

Junior High



"Tao hyung, have you finish your homework?" Jongin opened the door to their shared bedroom, finding Tao was lying on his bed, eyes open as he was reading a manga.

"Yeahh..." answered Tao lazily, a frown on his brows as he tried to concentrate on reading.

"Can you help me?"

"What?" Tao looked up from his manga to Jongin who was now sitting on his bed, a grin on his lips.

"Can you help me with my homework?"

"Why, you don't understand?"

"Uhm...I fell asleep in class so I didn't hear what we learn today..." Jongin scratched the back of his neck as Tao glared at him.


"Tao hyung..."

"I said no, Jongin. Try working on it first and if you don't understand I will help you."

"But Hyung..." Jongin started to whine, "I tried already and it making me dizzy just looking at the questions!!"

Tao was still glaring at Jongin who gave him a puppy look.

"How about you ask Kyungsoo hyung's help?" Sehun who was under the blanket on his own bed said. He was trying to take a nap but couldn't as his brothers were noisy so he put out his head and yawned. Jongin and Tao turned their heads to the youngest. "Isn't that a good idea? Tao hyung can continue reading his manga and Jongin hyung can spend his time with Kyungsoo hyung."

"Good idea, Sehun-ah." Jongin gave a thumb to Sehun.

Tao rolled his eyes, "Like you can concentrate studying with Kyungsoo...you'll end up staring at him and he'll be the one working on your homework."

"Yahh!!" Jongin shouted as his cheeks turned red. "I'm not staring at him and no, it's my work, not Kyungsoo!"

"Whatever..." said Tao as he continue reading his manga.

Jongin pouted at Tao before he walked out after not getting any response.


"Jongin, did you listen to what I said?"

"Yeah..." Jongin cleared his throat as he moved his eyes to the book. "So we use was or were, right?"

"Yup." Kyungsoo smiled as Jongin indeed listening to him.

Jongin was actually a smart boy, he was just lazy many times and even ask for people's help to work on his homework. His brain could handle and understand many things but he just didn't took interest in all things he learn in school. His only interest for the moment was dance and he took a class with Tao and Sehun for years now.

"Okay...I think I will try to solve the question first and please check it for me after, hyung." said Jongin who got a nod in reply.

Kyungsoo the TV on his living room and turned it mute so that Jongin could concentrate.

Jongin took a glance at Kyungsoo and made a sigh, realizing that indeed he stared at Kyungsoo that he almost missed what the older were trying to teach him. He won't admit it to Tao or Sehun even though his brothers knew he had a crush on the older boy. It was only Kyungsoo who didn't realize it and Jongin didn't know if he should be happy or sad.

"Why, is it hard?"

"Eh?" Jongin blinked his eyes, seeing Kyungsoo was looking at the younger who had a frown like he was in a deep thoughts. "N-no, I was thinking about something else..."

Kyungsoo smiled gently and shook his head, "You can think about it later as soon as you finish your homework, Jongin."

"Yeah, sorry hyung."

It took Jongin an hour to finish his homework. He could have finish it in half an hour but he was curious and got hook by the movie Kyungsoo was watching. He was kind of amazed how Kyungsoo was so serious and took interest in it without having any sound coming from the TV. He was thankful that Kyungsoo didn't caught him watching along while finishing his work.

"Hyung?" Jongin called Kyungsoo on commercial time.

"Oh, you finished?"


Kyungsoo took the book from Jongin and started checking the younger's work.

Jongin took a sigh and propped his head with a hand, waiting while staring at the older's face. He suddenly remembered how the girls from his class were talking about Kyungsoo, about his handsome face. His big curious eyes, his heart shaped smile, his cute laughing voice and the way he looked so adorable in everything he did.

They never knew how Kyungsoo could turned into someone that made people shut their mouth in second with his glare or the way he took other's joke seriously sometimes and instead of replying with words he chose to chokehold them. It made Jongin chuckled thinking about it that Kyungsoo looked up from the book.

"Is something funny?" asked the older.

