
It Started With A Kiss In The Moonlight

No ones POV
"It started with a kiss in the moonlight."

Taemin was now angrier than ever. He had everyone leave _____'s room.
"Oppa, please don't do this." _____ sobbed in his arms beating on his chest with her fists. 
He ignored her and walked out of her room locking her in her room an headed downstairs with everyone. _____ was in complete tears now.

"Taemin, I'm so sorry." Kris tried apologizing lowering his head in shame, but Taemin didn't want to hear it.
"Kris," Taemin sighed, "I really trusted you guys to protect and watch over _____ and I. My sister is unavailable. She doesn't know anything about love. She's not ready to experience it. I'm doing what's best for her. I'm saving her heart."
"Taemin, please, I would never ever hurt _____." Lu Han went up to Taemin.

Taemin glared at him and nodded. "I know. That won't happen as long as I keep _____'s heart safe. And after Chanyeol explained to me about you guys scratching humans, and after seeing a mark from you on her body, I don't ever want to see you guys in this house again. Do you all understand?"
Lu Han stood there frozen. All of the werewolves nodded their heads and all slowly headed for the door.

Lu Han was the last one out the door. Before he walked out with the others, he looked back at Taemin who was folding his arms, "I will always love _____. There's no one else I could ever love but her."
Taemin gritted his teeth, "You get out of here, now."

Lu Han turned into his werewolf form and ran out of the house catching up with the others who were waiting for him. As Lu Han got on the sidewalk, he looked up at _____'s window. It turns out that _____ was looking down at him in tears. "I love you." she mouthed as tears fell from her face.
Lu Han suddenly felt something in his body. He felt like someone kicked him hard in the stomach. A small tear fell from his eye and he turned away running far ahead past the rest of the werewolves, whimpering.
"Hyung!" yelled Sehun running after him, but Kris held him back.
"Let him go, Sehun. He needs some time alone."

~Back at werewolves home~
~Hours later~

"I can't believe he actually marked a human."  Jongdae scoffed.
Baekhyun let out a small laugh, "Okay, I will admit, I did develop a little feelings for her, but I would NEVER go as far as Lu Han did. I know my limits."
"I think we all sort of developed feelings for her." Zitao nervously said.
"But also," Sehun looked down, "Lu Han was the first one to have any contact with her. When he said it started with a kiss in the moonlight, he must've done this while she was sleeping or something."
Kris let out a deep sigh, "Unfortunately," he paused and looked at everyone, "Even though he did mark her, because she's a human, she could easily fall in love with another human. She just can't fall in love with another werewolf."
Joonmyun let out a sigh, "A human isn't good for Lu Han. He could put _____ in a lot of danger."
Chanyeol sighed and looked up in one of the treetops. He saw Lu Han sitting on one of the branches looking out at the city. Chanyeol looked at everyone, "I've never seen Lu Han this upset."
"Hyung, he marked on someone he loves, and then he was forced to walk away from her." explained Jongin. "You can't blame him for being upset."

Your POV
I went over to my mirror and pulled my shirt down my shoulder revealing my bare neck. I looked at the bite mark Lu Han gave me. I hope this will go away soon. I guess this is a werewolves way of giving a hickey/love bite to someone? Why was everyone angry and calling it a mark?

I went to my door, but it was still locked. I can't believe Taemin is doing this to me. I sighed and just walked over to the window. I saw the moon way out in the distance.

If you ever need us, just call for us, and we'll be there.

I began thinking about Lu Han's words. I wanted Lu Han with me right now. I felt so safe in his arms. I never even got to say goodbye to him and everyone else. Where did they go to? Did they go back to their home?

"_____, I left some dinner downstairs on the table. Please, come down and eat." Taemin unlocked my door.
I didn't budge at all. I continued to look out the window at the moon.

B-Because I'm in love with her.
It started with a kiss in the moonlight.

Lu Han's words continued playing in my head. What did he mean by that? Was he talking about when he kissed me today? But the moon wasn't out yet when he kissed me.

Lu Han fell in love with me?

I climbed into bed and cried myself to sleep. Lu Han was the only thing I was thinking about right now. Nothing else crossed my mind but him. I closed my eyes and cried out for Lu Han calling his name hoping that he'd come back for me.

~Next day~
"_____, it's time for school." Taemin leaned down next to me waking me up.
I kept silent. I was so upset with him right now, he doesn't deserve to hear my words. I obeyed him and began getting ready for school. I fixed myself a small bowel of soup that Kyungsoo taught me how to make. I miss him and everyone else. Especially Lu Han. Just thinking about them makes me wanna cry my eyes out again. But they're gone now. I'll never see them again.

