man on the planet.'

'Only Asia, my friend. And most of West Europe, a bit of North America. Nothing to brag about, really.'

Kyu rolled his eyes and followed his best friend.

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967 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 72: I finally finished this fic. Thank you so much for sharing.
967 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: I started reading this again.
Lavender05 #3
Chapter 72: Reread this again for the nth time and the same feels 💙 pls come back author-nim, you need to write more 🥹
1455 streak #4
Chapter 72: Read this again and wow the feels are still the same ;))
Chapter 72: This story is so amazing 😍
Chapter 72: I'm in love with this story💙
Chapter 56: i want to see hae puppy eyes too >.<
Chapter 6: hae :(((((
Chapter 72: Malgré que je n'aime pas ça quand Hae est transformé en un bébé qui pleure. C'était une fic magnifique et très drôle malgré l'angoisse du début. Merci
Chapter 7: Hyuk pense qu'il est le plus fort, mais il va tomber de très très haut... 💙