"Uhhh...I was thinking about something..." Jongin cursed inside for letting out the chuckle.

"It feels like you have a lot on your mind huh..." Kyungsoo turned the corner of his lips into a smirk as he continue checking Jongin's homework.

"Not really...I just got distracted..." Jongin gulped nervously.

"By what?"

Jongin didn't expect the question and answer with the first thing that came to his mind, "Sehun! Sehun and Tao! I mean, they have an idea about what to buy for Minseok hyung  and I can't stop thinking about..." It was true that the three were thinking about what to give to their oldest hyung's birthday and Jongin mentally patted his shoulder. He wouldn't tell the truth that the older was the one distracting him...

"Ah, yes...Minseok hyung. I bought him a shirt already." Kyungsoo smiled.


"I remember he told me about this shirt that he liked last week when we're going out together."

"Y-you both going out together?"

"You didn't know?" Kyungsoo raised his brows to the younger who shook his head.

"Ah! You were having a dance practice that day. I wanted to buy a book and went to your house, but I forgot you have a class. Minseok hyung told me he wanted to buy something too so we went out together."

"Oh..." Jongin's shoulder sagged hearing Kyungsoo. He was kind of jealous and upset that Minseok hyung didn't told him about it. He knew that whatever his older brother was doing had nothing to do with him, but when it related to Kyungsoo he must knew! Maybe I should tell Minseok hyung about it...

"About what?"

Jongin widened his eyes, "Did I say it out loud?"

"Yes." Kyungsoo chuckled.

"About...about what he wanted! You know, so he won't be disappointed if we bought him something he doesn't like or need." Jongin grinned, he saved himself again. He should be careful of the words that came out from his mouth. It would be bad if he let the older knew he was jealous by accidentally slipped the words out.

"I see...do you need my help to ask Minseok hyung? If you still want to make it a surprise although it's kind of hard to do it to Minseok hyung, we have never been able to make a surprise without him knowing beforehand for years already."

"Yeah, Minseok hyung is just...he's a good observant, maybe that's why." Jongin sighed. "It's okay, hyung. We'll just ask him what he wants while we go out together this weekend. Eomma said we will go out and watch movie together. Do you have a plan, hyung? Wanna come with us?"


Jongin was staring with his eyes full of hopeful and Kyungsoo noticed it. "I want to, Jongin. But I have to make sure if my parents doesn't have any plan involving me especially if they're in the mood to go on a date." He smiled and that made Jongin's eyes sparkled.

Oh, how Kyungsoo's heart melted at the way it was obvious in Jongin's eyes whenever he was happy or sad.

"I hope they're on the mood to go without you."

Kyungsoo shook his head, "But daddy went on business trip so I'm not sure if he'll allow me to. He called me yesterday saying that he missed me."

Kyungsoo held his smile seeing Jongin slumped his shoulder. The younger was too easy to read many times and it still amused Kyungsoo how Jongin could turn from excited into dissapointment in mere seconds.

"Well..we'll just see later..."

"Right, let me check on your work..."

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31-1-2015, but I will try to update as I can't really divide my attention that much hha. Update won't be often but I'll try my best ^^


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teufelchen_netty #1
Chapter 48: poor jongin xD
teufelchen_netty #2
Chapter 48: i want more ;_;
i love this.. even after all this time its great stuff to read
Chapter 9: daebaakkk~~~~
Chapter 48: this stiry is so cute!!!!! i was giggling the entire time i read this....seriously....this is one of my top fav fic!!!!!
alicemusic666 #5
So cute and awesome. I love it.
saengiera #6
i miss reading your story... :(
when are you going to update, it's been almost 5 months....
hope you'll update soon... :)
2438 streak #7
Chapter 38: "You're big."
"Shut up."
"You're so big."
"I will kill you."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA THIS IS SOOOOOO CUTE! i miss these family stories :)
teufelchen_netty #8
Chapter 48: Such goldy Storys, like it :-)
teufelchen_netty #9
Chapter 3: Poor yifan. Tries his best, but fails