The Carnival pt. 1

JenLisa (BlackPink) (JenniexLisa) (RoJisoo)


The Carnival Part. 1


Lisa’s POV


After I got myself into my house, I ran myself into my room. I couldn’t believe what had happened within the last forty eight hours of my life. I’m so exhausted mentally and physically, from the trenches of the party into the highs of connecting with Jennie. Everything has thrown me into a complete whirlwind. I locked myself in my room and I didn’t know if I wanted to laugh or cry, and so I cried. I cried out of fear of what almost happened at the party, but I also cried tears of joy knowing that Jennie now has a presence in my life. After a treacherous release of tears, I was too exhausted to start my homework. So I took a shower and put myself to bed.




I woke up the next morning late, as usual. I found myself starting to stabilize my emotions after the incident with Alex. I also think I’m going to tell my parent what had happened at the party, I know I can’t stay silent. Aside from those emotions, I was doing pretty good. Knowing that Jennie and I have opened ourselves to what we’ve been missing out these past few months made my heart genuinely happy. I think I want to reach out to her this week and maybe hang out with her again, but only if she wants to, which I really hope she does.


I ended up at school around second period, I know. I need to start waking up earlier, but I knew I needed to rest due to the stress I was put under this entire weekend. After I made my usual late introduction into class, Rose suddenly asked me:


Rose: Have you seen Jennie’s instagram photo of you?!


*Lisa furrows her eyebrows*

Lisa: What’re you talkin- Oh! Yeah, she took a few photos of me after all of us went to lunch yesterday.


Rose: AwWWh! Seriously have you seen it?! It’s so sweet! You look amazing!

Lisa: I haven’t! Oh gosh I probably look awful, I didn’t even get ready that morning.

Rose: It’s so sweet what Jennie said, she seems so happy now that you guys have started talking to each other!


Lisa then quickly directed her attention towards her own phone, she located instagram and searched for Jennie’s account. After the wifi decided to agree, Lisa finally came across the lovely aesthetic photo that was taken of her. The photo already had an endless amount of likes, but the only thing that captured Lisa’s attention was the caption:


“I came across a masterpiece this weekend, it was a pair of brown eyes with a heart beat.”


A massive smile appeared on Lisa’s face for the rest of her school day, Lisa could not stop reading Jennie’s caption over and over again. Lisa knew there was an undeniable vibe between her and Jennie, but she wasn’t able to decipher if Jennie’s unsaid emotions towards her were a figment of her imagination or not.



Lisa’s POV


Later that night after acapella practice with Rose, her and I ended up back at my house. We entered my room and began to mindlessly watch tv. Rose was of course distracting herself by texting her girlfriend constantly, but that didn't irritate me because I practically kept stalking Jennie’s instagram. I was kind of embarrassed to find myself on a photo that was taken 36 weeks ago, but who cares, she’s perfect. Everything was great until Rose decided to see what I was doing.


Rose: What’re you doin?


*Lisa shurgs*

Lisa: Nothing... why?


Rose: Then why are you smiling?

Lisa blushes: I don’t knooow

Rose: Are you talking to Jennie??


*Lisa giggles*

Lisa: Oh my god! why would you think that?

Rose giggles: Because!! hahaaha!


Lisa: Oh come on tell me!


*Rose laughs even more*

Rose: It’s so obvious she’s into you Lisa!


*Lisa confused*

Lisa: W-what??

Rose: oh my god really? Lisa Manoban can’t tell when someone is practically in love with her?! The girl who has everyone wrapped around her finger doesn’t know when someone has a crush on her?!


Lisa: hahah! Umm I have no idea what you’re talking about!

Rose: Oh my god.. Are you blushing?!


*Lisa covers her cheeks*

Lisa: Shut up!!!!


Rose: Bahaha! And It’s so obvious you have it bad for her too heheh

Lisa: ahh is it that obvious?!


Rose: Oh my god! So you ARE into Jennie!? You’re totally stalking her right now aren’t you?!


*Lisa giggles out of embarrassment*

Lisa: NooO! I’m not! What makes you thin-


Rose then fight’s with her best friend and steals Lisa’s phone out of her hand, once she retrieved the phone, she then attached her eyes to the screen and couldn’t contain her laughter:


Rose: You’re such a stalker!!! BAHHAHA


*Lisa laughs*

Lisa: Shut UUuUUp! Give me my phone!


*Lisa fights with rose*

Rose: Nope! No no!


