A Love Blew From No Where - A love story with Lee Taemin Pt.22

A Love Blew From No Where - A love story with Lee Taemin


I wish he was my guardian angel! <3


There was fire everywhere; everything was collapsing into heaps of debris. The orange flames were closer and closer to me.

But I wasn’t alone. I was in the arms of my umma, who was putting on a brave front, though I can feel the tremble in her embrace. Appa was beside me; his eyes were wide, scanning rapidly across the room for any exit out of this hellish place.

We were trapped in the corner. I was frightened. I clung tighter to my umma’s arms. The only thing that showed any sign of salvation in this desperate situation was the window beside us. But that wasn’t even an option – we were stuck at the tenth level.

For the past hour, my parent had shouted themselves hoarse for help by the window. Yet no help came.

The flames were coming closer and closer. The heat was unbearable.

“Umma...” I cried out.

She held me close to her and breathed into my hair. “Seo-Yun...remember your wind power?” Her voice was shaky. Appa came over with a determined expression on his face. I wasn’t sure what both of them had in mind.

“Yes?” My voice was shaky as well...tears were overflowing my face.

“Please be safe.” She paused, uncontrollable sobs escaping her lips. She kissed my head. “We love you.”

Appa suddenly grabbed me from umma’s hug and threw me out of the window. I felt the plummeting sensation; I was falling backwards, down, down...


My gaze was locked onto the expression of my parents’ who were looking out of the window.

They were crying so badly....


Why didn’t you take me along with you?      

I want to be with you....Umma...Appa...


Was she having a nightmare?

Taemin gazed upon the pained expression on Seo-Yun’s sleeping face. He couldn’t bear the look; his heart was feeling pain if she was feeling pain as well...


He sighed at the heavy weight on his heart.

They were now in his room and she was sleeping on his bed. Just a few moments ago, he thought all colors had been drained off in his world as he hugged his lifeless precious one in his arms. Luckily his Shinee hyungs were composed enough to bring him back from the shock by telling him that she had just fallen asleep.

As he continued to observe her facial expression, a fact was slowing but surely dawning up on him.


Has he liked her to this extent already?


Taemin sat by her side and took hold of her hand gently.

“Don’t be sad...” He mumbled and her hair softly. “I’ll be here for you.” He leaned in and kissed her forehead with all his tenderness.

Like a miracle, her face softens.

He sat up and smiled at the peaceful sleeping expression on her face.

“I’ll protect you.” He promised. This time, nothing was going to hold his feelings back. He wants to be the guardian angel by her side, just like her who has always been by his side…


A gentle sound of the door opening alerted him and he turned around to see Minho hyung .

“Taemin…” he said in a low voice. “Someone came for your friend.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Who is it?” He couldn’t recall informing anyone where Seo-Yun was, so why would anyone come here for her?

Minho hyung shrugged. “Beats me. He looked a bit like a foreigner.”

Upon the description, Taemin’s fury immediately rose and he darted outside and saw someone who he least yet most wanted to see at the same time.


“Alex…!” He instantly reached out his hands and gripped the shirt collar of the taller man so fiercely that he pushed the man a few steps back.

“What have you done with Seo-Yun?” He couldn’t care how hostile he sounded in front of his shocked Shinee hyungs. All he cared about was the explanations for Seo-Yun’s current state and the mysterious large bruise on her wrist.

The light-haired man gave a startled look. “Is Seo-Yun alright? God…how could she had run off and handled it all by herself!” He grabbed hold of Taemin’s hands and stared into his eyes.

“She’s alright isn’t? Please tell me she’s fine!”

Taemin saw the genuine worry and concern in Alex’s eyes and felt his anger draining away. He released his grip on the man’s clothes.

“She’s fine…she’s sleeping on my bed for the moment. “He mumbled before shooting him another look. “What exactly happen and how do you know she’s here?”

Alex’s eyes shifted uncomfortably. “I can’t really reveal to you about it. It’s work-related problems.” He brushed his fingers through his honey-colored hair and breathed a sigh of relief. “But it’s good that she’s fine….”


His sentence was cut off by a sudden ringtone from his pocket.

Taemin furrowed his eyebrow as Alex whipped out his ringing handphone – It was the same handphone model with the same ringtone as Seo-Yun. What’s more, it even had the same keychain dangling around.

Alex made a quick conversation on the phone and slipped the phone back into his pocket and away from Taemin’s intent stare.

A look of distress returned back to the handsome man’s face.

“Look…please take care of Seo-Yun for me for the moment. I got to go. When she wakes up, tell her I have gone to finish the ‘work’ before the ‘work’ comes to find her. It’s important.”

Taemin frowned at the clear secrecy behind Alex’s message.

Really…what is going on?

But he simply nodded and watched silently as the visitor leave the house as hastily as he has entered.


A question was nicking at the back of Taemin’s mind like an annoying parasite.

Are they a couple?

He pursed his lips at the thought before noticing stares burning right into his back.

“Taemin?” He heard an interrogating tone in Key umma’s voicce.

He rolled his eyes before turning round and plastered an innocent smile across his face.

“Yes umma?” He tried to act nonchalant.

But something in the eyes of his four Shinee hyungs told him that they are not going to let him off easily.

Oh boy.


#Author's note - MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALLLL!!!!!! Here's a part of my present to all of you. And no its not the ending. In fact, this is still quite far from the ending (Oh boy...) Hpefully in this busy festive day, you still have the time to read it! :D

And what's my christmas gift so far? It's.....writer's block. Omo (T^T)

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Have a great day ahead! :DDD

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Hahaha I cant believe I read this all in 3 hours and tome check its 3 20 am :) love the story its not like those other usual stories I read on Aff (no offence to anyone out there) -.-
Laney1822 #2
Chapter 3: Taemin could get away with anything he's y hot.
AliAsia #3
i loved reading this story it was brilliant!! it was so good that i stayed up till 12:30am just to finish it. i think that it was very well written and it should be made into a film. my heart wouldn't stop beating faster and faster the closer i got towards the end XD
I REALLY REALLY REALLY enjoyed reading this story. Seriously, I read this straight through no stopping. It's seriously 12:45 AM and I have school soon LOL.
kissabletaetae #5
love story with taemin!! OMO
Only half way and it sounds really good !!
Love this~! I must read on~~!!! ♥
Woah~ I finally finish and wow this story was last year O.O
I love it though > v < ~
I hope there's a sequel for it xD YOU ARE DAEBAK!!
OOH~~ I love this fanfic!!
It's also gives me an anime feel to it :DD
even though, the story is already complete, i subscribe to support it xD
You are Daebak!!
Wow, this story is Daebak..
this is probably the best Taemin fic I've ever read. (:
Keep up the good job~ ^^