

Series of jealous Jongin towards his brothers 


Jongin fumed seeing Tao hugging Kyungsoo. The smaller boy giggled and laughed as they dance together on the song playing with his older brother and Jongin didn't like the sight at all. He went to his mother who noticed his gloomy face, asking him what happened. Jongin's supposed to be happy and played with his brothers instead of spending his time with his mother.


Jongin hummed. Eyes staring at the food on the table, finding a cake his mother made and asked for a piece. Junmyeon gave his son what he wanted, waiting until Jongin calmed himself by finishing the cake.

"Kyungsoo's playing with Tao. I have to wait for my turn." Jongin mumbled. There's a smear of icing on the corner of his lips and Junmyeon wiped it with a tissue.

"Then why you're here?"

"I don't know. I just don't want to see Kyungsoo smiled like that to my brothers..."

The statement made Junmyeon shocked, almost dropping the tissue on his hand and stared at his son. He's jealous?

"But he's your brothers?" Junmyeon carefully asked.

"I know. That's why I'm even angrier that I'm angry to my brothers. That's weird, right, eomma?"

Junmyeon wanted to say that it's normal for that to happen if he likes someone but he's not sure that Jongin will understand. His son's too young to understand the feelings.

"It's okay, Jonginnie. It's normal for you to feel like that, you just want to play more with Kyungsoo."

"I guess so..."

Junmyeon could see that Jongin's still upset. He got an idea of how to make his son smiled again, "Now, why don't you call your brothers here to eat the cake? I will cut one for Kyungsoo and you can bring it to him, how about that?"

Jongin's eyes brightened and Junmyeon grinned that his son's smiling again.

"I like that, eomma."

Jongin was smiling all the time while sitting beside Kyungsoo, waiting for him to eat his cake and he felt happy to have Kyungsoo for himself again.


Jongin turned his head from the TV to the front door and saw Kyungsoo coming in, his eyes lightened up seeing the older yet smaller boy. Kyungsoo smiled at him but the next question made Jongin's smile dropped in instant.

"Is Minseok hyung here?"

"Yeah. At his room."

"Oh, great. I need to talk to him." Kyungsoo patted Jongin's head and went to the stairs.

Jongin pouted, wondering what the older wanted to discuss and why it had to be his oldest brother.

He fell asleep while waiting for Kyungsoo who seemed like he talk in hours with his brother where in fact he only stayed with Minseok for an hour. Jongin never knew waiting can be that long, reminding himself not to get late if he made a promise to meet up with people in the future.

"Jongin-ah?" Kyungsoo shook Jongin's body lightly, waking him up as the younger boy hummed, rubbing his eyes to get rid of the tiredness that he suddenly feel.

"Are you done talking with Minseok hyung?" he mumbled.


"May I know what you're talking about?" Jongin corrected his posture, facing Kyungsoo who's sitting beside him while smiling like usual.

Kyungsoo shook his head, "Nope."

A pout formed in second and the older chuckled, "Why?"

"It's...I'm not sure if I want to talk about it with you."

"But you'll say it to my hyung?"

"Only Minseok hyung." Kyungsoo nodded with a grin, ignoring the disappointed look on Jongin's eyes.

"But...you're my best friend, shouldn't we tell each other everything?" Jongin set his eyes on the wide orbs he came to like since years before, hoping to get inside of it, drowning himself in the emotions the older felt especially those he couldn't read.

Kyungsoo took a breath, squinting his eyes with a smirk and leaned a bit closer as he whispered, "Are you sure you have no secret that you haven't told me?"

"Uhhh..." the younger was nervous being close with Kyungsoo, leaning back and smiled awkwardly as the thought of liking the man in front of him flash to his mind, increasing his heart rate. "No...?"

"Liar." Kyungsoo flicked Jongin's forehead, pressing his own head to the couch and curled his lips up again. "I'll tell you when I'm ready. You'll do the same with yours, right, Jongin?"

Jongin was searching in Kyungsoo's eyes, a slight cue if he could force the older to tell him right now but he only found promise on that clear orbs that Kyungsoo will tell him. He should be worried more about his feeling and if he was able to say it to Kyungsoo but he hadn't have any plan for doing that in near time so he pushed the thought away.

"Alright, hyung. I'll wait for it."

And the hug Kyungsoo gave to him after was enough reward for being a patient boy once in a while.


Jongin smacked Sehun's on the back as the younger whined, saying how the older being harsh to him while the older sighed.

"Don't you do that again, Sehun! I know what you're doing, I told you about it so why keep doing it!" Jongin narrowed his eyes to Sehun who stucked out his tongue.

"I'm doing it for you. You should practice your expression, hyung. It's so obvious that you're jealous of me. You don't want him to find out about your feeling, right, hyung?" Sehun turned serious now and Jongin stiffened.

Was he that obvious? He knew he's quite expressive since he was a child but he didn't think it would be a problem when he's grown up. Especially the feeling that he felt towards his best friend that he wanted to hide so badly.

"But he doesn't know, right?"

Sehun tsked, shaking his head. "It will took years for Kyungsoo hyung to know. Maybe he needs someone to point it out for him until he realized. He's quite...innocent? I'll confess straight to him if it's me. You know how much fans he has at school."

"Do you like him?"

Sehun frowned. Jongin didn't look good at all, his eyes were cloudy and Sehun parted his lips knowing Jongin underline the wrong words. "Hyung, I like him as a friend. As a brother, too. Platonic. That's all. Don't you worry, he's not my type."

"You sure?" Jongin bit his lips.

"Hundred percent. He likes to give people attention that's why I like him. A little bit like eom—oh my god, we sound like mother complex." Sehun slapped his forehead.

