




Sehun really didn't know why he said yes when Luhan confessed to him. Maybe it's the hopeful eyes as the older waited for his answer, maybe he's afraid of making the older boy cry or maybe, the image of his brothers giving him many kinds of reaction if he said no on his mind was the reason. It could be because he had a feeling towards the delicate looking boy but he wasn't sure of that.

Even after a month being Luhan's boyfriend he still wasn't sure of what he's feeling as he always felt guilty whenever he saw the smile on the older boy's face, that he knew he's the one who made that but he felt like he's making a mistake as he's not one hundred percent sincere of his feeling, as if it's only an act just to make the older boy happy.

He saw the disappointment on Luhan's face many times before when he rejected him as he tried to get closer to him. He knew Luhan was curious of his true self just like many other people and that's why he kept trying. Like his classmates who tried, only some of them became his best frieds who made Sehun comfortable to hang around with and opened himself up. Luhan was Kyungsoo's friend and he often visited his house so it came naturally for him to be close to his brothers as they kept seeing each other but that didn't happen to Sehun.

The constant pestering somehow annoyed Sehun that he ignored, even avoided Kyungsoo's friend, getting called rude and impolite from his brothers which Sehun replied with rolled of his eyes or acted like he didn't hear anyone talking to him.

He realized, it's like Kyungsoo all over again. Maybe that's what made them friends, the way they didn't easily give up on something?

"Sehun-ah?" Luhan waved his hand in front of Sehun's face.

The younger was working on his homework when Luhan came and the older brought bubble tea for Sehun who brigthened up as Luhan gave it to him.


After finished on his homework they stay there and talked, more like Luhan's talking and Sehun's listening and in the middle of that Sehun started drifted on his own thoughts which the older recognized.

A sigh came from Luhan. He tilted his head seeing Sehun's blinking eyes, "You weren't listening, huh?"


"No, it's okay. I think my story is boring. What were you thinking? Want me to listen?" Luhan smiled again, hoping for Sehun to shared him stories and showed him many kind of expressions that he rarely or never see.

Sehun shook his head, making a small smile while saying no that it disappointed Luhan.

"What do you want to do then? You won't listen to me and won't share your thougths..." Luhan trailed off, making random pattern with finger on the surface of the table while staring on it.

"I...uhm..." seeing the smile was gone from Luhan's face made Sehun anxious. He worked on his brain to think of anything to bring it back again. "Let's watch?"

"There's nothing I want to you want to watch anything?"

"Not really..." Sehun mumbled but Luhan could still hear it, dropping his head to his arm to looked up at his younger boyrfriend.

"You're no fun..."

"Hey!" Sehun felt offended somehow and Luhan smiled at the slight change of his expression.

"Corrected, you're no fun when there's only me."

Luhan stood up from his seat and walked out of the kitchen. Sehun grunted, cleaning the table from the mess he made before following Luhan who's sitting on the couch and watching a variety show. His expression was bored and Sehun gulped, he hoped any of his brothers was at home, Luhan always had fun and laughed when he's playing or watching together with his brothers.

"Hyung, you don't have to watch if you don't want to." Sehun took a seat beside Luhan, making a distance between them as he saw Luhan turned to him.

"Can I sleep then?"

"Yeah...?" Sehun frowned, "Are you tired?"

"Not really..." Luhan reposition his body to lied down after putting a pillow on Sehun's lap, making the younger confused when he put his head there, grinning up at Sehun. "I go to sleep when I don't know what to do." he closed his eyes, "It's okay, right?"

"Yeah..." Sehun stared down at Luhan's face, feeling uncomfortable of both the position and having Luhan close to him in unfamiliar way.

He didn't make a movement for minutes, afraid he'll wake Luhan. He turned off the TV already, thinking it'll bother the older on his sleep. He didn't know what to do as he can't play his phone with his boyfriend on his lap so the last option he had was to watch Luhan's face.

Sehun never took full attention to Luhan except for the first time they met and how awkward he remembered that was. Luhan was pretty, his long eyelashes, his button nose and his pair of lips. He recently just died his hair back in black and it contrast his milky skin. Sehun bit his lips as he moved his hand, slowly and gently touching Luhan's hair to know how it felt on his fingers.

