
JenLisa (BlackPink) (JenniexLisa) (RoJisoo)




Three weeks later


Jisoo POV:


Jisoo and Rose have been furthering their relationship by accompanying each other on weekly dates, movie nights, coffee dates, and cuddle sessions.


Jisoo and Rose were falling into complete bliss with one another, actually, this was their first time wanting to further a true and honest relationship.

The two were getting so attached, strangers and friends would claim Rose as her girlfriend, but finally a month and a half later, Jisoo finally came to a point to where she wanted to ask Rose to be hers.


The sun was setting and Jisoo had pulled into Jennie’s driveway, Jisoo quickly exited her car to enter her best friends house. Jisoo ran into Jennie’s house after the door had opened.

Jennie’s mom was so used to Jisoo being so “Jisoo”, it didn’t even phase her when Jisoo ran into their kitchen to eat the dinner she had just cooked.


After Jisoo ate dinner next to Jennie’s mom, Jennie’s mother asked:


Jennie’s mom: Jennie’s upstairs Jisoo, I’m surprised you haven’t called for her yet!

Jisoo giggled: Ah, I was so so hungry! Thanks for dinner mama Kim!

Jennie’s mom: Before you leave Jisoo, can I ask you something?

Jisoo: Yeah of course!

Jennie’s mom: Um, Jennie recently hasn’t been in the best mood, I know she’s always been to herself, but she hasn’t wanted to leave the house ever since you guys went out a few weeks ago, I’m starting to worry about her Jisoo. She’s been locking herself in her room and not socializing with her family one bit.

Jisoo: Ah, yeah, I know.. I’ve been trying to get her house of this house ever since then, but she’s just been writing music. She keeps telling me that she’s not in the mood to go out, but don’t worry! The acapella semi finals are next weekend, and I’ll be sure to bring her out to the annual get together! She always ends up having a great time there, maybe that’ll get her out of her own head.

Jennie’s mom: Thank you Jisoo, you’re so good to Jennie. Thanks for visiting her here after acapella practice every other day, you always seem to make her laugh when she’s always so serious. Also let me know if I can do anything to help cheer her up!


*Jisoo nods respectfully and leads herself up into Jennies room*


After Jisoo got herself up the stairs, she then knocked on Jennie’s door.

Jennie heard the three knocks and groaned:


Jennie: No mom, I’m not going out tonight. I’m staying home.

*Jisoo enters her room*

Jisoo: First of all I’m not your mom! and second of all, you’re going out with me tomorrow!

*Jennie looks up from her laptop to Jisoo*

Jennie: Ugh, why Jisoo? I don’t want to go out to a party, I’m not in the mood.

Jisoo laughs: We're not going out to a party! You’re gonna help me with something!

*Jennie raises and eyebrow*

Jennie: Who are you trying to murder?

*Jisoo giggles and pushes Jennie’s arm*

Jisoo: Um, you! If you don’t help me, I think I just might kill you in your sleep!

Jennie: ah, yeah, actually, just kill me instead.

*Jisoo rolls her eyes*

Jennie: What do you need my my help with?

Jisoo nervously says: heh, um. I think I want to ask Rose to be my girlfriend tomorrow..

*Jennie surprised*

Jennie: What! Oh my god Jisoo! Why didn’t you just say so! Of course I’ll help you.. As long as you let me go home right after and not force me into going to a party.

Jisoo: yeah yeah yeah, you can go home right after, I promise!

Jennie giggles: Awwwh how sweet! I’m so happy for you Jisoo!

Jisoo blushes: Ah, thank you Jendeuk! Now! I need your help with coming up with something romantic for Rose!


The two girls threw ideas back and forth all night, they finally came up with the perfect plan for Jisoo to sweep Rose off of her feet.


At the end of the night, Jennie complained to Jisoo as she tried to leave. Jisoo then gave up and decided to stay the night at Jennie’s request.

Jisoo continued to slowly shift Jennie into a lighter mood than when she had arrived earlier.

