The Waitress

JenLisa (BlackPink) (JenniexLisa) (RoJisoo)

The Waitress





Jennie’s POV


As I woke up, I felt an unfamiliar weight on my chest. After my eyes focused, I found Lisa softly asleep on my chest. I wasn’t surprised to find her still attached to me due to what occurred the night before. I know I shouldn’t blame myself, but I do. I could’ve saved Lisa from ever experiencing that traumatic event if only I wasn’t so cruel, if only I became friends with her beforehand, if only I stole her away from that boy while I was up stairs.

It’s quite unfortunate how things panned out for us, and also I hate that I wasted so many past hours trying to diminish Lisa from my mind.

Even though last night was our first time spending time together alone, I knew I’d never want to see another day without her in my life.

I need to protect her with every fiber of my being, I just want to be by her side whether it’s as a friend or a girlfriend, whatever the outcome, I want to be the one who’s always there for her.


I didn’t dare to move as she slept, the feeling of her arm wrapped around my torso sent me into a never ending flood of admiration. Oh how I wish she had rested in my arms for an endless amount of time, but sadly that moment was torn from me when my phone rang.

Lisa then slowly regained consciousness, her breathing unsynchronized with mine, and I could see the tips of her eyelashes flutter up and down before she started looking around. Lisa lifted her head off my chest to meet her eyes with mine, and she momentarily stared at me in a way I’ve never seen before. I wanted to drown in that moment, but she stopped and asked:


*Phone still ringing*

Lisa: aren’t you gonna get that?


*Jennie realizes her phone is still ringing*

Jennie: -oh, um yeah.


Once Jennie located her phone on her night stand, Lisa rested her sleepy self back onto Jennie’s chest as she spoke on the phone:


Jennie: Hello?

Jisoo: Heeeey! Good morning!! Is Lisa still over there?

Jennie: ah, yeah we just woke up

Jisoo: Good! Rose and I will be over there in ten minutes to pick you guys up for lunch!! Bye!
*Jennie hangs up the phone*



Lisa finally unattached herself from Jennie. Lisa leaned over to the open space on Jennie’s bed and stretched. After she was done, she faced Jennie and sleepily asked:


Lisa: who was that?

Jennie: Jisoo and Rose, they’re gonna be here in ten minutes to pick us up for lunch.


*Lisa softly smiles*

Lisa: oo, good, I’m hungry.


Jennie pushed herself out of bed and wasn’t in any mood to dress up. She quickly grabbed a pair of black joggers, a black adidas hoodie, and threw her hair up into a messy bun. Then Jennie asked:


Jennie: If you wanna wear any clothes of mine go for it.


*Lisa shrugs*

Lisa: Can I just get a sweatshirt of yours?


Jennie then went and grabbed her favorite grey sweatshirt and handed it to Lisa. Jennie walked into her bathroom across the hall, brushed her teeth, washed her face and returned to her bedroom.


Jennie: I left out an extra toothbrush in the bathroom for you, you can go and use anything you need.


After Lisa returned from the restroom, Jennie and Lisa heard three faint knocks coming from the downstairs door. Jennie and Lisa made their way downstairs to meet Jisoo and Rose.


Jisoo: HeeeeEy!

Rose: oh my god this is the first time we’re all gonna hang out together!!

*Jennie looks at Lisa*

Jennie: It is isn’t it?

Jisoo: Oh c’mon let’s goooo I’m hungry!!


Lisa’s POV


Us four girls made our way into Jisoo’s car. Jisoo drove as Rose continued to ask us a ton of questions at once. Jennie finally slowed Rose down by telling her to wait until we were seated for lunch and she happily understood.

The car ride wasn’t silent due to Jisoo and Rose continuously messing with each other during the entire ride, they would steal kisses from each other and would cutely made silly faces towards each other for entertainment, it was so cute I wanted to vomit.