Rose then continued her play fight with Lisa, unfortunately Rose’s thumb slipped and accidentally liked a photo of Jennie’s from 17 weeks ago..


Rose: Oh Shiiit!


*Lisa stops*

Lisa: What?!


*Lisa steals back her phone*



*Lisa throws her phone on the bed and attacks her best friend*


Rose: It was an accident!!!! Stop tickling me!!

Lisa: NO! I can’t unlike it now! UGH, She’s gonna think I’m a creep!

Rose: ahhaah that’s because you are!! Okay! Get off me!!


Lisa finally stopped tickling her best friend, Lisa continued to snarl at Rose through the night. Rose didn’t even want to apologize, because she knew Jennie was probably ecstatic to know Lisa was practically stalking her. Rose made it up to Lisa by taking her out for ice cream that night. After Rose dropped Lisa off back at home, Lisa decided to get prepared for bed. But once she did she heard a notification from her phone.



- ugh i should put my phone on silent -


Lisa then grabs her phone from beside her and suddenly her eyes widen.


“Direct Message from @JennieKim”


Lisa flung herself into a sitting position and gasped. Before Lisa unlocked her phone she began to pace herself around her room thinking what Jennie could’ve messaged her about, her palms started to sweat and her face had terror written all over it.


Lisa’s POV


Oh god, what if she’s messaging me to tell me she thinks I’m creepy? What if she asks me why I liked a photo of her from seventeen weeks ago?! Oh god this is not good this is not good! Ugh, just open it Lisa, just understand it’s all over ugh.


Lisa then unlocked her phone, opened up instagram into her direct messages and read:


10:21pm Jennie: Soo.. are you like stalking me or something? Hahah! :)


Lisa was relieved Jennie made light of the awkward situation, then responded


10:22pm Lisa: ahh… honestly, kinda yeeah. But Rose is the one that took my phone and accidentally liked an old photo of yours D: lmao

10:23pm Jennie: mmhm sure she did! Haha, what’re you up to?

10:24om Lisa: Just hanging out trying to get ready for bed, what about you?

10:25pm Jennie: Same, I actually wanted to ask you for your number?

10:27pm Lisa: It’s ######### :)

10:29pm Jennie: Cool, I just texted you! :)


10:30pm Unknown Number: Hey It’s Jennie!

10:32pm Lisa: Hey! :)

10:34pm Jennie: What’re you doing on friday night?

10:36pm Lisa: Nothing that I know of! What’s up?

10:37pm Jennie: I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with me?

10:40pm Lisa: Yes! I’d love to :)

10:43pm Jennie: Cool :) I’ll pick you up at 6?

10:45pm Lisa: Perfect :)


After Lisa’s short but sweet conversation with Jennie, she ended up quietly squealing in her room out of excitement. Lisa threw her arms into the air and continuously kept punching the air. If anyone were to see her during that moment she instantly would’ve been put into a straitjacket.  



Jennie’s POV


As Jennie made her entrance into school, all eyes were locked on to her. Besides her flawless lengthy dark hair, irresistible smile and outfit. People were staring at her with heavy confusion due to her instagram post. People were already conjuring a spectrum of rumors about her and Lisa, placing bets on how long before Jennie breaks her heart, and more.


Jennie has never shown any outward admiration towards anyone besides her best friend Jisoo. That’s due to her living up to her heart breaker expectation, so when thousands people saw the charming and sweet photo of Lisa, people's hearts started to break. Their chance of advancing on Jennie was starting to diminish, their chance of being the one to change  “Queen Heartbreaker” was fading away.


After a while, Jisoo finally sought out Jennie by her locker and immediately ran over to her and asked:


Jisoo: Jendeukie!! Jennie! Hey!!


*Jennie confused*

Jennie: Heeey Jisoo, how are you always so awake during the morning


Jisoo: Are you dating Lisa?!


*Jennie giggles*

Jennie: No why?


Jisoo: Your instagram photo of her! Gosh that totally looked like a photo of you claiming her as your girlfriend heheh, so many comments were angry about it, so cute


*Jennie playfully rolls eyes*

Jennie sighs: Well she’s not unfortunately.


*Jisoo frowns*

Jisoo: Take Lisa out on friday!

Jennie: What?

Jisoo: You heard me! Take her out!

Jennie: I thought you, Rose and I were going to the winter carnival on friday?

Jisoo: Take Lisa! I’ll take Rose of course, but we’ll meet up with you guys later!

Jennie: No Jisoo, I don’t know I-


*Jisoo gets playfully stern*

Jisoo: You bring Lisa with you or were not hanging out ever again!

