His Mark/GET OUT!

It Started With A Kiss In The Moonlight

Your POV
After Kris helped me finish my homework, I went upstairs to change out of my uniform and in to some comfortable clothes. I pulled out a book from my school bag and began reading on my bed.

"Who is it?" I asked looking at my door.
"It's Lu Han." said a soft voice.
"You can come in." I answered.

Lu Han opened the door and walked in closing the door behind him. He came over and climbed on the bed sitting across from me. "What are you reading?" he tilted his head at my book.
I lifted my book up and showed him the title.
He chuckled, "Don't know what that is, but from looking at your expression, it must be interesting."
I nodded, "It is."

I marked my book and closed it placing it on the nightstand next to me. I crossed my legs and wrapped a blanket around me. My room felt really cold for some reason. I looked at Lu Han who was looking down at the bed covers and playing with his fingers. "Thank you again for coming today. All of you." I looked up at him.
He stopped playing with his fingers and looked up at me. "Minji and those girls, they didn't do anything to you, right?"
I shook my head, "No, they didn't. Chanyeol came just in time."
"That's good." he gave me a weak smile.

I chuckled, "You know, I'm really amazed by how fast you guys are. You guys are always there when I'm in trouble. I seem to get into trouble a lot, huh?"
"_____, we will always be there for you and Taemin. You guys are important to us. And it's like I said before, if you ever need us, just call for us, and we'll be there."
Thinking about the conversation that Kris and I had earlier, I lowered my head, "Lu Han, you guys don't like me just because I'm Taemin's sister, right?"
Lu Han was shocked by this question. "What? Of course not." he shook his head. "We like you for who you are. Why would you ask such a thing?"
I looked down, "No reason."
"There's always a reason for everything, _____." he said with no expression.
I explained to him everything I told Kris earlier. Lu Han seemed to be very understanding about it.

Suddenly, the image of Kris leaning down to kiss me appeared in my mind. I began to wonder about something. What is it like when a werewolf falls in love?

I my lower lip and looked up at Lu Han, "Wh-What is it like when a werewolf falls in love?"

No ones POV
"Wh-What is it like when a werewolf falls in love?"

Lu Han was surprised by her question. He looked down and remembered the movie everyone watched last night. It was a romantic movie. _____ wanted to know if werewolves acted the same way as humans when it comes to love.

"Love?" he looked up and asked.
"Have you ever fallen in love before?" asked _____ as she looked out the window.
"What's your definition of love?" he asked.
She gave him a small smile and continued looking out the window. "To me, love is when you feel a deep connection with someone else. You feel your heart beating faster than usual. When you're in love, you feel really warm inside. You feel...happy."
"Like you really care for that person?" asked Lu Han.
He looked at him and nodded, "Exactly."

Your POV
We were looking right into each others' eyes. I really thought his eyes were beautiful.

I don't know why I was so afraid of him last night when I first saw him as a werewolf. His eyes are so gentle.

"_-____, c-can I try something?" asked Lu Han with a nervous voice.
I nodded, "Of course. What is it?"
Suddenly, he slowly transformed into a werewolf and looked at me. It still scared me whenever I saw the werewolves in their werewolf form, but whenever I looked into their eyes, I could tell who it was. I saw gentleness in their eyes and know that they would never do anything to hurt me.

Lu Han began crawling over to me. I brought my legs up to my chest and wrapped the blanket tighter around me. Why was I getting so scared right now? It's only Lu Han. I slowly began backing up to the headboard of my bed. "Don't be afraid, _____." said Lu Han.
I relaxed myself after hearing that. I trust Lu Han.
He kept coming closer and closer to me. "Lu Han, wh-what are you doing?" I asked as he was now inches from my face.
He slowly turned back into his human form and looked into my eyes. He was closer to me than Kris was.

He closed his eyes and leaned in pressing his lips on mine. H-He's kissing me!? This is my very first kiss. My heart was beating super fast right now. I also felt myself feeling very warm. Does this mean I'm possibly falling in love with him?

I suddenly found myself kissing him back. He slowly pulled away a little so we could catch our breathes. Before I could say something, he pressed his lips onto mine again. He slowly brought his hands up and cupped my face. This kiss began to get very passionate. I felt his lips getting rougher on mine. I brought my shaky hands up and gently placed them on the sides of his face. For some reason, even though this is my very first kiss, it feels like I've kissed someone before. His lips felt so soft against mine. Lu Han slowly removed his hands from my face and began bringing them down to my neck. He gently brushed his fingers over my bare skin. His hands went to my collarbone and began massaging it. "Lu Han..." I accidentally moaned in the kiss.

He brought his hands to the neckline of my shirt and began pulling it slowly down my shoulders. I wasn't ready for this sort of thing. I brought my hands down to his chest and gently tried pushing him away. "Lu Han-mmm-Stop-" every time I tried pulling away from the kiss he would just deepen it more and press his lips down harder on me.

