Kyungsoo & Yifan





"Junmyeon, how come Kyungsoo's eyes are so big like that? He looks adorable though." Yifan was watching his sons played with Kyungsoo on the carpet while he sat beside Junmyeon who had a novel on his hands.

"Jongin said his father's eyes are big too."



Yifan tilted his head a little, seeing Jongin smiling so brightly he scared his son will stay permanent like that. Jongin looked the happiest when he played with Kyungsoo. Tao and Minseok enjoyed playing with him too and just recently Sehun was being able to stay near Kyungsoo, not hiding behind his mother's legs or ran away. The youngest was a little bit stiff, but he could see a smile on his small lips and it's a progress for him.

"Kyungsoo's the only child, right?"


Yifan nodded, a smile came to his lips when his sons broke into a big laugh, talking and joking with each other.

"Do you see the look on Jongin's face?"

"He's in love."

"Yeah, he is—what?" Yifan turned to his husband, eyes wide. "Love? He's like what, five?"

Junmyeon smirked, eyes looking up to met with his husband's. "Kyungsoo's good. Can't you see all of our sons like him? Jongin held his hand the first time they met, saying that they'll be best friend forever and the adorable boy gave his warm smile. I saw the kid stole our son's heart, Minseok appa."

"Are you sure?" Yifan checked on his sons again. They're all surrounding Kyungsoo and it felt like Kyungsoo's his own son as he saw him so often in a week.

"I'm not sure what will happen later though. If there's no one who interrupt them they'll be together. Jongin kept asking if he can play with Kyungsoo every day, if he can go to his house or not."

"I wonder what's so special about the kid..."

Junmyeon chuckled, leaning to his husband and whisper, "Be careful, you'll fall for him too."


"Uncle Yifan?"

Yifan turned to a familiar voice, seeing a boy with big round eyes in a man's arms. The boy gave a signature heart smile, waving his tiny hand to Yifan.

"Uncle Yifan!"

"Kyungsoo. Hey..." Yifan smiled to the boy, his eyes went up to see the man who's holding his son's friend. "Hello." he greeted.

The man was almost as tall as him, his hair being pushed to the back showing his forehead. His eyes were big, and his grin was so wide and contagious. "Hi!"

"Daddy, this is Uncle Yifan, Jongin's father. Uncle Yifan, this is my daddy."

"Nice to meet you." Yifan shook Kyungsoo's father's hand.

"I'm Chanyeol. Thank you for taking care of him and sorry for the troubles."

"It's not a problem at all. My sons enjoy Kyungsoo's company a lot."

"Are you buying grocery for dinner?" Chanyeol asked, bouncing Kyungsoo on his arms.

"Yeah, Jongin's mother asked me to buy some things on my way back. You too?" Yifan showed his shoppinh basket to the other man.

"No, it's just Kyungsoo. He wants some chocolate and we're out of it at home. Right, baby?"

"Ng! Can I go and choose now, daddy?" Kyungsoo asked his father.

"Yeah. We'll wait for you here, okay?" Kyungsoo nodded as his father put him down and the little boy ran the aisle he knew by heart.

"Do you have time to talk?" Chanyeol turned to the man beside him with a small smile on his lips.

Yifan raised an eyebrow at the word talk. "May I know what kind of talk?" he narrowed his eyes and Chanyeol's smile turned into a grin.

"No, it's not a serious talk like what you're thinking. I just want to know more about Jongin and his family. My wife told me about Jongin but only to what he knew. I want to know what do you think of my son as...err, is this to fast to think of the future? I mean, I know that Jongin likes my son, but I'm not sure if Kyungsoo feels the same way." Chanyeol tilted his head, scratching his neck and gave a weird nervous smile that made the other father relaxed.

"It's quite fast actually but it's just a talk, I think it's okay. My sons like Kyungsoo so much, me and my wife thought that he's like our son already as he visited quite often." Yifan saw Kyungsoo already running back to them while hugging chocolate bars with his tiny arms.

"So many, Kyung..." Chanyeol saw his son smiling up at him.

"Can I buy for Jongin and his brothers, daddy? I want to give it to Uncle Yifan so he can give it to Jongin and his brothers." Kyungsoo stared with his big eyes to his father and Yifan, smiling at them making Chanyeol kneeled down while Yifan felt his heart swell at the cuteness.

"Okay, but you have to do something for me."

"What is it?"