Walking to school with Taemin was awkward. He kept trying to talk to me, but I didn't answer him. If I did, it was usually one word. Suddenly, I heard a growl behind me. My eyes widen and I quickly turned around. They came back!? But my face fell in disappointment when I saw what it was. There was a lady walking two big dogs and they began fighting. Taemin looked at me and then looked down biting his lower lip, "Let's keep going." he put an arm around me and kept walking.

~Weeks later~
Unfortunately, every single day was the same. Taemin and I would wake up every day and go to school, come home, eat dinner, and head to bed. I cried myself to sleep every night for Lu Han. Every night, I would open my window and call for Lu Han hoping that he would possibly come back for me, but he never did. I also occasionally would leave the window opened all night just in case he would come back for me, but he never did. The house was so quiet without the werewolves here. It felt so...empty. Has Lu Han and them already forgotten about Taemin and I?

As for Minji and her pack of demons, they would still continue to tease and harass me. I just let them do it because I have nothing to fight for anymore. There would be days where they would physically hurt me. Unfortunately, I accepted and took the pain that was thrown at me.

I was still a hard-worker and continued to get good scores in class, but it still wasn't the same without coming home every day and having Sehun ask me about homework and having Kris' help.

One day, one of the most popular guys asked me to be their girlfriend at school. I wasn't interested at all so I kindly rejected him. I don't think anyone could replace Lu Han in my heart. I could never forget him. He's given me so much to remember even if we only knew each other for a few days. For some reason, I figured that he's probably moved on and forgotten me by now.

No ones POV
~Werewolves home~
After weeks of departing from the Lee's house, the werewolves have gone back to their regular daily routine. They all missed _____ and Taemin a lot. Especially Lu Han. One day, Jongin and Minseok tried setting Lu Han up with a female werewolf, but Lu Han showed no interest at all. Kris and Kyungsoo did the same thing too one day. Lu Han still showed no interest. He would just sit up in the tree and just look over at the city. No matter how hard he tried, he could never get _____ out of his head. She's all he thought about.

There was one evening when he heard _____'s voice. As he listened closer, he heard her crying in her sleep calling his name. As he quietly left the other werewolves and snuck to her house, he noticed that the window was opened. He quietly climbed up to her window, but quickly pulled away when he saw Taemin next to her trying to get her to sleep. Lu Han waited until Taemin left _____'s room, but when he did, he would always close her windows before leaving. Lu Han sighed and want home. He tried coming back a few more nights, but it was the same thing over and over.

"I have a feeling she's moved on by now." Jongdae whispered to Sehun as the two of them looked up and saw Lu Han still in the tree.
Sehun shrugged his shoulders, "It's possible, but I highly doubt that. _____ isn't like that. I know she really cares for Lu Han Hyung."
Jongdae scoffed, "Well what can Lu Han do? Taemin got rid of us. There's no going back. Lu Han has to move on."
Baekhyun came up behind them and shook his head looking up at Lu Han, "He couldn't even if he tried."

Your POV
~Weeks later~
As a month passed, I began talking to Taemin again. I can't hold a grudge forever. I just need to except that the werewolves are gone now. But I know they will never be gone from my heart. Lu Han never came back for me. Maybe he's already moved on.

As I walked down the hallways I noticed a big flyer in the hallway. There was a big masquerade dance coming up next week. I sighed and just walked away with Taemin. He'll probably go with the new girl that just transferred here. I met the girl once and I really like her. Her name is Jiwoo. She's very kind and nice towards me. But most importantly, she's very loyal to Taemin. She's so much better than Minji.

~Later that evening~
"Taemin, Jiwoo, have fun with your date." I smiled to them as they headed towards the front door.
"Thanks, _____." Jiwoo sent me a warm smile.

After they left I just began to watch TV down in the living room. I was really bored and had nothing to do. Suddenly, an idea came to mind. It was the craziest thing anyone could ever think of, but it's worth it. I wanted to see the werewolves again, but the only way I could do that was to put myself in danger.

Oh goodness... -_-
What crazy thing do you plan on doing?

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 35: Yay for happy ending :3
Chapter 36: wow i love this
Chapter 35: awwwwww sooo cute. thant for writing this story
ude #4
like it ao much
Chapter 7: I thought Sehun was the one who's sneaking in her room every night. I guess I was wrong.
New reader here ^^ I'll read now
luhanluhan123 #7
Chapter 40: this is so good plz make a sequel if u can hwaiting!
Chapter 35: i wish it would have a sequel
Belikeshaylaxoxo #9
Make a sequel plz I love this story so much plz make a sequel pretty plz with sugar on top *does a puppy face*
cheekylittlechubba #10
Chapter 36: It's really good !!!