All A Dream, Right?

It Started With A Kiss In The Moonlight

Your POV
"Hey, _____, I don't know what Jongdae and Chanyeol did to the rem-"

Kris and I quickly pulled away from each other and saw who came into the kitchen.

"S-Sorry, was I interrupting something?" Lu Han nervously rubbed the side of his neck.
"N-No." I shook my head. "Kris was just showing me how to cut vegetables properly."
Lu Han gave a small laugh and walked over to me. "Anyway, do you know how to fix the remote? Chanyeol and Jongdae were fighting over it and they hit something."
Before I responded, I noticed that Kris left the kitchen. "I'll go see." I said as I walked out of the kitchen with Lu Han following behind me.

When I got in the living room, Chanyeol and Jongdae were still arguing about the remote. I chuckled, "You two are already breaking our TV? Tsk, what will Taemin say?"
Both of their eyes widen and they began to argue even more. I chuckled, "I'm just kidding." I hit the power button and the TV .
I handed the remote to Minseok, "I'll put you in charge of the remote."
"What did they do to it?" he asked tilting his head.
"They must've just hit the power button." I pointed to the button on the remote.
"Thanks, _____." Chanyeol and Jongdae called to me as I walked back into the kitchen.

When I walked into the living room, I noticed that Kris wasn't in there. He must've gone up to his room. Lu Han followed me into the kitchen. I saw that the ramen was finished cooking, but before I made my way over to the stove, Lu Han was ahead of me. He went over and began stirring it. I went over next to him and and began stirring the other food. I noticed that he kept looking at the picture frames around the kitchen. "Your parents?" he asked as he pointed to the one above the stove on the wall.
I smiled and nodded, "They are. They were great people."
"Do you miss them?" he asked me with a concerned face.
I nodded and began telling them about how close they were to Taemin and I.

No ones POV
"What just happened back there?" Kris asked himself as he sat against the window of his and Yixing's room holding his chest.

He was in his werewolf form and looking at the sunset outside.

Why am I feeling like this? He thought. My body started to feel really strange. After _____ and I made contact, I-Something sparked inside of me. Why is this? No, Kris. You cannot, absolutely CANNOT get involved with a human. It's forbidden. Start getting your head out of the clouds, Kris. You're the leader! It's your job to protect everyone.

Your POV
~Minutes later~
"Thanks again, Lu Han." I thanked him for helping me with my burn. As I was bringing one of the pots over to the table, my hand brushed against the side of it.
He chuckled, "No problem. First is your leg, now it's your hand? And I thought I was careless."
"Yah! Who's the one who got hit by a car?" I placed a hand on my hip.
The two of us began laughing.

I called everyone to the table for dinner. I smiled at Lu Han and Kris, "I'd like to give a big thanks to Lu Han and Kris for helping me prepare dinner. I couldn't have done it without you two."
Both Lu Han and Kris looked up at me and gave me a weak smile.

~Minutes later~
Dinner was very quiet. I decided to ask the boys what they did today while Taemin and I were at school. I looked over at Kris, "So, did you guys have a good day? What all did you do?"
All eyes were on Kris. He cleared his throat, "Well, what we normally do at home. We watched some TV and ate some crackers."
I let out a small laugh, "Oh, that's it? Hmm, maybe I should give you guys more freedom. I'm not like Taemin. You guys should get out some."
"Are you saying we can get out of the house." Baekhyun tilted his head.
I nodded, "Of course. You guys need to get your exercise somehow. I don't want you guys to be trapped inside the house all day."

I got up and went over to one of the kitchen drawers and pulled out a Seoul directory. I handed it to Joonmyun and he began going through it. As he and the others were looking through it, I began collecting people's dishes and brought them to the sink to clean. As I turned around to take another plate, I ran into Kyungsoo. "Oh! I'm sorry, Kyungsoo!"
He chuckled, "That's all right. I'm sorry for startling you." He took the plate from my hand, "I'll take care of the dishes, _____."
He was being very kind right now. I gave him a warm smile and shook my head, "No, Kyungsoo, that's all right. It's too much of a hassle. I-"
"Really, I don't mind, _____. Besides, after Kris gave us some lunch today, I cleaned up the kitchen afterwards."
I sighed and looked up at Kyungsoo, "Are you sure you don't mind?"
He chuckled and shook his head, "Not at all. In fact, you can put me in charge of the whole kitchen. I enjoy it in here."
I have him a warm smile, "All right. Thanks, Kyungsoo."

