Chapter Sixty Three

In too deep

'Who's Hyukkie?' A deep voice got Hae out of his slumber. He must have fallen asleep somehow.

'My husband.' Hae responded, his voice hoarse. His throat was completely dried up.

A cup of water was handed to him and Hae quickly grabbed it with both cuffed hands. The sound of metal against metal echoed through the room. Hae gulped down the water.

'You're cute.' The voice spoke again.

'You're mean.' Hae pouted.

Yesung's eyes widened. 'What? Whyyyyy?'

'Kidnapping is not nice.' Hae said firmly.

Yesung blinked. 'But...'

'No buts!' Hae turned away.

'I was told to!'

'By who?'

'I can't tell you.'

Hae turned around again. 'You do this often?'

Yesung shrugged. 'Now and then.'

'D-do you kill them?'

'Now and then.'

Hae looked down and tried to control his breathing. 'Hyuk would pay you more.'

Something sparked in Yesung's eyes. 'How dare you!' He yelled. 'You think I'm that easy?'

'Then how can I change your mind?' Hae asked innocently.

'Man, you are something.' Yesung mumbled. 'I hope I don't have to kill you.'

'I hope so too.'


'What do you mean, Hae is not here?' Mr. Lee asked.

'Where is he?' His wife inquired.

Hyuk quickly sat down. Changmin placed his hand on his friend's shoulder. 'He's been taken.'

Terror was seen on both parents' faces.

'He's been kidnapped, we don't know by who or why.' Changmin continued.

Mr. Lee had to support his wife as her knees gave out.

'Not Hae! I can't lose him as well!' She shouted.

Hyuk looked away, he couldn't see their pain.


Mr. Choi watched as Taemin entered his room. He always hoped it would be Donghae.

'Sir, we shoul really start up the chemo again.' The nurse said.

'Donghae.' Mr.Choi said.

'Is probably dead by now.' Siwon said from the doorway.

'Siwon!' Mr. Choi tried to sit up but was too weak.

'Father.' Siwon said with venom.

'W-what do you mean? Dead?'

'He's been taken.'


'Why do you care? You wanted him killed all along.'

'Nooooo! I like Donghae, he's sweet and...' Mr. Choi started crying. 'Not Donghae.'

Siwon was startled. He quickly put on a pokerface. A lifetime of experience helped him to arm himself against any emotions. 'Hyuk is going insane.'

Mr. Choi frowned. 'What does Hyuk have to do with this?'

'They are married.'

'Who are?'

'Hyuk and Donghae. They love each other.'

Mr. Choi forgot to breathe. Taemin quickly pushed an oxygen mask over the man's face. After a few deep inhales, Mr. Choi was feeling better. He was thinking rapidly.

'Dad, what are you thinking about?' Siwon asked.

'Get Hyuk here.'

'He won't come, they are tracing Donghae.'

'Nurse, get me to Lee Hyukjae's mansion.'

'What? That is impossible, you are too weak.'

'Get me the over there!' Mr. Choi yelled.

'What do you know?' Siwon tried again.

'It might be nothing.' His father said but the panic in his eyes told another story.


'Your father killed my son?' Mr. Lee whispered.

Hyuk was on his knees in front of his inlaws.

Suddenly Mrs. Lee stood up and walked over to him. 'Hae knew this, right?' She helped Hyuk to stand up and hugged him tight. 'He knew all of this and yet you two couldn't stop loving each other. I'm so happy he has you, Hyuk. My boy has been so lonely for so long. You made him come alive again.' She kissed Hyuk's wet cheek.

'Then who ordered your father?' Mr. Lee asked.

'I did.' Mr. Choi's weak voice made them all look his way.

'What are you doing here?' Hyuk said.

'I need to tell you something.'

'You killed Donghwa?' Mr. Lee was trembling.

'Heechul, please Mr. Choi to the study.' Hyuk said.

'Do you know where Hae is?' Mrs. Lee spoke up.

'No, but...' Mr. Choi fell against Taemin as his state was worsening by the second.

'Father!' Siwon yelled as he helped carrying the now passed out man.


'You are all alone?' Hae said, his eyes all big and sorrowful.

Yesung nodded.

'How do you sleep?'

'You mean cause I've killed so many people?'

'No, because you are all alone. But you should really stop with the killing too.'

Yesung stared at the boy.

'And what if there is a storm!' Hae's eyes reflected so much despair that Yesung hugged him tight.

'I'm fine, don't worry about me.' Yesung said hoarsely.

'I should have expected this yet I'm still amazed by your powers, Lee Donghae.'

Donghae and Yesung both snapped their heads to the side.

'Who are you?' Hae asked.

'The one that wants you gone.'

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967 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 72: I finally finished this fic. Thank you so much for sharing.
967 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: I started reading this again.
Lavender05 #3
Chapter 72: Reread this again for the nth time and the same feels 💙 pls come back author-nim, you need to write more 🥹
1455 streak #4
Chapter 72: Read this again and wow the feels are still the same ;))
Chapter 72: This story is so amazing 😍
Chapter 72: I'm in love with this story💙
Chapter 56: i want to see hae puppy eyes too >.<
Chapter 6: hae :(((((
Chapter 72: Malgré que je n'aime pas ça quand Hae est transformé en un bébé qui pleure. C'était une fic magnifique et très drôle malgré l'angoisse du début. Merci
Chapter 7: Hyuk pense qu'il est le plus fort, mais il va tomber de très très haut... 💙