"Huh?" Jongin tilted his head. "Mother complex?" he saw Sehun nodded and opened his eyes wide, "Yahhh! We're not! I-I mean, I'm not! You can be one, just don't bring me into this!"

Sehun ignored his brother's word, tilting his head, putting Kyungsoo and Junmyeon on his head. "Kyungsoo hyung does remind me of eomma somehow..."

"No, don't you dare say that! Eomma is...why Kyungsoo hyung is..." Jongin lifted his hand, biting his lips and sighed, dropping his head in regret. "Kyungsoo's like that because he doesn't have any siblings."

The youngest perked up at that, smiling and nodding in agreement, "Right, I think that's why. It's so rare for you to make any sense like this, hyung. Kyungsoo hyu—mpphh!" he got a pillow on his face and glared at Jongin when the pillow fell down to his lap.

Jongin glared back to Sehun, raising his chin even as if challenging the youngest to throw the pillow back at him.

"Hyung, I'm trying to help you here?"

"Don't! Just don't do anything, I can do it on my own!"

Sehun rolled his eyes, throwing his back to the matress, using the pillow Jongin threw for his head. "Yeah, right. Waiting?"

"Just wait! I'll confess to him and I'll make him say yes!!" Jongin had this determine look on his sparkling eyes, palm clenched to a fist while Sehun sighed, thinking how hopeless his brother was.

"Hope you'll do that reaaally fast, hyung..."


Kyungsoo pressed his lips together, staring at Jongin who hide behind the pillow on his arms while the other laughed, making fun of Jongin who sank deeper and deeper to his seat.

"Guys, will you please, stop?" Jongin whined.

Minseok rubbed his brother's back, chuckling and taking pity of Jongin being attack by the others and him. It was fun and cute seeing Jongin couldn't do anything when he, Tao, and Sehun shared Kyungsoo the stories of Jongin's hidden feelings towards the older boy.

"I'm sorry, hyung. But Kyungsoo has to hear it, it's really cute of you hating us when we're near Kyungsoo." Sehun grinned, making a high five with Tao.

"It's funnier that Kyungsoo wasn't aware of it, it's so obvious and he still missed it." Tao added.

Jongin only groaned, saying to himself that it'll be over and that he just had to be patient for more minutes, hopefully.

"Tao, Sehun, stop it. You make Kyungsoo guilty for missing Jongin's feeling for years." Minseok was trying to make it better but Jongin whimpered in embarassment while Kyungsoo's eyes got even darker.

"It's okay, Kyungsoo-yah. You're just the type who—" Tao who just put an arm on Kyungsoo's shoulder got smack with a pillow and Sehun on the other side of the smaller quickly took cover with another pillow as a shield.

"You're my best friends too, how come you never said anything to me!!" Kyungsoo shouted, kicking Sehun's leg as the younger said his apologize.

Jongin saw Kyungsoo hitting his brothers and a smile creeped to his lips, "You're lucky you're older than him, hyung." he said to Minseok beside him.

"Hey, I only share one story, they're the one who laugh obnoxiously." Minseok nudged Jongin.

"Jongin's the one asking us, Soo, don't be mean to us, he's the one who want it!!" Tao took the pillow from Kyungsoo's hand, not taking a chance to be hit by it again.

"Yeah, he said he'll gather his courage but he's taking too long!" Sehun chose to move and sat beside the oldest Wu, snuggling to the older.

"Even so, why you didn't do anything to help? Minseok hyung, you knew about this, right?" Kyungsoo turned to the only one he trust will give reasonable answer, letting Tao hugged him sideway as the taller felt guilty.

Minseok gave his wise smile—what Kyungsoo called it—and shrugged, "We tried to help but both of you are a hard case that we give up, well, more like Sehun and Tao who got frustrared they decided to in the end. The important thing now is that you both are together and you should laugh at the past insteaf of regret it."

Jongin hid his scoff at Minseok's word, the look of amaze Kyungsoo gave to his brother irked him, making him took Sehun's earlier seat and smiled at his boyfriend. "It's okay, hyung. What Minseok hyung said was right, you got to see my feelings and receive it after all..." he took Kyungsoo's hand and held it, Sehun made a vomit sound in the back, Minseok smiled fondly while Tao hugged both of them together.

"Tao, let go!!" Kyungsoo tried to push the taller away, Jongin just sighed, knowing Tao won't stop hugging his boyfriend and let him do it whenever he want.

"You're both so cute..." Tao giggled, pecking Jongin's head and Kyungsoo's, causing Jongin to widen his eyes, pushing his brother abruptly, taking Kyungsoo to his arms instead.

"You can hug him, but no kissing!!" Jongin glared at pouting Tao.

"Here we go again..." Sehun shook his head and Minseok just sighed with a smile on his lips.

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31-1-2015, but I will try to update as I can't really divide my attention that much hha. Update won't be often but I'll try my best ^^


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teufelchen_netty #1
Chapter 48: poor jongin xD
teufelchen_netty #2
Chapter 48: i want more ;_;
i love this.. even after all this time its great stuff to read
Chapter 9: daebaakkk~~~~
Chapter 48: this stiry is so cute!!!!! i was giggling the entire time i read this....seriously....this is one of my top fav fic!!!!!
alicemusic666 #5
So cute and awesome. I love it.
saengiera #6
i miss reading your story... :(
when are you going to update, it's been almost 5 months....
hope you'll update soon... :)
2438 streak #7
Chapter 38: "You're big."
"Shut up."
"You're so big."
"I will kill you."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA THIS IS SOOOOOO CUTE! i miss these family stories :)
teufelchen_netty #8
Chapter 48: Such goldy Storys, like it :-)
teufelchen_netty #9
Chapter 3: Poor yifan. Tries his best, but fails