After The Party

JenLisa (BlackPink) (JenniexLisa) (RoJisoo)

After The Party




(Song: Put My Hand’s On You - Dean x Anderson .Paak)

Jennie’s POV


-What the hell am I doing?... I d-don’t know.. But… I just want this more than anything right now-


As Jennie willingly swayed her hips left and right into the taller girl, Jennie’s entire body was completely out of her control. It may have been the alcohol, or it may have been something else. Jennie had no idea why she was following through with her current actions, but she was in complete bliss when she felt the taller girl hands following her hips.


After Jennie received the Lisa’s name, she suddenly felt the intoxicating touch of Lisa’s hands leave her hips. Jennie then faintly overheard someone calling for Lisa’s attention:


Taller guy: “Hey Baby! There you are!”


Jennie turns back around to find Lisa talking into the taller guys ear, Jennie then notices Lisa’s firm grip on the taller guys arm, and she couldn’t take one more second of it.


-s-she.. has a.. b-boyfriend?-


Jennie was unable to decipher what was going on due to the loud music, crowdedness and the current amount of alcohol in her system. She felt a sense of uneasiness when she laid her eyes on the girl she was just dancing with speaking into another guy’s ear. Jennie couldn’t untangle her drunk thoughts, so she decided she needed to leave.


Jennie quickly pushes her way out the crowd towards the front door, as she exits, she pulls out her phone and signals for an uber to come and take her home.

Everything was happening way too fast for Jennie’s liking, but the only thing she knew is that she didn’t want to be anywhere near Lisa or that guy ever again.


Once Jennie’s uber finally arrived, another one of Jennie’s drunk fan girls appeared out of nowhere:


Fangirl: heeey Jennie..wait!!

*She puts her arms around Jennie’s neck*

Jennie: what the fuu-

*Jennie pushes off the drunk fan*

Fangirl seductively: I think I drannk tooo much Jennie,, do you wanna taake me home with you??

*Jennie rolls her eyes*

Jennie: No. Get away from me.

Fangirl: whaat? Ughh, finee. Forget the taking me home with you part.. It’s actually waaaay past my curfeew. couldd you actually really drive me home??

*Jennie rolls her eyes again*

Jennie: I said no. I’ve been drinking too, i just called an uber.

Fangirl: c-could your uuuber drop me off on the way home?? I reeeally don’t wanna get grounded aggaain!

*Jennie finally gives up and nods her head*

Jennie: Fine whatever, I’ll have them drop you off before me. Also.. don’t you even think about touching me in the uber. Ok?

*the fangirl irritatedly nods and agrees*


Both drunk girls jump into the back seat, Jennie makes it very apparent that she is not one bit interested in sleeping with the other girl next to her.

Jennie then distracts herself by texting her best friend to let her know that she had left.


3:52am Jennie: heyy jissoo i jus left the party,. i got an ubr dont worry im not drivi ng bye

3:55am Jisoo: umm why? I thought we were leaving together?

3:58am Jenne: sorry i tell u tomro unniee im drunnk andd im almst home gnight

4:01am Jisoo: It’s fine! I’m just about to leave anyway, did u want me to come and stay the night? I’ve sobered up now, I’ve actually been talking to Rose all night!! :) <3

4:04am Jennie: ya sure whtever wen u get here il be sleepin

4:08am Jisoo: Sweet dreams weirdo~





Jisoo POV:


After Jisoo finished her text message conversation with her drunk best friend, she quickly looked up to find Roses eyes again.


Jisoo: Ah! Sorry, I was texting my best friend Jennie. She just left. Which it kind of odd, she’s usually always the last one to leave, or always leaves with a girl haha, but she didn’t tonight which is kinda weird..

Rose giggles: Don’t worry! Oh, Is she okay?

Jisoo: ah yeah I think so, she was just acting kind of off tonight, maybe she just wasn’t in the mood.


Time jumps back to 3:53am


Lisa’s POV


After Lisa finished yelling at the taller boy whom tried to dance with her, Lisa turned back around to find Jennie nowhere in sight. Lisa immediately started to panic, she tried to stand on her toes to hopefully come across Jennie’s dark brown hair again. But of course, she didn’t have any luck.


- . Where did she go? Damn it!!..-


As Lisa drunkenly ran around, she came up with mutiple places to check in the mansion in search for the dark haired girl. Sadly, Jennie wasn’t in any of those places.

Once Lisa hurriedly stepped into the kitchen, she harshly tugged on Bobby’s arm and asked:


Lisa in panic: Bobby!! H-have you seen Jennie??

Bobby confusedly responds: ah I haven’t.. all I remember is seeing her dance with.. you? I thought she was with you??

Lisa sighs: She was! But then I had to push some guy off behind me and once I turned back around she was.. gone. i-I’m trying to find her.


Just before Bobby was going to help Lisa look for Jennie, one of Bobby’s acapella members Eric, decided to bud into the worried sum conversation.

Eric was a nice guy, but of course tonight he was beyond intoxicatedly drunk.


Eric: You gu..uys *burp* lookin fer Jennnie k-kim???

Lisa quickly tries to focus her drunk eyes towards Eric and quickly nods while saying:

Lisa: Y-yes! I am! Have you seen her!? I was just with her i-

Eric interjects: i… i saw her leave?? *burp* sh-she left with another girl haha, she alwayss leaves with a one - night staandd! haaha.. prettyy hot right?!


Bobby quickly cringes at the sound of Eric’s words, Bobby watches Lisa’s worried face slowly fade into a saddened one.


Bobby cuts Eric off: Shut up Eric! you’re drunk! Ahh. Lisa don’t listen to him.. She has to be somewhere around here..


Bobby lead’s Lisa towards the back yard, as Lisa follows, she can feel her world spin upside down.