A smile came to his lips, thinking of how funny it was for him to feel curious of other's hair. He liked the feeling that he didn't realize he's not only touching but playing with the strands. He even rubbed Luhan's head like how his mother used to do to him.

Luhan made a small movement which caused Sehun to froze in panic, he didn't want to get caught and slowly retreat his hand. The older was still sleeping, only searching for a better position before the up and down of his chest started again.

Sehun woke up to loud whispers. He opened his eyes slowly and saw Luhan's smiling down at him which made him frowned seeing the ceiling behind Luhan's head.

"Oh, he's awake. Am I too loud?"

Sehun could hear Jongin's voice and Kyungsoo's who answered his brother with a yes. He felt a hand on his head as he turned his face to see Jongin and Kyungsoo, they were sitting on the carpet not too far, both having this teasing smiles on their faces.

"You can go back to sleep if you want, Sehun." said Kyungsoo.

"It must be comfortable sleeping on your boyfriend's lap, huh?" Jongin added with a slight chuckled.

Sehun finally realized that his and Luhan's earlier position were switched. How come he didn't remember he fell asleep? He felt his cheeks heating up as he slowly tried to sat up.


"S-sorry. How long did I sleep? I must hurt your legs..."

"No, it's not. It's only been an hour—"

"An hour!?" Sehun raised his voice in shock as Luhan nodded. "God, your legs must be numb by now!" Sehun surprised his boyfriend, suddenly moving Luhan's legs up to his lap before he massaged it.

Luhan let out a small squeak, pushing Sehun's hands away from his, pulling his legs to his chest and shook his head. "No, no. It's okay, it doesn't hurt or anything. I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Sehun asked in worry.

"Yeah, perfectly fine."

Sehun watched Luhan stared down, the younger couldn't see Luhan's hiding the pink tint on his cheeks or the way he bit his lips in embarrassment.

"So...what were you doing?"

Sehun almost forgot that they're not alone, turning to Jongin who smiled at him. "Huh?"

"I slept because Sehun didn't have any idea of what to do. I woke up and found he's sleeping, he didn't look comfortable so I let him sleep on my lap." Luhan answered with a sigh but a smile on his lips.

"Sehun-ah..." Kyungsoo gave a look to the youngest Wu.

"What? I suggested to watch but he said he doesn't want to! Why don't you tell us what to do cause I really don't know how to spend my time with him!" Sehun got defensive and Jongin covered his smile with the back of his hand.

"Sehun-ah, he's your boyfriend. It should be easy to spend time with him, hours were never enough and you feel like you miss him every single time." Jongin words made Sehun shivered.

"Stop being cheesy, ugh." Sehun stood up from his seat and stopped when he felt Luhan tugged on his shirt.

"Where are you going?" the older sounded and looked scared that he'll go away and leave him with his brothers. Sehun sighed, patting Luhan's head.

"I'm just going to take a drink."


Sehun looked back once on the kitchen door to see Kyungsoo and Jongin were talking with Luhan it only made him frustrate and disappoint in himself, repeating Jongin's words inside his head. He wanted that, to be able to spent time with Luhan without thinking hard about what to do or what topic to be talk but to reach that point he needed to do something first. Being comfortable around Luhan will only happen when Sehun's ready to open himself and he knew he's ready.


Sehun came to picked up Luhan on his university, texting the older that he's outside. Luhan looked shocked but happy seeing Sehun he ran and hugged the younger.

"Hey!! What are you doing suddenly come here?" he pulled away to looked up at Sehun. The younger fixed Luhan's hair which a little bit messy after his running although it wasn't necessary. Luhan grinned and said thanks in reply.

"I just...want to ask you to go on a date..."



Luhan hummed, "You made a plan already? Or did your brothers were the one who made it?"

"Uhm..." Sehun shifted his eyes from the olders who always succedded in making him nervous. "No, I don't. And no, I don't ask them this time and I just want to talk with you, you know, you said you want to know what's on my mind..."


"If you want to." Sehun smiled.