As the car moved along the road, I looked over to Jennie, she was silently staring out the window next to her. Her left hand was on her lap and her right hand was resting on the center seat between us, I kept stealing glances of her profile as she daydreamed. I analyzed the strands of hair that fell from her messy bun onto the sides of her face. I couldn’t help myself from staring at her empty hand beside me, I didn’t know if it was okay to hold it or not. So I didn’t although I missed it.  



After the four girls arrived at the restaurant, they all scurried out of the car into the building due to the coldness.


Lisa’s POV


We all sat down in the seating room as we waited for our table.

Jisoo and Rose continued to entertain each other without remembering we were with them. There was never a dull moment between those two, gosh I hope to have someone look at me in the way they look at each other some day.

I moved my eyes towards Jennie who was sitting a foot away from me, she seemed content but quiet. I didn’t want to annoy her so I allowed her to get some space after she held me all night.

Finally, the waitress came to direct us to our seats. Us four sat down in our seats with Jennie beside me and Jisoo with Rose across from us. Once the waitress handed us our menus, I felt an overbearing sense of uneasiness as I watched the young brown haired waitress try and eye flirt with Jennie, but Jennie didn’t even notice.


-ah keep it together Lisa, Jennie isn’t yours.-


After the waitress came back to take our orders, she laid her eyes on Jennie and said:


*Waitress ily smirks at Jennie*

Waitress: What would you like today beautiful?


*Jennie doesn’t even notice*

Jennie: Oh can I get the pepperoni pizza, thanks.


Waitress: Of course anything for you.. You know actually, you have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen before.


*Jennie caught off guard*

Jennie: Oh thanks, that’s very nice of you.


*Waitress collects menus*

Waitress: mmhm, I’ll be back cutie ;)


After I watched the waitress try and come on to Jennie, I wanted to strangle her. Okay not literally, but almost. I don’t know why, but I hated the idea of anyone else being held in Jennie’s arms. I couldn’t take it, so I quickly grabbed my glass of water and chugged every ounce of liquid to cool myself down as the other girls spoke.


Jisoo: OoooO Jennie! She totally wants you!
Rose: Yeah!! She’s cute, she looks like she’s our age are you gonna talk to her?

Lisa whispers to herself: she wasn’t that cute.


*Jennie wakes up from her daydream*

Jennie: Oh what? What’re you talking about?

Jisoo: The waitress! Other there! Look she’s giving you those eye’s ;)


*Jennie cringes*

Jennie: Oh god, no thanks.

Rose: What! Why! She totally seems into you! She’s really pretty!


*Jennie shrugs*


Jisoo and Rose stopped nagging Jennie as they giggle to remember how bad Jennie has it for Lisa. Once their food arrived, Rose began with all of her questions on what happened the night before. Jennie did most of the talking, Lisa didn’t really want to speak much or even say his name ever again. After Jennie recalled the entire sequence of events of that night, Rose and Jisoo’s faces turned into frightened saddened ones that spoke.


*Rose puts her hand on Lisa’s*

Rose: Lisa.. I’m-I’m so sorry I wasn’t there, I’m the one who always protects you and I didn't, I’m so sorry I’m awful, are you okay? Oh my god Lisa, I-


Lisa interrupts: I’m okay Rose, it’s okay. Jennie was able to get there in time before anything got worse, and thankfully Bobby and Eric were there to knock him out a few times outside..


Jisoo: Ahhh.. we’re so sorry Lisa. I’m glad you’re safe now, I’m glad Jennie was there to save you.


Lisa: .. yeah, me too. I don’t know what I would’ve one without her being there.


Lisa looked over to Jennie who also had a gloomy expression upon her face, they exchanged soft smiles and stared at each other for a few moments before the waitress came back.


*waitress staring at Jennie*

Waitress: Is your food alright cutie?


*Jennie irritated*

Jennie: Oh yeah everything’s great thanks


*waitress smiles at Jennie*

Waitress: I actually wanted to ask.. If I - could have your number?


