Chapter Fifty Six

In too deep

'He's going to be fine, mum.' Hae said.

'But why didn't you call us, dear?' His mum's voice sounded distraught. He could sense her worry through the phone.

'Cause I didn't have the time, I had to assist on his operation.'

'Oh sweety, that must have been so hard!' His mum exclaimed. 'When can we come and visit?'

'Maybe tomorrow? He needs to rest.'

'Ok and don't forget to take care of yourself too, Donghae!'



'Sir.' Kangin tried to keep his pokerface but he was so delighted by Hyuk's awakening.

'Has Hae been eating? He seems skinnier again.'

'I just ordered pizza for everyone, this hospital food . I'll make sure he eats.' Changmin said, unaware of how threatening he sounded.

Hyuk's eyes widened. 'Don't harm him!' He jolted up and pain ran through him by the force movement.

Changmin cussed as he guided his friend back flat on the bed. 'You idiot! Who do you think I am? I won't hurt someone you care for.' He sat back down and lifted his shoes onto the bed.

'Don't worry Changmin, he's been worse than a mother hen when it comes to Donghae.' Siwon said.

'Oh please! You clearly made a move on him!' Hyuk said.

'Well, he is hot.' Siwon smiled, ignoring the death glare coming his way.

Dr. Jung entered the room, going through some reports, when she looked up she saw all the men in the room and startled.

'Who's the babe?' Changmin asked rudely.

Dr. Jung neglected him. 'What do you guys think you are doing? Mr. Lee needs to rest!' She said angrily.

Changmin got up and walked over to her. 'We have a demand...' His eyes scanned her face and lower. 'Dr. Jung. We need Cho in the same room as Hyuk here, so we can protect them more easily.' He took the stethoscope from her neck and played with it.

The doctor blinked. 'Mister, I have no idea what planet you think you come from.' She snatched her tool back. 'But you have no say in this hospital.'

'Wow a girl who isn't blasted away by the powerful Shim Changmin!' Minho said in awe.

Dr. Jung walked up to Hyuk and started examening him.

'Donghae told me that you saved my life. Thank you.' Hyuk said.

Dr. Jung looked at him. She smiled. 'Just be good to him. Cause the minute you don't, I'll be there to catch him.'

The door slammed open and Yunho entered with lots of pizza boxes in his hands.

The doctor gasped. 'Who the hell ordered these?'

'That would be me.' Changmin smirked. 'Donghae isn't eating well, so...'

She frowned. 'He hasn't?'

Hae entered the room. Dr. Jung pushed him to a chair, grabbed a pizza from Yunho and slammed it in the boy's hands. 'Eat, that's an order.'

'Yes, doctor.' Hae said timidly.

She left the room with a blush.

'Man, you are amazing.' Changmin outed as he eyed the confused nurse. 'I never considered just owning people with charms.'

'What?' Hae asked.

'He's unaware of it.' Hyuk sighed. He took a box as well and was about to open it but Hae quickly took it away.

'Hey!' Hyuk yelled.

'Yeah as if you get to eat pizza in your condition. Sungmin will bring you some yoghurt soon.'

A huge pout formed on Hyuk's face.

Hae leaned in. 'It's strawberry.' He whispered and chuckled as he saw a dreamy expression appear on his husband face.

The door opened and Kyu's bed was rolled into the room by Sungmin.

'He wouldn't stop nagging about feeling left out.' Heechul declared. 'That doctor just shrugged when I asked if we could move him. She's not so bad after all.'

Changmin huffed. 'She's biased as hell.'

Kyu weakly turned sideways and sought eye contact with Hyuk.

'Don't give me that look, Cho. I'm in a better state than you appear to be.' Hyuk said, his voice a little bit hoarse with emotion. 'And thank you for jumping in like a fool and getting yourself hurt.'

Sungmin rolled his eyes and handed over the strawberry yoghurt to Hyuk. Kyu smiled as he saw Hyuk eagerly trying to open his treat.

Hae took it, quickly opened it, ignored Hyuk's stretched out hands and held a spoon near his husband's mouth. Hyuk opened his mouth and closed his eyes as he tasted the sweetness.

Changmin coughed as he saw the intimacy between the two. 'Okay, let's talk. This is how I see it. I expect a report from my man within the police and then we start digging. Junsu probably has captured some of L.Joe's friends and retrieved information as well. I'll go interrogate Mr. Choi later today...'

'You have a guy within the police?' Kangin asked.

'I have a guy everywhere.' Changmin smiled proudly.

'I want to be there when you talk to Mr. Choi.' Hae said.

'Ouch, you still don't trust me?' Changmin said, faking hurt.

Hae just looked at him.

Changmin sighed. 'Fine...'

Both Hyuk's and Kyu's eyes widened in shock at the way Changmin folded. Hyuk started laughing but quickly tried to stop as it hurt like hell.

'The great Changmin has weaknesses after all.' Kyu said teasingly.

'I can resist him!' Changmin huffed.

'Hae?' Hyuk breathed.


'Can you give Changmin those puppy eyes you do so well?'

Hae looked confused once again.

Hyuk smiled. 'Just imagine Changmin taking away Deedee.'

Hae's eyes grew large and teary. His bottom lips started to quiver as he looked up slowly at Changmin. The latter gasped at the full blown puppy eye attack. 'Oh my dear god.' He mumbled.

'Good luck.' Kyu said.

'Deedee.' Hae whimpered.

'Who's Deedee?' Changmin panicked, not able to stand the sad look in Hae's eyes.

Heechul tossed the toy at Changmin. He stared at the giant stuffed animal and quickly handed it over to Hae. He felt utterly relieved as gratitude radiated from the boy. He ignored the others laughing themselves silly at his utter failure. He looked around the room and was happy all his friends were united once more.


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967 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 72: I finally finished this fic. Thank you so much for sharing.
967 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: I started reading this again.
Lavender05 #3
Chapter 72: Reread this again for the nth time and the same feels 💙 pls come back author-nim, you need to write more 🥹
1455 streak #4
Chapter 72: Read this again and wow the feels are still the same ;))
Chapter 72: This story is so amazing 😍
Chapter 72: I'm in love with this story💙
Chapter 56: i want to see hae puppy eyes too >.<
Chapter 6: hae :(((((
Chapter 72: Malgré que je n'aime pas ça quand Hae est transformé en un bébé qui pleure. C'était une fic magnifique et très drôle malgré l'angoisse du début. Merci
Chapter 7: Hyuk pense qu'il est le plus fort, mais il va tomber de très très haut... 💙