"I'm Sorry For Your Loss"

It Started With A Kiss In The Moonlight

Double update! ^_^ Thanks for subscribing/upvoting/commenting! I love all of your comments!

No ones POV
~Days later~
The rest of the camping trip went very well for the married couple. Even though Taemin freaked out when he saw the marks on his sister's back, he remained calm. He knows his sister is not a little girl anymore. She now has a husband who will always love and care for her.

As Taemin got back home, he said his long "farewells" to _____ before she and Lu Han decided to live together with the other werewolves.

Taemin announced to all of his friends in school that his sister has passed away and that there will be a small ceremony this evening. To be specific, his sister died from a terrible fall. She lost too much blood in her injury. (Sorry, I couldn't think of anything else!)

Everyone was torn from hearing the news. Especially Jiwoo. Jiwoo was over at Taemin'a house crying in his arms because of the loss of his sister.

"Jagiya," Jiwoo sniffed, "Why did she have to die? I really liked her."
"I know, Jagiya. _____ is in a better place. She knows how much we all loved and cared for her." Taemin closed his eyes and continued comforting his girlfriend. He knows that _____ is doing perfectly fine, but he had to think negative thoughts to make the death seem real. (If that makes sense.)

Taemin and Jiwoo slowly pulled away from each other and looked at the front door. Taemin stood up with Jiwoo following behind.

Taemin's eyes widen when he saw a familiar face at his front door. "Minji?"
Minji looked down at her feet with sadness in her eyes, "I'm sorry for your loss, Taemin."
Taemin was still surprised that his ex, and his sister's enemy was standing right in front of him.

Taemin gulped, "Minji-"
"I know your sister and I were never really close, but I just wanted to apologize for how I've always acted towards her. I know you're going through a hard time right now." Minji continued looking at her feet.

Jiwoo stood behind the door so Minji wouldn't see her.

Minji cleared , "Anyway, I just wanted to personally stop by and give you sympathy. I will be there at the ceremony this evening. Goodbye, Taemin." she bowed and walked away.

Confused, Taemin closed the door and returned back to the sofa with Jiwoo next to him. "Your sister was loved by everyone, Taemin. Your parents must've been very proud to have her as their daughter. And you must be very proud to have her as your sister. She's a good girl."
Taemin felt a little stinging pain in his heart. Even though he knows his sister is safe, just imagining her dead brought a little pain to him.

*Phone vibrates*
"Oh, excuse me." Jiwoo stood up and headed into the kitchen to answer her phone.

Taemin stood up and headed over to a few picture frames that hung over the fireplace. They were pictures of him and _____ as little kids.

She's grown so much. thought Taemin.

"I'm sorry, Taemin, but I have to go. Umma and Appa need me to help them down in the city." Jiwoo said as she wrapped her arms around Taemin placing a kiss on his cheek, "I'll see you this evening, Jagiya."
"All right." he smiled back at her and kissed her lips, "I love you."
"I love you too." she winked and headed out the door.

Your POV
"It's very nice to meet you, Mr. Kim." I smiled and bowed to Minseok's Appa.

Lu Han decided that we hang out with his friends this evening. Minseok wanted me to meet his Appa. He wanted to know the transformation is coming along.

"It's nice to meet you too, _____." Mr. Kim bowed to me. He looked over at Lu Han and smiled, "Your wife is very beautiful. I can see she has adjusted well to the change?"
"She has." Lu Han nodded and smiled.

"Appa, Umma, Yixing, Kyungsoo, Joonmyun, and Zitao have prepared dinner for us." Minseok said as he walked over to us.
"Very well." his Appa smiled and stood up. "Let's all get something to eat.

We ate inside this huge house. It was very beautiful. I wonder how the werewolves manage to stay hidden from humans. Have humans ever been out here?

"You have a lovely house, Mrs. Kim." I smiled at Minseok's Umma who took a seat next to her husband. "How do you guys manage to stay hidden? Don't humans come around this area?"
She smiled and shook her head, "Not ever. We are very deep into the woods. It would take a human weeks to find this place. Werwolves are very good at keeping their distance away from humans."