Their lovely night concluded with excessive amounts of candy, ice cream and watching weekly idol.



Saturday after afternoon


Rose’s POV


Rose began her day by sleeping in, the night before, she had worked all night long on perfecting her vocal parts and choreography with Lisa for the next up and coming semi final competition.


While the two girls were practicing, Rose had learned that her best friend couldn’t stand Jennie Kim. Rose was educated on how Lisa ran into her at the acapella competition, their dance together at the party, and their most recent encounter inside of the movie theater restroom.


Rose was so relieved when she received the news about Jennie, Rose could finally relax knowing that Lisa wasn’t angry with her, but at Jennie.

After hearing about all of the drama, Rose knew that Lisa had it so bad for Jennie.

Lisa just didn’t want to admit it, the way Lisa complained about Jennie’s brown eyes and hair totally screamed something else to Rose.

Rose just continued to giggle as she listened to her best friend complain about Jennie throughout the entire night.


Saturday night


After Rose got home from spending time with her family, she quickly ran into her room to get prepared for her date with Jisoo that night. After she jumped out of the shower, she got a phone call from Jennie:


Rose: Hello? Jennie?

Jennie: Hey Rose!

Rose: Hey! What’s up?

Jennie: I just wanted to give you a heads up, I’m going to be there in about twenty minutes!

Rose confused: Wait what? I’m going out with Jisoo tonight Jennie!
Jennie giggles: This is apart of your date Rose! You’ll see her soon! Also! Jisoo said dress nice! See you in twenty minutes!

*Jennie hangs up*


Rose was confused, but she shrugged it off knowing how dorky Jisoo is in general.

Rose finished up getting ready, straightened her hair and picked out her outfit for her date night with Jisoo.


(Rose’s outfit:


Jennie arrived outside of Rose’s house in her classic black mustang.

Jennie then made her way towards Rose’s door and knocked to find her bestfriends sweetheart, the two entered Jennie’s mustang, and started making their way towards the secret location.


Rose: Alright! So what’s going on Jennie? Where’s Jisoo?

Jennie giggles: You’ll see her in ten minutes!

*Rose shrugs and turns down the music*

Rose: Anyway, can I ask you about something?

Jennie confused: Sure Rose what’s up?

Rose: um.. Lisa.

*Jennie’s eyes widen as she tightly grips the steering wheel*

Jennie: What about.. Lisa?

Rose: What’s going on between you and her?

Jennie: I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Rose: Yes you do. I know all about the acapella competition and how she ran into you, then the dancing at the party, and.. the theater blow out you guys had.

*Jennie starts getting nervous*

Jennie: Oh. um.

Rose: I only know this because Lisa’s my best friend, and don’t worry I haven’t told Jisoo.

*Jennie nervously nods*

Rose: Jennie… do you hate Lisa?

*Jennie furrows her eyebrows*

Jennie: No! Why? I do not hate Lisa..

Rose: Are you sure? Because she thinks you hate her, and she practically- ah never mind sorry for asking.

Jennie: Rose, what were you gonna say?

Rose: Oh nothing.

Jennie: Rose? Tell me.

Rose: Lisa.. can’t stand you after your guy’s confrontation at the theater. Now I know why you left so early.

Jennie: oh.. I see.

*Rose notices Jennie’s saddened face*

Rose: Hey I’m sorry, I shouldn’t of aske-

Jennie interrupts: No it’s okay, at least I know she actually hates me. Everything makes sense now.

Rose nervously: no no no, she doesn’t really hate you Jennie. I think she actually has a crush on yo-

Jennie interrupts: Shh! Were here!


Rose then got distracted by Jennie announcing their arrival, Rose looks around and sees an empty trail. Rose then asks:


Rose: Jennie?? What’re we doing here?

Jennie: Come on! The sun is setting! We have to walk the trail before it get’s dark!


