day four: unsuccessful - raehwan

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(quick author's note: recently i've been having a lot of bigstar feels. and espcially having a lot of feels for raehwan. ;___; how to deal i d e k.)


            This feeling was unexpected. Originally, you had thought that you were going to spend your whole life with him, but now it seemed that was no longer the case.

            He came to visit you. It was too long since the two of you even talked. He was busy with his life and you were busy with your own. Even though the two of you were a couple, you didn’t spend much time together. At first, it was alright, because when you were able to be in his arms once more, your emotions would explode all at once and you loved the feel of it all. But then later on, the feeling of missing him was too much for you to handle. And now, well, you didn’t feel anything.

            You forced a smile when Raehwan was just a foot away; his arms open for you to get comfortable in between them. You moved in between his awaiting arms, and he wrapped them around you. You rested your left temple on his right shoulder. Raehwan longingly kissed your forehead. None of these actions made your heart flutter they used to.

            “I’ve missed you,” he said, his lips still on your forehead. His lips and hot air tickled your bare skin. Still there was nothing.

            “Yeah,” you replied plainly.

            This relationship was supposed to be successful, though now, it was anything but. 

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Chapter 10: I really like it! :)
Chapter 8: Just a tip author-nim, mind making the chaps a little bit longer? I feel like it's a bit short. Hehe, but I LOVE the storylines. :D Hwaiting!
Chapter 1: Hi! New reader and subscriber! :D Mind doing #86. Destiny about Rome//Yoo Barom from C-Clown?
Kwon_Ara #4
Chapter 4: Can you do one for feeldog?
Chapter 4: I don't find Leo to be ooc at all XD well done!
Kwon_Ara #6
I like Leo's story!!
barooya #7
Chapter 3: 좋아! i love this one hehe ^__^
Kwon_Ara #8
Passionate and couple for VIXX's Leo?
woohyunism #9
Chapter 2: Haha good story :D