"Chanyeol's and Jongdae's family don't live too far from here too." said Zitao.
"I think the person who lives the closes to any humans, is Kris." added Joonmyun.
"That's right." agreed Jongdae. "Since Kris is the leader, it's important that he keeps us updated in case he senses that any humans are close to us."

~Minutes later~
We all spent the evening eating dinner and just causally taking. Minseok's parents congratulated Lu Han and I on the marriage.

"So, have you two mated yet?" Mr. Kim suddenly asked.
I felt my face heating up a little. I looked down and smiled in embarrassment. "We have. A few nights ago."

"Jagiya," Mrs. Kim whispered to her husband in a worried voice, "She's already mated?"
"It's all right, Jagiya." Mr. Kim tried calming her down. "She was ready to."

"Is everything all right?" I asked them.
Mr. and Mrs. Kim pulled away from each other and smiled at me. "Everything is all right, my dear."
Mr. Kim just smiled at me.

"Well," Mrs. Kim smiled and stood up, "Why don't you boys go hang out. _____ and I will clean up the dinner."
I smiled and acknowledged Mrs. Kim following her into the kitchen. I looked at Chanyeol and he knew to listen in on the conversation.

"Mrs. Kim?" I asked as I followed her over to the sink. "Is everything all right? Why were you guys worried about Lu Han and I mating?"
She bit her lower lip and looked down at the dishes she was washing, "_____, mating for the first time is very painful for a human that was turned into a werewolf. My husband and I are good friends with a few werewolves who were once human. One of my good friends almost lost her first child after mating for the first time."
My eyes widen by what she was telling me, "How so?" I asked with hesitation in my voice.

I began cleaning dishes as Mrs. Kim began telling me what she meant. "My friend's husband fell in love with her while she was human. After she changed, the two of them decided to mate. She found out that her first child was due in a few weeks. Unfortunately, as the time went on, her son was slowly consuming her because he wasn't getting enough food. She was nearly dying. Since my husband wanted to be a doctor when he was a human, he became a doctor to our friend. He told our friend that her son was getting deathly ill. Then, on the day she was due, the child was found
dead inside of her."
"I'm so sorry." I looked down at the dishes in my hands.

I bit the insides of my mouth and looked up, "You don't think I would lose my child if I had one, would you?"
She shrugged her shoulders, "I can't really tell. You were born human. So was my friend. My husband and I wish you and Lu Han the best. We hope you don't suffer like our friend did."

Mrs. Kim looked over my shoulder and imminently looked down with shame. I slowly turned around and saw Lu Han standing at the entrance of the kitchen. "_____," he looked up at me with sadness in his eyes, "Mr. Kim just explained to all of us what Chanyeol overheard. Please tell me it's not true."

No ones POV
"Thank you for coming, Mrs. Shim." Taemin gave his teacher a weak smile and bowed.
She pulled him in for a hug, "I'm sorry for your loss, Taemin. I really enjoyed having _____ as a student in class. She was a joy to have in class. You have been a great brother to her."

Taemin looked next to her and shook her husband's hand. "Well, I'll see you and Jiwoo in class tomorrow in class D." Mrs. Shim gave him and Jiwoo a weak smile bowing and leaving with her husband.

"I wish I could've said goodbye to _____." Jiwoo sighed and rested her head on Taemin's shoulder. "She didn't deserve to leave us this early."

As Taemin and Jiwoo slowly pulled away from each other Taemin's eyes widen when he saw a familiar person standing at the entrance of the building.

"Kris?" Taemin called out.

Hmm...What could Kris be seeing Taemin for?

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 35: Yay for happy ending :3
Chapter 36: wow i love this
Chapter 35: awwwwww sooo cute. thant for writing this story
ude #4
like it ao much
Chapter 7: I thought Sehun was the one who's sneaking in her room every night. I guess I was wrong.
New reader here ^^ I'll read now
luhanluhan123 #7
Chapter 40: this is so good plz make a sequel if u can hwaiting!
Chapter 35: i wish it would have a sequel
Belikeshaylaxoxo #9
Make a sequel plz I love this story so much plz make a sequel pretty plz with sugar on top *does a puppy face*
cheekylittlechubba #10
Chapter 36: It's really good !!!