Lisa’s POV


After we explained all of the details to Rose and Jisoo, we finished up our pizza. Once we were done, the waitress came back over to collect our empty plates and I suddenly began to get extremely irritated with her presence. So I grabbed Rose’s glass of water and began to cool myself down again, but once I heard the waitress ask for Jennie’s number.

I could not take it.


*waitress smiles at Jennie*

Waitress: I actually wanted to ask.. If i could have your number?


*Lisa immediately looks at the waitress*

Lisa irritated: Look, she’s not interested okay?


*Rose and Jisoo look at each other heavily surprised*


*Waitress rolls her eyes*

Waitress: I didn’t ask you.


*waitress starts to twirl a piece of Jennie’s hair*

Waitress: Back to you sweetheart, did you want my number?


*Jennie furrows her eyebrows*

Jennie: I actually don-


Lisa interrupts: Waitress, can you please get my girlfriend and I’s check please?!


*Jennie’s eye widen at Lisa’s comment*

Jennie: Uh.. yeah? can we have our check?

*Jisoo and Rose giggle*


The waitress walked away with a heavy attitude after Lisa made that comment, after she came back with the checks, she rolled her eyes again at Lisa as she walked away.


Lisa: Aha, um sorry I had to make her think was your girlfriend so she’d leave you alone haha..


Jennie: Oh.. haha.. Yeah.. thank you.


Jisoo: Damn Lisa! you’re super protective over your “fake girlfriend” hahahah!

Rose: Yeah it was so cute!! Hahah awh, I’m glad to see you guys finally get along!


After the girls paid for their lunch, they entered Jisoo’s car. The car ride was filled with laughter and jokes made about the waitress.


Jisoo: Ehem! Oh Lisa! Did you want me to drive you home right now I-

Jennie: I can drive her home.

Jisoo: But I’m already driving i-

Jennie: It’s no trouble, her stuff is at my house anyway.


*Lisa softly smiles*

Lisa: Are you sure? I don’t wanna make you drive over to my side of town if you don’t wan-

Jennie smiles: I don’t mind.

Lisa smiles: okay.



Jennie’s POV


After Jisoo and Rose dropped us off at my house, I quickly left Lisa outside while I grabbed my car keys and her stuff from my room. I kept smiling at the sound of her calling me her “girlfriend” back at the restaurant, even though it was just to get the waitress to stop flirting with me, I found it super cute when Lisa seemed and “ acted” over protective over me.


-ugh I wish that was real-


I quickly grabbed my keys and Lisa’s stuff, then exited my house once again.

I locked the door behind me and I found Lisa leaning against my car as she played on her phone.

I was taken back by the sight I saw, it was honestly stunning to watch Lisa in her natural state of mindless business. The way the cold afternoon sun kissed Lisa’s skin while being dressed in my oversized sweatshirt made life seem effortless. I put the items I had in my hands down beside me and quickly grabbed my smartphone out of my pocket, Lisa then looked up at me and asked:


*Lisa smiles*

Lisa: um what’re you doing?

Jennie: don’t move! I have to get a photo!

Lisa: Of what?

Jennie: You.


*Lisa caught off guard*

Lisa: why?

Jennie: Because you look really pretty right now and I have to get a photo, now shhh don’t move go back to what you were doing!


Lisa follows what Jennie asked and goes back to exactly was she was doing before. She continued to scroll through instagram while trying not to blush so hard at Jennie’s comment. Eventually she started smiling as Jennie began to move around to get different angles of the blonde model in front of her. Jennie captures her last photo and Lisa follows Jennie into the car. As Jennie began to drive, Lisa asks:


Lisa: Well aren’t you gonna show me the photos!

*Jennie giggles*

Jennie: You’ll see one!

Lisa: Just one?!

Jennie: I really like one in particular, can I post it on my instagram?

*Lisa giggles*

Lisa: You want me on your instagram?

