

High School



"Yeah?" the said tall man didn't turn his head hearing that voice. He kept his eyes on the pan in front of him, not because he's afraid he'll burnt his egg, no. He heard the soft voice of steps, a familiar scent came to his nostril as he felt a presence beside him.

"Jongin told me he wants some too."

Sehun took a glance at Luhan who was smiling at him. He nodded, "Okay."

Luhan blinked his eyes with small smile on his lips. "Say, Sehun-ah?"


"Do you want to go watch a movie tomorrow?"

Sehun took a plate and move the now done egg on it before he started making new one again. "What about Kyungsoo hyung?"

"What about him?" Luhan took a spoon, cut the egg and tasted it.

"You usually go with him."

"Well, yeah." Luhan his lips, "But he wants to go on a date with Jongin."

"Oh. Okay then."

Luhan's eyes widen, "You will go with me?"

"Yeah, since I don't have any plan tomorrow." Sehun turned to the older man and smiled a little. He was surprised second after as Luhan suddenly hugged him sideway.

"Thank you!! I'm so excited!! You can choose whatever movie you want to watch." Luhan took a step back, a wide grin on his lips as his eyes went into crescents. "I'll take this with me. Thanks again, Sehunnie." he brought the plate with him as he walk out of the kitchen.

Sehun blinked, eyes still on the spot where Luhan was before. He felt his cheeks became warm as he bit his lips, checking on the egg for Jongin as he tried to calm down his heart which suddenly beat a little bit faster than usual.


"A date with Luhan hyung?" Tao's eyes and mouth were wide open. Did he heard it right? His youngest brother will have a date with someone, finally? And it's an older man too...

Sehun shrugged, "Since Jongin here is having a date with Kyung hyung..."

Jongin raised his brows, "But you don't look happy." he pointed a finger to the boy who was lying on his own bed by his side, facing Jongin and Tao who were sitting on the youngest's bed.

"Should I be happy?" frowned Sehun.

"Yeah, you should! You have to! This is Luhan hyung we're talking about. He's an older man and this is like what, the first time you have a date with a man, right?" Jongin asked just to make sure, looking at Tao who answered with a nod.

"It's just Luhan hyung..."

Tao gasped while Jongin face-palmed, making Sehun frowned and asked through his eyes why.

"Poor Luhan hyung..." Tao shook his head and Jongin nodded beside him.

"He likes you, stupid."

Sehun's lips parted as he tried to digest the information before suddenly bolt up to sitting position. "He what? I heard it wrong, right? You didn't tell me he—Oh god." he felt guilty all of sudden and he had this worried look on his eyes.

"It's a good thing you talk about this with us. You at least know that you have to be excited tomorrow, even if it's only pretend." Jongin said.

"But if Luhan hyung found out about it he will be mad, Jongin." Tao protested, making a X signal with his arms.

Sehun stared at both his siblings like they were crazy, "What's the matter with you? I don't care if he likes me, I don't like him."

Tao smacked Sehun's arm as the latter groaned, giving a glare to the older and rubbed his arm. "Don't you ever said that in front of him!! I get it that you don't want to lie but that! If you said it on his face I won't see you as my brother anymore. It'll be too cruel for him."

"Don't you feel anything towards him?" Jongin squinted his eyes, he didn't believe that Sehun didn't feel anything. Even he himself admit it that Luhan was pretty as a man.

Sehun huffed, "Fine, he's attractive. He's nice. But that's it. I don't...feel anything."

Tao sighed, reaching out to pat Sehun on the back, comforting him as the younger had this deep frown on his forehead. "I's not like you can force your heart to like someone...just...have fun tomorrow, okay?"

Jongin smiled, telling Sehun if he had choose what he wanted to watch and suggest him good movies. The topic changed and Sehun felt relieve after. He felt nervous inside after the talk with his brothers but he hope it will vanished by the time morning came.



Sehun tapped his fingers on the cold marble as he waited for Luhan to order their food. Luhan who was beside him flashed a smile at him and he smiled back.



"I'm so sorry."

"For what?"

"Dragging you here..." he smiled sheepishly. He scratched his neck, eyes down like he was a little child doing something wrong.

Sehun frowned, putting a hand on the older's shoulder and shook his head when Luhan lifted his gaze. "It's okay, hyung. I told you I have no plan and think it's a good idea now because Jongin said the movie is good."