I went to the pantry to pull out some bags of popcorn. Apparently Taemin and I were four bags short. I need to run to the market down the street to get some more. I walked over to the front door to get my jacket. "Hey, guys, I'm going to run to the market to get some more popcorn. I won't be gone long." I headed out the door.

No ones POV
As soon as _____ left, all of the werewolves exchanged looks. All eyes ended up on Kris. Kris stood up and looked at everyone, "I'll go keep an eye on her to make sure she's safe." he got up and headed out the door before anyone could stop him.

You may be fast, Kris, but I know I can outrun you. I've outran you once before, I can do it again. Thought one of the werewolves.

Your POV
~Minutes later~
"That will be 9000 Won, please." the cashier said.
Aish! Popcorn is getting so expensive! -_-

As I walked out of the market with the popcorn and a little extra food, I walked along the sidewalk I go to school on. There was a small restaurant I passed on the way and as I looked inside, I felt my heart break into a million pieces.

I peaked in the window and saw Minji having a make-out session with some guy who wasn't Taemin. I mean, I was happy that it wasn't Taemin, but you know what I mean. -_-
Where is Taemin? I pulled out my phone and began calling him, but he never answered.

I gritted my teeth and continued to stare at Minji and the guy. She was being very intimate with him. He was running his hands up and down her body which made me grit my teeth even more. I just wanted to go in there and beat the lights out of that girl. How dare she do that behind Taemin's back.

I lowered my head and continued to walk home. Suddenly, I looked up ahead and saw a few of the guys who attacked Taemin and I the other night. I quickly turned around and walked the other way when I ran into someone. "Going somewhere, Sweetie?" one of the gang members smirked and grabbed onto my arm.
"Let go!" I hissed trying to get away.
"Looks like we need to get some manners into you." the guy smirked and pulled me away with him. All of the bags of food I had slipper out of my hand and fell on the sidewalk.

"Well look who it is." yelled the other gang members as the guy threw me down in front of them. I looked around and I think they brought me to some warehouse not far from the market.
"Where's that brother of yours?" one of the guys hissed.
"Safe from you guys!" I hissed back at them.
The guy scoffed, "Well, he'll never see you again after we're done with you." A few of the guys came towards me and tried pulling my top off, but I kept leaning down so they couldn't get to it. "S-STOP!" As soon as they pulled down one of my sleeves revealing my bare shoulder, I heard a deep growl. "N-Not them again!" one of the guys cried out in fear.
My eyes shot to where the growl was coming from. It was coming behind a stack of old crates piled up in a dark storage closet. The growling seemed to get louder. As I squinted my eyes a little, I saw something come out of the storage closet.

It was some sort of creature. I really couldn't tell what it was. It kinda looked like it was on the wolf side. As it took small steps out of the closet, I jumped back a little. The creature continued to growl. It's eyes were very, very dark. I yelled in fear as the creature came closer to us. One of the guys harshly picked me up, "Shut her up!" one of the guys behind me yelled. One of them came over and picked me up. They threw me against the hard wall towards the back of the building. I winced in pain as my head hit the wall and my vision suddenly got really blurry. I tried my best to see what was going on, but all I saw was a lot of blood all over the place, and people getting thrown everywhere. I also heard growling and people screaming.

Suddenly I was lifted into someone's arms. I squeezed my eyes shut afraid of the pain that was about to come. "S-Save me..." we're the last words that came out of my mouth.
"Stay strong, _____." said a familiar voice.
I slowly opened up my weak eyes and saw the creature looking down at me.  All of a sudden, the creature turned into a person. I began breathing deeply after I saw a little bit of who it was. I couldn't hold my weak eyes opened anymore.

This is all a dream, right?

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 35: Yay for happy ending :3
Chapter 36: wow i love this
Chapter 35: awwwwww sooo cute. thant for writing this story
ude #4
like it ao much
Chapter 7: I thought Sehun was the one who's sneaking in her room every night. I guess I was wrong.
New reader here ^^ I'll read now
luhanluhan123 #7
Chapter 40: this is so good plz make a sequel if u can hwaiting!
Chapter 35: i wish it would have a sequel
Belikeshaylaxoxo #9
Make a sequel plz I love this story so much plz make a sequel pretty plz with sugar on top *does a puppy face*
cheekylittlechubba #10
Chapter 36: It's really good !!!