Jennie: Yes, you’re art and I want art on my instagram

*Lisa giggles and blushes even more*

Lisa: haha! Ahh.. whatever you say Jennie


Lisa’s POV


The car ride only lasted fifteen minutes, I wish I had lasted longer. Jennie and I never allowed silence to grow between us. We infatuatedly spoke about various topics of what we were interested in, and things we weren’t too fond of. I didn’t know that we were so similar in so many different aspects, but we were also entirely different which made me so curious about her.

After Jennie pulled up infront of my house, we just sat in her car and continued our conversation about art, music, and dance.

This was our first easy going, non formulated, non dramatic, wholesome conversation.

It felt so effortless, we could’ve gone on until we fell asleep. But sadly, I had to checked the time. It was still early in the evening, but homework doesn’t do itself right?

I gave my cue about homework and we exchanged small smiles of our goodbyes. I exited her car and I knew she was waiting for me to safely enter my house, but before I did. I realized I forgot something. I set my stuff down on the porch and walked back towards Jennie’s car.


Jennie’s POV


I was happy to see Lisa act as herself after lunch. As we drove home, our conversations were overflowing with curiosity towards one another. It made me happy to think that she was comfortable enough to sit with me in my car to talk for a bit longer.

I really enjoyed the way she spoke about dancing. It was the way her eyes lit up and how her speech became faster and faster as she explained the the way her heart fluttered every time she lost herself while dancing. I couldn’t help but smile silently, I don’t think she realized that she spoke for a full ten minutes straight. It was the sweetest, most innocent thing I’ve ever watched. After we said our goodbyes, I didn’t want to leave without watching her safely get inside of her home. Just before I started to put my car in reverse, I looked up to find Lisa walking towards my car again. I rolled down my window and asked:


*Jennie furrows her eyebrows*

Jennie: Did you forget something in my car?

*Jennie looks around inside her car*


*Lisa giggles*

Lisa: No I didn’t! Actually, can you get out of the car really quick?


*Jennie still confused*

Jennie: ah sure?


Jennie’s POV


I set my car in park and unbuckled my seatbelt, I exited my car and stood myself in front of Lisa in confusion.


Jennie: um what’s up? Is everything okay?

As I asked those words, Lisa immediately wrapped her arms around my neck.

She embraced me into a deep hug that was filled with a heart felt “thank you”. I was caught off guard at first, but I followed her movements and wrapped my arms around her torso. We didn’t move from our position for a couple of minutes, we innocently held each other as we silently allowed our closeness speak. She then whispered:


Lisa: Jennie. Thank you. - thank you for being there to save me. Thank you for taking care of me last night. You don’t know how thankful I am for you. Thank you.


Jennie whispers back: I won’t ever let anything or anyone hurt to you again, okay?


Lisa then slowly released herself from my neck, she took half a step backwards and smiled at me sweetly before she retreated into her house. I was left standing outside, I placed myself in my car once again and drove off.



Once Jennie arrived outside of her house, she noticed her parents arrived home from their mini spa vacation this weekend. Jennie sat herself in her car for a few minutes until she sighed. She leaned herself against her seat and outwardly whispered to herself..




Jennie: I’m gonna fall in love with her, aren’t I?

--------End Of Chapter--------

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Chudozhnik #1
Chapter 2: The story itself is quite interesting, but it is a story and not a theater play script. That style really irritates me
keren_hmlm #2
keren_hmlm #3
GHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD I'M SO GLAD I FOUND THIS AGAIN SAHBFASHDBVJCDF (still hoping you would continue and update this T^T)
keren_hmlm #4
i missed this so much T_T
311627 #5
Chapter 17: Awww this chapter was so cute!^^~
311627 #6
Chapter 15: Jenlisa ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
311627 #7
Chapter 13: Yes Jennie yes kick that !!!
311627 #8
Chapter 12: Alex why are u always there at the wrong time wrong place! Ugh!!!
311627 #9
Chapter 11: Awww Chaesoo so romantic❤️
Jenlisa my ultimate ship I know you'll get there soon!!!❤️
And how come I found this story only now it is so so good!!!❤️