A Love Blew From No Where - A love story with Lee Taemin Pt.27

A Love Blew From No Where - A love story with Lee Taemin


I wonder how does Taemin thinks about love?


I sighed, feeling the December breeze blowing right on me, freezing my cheek frames. What was I searching for? I thought as I gazed at the empty fields below from the rooftop.

Everyone was long gone…he couldn’t possibly still be here. This was a fruitless hope, but I couldn’t help but hung onto that silver lining.

Give it up. You have to give it up.

I chuckled under my breath at my bitter fate.

I took one last glance and prepared to make a turn for the exit.

But a voice cut through the air and hit me straight on.


 Every fiber of my being froze in response.  It’s unmistakable…that voice. It was Taemin.

I closed my eyes. It’s painful enough just knowing he was no more than a meter behind me at this very instant; the stringing pain courses through my chest like a hole that could tear through my heart at any second. I gasped at the pain.

I didn’t want to see his face. But then…there is something I have to…need to do.

I turned around with a cold expression plastered across my face. “What?” a voice not mine came out from my lips.

My eyes fall onto the startled look across his small face but I continued on. “I have to go. I’m leaving.”

“What?” He gasped out. “Why? Is it because of me?”

I locked my eyes onto his dark chocolate orbs, trying to ignore the hurt in his voice, trying to focus all my energy to look cold and collected.

I watched intently as he raised his hand and brushed back his hazel-colored hair, as if he was trying to brush off the painful shock I was throwing at him. “Don’t you have to stay here by my side? To make sure I wouldn’t spill the secret?”  His voice was frantic.


I gave a low chuckle and cast him an icy stare. “Who are you to think of yourself as so important? If you want to say it out, we can just throw you into an asylum anytime. It’s really that simple.”

“No…” he breathed out; his expression was pained. “You can’t go….”

His words, the thing I wanted to hear the most in this entire world, were the same thing that was stabbing agonizingly into my heart.

I almost cried out but I held it back with a sharp breath.

“Who are you to order me around, Lee Taemin?” I spoke out in a low intense voice.

“You know nothing about me. Nothing.” I deliberately emphasized the last word as cold-bloodedly as I could muster. But my own words were biting and wrenching at my own heart; perhaps even more so than to the person I said it to.

I turned my back on the stunned Taemin; I couldn’t bear seeing the sight any longer. Anymore and my fragile icy pretence would crack and break down right before him.

No…you can’t do it Seo-Yun. I chanted the words like I had turned mad.

The silence that followed was the longest unbearable moment I ever experienced.


“You like listening to Yiruma’s music.” He said so faintly I almost thought I imagined it.

“You enjoyed eating sweet stuffs.” He took a step forward, a determined gaze set in his eyes.

“You disliked tying up your hair so you do it only when it’s necessary.” Another step closer towards me…

“When you have free time, the first thing you would like to do is sleep.” Another step closer…

“Your favorite color is lavender because you only wear lavender hair bands.” Another step closer…

“You’re horrible at math because you disliked numbers.” I started inching backwards as he took another step. But I was fast losing the space to retreat.

“When you got worries or troubles, you come up here to let the wind blow it away for you.” He took another step and I had nowhere else to retreat. The concrete ledge of the rooftop was against my lower back.

“It’s all wrong, they are lies.” I tried to retort strongly, only to have my voice tremble weakly against his sentences.

“No, none of these are a lie.” Taemin stood before me, his face just mere inches apart from mine, his liquid chocolate eyes were penetrating into mine, searching for my true self that I had sealed away in this merciless front.

A slight smile flickered across his perfect lips. “And your feelings for me…they are not a lie.” My eyes widened in shock and he took the chance to slip his arms around me and closed the remaining distance between our bodies.

“I heard them…that day.” He whispered softly into my ear as he hugs me close to him. His arms were wrapping firmly but gently around me; the happiness that was overfilling within me was beyond words.

“So don’t go. I won’t let you go.” He breathed into my long black hair.  My hands slipped round his back and I hugged him back. The warmth in his embrace was bringing tears to my eyes.


If only this moment could stop…

But it will never be.


I shut my eyes tight and hugged him with all my might, trying to transfer all my love to this man before me.

I never believed in God, but at this very moment, I was praying as hard as I could.

Oh god….my tears were unstoppable


Oh god…please give me the resolve…to leave him…



A strong chilling wind hits Taemin and the soapy flower scent that he breathed in was gone.  The warmth was gone as well; he opened his eyes and saw his arms hugging an empty space. A bitter laugh escaped his lips as the outcome dawned on him.


He had lost her again.


#Author's note - Wow this story has reached over 6000 views! It may be nothing in AsianFanFics but it still means a lot to me! I would like to thank the people who have been commenting and subscribing on my works. Come to think of it, I've been thanking all of you profusely...wonder if any of you are starting to get annoyed with it? (>_<)

Anyway, when I was reading the comments and saw that people were getting happy that both Seo-Yun and Taemin finally re-unite, I got an 'uh-oh' feeling about this chapter. *Gulps*

Please don't hate me too much after reading this chapter (>_>) Even I get depressed (a bit) writing this chapter. So forgive me? *gives puppy eyes*

I hope to see new subscribers and commentors! :DDDDDDD

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Hahaha I cant believe I read this all in 3 hours and tome check its 3 20 am :) love the story its not like those other usual stories I read on Aff (no offence to anyone out there) -.-
Laney1822 #2
Chapter 3: Taemin could get away with anything he's y hot.
AliAsia #3
i loved reading this story it was brilliant!! it was so good that i stayed up till 12:30am just to finish it. i think that it was very well written and it should be made into a film. my heart wouldn't stop beating faster and faster the closer i got towards the end XD
I REALLY REALLY REALLY enjoyed reading this story. Seriously, I read this straight through no stopping. It's seriously 12:45 AM and I have school soon LOL.
kissabletaetae #5
love story with taemin!! OMO
Only half way and it sounds really good !!
Love this~! I must read on~~!!! ♥
Woah~ I finally finish and wow this story was last year O.O
I love it though > v < ~
I hope there's a sequel for it xD YOU ARE DAEBAK!!
OOH~~ I love this fanfic!!
It's also gives me an anime feel to it :DD
even though, the story is already complete, i subscribe to support it xD
You are Daebak!!
Wow, this story is Daebak..
this is probably the best Taemin fic I've ever read. (:
Keep up the good job~ ^^