"I want to talk with Jongin's father, you can wait for about half an hour with us, right? We'll go to the cafe next door. I will buy you a cake too, if you want."

Kyungsoo's eyes sparkled at the mention of cake, quickly nodding his head with excitement. "I will wait for you and Uncle Yifan, daddy."

"Good boy. Let's go and pay this, then." Chanyeol scooped Kyungsoo to his arms and smiling at Yifan who walked beside him.

They walked out of the mart and went inside the cafe, each father buying coffee while Chanyeol let Kyungsoo order a cake he wanted and a chocolate milkshake. Chanyeol and Yifan talked about their families, jobs, their interest and sometimes Kyungsoo who was bored tried to join the conversation, asking random questions as both father answered him patiently.


"Where were you?" Junmyeon was waiting with his kids who fell asleep around him, on the sofa and on the carpet while waiting for their fathers.

"I'm sorry." Yifan signaled him to follow to the kitchen and Junmyeon sat up carefully, not wanting to wake Jongin and Sehun who sleep on each of his side.

Yifan took out the meat and some spices that Junmyeon asked him to buy, prepared it to be cook by his wife but Junmyeon stopped him.

"I will cook that tomorrow, it'll take too much time. And where were you?" Junmyeon asked again.

"Ah, yeah. I met Kyungsoo and Chanyeol, his father." Yifan grinned looking at Junmyeon's shock face. "He's a nice guy. He asked me about the kids."

"At the market?"

"Mh-hm. Kyungsoo wants a chocolate and—oh! He bought some for Jongin and others...I already put it in the fridge."

Junmyeon nodded, turning the gear on his head at what to make for dinner and settled for a simple fried rice with scramble egg with some sausages and chicken from yesterday.

"Kyungsoo's such a good boy. I'll be perfectly okay if he became Jongin's in the end."

"Hmm?" Junmyeon was a little bit distracted, focusing his eyes on the pan as he poured oil there.

"Kyungsoo, what do you think of Jongin?" Chanyeol asked the boy, wiping the corner of his lips where there's a smear of chocolate.

"He's cute. I feel like I have a younger brother. I like it when he needs my help and when I give one, he smiles. I like him a lot, daddy."

"Will you take care of him, Kyungsoo?" Yifan's the one asking and Kyungsoo turned to him, crinkling his eyes as a heart smile formed.

"I will, Uncle Yifan! But Jongin's taller than me though...don't you think he should be the one to protect me?" the little boy tilted his head.

"How about you protect each other?"

"He's too innocent, though. I'm not sure he'll remember that me and his father indirectly planned an engagement for him." Yifan frowned, arms crossing, propping his chin with his finger.

"You what?!" Junmyeon hissed, turning his body to his husband. "You did what?" he walked closer, looking up at Yifan who had confusion in his eyes.

"They like each other and we like each other's son so..."

"You can't decide that yourself! Engagement? I mean, what were you thinking, they're, I'm, ughhh..." Junmyeon scratched his head with one hand in frustration. "Yifan!! What did you do! You can't do that...I don't want Jongin or Kyungsoo to like each other because they're force to!"

"I told you that he won't even remember. He doesn't understand what we were talking and it's just me and Chanyeol testing him, what he feels towards Jongin. He said he liked him!" Yifan actually giggled and Junmyeon widen his eyes, gapping as he couldn't believe it. It should be him as a mother who had that kind of reaction, not Yifan who...who he never imagined will have that kind of reaction.

"Don't worry, babe. It's still up to them. I only want to see it with my own eyes if he's aware of Jongin's feeling and like you said, both are too young." the husband shrugged.

Junmyeon grunted, walking back to his food and huffed in annoyance. "You get along with Chanyeol quite fast, huh? Judging from your reaction you're both are such a fool for your kids. I can understand Kyungsoo's father as he only has one child but you...I wonder how you'll react to our other son's Kyungsoo."

"Oh, it'll be a different story. I like cute things, babe. Like you or Kyungsoo or kids in general. If our sons other than Jongin find their love while they're still kids I'm okay with it but later when they grow up, I'm not sure if I'll react the same. I'll be dealing with teenagers or adults whom I can't read their minds or intentions." Yifan walked and hugged his wife from behind, Junmyeon leaned to him in instant, liking the familiar warmth and scent surrounding him despite still feeling irritate to his husband.

