Chapter Twenty Six

In too deep

'Get to the sixth floor, Cho!' Heechul barked.

Kyu walked up to the elevator and pressed the button.

'You better be running up the stairs by now, why don't I hear you panting?' Heechul screamed through the earpiece.

'You've got to be kidding me!' Kyu whispered.

'What was that? Are you protesting?'

'Mr. Kim, sir, Donghae is on the second floor why do I need...'

'Get that lazy of yours moving right this instance!' Heechul yelled.

Kyu's body reacted to the order and sprinted to the stairs.

Kangin went on a separate channel. 'Hyung, do you really need to be so harsh on him? He's a suit.'

Heechul laughed. 'Oh come on, it's so much fun!'

'' Kyu was leaning against the wall, sweat dripping where it never had dripped before.

'Okay, now go down to the ground floor, order an americano and bring it up the roof.' Heechul said firmly.


'And use the stairs. End of order.' Heechul smirked as Kyu's cussing faded.


I will never disappoint you again, please let me come back to work.

Hyuk smiled a little when he saw Kyu's text. Kibum had already briefed him on the day's events. He started to answer. Four and a half days left. Hmmm but isn't Hae taking a shift on saturday as well? Besides, this is a good work out. I pity your lack of abs, my game addicted friend.

Within a couple of seconds he got a reply. Genetics. You have seen my father! Hae says hi and that you can't eat before you come home tonight.

Hyuk's mood shifted. He suddenly felt lonely. He picked up the phone and decided to order Onew around for a bit.


When Hyuk came home he was welcomed with the smell of delicious food. He tiptoed to the kitchen and saw Hae in one of Subin's aprons. The boy was managing several pots and pans on the fire while humming some cheesy pop song.

'I'm sure Hyukkie will like this, I asked Kyu what his favourite food was.' Hae suddenly said out loud, startling Hyuk.

'Now, don't frown, Deedee.' Hae turned around and poked the toy between the eyes. 'If you would eat, I'd make you dinner every day!' The radio switched songs and Hae danced to it while singing along.

Hyuk was so distracted that he didn't notice Hae grabbing his cell and dialing a number until his own phone went off, quite loudly. Hae quickly turned around. 'Oh that scared me!' He giggled as he put his phone down and ran up to Hyuk. 'Welcome home!'

'Hi.' Hyuk said, not trusting his voice much.

'Sit, sit!' Hae said, shoving Deedee gently to the side.

'What's the occasion?' Hyuk said as he saw plates filled with food in front of him.

'It's been twenty two days.'


'Since the day we met.'

Hyuk blinked.

'It's my favourite number.' Hae smiled bending over the table once more, placing the final dish on it.

'Just one.' Hyuk mumbled and before Hae could react he was sitting on Hyuk's lap and his mouth was covered with Hyuk's.

Hyuk kissed the boy hungrily. He felt like devouring the sweet boy. He expertly made Hae part his lips so his tongue could taste him. Hae surrendered completely as he felt every muscle in his body pulling to the center. His head grew dizzier with every twirl of Hyuk's lean tongue. He could only grab Hyuk's shirt. Way too soon Hyuk retreated, taking in what he had caused.

Hae opened his eyes and wanted to speak but Hyuk interrupted him. 'Yeah, you want to shower but it's okay, we'll eat now, it will go away.' He said gently. Hae got off of his lap and quickly moved to his side of the table.

Hyuk started eating and enjoyed every bit of it. He often his fingertips to not miss one drop of sauce. 'God Hae, this is divine!'

'Leave some space for dessert!' Hae warned.

'Baby, there is always room for dessert.' Hyuk smirked but Hae didn't get the double meaning and continued to wash the strawberries. Hyuk had finished by the time Hae had whipped the cream. He place the treat in front of his husband and took his own with him. He took a strawberry and dipped it in some whipped cream. He bit in it and closed his eyes unaware of the slight moan he was producing or the little bit of juice running down his chin. Hyuk could only stare, his little fork midair. He dropped it and startled Hae with the noise.

'Heechul put you up to this, didn't he?' Hyuk whispered.

Hae tilted his head in confusion. 'Huh?'

'He told you to do this!'

'No, I asked Kyu what your favourite dessert was and he said anything with strawberries would do. You don't like it?' A small pout was already forming.

'That's not what I mean. The way you eat it!'

'Is there a certain way to eat it?' Hae was growing more confused by the second.

'Well obviously not like you just did! It would be great in a movie!'

'I thought people had in those movies?' Hae scratched his head.

Hyuk stood up abruptly. 'Dinner was great, I still have some business to finish, I'll take the strawberries with me. Don't wait up for me!' He kissed Hae's forehead and quickly left before he did something really stupid.


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967 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 72: I finally finished this fic. Thank you so much for sharing.
967 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: I started reading this again.
Lavender05 #3
Chapter 72: Reread this again for the nth time and the same feels 💙 pls come back author-nim, you need to write more 🥹
1455 streak #4
Chapter 72: Read this again and wow the feels are still the same ;))
Chapter 72: This story is so amazing 😍
Chapter 72: I'm in love with this story💙
Chapter 56: i want to see hae puppy eyes too >.<
Chapter 6: hae :(((((
Chapter 72: Malgré que je n'aime pas ça quand Hae est transformé en un bébé qui pleure. C'était une fic magnifique et très drôle malgré l'angoisse du début. Merci
Chapter 7: Hyuk pense qu'il est le plus fort, mais il va tomber de très très haut... 💙