Lu Han was totally out of his mind right now. I kept trying to push him away, but he pinned my arms down by my side. His lips left mine and slowly went across my jaw line down to my chin, then down to my bare neck. He slowly turned into his werewolf form. I was shaking in fear right now. "Lu Han, p-please stop!" I turned my head to the side and squeezed my eyes shut. He let out a soft growl and began my neck causing me to flinch. All of a sudden he opened his mouth and bit down on my flesh. "LU HAN!!" I cried in pain squeezing my eyes shut. It hurt so much. I tried getting out of his grip, but he only held me down tighter. He was too strong for me.

"LEE _____!/LU HAN!/_____!/HYUNG!" yelled a lot of people who barged in my room.

"GET OFF OF HER!" Taemin came over and threw Lu Han off of me. Lu Han landed on the floor and growled. Taemin quickly came over to me and pulled my shirt back onto me and sat in front of me to keep Lu Han away.
"I TRUSTED YOU, LU HAN!" he hissed at him on the floor.

No ones POV
Taemin's fist made contact with Lu Han's face. As Lu Han fell back on the floor again, he turned into his human form. "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HER LIKE THAT! DAMN YOU!" Taemin hissed at him.
"LU HAN!" Yixing and Jongin ran over and got Lu Han up.
"LU HAN, WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!? YOU COULD'VE SCRATCHED HER!" yelled Joonmyun running over to him.

"Scratched her?" asked Taemin in fear. Taemin looked down and began thinking of all the possible things Joonmyun meant by that. His eyes widen, "Are you saying that if he scratches her, it'll kill her?"
"No." said Chanyeol running into the room with Kyungsoo and Jongdae behind. "If a human gets scratched by a werewolf, they'll turn into one. When humans first turn into werewolves, it takes forever for them to get used to it. They go insanely crazy. Sometimes, we have no choice but to kill our own kind if it gets out of control."

Suddenly, Kris' eyes turned dark. He looked closer at _____. He saw a mark on the side of her neck. He began breathing deeply and growled at Lu Han, "YOU MARKED HER!? LU HAN! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS!?"

Taemin looked at where Kris was looking and also saw a mark on his sister's neck. Taemin's eyes widen and he clenched his fists after hearing this. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! ALL OF YOU!" Taemin yelled as smashed his fists on the nightstand next to _____. "I went easy on Baekhyun, but what you did Lu Han, is unforgivable! HOW DARE YOU TRY TO BED HER! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO MY SISTER!? GET OUT, ALL OF YOU!"

_____ sat in bed frozen by what was happening. She suddenly became unfrozen when she heard Taemin say that. "OPPA, NO!"

"LU HAN! WAIT!" _____ jumped out of the bed to run over to him, but Taemin held her back.
She watched in horror as Lu Han was being scolded by everyone. "Lu Han! Falling in love with a human is forbidden! You know that! But marking them is drawing the line." hissed Kris.
"STOP!" Zitao and Sehun jumped in between them.
"WHY, LU HAN? WHY DID YOU DO THIS?" Kris gritted his teeth. He looked at _____ in Taemin's arms and then looked back at Lu Han.
Lu Han looked at _____ and then back at Kris. He took a deep breath and his voice got soft. "B-Because I'm in love with her."
"When did this happen?" asked Minseok and Jongin folding their arms.
Lu Han closed his eyes in shame and looked down. He then looked up at them, "It started with a kiss in the moonlight."

OHHHHHHHHHHHEMMMMMMMMMGEEEEEEEEE!!! SO IT WAS LU HAN WHO HAS BEEN SNEAKING INTO YOUR ROOM EVERY NIGHT! Were you guys suspecting him or someone else? Who did you think it was?

By the way, when one of the werewolves mark the one they love, that person cannot fall in love with any of the other werewolves. That's why Kris was furious. He fell in love with you too. He just didn't want to admit to it.

Also, I will be going on a trip in a few days. Tomorrow will be my last update for a few days. I wrote a lot of chapters today and realized that I'm close to finishing the story. All I have to do us upload the chapters (Which I will do very slowly. Kekeke! ^o^ ). I will update three more chapters tomorrow and then I won't be back till sometime next week.

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 35: Yay for happy ending :3
Chapter 36: wow i love this
Chapter 35: awwwwww sooo cute. thant for writing this story
ude #4
like it ao much
Chapter 7: I thought Sehun was the one who's sneaking in her room every night. I guess I was wrong.
New reader here ^^ I'll read now
luhanluhan123 #7
Chapter 40: this is so good plz make a sequel if u can hwaiting!
Chapter 35: i wish it would have a sequel
Belikeshaylaxoxo #9
Make a sequel plz I love this story so much plz make a sequel pretty plz with sugar on top *does a puppy face*
cheekylittlechubba #10
Chapter 36: It's really good !!!