The Party PT. 1

JenLisa (BlackPink) (JenniexLisa) (RoJisoo)

Qualifying Competition PT.3 / The Party PT. 1



Jennie’s POV


As Jisoo and Jennie take their place on center stage, Jennie shakes her head in attempts to shake the thought of the blonde girl she recently had a collision with. Finally, the lights flash on and Jennie transforms into her alter ego. She then suddenly forgets who she is, and she performs like she’s the queen of the world. As for Jisoo, she charmingly wins over the crowd with her effortless singing, and dreamy smile.


After the Royals finish their performance, they all ran back stage into the green room to celebrate their performance. Then, Jisoo playfully jumped onto Jennies back, and Jennie began to happily run around the green room with complete joy.


Jisoo giggles and screams: Hell! Yeah! We just kicked some asss!

Jennie comes to a stop and shoves Jisoo off her back, she turns around and throws her arms around her best friend.

Jennie: Ah, I feel great! And relieved, we did… AMAZING!

Jennie turns around, and makes an announcement to her group:


Everyone! I’m so proud of each and every single one of you. Thank you so much for dealing with me these past two weeks! We just KICKED !!


Everyone in the green room starts to scream along with excitement after Jennie finished. The group decided to stick around in the green room just before they were going to be called back on stage to receive final vote on whether or not they made it to the semi finals. Even though they knew they were going to make it, they still were all so humble and shuffled around nervously waiting to be called to the stage.



Lisa's/Rose's POV


Announcer: Thank you to all of the twelve schools that performed wonderfully tonight. Sadly, we are only able to select a total of five acts to move forward to the semi final rounds. Now, let’s get started!


The announcer continued to name off three other schools that were selected into the finals, then he finally called the runner up.


As Lisa and Rose held tight onto each other backstage, as they anxiously waited for their name to be called. As the names kept on being called, they grew more and more nervous..


Announcer: Now, even though this is just qualifications, we still select the most favored act and also the runner up. And our runner up today is… *drum roll* QUEENS HIGH SCHOOL!


The crowd wasn’t surprised at all, everyone stood on their feet, as they cheered them on while they gathered onto the stage.


Lisa and Rose wouldn’t let each other go as they followed their fellow members onto the stage, both in shock, they covered their smiling mouths with their hands. The air was filled with applause, and Lisa and Rose fully soaked in their first acapella experience.


The room fell silent after their group received their runner up trophy, and the announcer coughed and began to speak:


Now, it’s time for me to announce the winner of today's qualification round, this group exudes confidence, pure harmony and always presents something new to the table every year. Just as you expected… the winner is… *drum roll*  ROYAL HIGH SCHOOL!!


Just as usual, the crowd roars once again. Lisa was not even close to being surprised, she just knew Royal high school was going to win. Right after Lisa had that incident with Jennie earlier that night, she knew that Jennie was going to own the world, and possibly her heart.


Lisa continued to clap as she watched the Royal crew flood onto the stage next to them to receive their first place trophy.


-ahh… Where is she?- Lisa anxiously asks herself


Finally, Jennie was the last to step on stage, Jennie kindly took the microphone the announcer handed her and started to happily thank the audience, their fans and judges for their win.

As Jennie spoke, the room fell completely silent as the crowd swooned over her. It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop from the other side of the room. Actually, it was so quiet, you could hear Lisa’s heart beat out of her chest.




As the competition concluded, music started playing in the auditorium as confetti fell from the ceiling. The two groups standing on the stage began to greet one another with kind hand shakes and mutual “good jobs”. Both groups shyly waved to their obsessive fans standing just below the stage.


Lisa continued to smile at Rose, they both were still in shock of what they had just experienced. They were torn out of their daze by a few members from Royal high school whom started quickly shaking their hand out of respect, they bowed their heads and catered soft smiles to their new acapella acquaintances.


As Lisa looked around the crowded stage, she was hoping to come across Jennie once again. But sadly, Jennie was nowhere to be found.


