

Kyungsoo's age around 6 / 7



"Kyungsoo-yahhh...what are you doing? Daddy has been calling you for minutes..." Chanyeol opened the door to his son's room, peeking his head inside to see what his son was doing.

Kyungsoo was sleeping on his bed, head on the pillow with his arms hugging a teddy bear.

Chanyeol put gentle smile on his lips, he walked to the bed and sat on it gently. His hand reached out to brushed his son's hair as his eyes fell on the plushie being held with tiny hands. He frowned a little because he remember he or his wife wasn't the one who bought that plushie, he never saw it in fact.

"Kyungsoo-yah?" Chanyeol whispered with his deep voice. His big thumb caressed Kyungsoo's chubby cheek as the boy fluttered his eyes open.


"Let's go eat, ng? Appa cooks many delicious foods for you."

Kyungsoo nodded his head while rubbing his eyes. Chanyeol smiled at the sight before he took Kyungsoo into his arms and brought the boy downstairs.

"What were you doing, Kyungsoo?" Baekhyun asked as soon as he heard footsteps into the kitchen while he prepared the rice.

"He was sleeping. That's why you didn't hear me, hm? Are you tired playing too much this morning?"

Kyungsoo only nodded as Chanyeol put him down to the chair and ruffled his hair.

"Oh! I saw a teddy bear on his room that I have never seen before." Chanyeol helped Baekhyun bringing the plates into the dining table.

"Teddy bear?"

"It's from my friend, daddy." answered Kyungsoo.

"Who?" Baekhyun asked.


Chanyeol stopped on his track and blinked his eyes, trying to remember if a kid named Jongin was mentioned before. "Jongin?"

"The one who has angel and devil at the same time as parents." Baekhyun said as he walked pass Chanyeol who had a deeper frown.


Baekhyun brushed Kyungsoo's hair after putting down the food in front of him. He took a seat beside his son and told his husband to sit down. "Jongin, the one with tanned skin?"

Chanyeol's eyes lightened up as a sleepy face of a kid came to his mind from a memory of seeing Kyungsoo's photo with his friends. "Ahhhh...that's Jongin. I thought the name was Tao?"

"No, it was his brother. The one who looks like he needs more sleep." Baekhyun sighed. He just wanted to tuck the boy and let him sleep everytime he saw Tao.

"My friends call him Panda." Kyungsoo added with a giggle.

"Hmm..." Chanyeol hummed and tasted the soup and gave a compliment to his husband, saying that it's delicious like usual. "But why Jongin gave you teddy bear, Kyungsoo?"

"He said that I will feel lonely sleeping alone, so he gave me that teddy bear."


"Eomma...Jonginnie is weird, he keeps smiling for hours..." Tao pulled his mother's shirt who was folding clothes on the couch while he was sitting beside him.

Junmyeon only chuckled, "Let him be, honey. Jonginnie is happy right now."

The said boy was reading a book with a big smile on his face. Jongin doesn't like reading. Tao was sure the younger boy wasn't reading but thinking about something. He had been watching for minutes and his younger brother hadn't turn the page.

"Why Jongin hyung's happy?" asked Sehun who sat on the other side of Junmyeon.

"Because he gave someone a gift, dear."

"Who, eomma?" asked Sehun again.

"Do you remember Kyungsoo hyung?"

Sehun nodded his head while Tao gasped at the mention of Kyungsoo and whispered to his mother, "Jongin likes Kyungsoo?". His father told him that when someone gives other person a gift it means that the former likes the one who received it, just like his father to his mother.

Junmyeon smiled and patted Tao on the head, "He does."

"What's the gift?" Sehun stared at Jongin who was now looking serious trying to read the book. He unconsciously mimicking the same expression like his brother, frowning.

"His teddy bear."

Another gasp came from Tao, "Jongin gave his favorite teddy bear!?" he screamed in whisper to his mother.

"Yes. And Kyungsoo gave Jongin one of his favorite books in exchange, the one that he's reading right now."

Both Tao and Sehun nodded hearing their mother's answer, understanding why their brother's reading a book all of a sudden.

"I wonder when will Jongin hyung finish it though..." muttered Sehun, almost making Junmyeon laugh.

"I think he will ask for eomma's help later..." replied Tao.

Junmyeon chuckled silently, kissing both Tao and Sehun on the head as he thought of how long will it be until Jongin came to him with puppy eyes, asking for him to read his new precious book as a bedtime story.


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31-1-2015, but I will try to update as I can't really divide my attention that much hha. Update won't be often but I'll try my best ^^


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teufelchen_netty #1
Chapter 48: poor jongin xD
teufelchen_netty #2
Chapter 48: i want more ;_;
i love this.. even after all this time its great stuff to read
Chapter 9: daebaakkk~~~~
Chapter 48: this stiry is so cute!!!!! i was giggling the entire time i read this....seriously....this is one of my top fav fic!!!!!
alicemusic666 #5
So cute and awesome. I love it.
saengiera #6
i miss reading your story... :(
when are you going to update, it's been almost 5 months....
hope you'll update soon... :)
2438 streak #7
Chapter 38: "You're big."
"Shut up."
"You're so big."
"I will kill you."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA THIS IS SOOOOOO CUTE! i miss these family stories :)
teufelchen_netty #8
Chapter 48: Such goldy Storys, like it :-)
teufelchen_netty #9
Chapter 3: Poor yifan. Tries his best, but fails