"I'd love to, Sehun." Luhan took Sehun's hand, intertwine it with his own as they walk to the bus stop.

Luhan listened to Sehun talk nervously, slowly yet seriously about what happened the week before. It wasn't much and not that cool to be shared, Sehun thought but the older want to hear so he told him. Luhan got to know Sehun's best friends, about what subject he likes or hates and the place he liked to hang out with his friends. The older man was happy, he felt like dancing inside the restaurant they were in as he could finally see Sehun breaking a tiny part of his wall and let Luhan peeked inside. What Sehun did was small but it meant a lot for Luhan and he really wanted more of Sehun, the younger belongs to him but he knew he didn't have a whole of him. He forced himself to Sehun, could see the thoughts running on the younger's mind despite of him making no expression.

Luhan had doubt on his boyfriend, if Sehun only said yes because he's Kyungsoo's friend. Kyungsoo told him not to worry when he voice out his thoughts, that Sehun had trouble to say what he's feeling and that he knew the younger liked him.

"Hyung, I want to tell you something."

"What is it?"

Sehun took a breath, telling himself that it's okay, there's nothing to be scared of. "I want to tell you that you have to be more patient of me. I know I'm not a good boyfriend to you, it took you long enough to get close to me and now you have to wait for me until I learn how to treat you like a normal boyfriend do." staring at Luhan's eyes while saying those words was a hard thing to do for him.

Luhan raised his eyebrows, "Sehun-ah, why are you suddenly saying this to me? You don't have to do what a normal boyfriend do, every boyfriend is different and I like you for the way you are, with you being awkward when you don't know what do, trying to hide your smile when you don't want me to see it or secretly touching me..."

"W-what?" Sehun's eyes widened and he leaned in, "T-touched?"

Luhan grinned, enjoying panic Sehun across of him. "You touched my hair when I was sleeping. I woke up for a while but it comfort me that I fell back in sleep. We should do that again."

Sehun made a low grunt, feeling embarrass that he got caught but a little bit happy knowing that Luhan liked it.

"You know, I actually don't care whatever we're doing as long as I do it with you."

"But I don't like it how I feel like I'm not treating you right. I like seeing you smile and when you're not doing it I feel like I made a mistake and want to repay it by doing things to make you smile again!"

The smile Sehun talked about plastered on Luhan's lips, "I like your smile to, Sehun-ah."

"Hyung..." Sehun whined, he didn't want to hear a compliment from his boyfriend.

"And I like how you're being different today, trying so hard to be a boyfriend that you wanted to be. I still prefer usual Sehun, though. But I like Sehun who has his brothers around him and laughs or says things freely the most. I love that Sehun and I hope you work on that more instead of being this boyfriend Sehun."

Sehun bit his lips at the many like words Luhan said and nodded, "I'll do my best, hyung."

Luhan beamed, calling Sehun to get closer to him as the younger obliged. He pecked Sehun's cheek and waited to see the younger's reaction who parted his lips, unable to form words before he covered his mouth with a fist and moved his eyes away from him.

"You're so cute, Sehun-ah." 

Luhan finally got one thing that will cause Sehun to be embarrass in a cute way.


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31-1-2015, but I will try to update as I can't really divide my attention that much hha. Update won't be often but I'll try my best ^^


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teufelchen_netty #1
Chapter 48: poor jongin xD
teufelchen_netty #2
Chapter 48: i want more ;_;
i love this.. even after all this time its great stuff to read
Chapter 9: daebaakkk~~~~
Chapter 48: this stiry is so cute!!!!! i was giggling the entire time i read this....seriously....this is one of my top fav fic!!!!!
alicemusic666 #5
So cute and awesome. I love it.
saengiera #6
i miss reading your story... :(
when are you going to update, it's been almost 5 months....
hope you'll update soon... :)
2447 streak #7
Chapter 38: "You're big."
"Shut up."
"You're so big."
"I will kill you."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA THIS IS SOOOOOO CUTE! i miss these family stories :)
teufelchen_netty #8
Chapter 48: Such goldy Storys, like it :-)
teufelchen_netty #9
Chapter 3: Poor yifan. Tries his best, but fails