Jennie giggles: Geeez! Okaaay, um.. so do I ask her on a date or?

Jisoo: You’re the heart breaker, just do what you always do.. Except the breaking her heart part, because if you do I think I’d kick your for her honestly


*Jennie giggles*

Jennie: I don’t think I could ever do that to her


*Jisoo swoons*

Jisoo: AwwWWH, so cute. So deal!? You take Lisa out at the carnival for a while and do cute things and Rose and I will meet up with you guys towards the end of the night?


*Jennie starts to get nervous*

Jennie: ..ah.. um okay yeah sure


*Jisoo widens her eyes*

Jisoo: oh my god, you’re nervous aren’t you?

*Jennie softly smiles*

Jisoo: oh my god you soooo have it bad her! Ooo Jennie has a crush! Jendeukie has a REAL crush!! Jennie and Lisa sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!


Jennie then started laughing at Jisoo while she used her free hand to cover her friends loud mouth. The two playfully fought until the bell rang for their next class, the two separated ways and went on about their classes.




Jennie’s POV


After an intense acappella rehearsal, I arrived at home. I ended up tiredly crawling up into my bedroom. I was so exhausted, I threw myself onto my bed and closed my eyes for about an hour. By the time I woke up, I looked through my social media accounts and suddenly noticed a notification from @LisaManoban. After I saw that, I woke up faster than I ever have in my entire life.


[email protected] Liked a photo from 17 weeks ago”


I could help but smile at the sight of that, I’m sure it was an accident, but at least I know she was interested in creepin’ on my instagram. That was when I realized I needed to follow through with what Jisoo told me, I couldn’t wait any longer. I mustered up enough courage to DM Lisa on instagram. Honestly, it took me a good hour before I could press send, I ended up editing and retyping my message over and over again until I got exhausted of over thinking. I thought I’d make light of her liking a photo of mine from weeks ago, so I went with that, held my breath and pressed send.


I thought I was seeing an imaginary notification once I saw she replied only a minute later, so I cordially continued the conversation and asked for her number. After she agreed to go out with me on friday, I was unsure if I were to consider it a date or not. I mean, I don’t even know if Lisa’s into girls. Ah, what am I doing Jennie? I could shatter if Lisa were to say the words “I’m not into girls”. , what do I do? Do I ask her or? Damn, I guess I’ll just see how it goes.




Throughout the week, Lisa and Jennie continued to text each other. They had their faces glued to their phones night and day just to be sure that neither of them allowed space to spread in between their dorky conversations. Majority of their conversations were filled with memes, jokes, charmingly dorky selfies, and subtle flirting.


The two girls became more comfortable with freely talking about whatever was on their mind. On Thursday night, Lisa got on the topic of what they were going to do on friday night, but Jennie wanted to keep it as a surprise because she thought it’d be charming. Then, Lisa asked:


11:09pm Lisa: Jennie, can I ask you something?

11:10pm Jennie: I honestly freak out every time you say those words D:

11:13pm Lisa: lmao don’t worry! :)

11:14pm Jennie: ah, I’m still nervous, but sure, what is it?

11:16pm Lisa: I wanted to know what the label was for us hanging out tomorrow?

11:17pm Jennie: what do you mean?

11:20pm Lisa: Like, is it a date? Or are we just hanging out as friends? Or.. heh

11:27pm Jennie: Um.. it’s honestly up to you. I don’t wanna make you feel uncomfortable, but I’d like for it to be a date. But it doesn’t have to be.

11:29pm Lisa: It’s a date then :)

11:30pm Jennie: Okay cool :)


Friday afternoon after school


Throughout Jennie’s entire school day, she was completely out of it. She couldn’t stop daydreaming and creating scenarios of what could occur during her date with Lisa. Jennie would constantly calm herself down during class due to her anxiety. Jennie was terrified, she was terrified because she has never done anything like this before. Jennie has never properly taken a girl out, she’s never properly had a stable relationship, and she has never been on the edge of falling in love. With all of this being such brand new territory for her, she couldn’t help but stress herself out. Jennie was so accustomed to multiple girls throwing themselves at her, so she’s never really had to work hard to progress a relationship. But Jennie knew she wanted to experience all of these emotions with one person, and that was of course Lisa.


Just before Jennie was about to step inside of her car to head home from school, Jisoo ran beside her and said:



Jennie: Oh hey Jisoo


*Jisoo furrows her eyebrows*

Jisoo: Why do you seem so stressed out?