-hmm… Where’d she go?-


Lisa, still standing on stage and kept looking left and right for the brown haired girl, then suddenly she was grabbed by her best friend.


Rose: Hey!! ahh! I’m so happy! Come on! We better go back to the meeting room, all of the groups that made it through need to attend a quick meeting for more details on the semi final competition!

Lisa followed her best friend off the stage still in search for the brown haired girl.




Jennie’s POV


After Jennie received their first place award, she did her usual acceptance speech. She was soaring, she was beyond happy that everyone received their performance as she wanted.

Once the competition concluded and the confetti started fall on the floor, Jennie gently looked over to her right. She quickly attached her eyes to the blonde girl who looked like she was in search for something or someone.  


Jennie got distracted by the heavy trophy in her hand, and she reminded herself that she needed to leave as fast as possible. Quickly, Jennie turns around to find her best friend and taps her shoulder.


Jennie: Hey Jisoo, I think I’m gonna head out right now. My cousin is here and he’ll give me a ride home.

*Jennie quickly unwraps her hoodie from her waist and puts it on. She also puts on her sunglasses and black hat*

*Jisoo listens to Jennie as she signs a few t-shirts from fellow admirers.*

Jisoo: ahh! Yeah, can I go with you? I don’t wanna stay for the follow up meeting, we always end up getting bombarded by fans after.

Jennie giggles, nods and says: that’s exactly why we need to go right now!


Jennie then grabs her best friend's hand, and takes her towards the back stage exit to find her cousin waiting outside in his car. While the girls we’re walking towards the car, they were immediately spotted by their usual obsessive fans. Jennie and Jisoo laughed loudly and ran even faster towards her cousin's car.


Once the two best friend entered the car, they both couldn’t stop laughing.

Jennie looked over at her best friend in the back seat and says:

Who would’ve thought that being in an acapella group would mean having to run away from insane fans!


Jisoo smiles and sarcastically responds: Ahh.. I don’t know. Maybe because my bestfriend is insaneLY hot!!


Jennie playfully glares at Jisoo, and continues to giggle as she turns up her favorite song and dances happily in the passenger seat.




Lisa’s POV


Rose and Lisa took a their last few steps down towards the meeting room.


Once they arrived inside the meeting room, the room was filled with fellow finalists. Members were scattered all around the large room, everyone began to happily exchange numbers, compliments and smiles.


Lisa repeated her kind “thank yous” and smiles along side Rose, both girls took their seats as they listened to the acapella coordinators explain the new details for the semi finals.


Lisa whispered to Rose: Why is everyone so... Nice to each other?

Rose silently giggles: You know the “drama” between Queens and Royals? Yeah, it actually doesn’t exist.. Both schools only act like we hate each other in public because the acapella association thinks it makes everything more.. dramatic and that it’ll attract more people. publicity.. Ya know?


*Lisa nods her head in relief*


-hmm.. So then Jennie.. Didn’t already hate me?.. Ugh well she for sure does now due to me practically having an accidental wrestling match with her in the restroom tonight.. Ahh.. Lisa.. so dumb.. So dumb-


The meeting finished, and everyone began to say their goodbyes to their new acapella friends.

Just as Rose and Lisa we’re about to step back onto their bus, someone had stopped them.


Bobby from Royal Crew: Hey! Guys! I’m Bobby! Nice to meet you guys! I just wanted to say hi and that my friends and I think you guys are extremely talented!

Rose smiles and looks at Lisa: ah! Aren’t you guys in Royal crew? Ahh! Thank you so much.. You shouldn’t be complimenting us we should be complimenting you guys!

*Lisa nods and smiles*

Bobby: You guys are so nice, thank you, thank you, actually! We know you guys are newcomers, and I’m unsure if any of your other members let you guys know about the annual party I host at my house?