"Yeah, I told him I'm going on a date with you and he told me what to watch."

Sehun saw Luhan's cheeks slowly changing color into little shade of red and about to say something when the food came. He took the drinks while Luhan holding the popcorn and nachos.

"Let's go inside."

The movie was great, just like Jongin told him. It was an action movie and the stunt the actor did was dangerous that he couldn't stop commenting about it after.

"Oh, let's go eat there, hyung."

"Uh?" Luhan's eyes went down to Sehun hand's holding his wrist, pulling him slowly to a restaurant. "But I thought—"

"Aren't you hungry?"

Luhan stared at the younger man, grinning as he said yes excitedly.


"I thought it will be only movie, you know? But no, he brought me to eat, we go to a bookstore for a while and we walk around for like an hour it's just..." Luhan sighed dreamily, head resting on his palm as Kyungsoo chuckled.

"It's good then. At least he has the manner for his first date."

"First date?"

"Uh-huh. Well, if you want to call it a date. I mean, it's not like this is the first time he went out with a man as a friend, but you told him already that it's a date so..." Kyungsoo smiled at Luhan who blinked his eyes, couldn't believe that the handsome boy never had a date before.

"Doesn't he have many fans?"

"Yeah." Kyungsoo looked down when his phone vibrated. He checked on the new message and a grin came to his lips.

Luhan pouted, lightly flicking Kyungsoo's forehead causing the latter to glare at him.

"Jongin?" asked Luhan with a sigh.

"He asked me if I want bubble tea, he's with Sehun, Tao and Jongdae. What flavor do you want, Lu?"

"Chocolate." the brown haired boy's eyes ligthened up, "So...he really never have a date before? Like, he rejects all of them?" he tried to continue their conversation.

Kyungsoo nodded, eyes still on his phone and his fingers dancing on the screen. "I don't want to be mean but I think he went out with you just because I'm going with Jongin."

"What's that mean?"

"He'll do anything that I said."

Luhan gasped, "Are you saying you told him to say yes? And what do you mean anything, why would he do that?"

"He thinks of me as one of his hyungs." Kyungsoo shrugged, "And no, I didn't say anything. He just knew that I will ask him to do it, maybe."

"I'm so jealous, Soo..." Luhan sighed, eyes staring into distance imagining Sehun to act normal around him.

Kyungsoo waved his hand in front of Luhan's face, rolling his eyes as the deer like boy stuck his tongue out. "Come on, you just have to know what to bribe him. That's what I did when I was a little..." he suddenly laugh in embarassment remembering how his brain worked when he was a kid. He already knew how to bribe a person...

"Bribe? Oh my god, Kyungsoo!"

"Hey, I really wanted to see his smile, Jongin kept saying that he's adorable and stuff and he's like scared of me, always hiding behind his brothers!"

Luhan scoffed, "So, what did you bribe him?"

Kyungsoo smirked, his forefinger tracing the table, looking up from under his eyelashes as he tilted his head to the side.

"Should I tell you?"

"Yahhh, Park Kyungsoo!!"

Kyungsoo laughed at Luhan's whiny tone. He shook his head as the gentle smile came, "Don't do it, Luhan. Just do it your way, everyone has different way and I think Sehun won't be easily get bribe at this age."

"Fine...I'll find my own way then..." Luhan nodded, agreeing with Kyungsoo as he's ready to do anything to make the youngest Wu feeling comfortable around him.

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31-1-2015, but I will try to update as I can't really divide my attention that much hha. Update won't be often but I'll try my best ^^


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teufelchen_netty #1
Chapter 48: poor jongin xD
teufelchen_netty #2
Chapter 48: i want more ;_;
i love this.. even after all this time its great stuff to read
Chapter 9: daebaakkk~~~~
Chapter 48: this stiry is so cute!!!!! i was giggling the entire time i read this....seriously....this is one of my top fav fic!!!!!
alicemusic666 #5
So cute and awesome. I love it.
saengiera #6
i miss reading your story... :(
when are you going to update, it's been almost 5 months....
hope you'll update soon... :)
2438 streak #7
Chapter 38: "You're big."
"Shut up."
"You're so big."
"I will kill you."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA THIS IS SOOOOOO CUTE! i miss these family stories :)
teufelchen_netty #8
Chapter 48: Such goldy Storys, like it :-)
teufelchen_netty #9
Chapter 3: Poor yifan. Tries his best, but fails