*Jennie sighs*

Jennie: Ugh, you know why..


*Jisoo giggles*

Jisoo: Jennie, you’ve talked to so many girls, why are you so stressed now? You two spent time together last weekend?

Jennie: This is completely different Jisoo. It’s Lisa. Ugh, you know how I feel about her. I really, really like her Jisoo. I don’t want to screw this up, I don’t want to mess around with her. She’s someone I actually want to be in a relationship with.

Jisoo: You won’t screw it up Jennie, don’t worry. I’ve never seen you like this before, I can tell that you have the best intentions with Lisa. And if she reciprocates the same feelings you have for her, I’m sure she’s going to love and adore you no matter what. Don’t worry Jennie, okay?


*Jennie sighs*


Jennie doesn’t respond to Jisoo’s last few words, she just wraps her arms around her best friend for a hug. After they release, Jisoo says:


Jisoo: You got this Jennie, don’t overthink it tonight. Rose and I will meet up with you guys later at the carnival okay? I’ll see you later Jendukie!




The time was flying by before Jennie realized it was time to get ready for her date with Lisa. It was four o’clock, and Jennie began to prepare herself for the night. After she had taken a shower, she followed by finishing her hair, makeup and outfit. Then she made it a point to text Lisa:


4:56pm Jennie: btw! Dress extra comfy and warm! :)

5:10pm Lisa: Sounds good, see you soon :)


(Jennie’s outfit: Oversized biker leather jacket, black sweater, blue baggy mom jeans and doc martens)

(Lisa’s outfit: Oversized denim jacket over a black hoodie, black jeans, sneakers)


Jennie checked out herself one more time in the mirror, sighed and mentally prepared herself for her first date with Lisa.


-oh my god. I’m going on a date with Lisa-


Jennie traveled down her driveway into her car, started the engine and put on some music to calm her nerves.

Earlier that day, Jennie had bought Lisa a bouquet of pink flowers that were sitting in the back of her car. After Jennie thought it through, she thought the flowers would be too cliche, but then she also thought they could make Lisa smile.

By the time she finally made up her mind, she was parked outside of Lisa’s house. Right on time to be exact.

Jennie checked herself in the mirror once again, put on one spray of perfume, wiped of her sweaty palms onto her jeans and finally exited her car.


-okay, you can do this Jennie, just give Lisa the flowers and everything will go smoothly tonight-


Before Jennie was halfway up Lisa’s driveway, she immediately turned around to put the flowers back into her car. But before she got back to her car she ended up turning around again after she talked herself into giving Lisa the flowers all over again. If someone were watching Jennie during that cute and nervous moment, they would’ve “awh”d themselves into heaven.


Finally, Jennie had reached Lisa’s door. Jennie would put her left hand up to knock, but would quickly throw her fist down due to nervousness. This action went on for a good five minutes until she finally mentally kicked herself into knocking on the door.


The door finally opened, and Jennie was frozen by the sight in front of her. With the pink flowers in her hand, Jennie couldn't stop herself as she said:


*Jennie under a spell*

Jennie whispers: Whoa.., you’re - beautiful.


Jennie then realized what she had just said and had turned completely red, but thankfully, Lisa was just as much in a daze when she laid her eyes on Jennie.

Jennie then remembers the bouquet of flowers in her right hand and gently pushes them out towards the girl in front of her and gently smiles.

Lisa then retrieves the flowers, smiles sweetly and automatically wraps her arms around Jennie’s neck then whispers:


Lisa whispers: No, you’re beautiful.

----------End Of Chapter----------


Next chapter will be all about their first date! ;)

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Chudozhnik #1
Chapter 2: The story itself is quite interesting, but it is a story and not a theater play script. That style really irritates me
keren_hmlm #2
keren_hmlm #3
GHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD I'M SO GLAD I FOUND THIS AGAIN SAHBFASHDBVJCDF (still hoping you would continue and update this T^T)
keren_hmlm #4
i missed this so much T_T
311627 #5
Chapter 17: Awww this chapter was so cute!^^~
311627 #6
Chapter 15: Jenlisa ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
311627 #7
Chapter 13: Yes Jennie yes kick that !!!
311627 #8
Chapter 12: Alex why are u always there at the wrong time wrong place! Ugh!!!
311627 #9
Chapter 11: Awww Chaesoo so romantic❤️
Jenlisa my ultimate ship I know you'll get there soon!!!❤️
And how come I found this story only now it is so so good!!!❤️