This is not how she wanted her night to turn out.

Lisa just wanted to have a nice and fun night with her best friend, but Jennie had to come and rock her entire world all over again.


Lisa tried and tried to yell Jennie’s name out into the backyard, but the music was too loud.

People were everywhere, they were enjoying themselves in the pool, playing beer pong, dancing by the bar and God knows what else. Lisa then looked over to her left and saw her best friend in the same position she left her earlier that night.

Lisa approaches the two love birds talking on the couch and quickly interrupts them.


Lisa: ROSE! There you are!

*Lisa quickly waves at Jisoo*

Lisa: Hi, I’m Lisa! I have a quick question for you Jisoo, where’s Jennie??

*Jisoo’s eyes widen by the fast question*

Jisoo responds nicely: ah! Jennie! She just left, I don’t know why though.

*Lisa’s fake smile disappears*

Lisa: oh.. Ah okay.. Thanks. Nice to meet you, sorry for interrupting.


Lisa then unsteadily walks away and makes her way inside of the mansion again.

Lisa finds Bobby in the kitchen like before, but Bobby just knew Lisa didn’t have any luck finding Jennie, and so he didn’t ask.

All Bobby did was hand Lisa another shot of vodka.

Lisa heavily sighed at the thought of Jennie taking someone other than her home.

Lisa grabs the shot out of vodka out of Bobby’s hand, and throws the shot glass back.

Lisa then sadly signals for another, and another, and another.



Rose’s POV


The sky was starting to lighten, and the music started to fade down as everyone and their drunk selves vacated the mansion to their own homes.

Jisoo and Rose were still enjoying each other's company outside all bundled up into a blanket, until they realized what time it was.


-ah.. It’s 4:52am?! I better get Lisa and I home before it’s light out-


Rose and Jisoo looked into each other's eyes as they knew their night was coming into an end. The sky was changing, the screams of drunk teenagers disappeared, and multiple drunk sleeping bodies were dispersed throughout the backyard.

The two girls giggled as they both realized the night flew by, they couldn’t believe they spent the entire night talking to one another.


Rose finally broke their silence by saying:


Rose: Thank you so much for tonight Jisoo.. I really enjoyed my night with you.

Jisoo blushes: No, thank you. I really, really liked getting to know you.

Before Rose could respond, Jisoo asks:

Jisoo: Rose … Can I see you again?

Rose softly smiles: Yes, I’d like that.

Jisoo smiles back: Me too.


Both of the girls trail their way back inside the chaotic and messy house, they look around and see garbage, food, and red cups everywhere. The two girls tip toe around the garbage and sleeping bodies, then they heard:

Bobby: There you guys are!! Lisa’s in the bathroom! she’s been throwing up for the past hour.. she's fine now, but she’s laying on the ground with pools of sweat around he-

Rose and Jisoo suddenly run towards the restroom to find Lisa drenched in sweat laying on the bathroom floor, Rose got down to Lisa’s level and brought Lisa’s head into her lap.

Jisoo worriedly asks: Oh my god Is she okay!? Do we need to take her to the hospital?!! I’ll call 911!

*Rose giggles*

Rose: No, Lisa always does this.. She always ends up at my house every weekend when shes drunk.. Hmm.. She normally is able to tell me that she needs my help, but I guess she just had too much fun tonight.  

*Rose continues to run her fingers through Lisa’s hair*

Rose: Hey Jisoo, could you help me carry Lisa into her car? I think I should get her home.


Jisoo and Rose both place one of Lisa’s arms over their shoulders, they take the blonde girl out into the driveway as Bobby parks Lisa’s white range rover in front of the them.


Rose: Thanks Bobby for getting the car

Bobby: It’s the least I could do, I’m surprised Lisa’s still breathing.. She drank so much tonight I just couldn’t stop her..


Rose and Jisoo placed Lisa in the back seat of the range rover, they laid the tall girl down with a plastic bag in her hand in case she needed it. Rose closes the car door behind and walks back towards to Jisoo.


Rose: Thank you for helping me drag Lisa into the car.. She can be quite embarrassing once she drinks too much haha..

Jisoo: Don’t worry about it, Jennie does the same thing to me every weekend

*Both girls softly giggle*

Rose: I think I should get going, oh um….. did you want my number?

*Jisoo nods and quickly takes out her phone and hands it to Rose*

Rose smiles: There…. see you soon?

Jisoo smiles: Y-Yes, very soon.


Rose sweetly smiles at the girl in front of her, Rose then puts her arms around Jisoo’s neck for a quick embrace.

But before Rose released herself from Jisoo’s neck, she quickly placed a small and gentle kiss onto Jisoo’s right cheek before tucking herself away inside the car.

Jisoo swoon filled smile could have been spotted from a billion miles away, Jisoo happily sighed as she watched the girl with the orange hair drive off under the somber morning sky.


-----------------End Of Chapter----------------




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Chudozhnik #1
Chapter 2: The story itself is quite interesting, but it is a story and not a theater play script. That style really irritates me
keren_hmlm #2
keren_hmlm #3
GHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD I'M SO GLAD I FOUND THIS AGAIN SAHBFASHDBVJCDF (still hoping you would continue and update this T^T)
keren_hmlm #4
i missed this so much T_T
311627 #5
Chapter 17: Awww this chapter was so cute!^^~
311627 #6
Chapter 15: Jenlisa ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
311627 #7
Chapter 13: Yes Jennie yes kick that !!!
311627 #8
Chapter 12: Alex why are u always there at the wrong time wrong place! Ugh!!!
311627 #9
Chapter 11: Awww Chaesoo so romantic❤️
Jenlisa my ultimate ship I know you'll get there soon!!!❤️
And how come I found this story only now it is so so good!!!❤️