Jennie locks her car doors and leads Rose through the trail, as Rose looked towards the sky, it looked as if it was painted. It was such a beautiful serene night, it was perfect for what was just about to occur.


Before they reached the end of the trail, Jennie turned around and told Rose to tie a black bandana over her eyes. Rose then asked:


Rose giggles: Okay Jennie, if you want to kill me, just do it now!
Jennie giggles: hah! We’re almost there!


Jennie then took Rose’s wrist and led her to the end of the trail and the sound of soothing music became more audible once they stopped.


Jennie then gave directions to Rose to count to ten and then to unravel the black bandana from her eyes.

As Rose started counting, Jennie ran off and grabbed her expensive camera, she then positioned herself to begin capturing the moment that was about to bloom.


Rose: 8!... 9!.... 10!!


Rose unraveled the bandana from her eyes, it took her a second for her eyes to focus.

But once they did, she found the girl who made her heart flutter standing underneath a candle lit gazebo.

The romantic gazebo was on a cliff, which revealed a picturesque skyline of their hometown.

Rose immediately covered her giddy smile with her delicate hands, but before she realized, Jisoo was standing in front of her and sweetly grabbed both of her hands.


Jisoo then trails her soon to be girlfriend in front of the gazebo, as Rose approached the inside of the gazebo, her eyes landed onto a table with five red roses.

Each red rose had a delicate note attached to each stem.

Jisoo then let go of Rose’s hands and sweetly asked her to read each note.


#1: Rose, throughout this last month and a half, you have been able to change my entire world for the better.


#2: There are no amount of words that I could possibly string together to fully express how genuinely beautiful you are to me.


#3: I couldn’t not imagine myself in a world where you do not exist because I know I don’t belong in a world where we don’t end up together.  


#4: So I have one question for you,


#5: Will you be my girlfriend?


After Rose finished reading the last note, overwhelming tears of joy started streaming down her cheeks as she wrapped her arms around Jisoo’s neck.

Rose’s and Jisoo’s hearts were soaring higher than they’ve ever experienced before.

Rose sealed her answer after she placed a tender kiss upon her girlfriend's pink lips.

They continued their moment by whispering sweet nothings into each other’s ears,

The brand new couple finished off their night with dinner, and sweetly cuddling underneath the star lit sky.


The two girls were falling deeper and deeper as each second passed by.




Jennie’s POV


After Jennie began to take a few photos, she found herself frozen. Jennie slowly lowered the camera lense from her eye and began to realize that she has never personally experienced anything of that nature before. Jennie suddenly longed to be cared for in a way she has never dreamt of.

Jennie silently sighed, then left two lovebirds alone after she captured the first few moment’s of the brand new couple's night.


As she drove herself home, Jennie reflected back on the conversation she had with Rose earlier. She wanted to know more of what Lisa had said and thought about her, Jennie was crumbling at the thought of Lisa despising her. Jennie didn’t know why, but knowing that Lisa’s heart belonged to someone else made her cringe, and at the thought of that, Jennie finally admitted to herself.


-Holy . I’m crazy about Lisa.-


-----------End Of Chapter----------


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Chudozhnik #1
Chapter 2: The story itself is quite interesting, but it is a story and not a theater play script. That style really irritates me
keren_hmlm #2
keren_hmlm #3
GHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD I'M SO GLAD I FOUND THIS AGAIN SAHBFASHDBVJCDF (still hoping you would continue and update this T^T)
keren_hmlm #4
i missed this so much T_T
311627 #5
Chapter 17: Awww this chapter was so cute!^^~
311627 #6
Chapter 15: Jenlisa ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
311627 #7
Chapter 13: Yes Jennie yes kick that !!!
311627 #8
Chapter 12: Alex why are u always there at the wrong time wrong place! Ugh!!!
311627 #9
Chapter 11: Awww Chaesoo so romantic❤️
Jenlisa my ultimate ship I know you'll get there soon!!!❤️
And how come I found this story only now it is so so good!!!❤️