*Lisa and Rose shake their heads no*

Bobby smiles: Yeah! Well, basically after every competition I host a pool party at my parent’s second house just outside of town! Almost every acapella group comes, we all hang out and have a good time, you guys are definitely invited!

Rose quickly responds: Oh! Sounds like so much fun! When is it again?

Bobby: It’s tomorrow night! which is saturday, it starts around 9pm and usually goes on pretty late haha.

*The Royals bus honks at Bobby*

Bobby quickly says: Oh looks like I gotta go! I’ll see you guys tomorrow?! Bring some alcohol for yourselves! And just get the address from one on your other members! See you later!


Rose and Lisa proceed to sit next to each other on their bus ride back to school, the bus was filled with laughter, smiles and loud music. Just after the girls were dropped off at school, Rose had stopped Lisa from driving off and asks:


Hey! Before you leave! Did you wanna go to the party tomorrow? Well, I actually think I wanna go.. would you go with me? I mean you know, I’ve never been to a party before and stuff..

*Lisa doesn’t even question it and nods her head to agree with a smile*

Rose smiles: Cool! Come over to my place tomorrow after you get ready? We can leave my house around 10ish? Or whenever haha I don’t know how to do this whole party thing actually.

Lisa agrees: haha! You’re so cute unnie, don’t worry, I’ll teach you the ropes! I’ll see you tomorrow!

*Lisa rolls up her window and drives off*


Rose and Lisa end their night by driving off towards their separate homes, both exhausted from their busy day, they follow their normal nightly routine and fall right to sleep.


Except for Lisa, Lisa kept shifting herself side to side throughout the entire night. She kept replaying the unfortunate encounter she had with Jennie. Lisa checked the time and read -3:17am-, she then threw her covers over her head and groans.


-I can’t sleep, ugh I’m an idiot.. I just had a wonderful day, and an amazing performance, but Jennie. Ugh.. whatever.. I need to sleep. I wonder if she’s gonna be at bobby’s party?.. Hmm... probably not.. She’s too cool for that stuff right?.. I better try and sleep.-



 The Party PT. 1

Saturday afternoon:


Lisa’s POV:


Lisa finally wakes up to the sound of her mothering vacuuming that sunday afternoon,


*Knock knock knock*

Lisa’s Mom: Lisa! I know you’re tired from your competition! But it’s time to wake up! It’s already 3:30pm!


Lisa groans as she throws her pillow over her head to cover her ears, she slowly opens her eyes to her sunlit bedroom and an open laptop next to her.


-ahh. I should’ve went to bed earlier and not of watched so many episodes of weekly idol.-


She pushes herself out of bed, stretches and rubs her eyes. She slowly walks down to her kitchen to find her mom making sandwiches for lunch.


Lisa’s mom: Ah! Lisa, I made you lunch.

Lisa tiredly respond: Yum, Thanks mom

Lisa’s mom hands her daughter a sandwich and cheerfully asks: How was the competition!

Lisa smiles: It was great mom, we got second place and were moving on to the semi finals actually.

*Lisa starts to eat her food*

Lisa’s mom: Oh wow! Honey I’m so sorry I couldn’t make it, I had to work all night-

Lisa understands: It’s okay mom, I understand, you have a good reason, you were busy saving lives, nothing to apologize about!

Lisa’s mom sweetly smiles at her daughter and then exits the kitchen to leave for her afternoon/night shift.

*Lisa quickly lifts her head from her food*

Lisa: Oh yeah mom! I’m going to a party tonight, and I’m spending the night at Rose’s!

Lisa’s mom responds and says: Don’t stay out too late! No drinking and driving! You know the drill, I’ll see you tomorrow, be safe please!


Lisa’s mom exits the house leaving Lisa all alone.

She then takes this alone time as an opportunity to relax before she has to go out and socialize again later that night. Lisa goes back up into her room and begins the next episode of weekly idol, then slowly starts to doze off once again.