Junmyeon suddenly chuckled and Yifan asked why, "You fell for Kyungsoo. That kid is damn expert at taking people's attention."

"Did he took your attention at first sight?"

"He's so squishy, who wouldn't? But he got my permission because Jongin liked him and how he's a good friend to him."

"I see..." Junmyeon received a peck on his cheek as Yifan let go of him and the wife unconsciously pouted, missing the warmth already. "I'll wake the kids."

Junmyeon hummed. He imagine adult Kyungsoo and Jongin standing together, smiling at him and he sighed, hating that he liked the vision inside his head.



Yifan was staring at Kyungsoo who had his head down, one hand clutching the hem of his shirt while the other's holding Jongin's hand. He's nervous, everyone on the living room could tell just by a simple glance. Junmyeon who sat beside his husband's rubbing the taller's arm, trying to sooth him as he could see the vein on Yifan's neck, protruding as he tried to hold himslef not to scream in anger.


The said boy flinched as his name being called by his father.

"N-ne, appa." the boy looked smaller than usual, his body hunched down as he bit his lips, his eyes on the coffee table.

"What did I told you?"

"To be careful and took care of him."

"To take care of yourself and Kyungsoo. I gave you permission because I trust you, that you can drive the car safely with Kyungsoo beside you."

"I'm sorry for the car, appa. I—"

"I don't care about the damn car!!" Yifan's loud voice flinching everyone on the living room, including Sehun and Tao who's waiting and trying to eavesdrop from the kitchen. "I'm worried about you, Jongin. I'm worried about Kyungsoo because his parents trust you too, just like me and your mother. I know it's an accident, but I will still ban you from driving for a month, do you hear me?"

"Yes. I'm sorry. I will be careful next time."

Kyungsoo slowly lifted his eyes, staring at Yifan and Junmyeon as he opened his lips, "I'm sorry, Uncle. It was my fault, I should—"

"It's no one's fault, not you or Jongin. I'm angry because I'm worried of both of you, not because I'm blaming you for the accident. It's more of my fault as I know Jongin needs more practices. I'm just glad nothing happened to both of you..." Yifan sighed, rubbing his temple as he didn't want to scary Jongin or Kyungsoo. He rarely got mad and he knew it always made his son cried before.

"Kyungsoo, I think you should go back. I told your mother about it and I'm sure he's worried. Jongin, can you walk him home?" Junmyeon smiled, nodding to both of the boys who stared at him.

"Yes, eomma."

"I'll head home, then. Good night, Uncle." Kyungsoo stood up and bowed to Jongin's parents before he walked out of the house with Jongin behind him.

"Yifan..." Junmyeon called his husband after the taller man calmed down himself.

Yifan grunted, turning his face away from Junmyeon. "I just want to make sure they will be extra careful."

"I haven't said anything...and do you know Sehun and Tao are in the kitchen?"

Yifan huffed, his head facing down as he sighed, "Good, I don't have to repeat that for another two times, then."

Junmyeon chuckled, rubbing Yifan's thigh as he saw Sehun and Tao walked slowly out of the kitchen to the stairs. He remembered something and pursed his lips, already knowing his husband's reaction for what he'll tell him.

"Jongdae will come tomorrow, be nice to him, okay?"

Yifan whined, taking comfort on his wife's neck while hugging the smaller man. Junmyeon laughed feeling Yifan shook his head and mumbling, "It's hard being a parents."

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31-1-2015, but I will try to update as I can't really divide my attention that much hha. Update won't be often but I'll try my best ^^


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teufelchen_netty #1
Chapter 48: poor jongin xD
teufelchen_netty #2
Chapter 48: i want more ;_;
i love this.. even after all this time its great stuff to read
Chapter 9: daebaakkk~~~~
Chapter 48: this stiry is so cute!!!!! i was giggling the entire time i read this....seriously....this is one of my top fav fic!!!!!
alicemusic666 #5
So cute and awesome. I love it.
saengiera #6
i miss reading your story... :(
when are you going to update, it's been almost 5 months....
hope you'll update soon... :)
2438 streak #7
Chapter 38: "You're big."
"Shut up."
"You're so big."
"I will kill you."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA THIS IS SOOOOOO CUTE! i miss these family stories :)
teufelchen_netty #8
Chapter 48: Such goldy Storys, like it :-)
teufelchen_netty #9
Chapter 3: Poor yifan. Tries his best, but fails