Lisa was woken by the sound of her phone, she sat up and unlocked her cellular device to find a message from her best friend.


7:22pm Rose: Hey Laliz!! what should I wear tonight?

7:23pm Lisa: Ah.. idk? You trying to look hot or cute tonight?

7:25pm: Rose: hmmm, Both!!

7:29pm: Lisa: um why are you asking me for fashion advice? You always look great unnie lol

7:32pm: Rose: I’ve never been to a party! You know this! Ah idk. Anyway I wanted to ask, do you think Jisoo from Royal high school will be there tonight?

7:37pm: Lisa: Just wear whatever your heart desires unnie lmao.. And um, idk why so?

7:39pm: Rose: ah, idk just wonderin

7:42pm: Lisa: mhm ;) anyway! I’m gonna jump in the shower and get ready, i’ll be there around 9ish or whatever byeee <3

7:56pm: Rose: omggg Lisa! Don’t get any ideas! I just wanna meet her okay?

8:02pm: Lisa: ya ya ya, whatever you say unnie, see you soon! :) :)  


Lisa proceeds to close her laptop, grabs a towel and her wireless speaker. She grabs her phone, plays her favorite song and jumps into the shower. Lisa finishes cleaning up and wraps herself into her towel, she walks across the hall again to pick out tonight's clothes.


-hmmm.. What am I in the mood for tonight?-

(Lisa picks out the outfit she wore during the roller skating scene in the boombayah music video without the hat.)


Lisa heads back towards her bathroom and finishes her makeup and straightening her greyish blonde hair. She checks the time and takes it as her cue to leave, she places her phone in her hand, grabs her wallet and keys and finally makes her way towards Rose’s house.





Lisa pulls into Rose’s driveway, she quickly jumps out of her car and knocks on Rose’s door. Rose finally open’s her front door and the girls booth shriek at the sight of each other.


Rose & Lisa looking at each other:



(Rose wearing a pink crop top, light blue shorts and knee high socks with sneakers and wavy hair)


Rose laughs and responds with: haha what! I’m not trying to impress anyone okay? I just, didn’t wanna look lame.

Lisa rolls her eyes: Well I’m not trying to impress anyone either! and I also didn’t wanna look lame.

*Rose rolls her eyes back at Lisa while she closes the door behind her*

Rose: Anyway, you ready?


Rose and Lisa enter the white range rover, Rose plugs in her phone while sitting in the passenger seat and begins to play some music.


(Song they’re listening to: Back To Me - Marian Hill x Lauren Jauregui )


Lisa’s hand inches towards the volume knob and slightly turns the music down just enough so Rose could hear her.


Lisa: Hey, I wanted to ask! What was your question about that girl Jisoo earlier about??

Rose suddenly stops singing and shrugs: Ahh, I don’t know, She seems cool, I think I wanna be friends with her I guess.

Lisa surprised: oooh whaat?? Rose wants to make some new friends? Woooow, hahaha. She really does seem nice though, if she's there tonight you should definitely talk to her.

Rose just smiles and continues to sing along to the song playing in the car.

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Chudozhnik #1
Chapter 2: The story itself is quite interesting, but it is a story and not a theater play script. That style really irritates me
keren_hmlm #2
keren_hmlm #3
GHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD I'M SO GLAD I FOUND THIS AGAIN SAHBFASHDBVJCDF (still hoping you would continue and update this T^T)
keren_hmlm #4
i missed this so much T_T
311627 #5
Chapter 17: Awww this chapter was so cute!^^~
311627 #6
Chapter 15: Jenlisa ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
311627 #7
Chapter 13: Yes Jennie yes kick that !!!
311627 #8
Chapter 12: Alex why are u always there at the wrong time wrong place! Ugh!!!
311627 #9
Chapter 11: Awww Chaesoo so romantic❤️
Jenlisa my ultimate ship I know you'll get there soon!!!❤️
And how come I found this story only now it is so so good!!!❤️