Park Family





Baekhyun yelped when someone crashed on his back, arms wrapped on his stomach as he peeked through his shoulder, finding his only son's dark, smooth hair on his sight.

"Hey, Soo. I didn't hear you coming..." he reached the boy's hair and patted it with a smile. "Are you okay?"

"Appa, I'm scared."

"What happened?"

Kyungsoo let go of his mother, waiting for Baekhyun to turned around and seeing the familiar smile calmed him just a bit. "Jongin confessed to me."

It took almost a minute for Baekhyun to change his face expression from gentle to become stiff. Kyungsoo tilted his head in confusion if his mother was fine, wondering why the smile or congratulations didn't came.

"C-can you repeat it?" Baekhyun finally said, eyes opened wide almost rivaling Kyungsoo's with both hands grabbed on Kyungsoo's shoulders. "Did I heard it right? Jongin c-confessed to you?"

The blushed on Kyungsoo's cheeks were already the answer before the nod came. "Yeah, he did."

Images of happy Kyungsoo and Jongin together on their dates, hugging, holding hands, kissing each other came to Baekhyun's head. Even if he already saw how touchy they both were, it was only a friendly gesture before but later after they become a couple he knew exactly how it'll lead to something more like—


Kyungsoo jumped on his place, staring shockly at his mother for his suddent shout. "A-appa?"

"No, no, no! You can't! You can't be with him, I don't approve your relationship! You're too young, Soo! I...I won't give you permission to get married to—"


Baekhyun inhaled, his heart was beating hard inside his chest, his hands trembled slightly and it was the first time Kyungsoo saw his mother like this. "Appa, why are you suddenly bringing marriage? We're only...I haven't even answered him yet." Kyungsoo hugged his father, kissing his cheek and rubbing Baekhyun's back.

"You like him, right?" Baekhyun whispered, hugging his son tightly not wanting to let him go, ever.

"I'm not sure..." Kyungsoo snuggled to Baekhyun, biting his lips when Jongin's blushing face came to his mind, how the younger looked down in embarrassment after he said what he had been feelings for years. Kyungsoo imagined it was Jongin he was hugging for seconds before he slapped his head mentally.

"You like him...if you're not you will answer it with a no...Kyungsoo..." Baekhyun whined, pushing Kyungsoo away from him gently, turning around to back facing his son in anger. He was angry at both Kyungsoo and himself. He knew this moment will come and he hoped it will be for another year, but Kyungsoo's on his last year of high school already and he knew Jongin felt afraid someone will snatch him away in college. He pitied and proud at Jongin, waiting for years until he found the perfect time to make Kyungsoo his but...Kyungsoo, will he be okay?

His husband already reminded him since Kyungsoo was five when he told him how Jongin loved their son. Chanyeol liked Jongin already and he tried by telling Baekhyun Jongin's good sides but being a stubborn man like how he was, Baekhyun never listened, tunning out Chanyeol's words of praises for the tan boy.

Kyungsoo stared sadly at his mother's back, not knowing what to do to make him feel better. He planned to share the good news to his mother, to smile together in happiness but he didn't expected to get this kind of reaction. Why his mother hated Jongin that much? He finally saw the hatred when he's old enough to understand, to read his mother's expressions and feelings, he even asked his father why but Chanyeol only gave him his pearly teeth smile and patted Kyungsoo's head, saying that he'll understand when he got older.

It's been years already yet he still didn't understand.

"Appa, what's wrong? Tell me what you're thinking, why you hate Jongin, why you don't want him to be my bo-boyfriend...?" Kyungsoo was ready to get angry at his mother but at the sudden thought of being Jongin's boyfriend made him flushed, voice turned into a whisper, his eyes avoiding his mother's back and he bit his lips again.

Wanting to focus on his mother's anger, Kyungsoo tried to shoo away Jongin's radiant smile from his mind and peeked on his mother side to see his face, he wasn't crying, right?


Baekhyun shifted his eyes to Kyungsoo's big orbs, wanting to walk away but his only son needed him and he wanted to help the boy. " won't forget me, right? Your daddy too? You will still spend your time with us even when you already got a boyfriend, won't you?" he cupped Kyungsoo's face, rubbing his thumb on the smooth cheek.

Kyungsoo nodded, leaning to his mother touched and a soft smile formed, "Of course not, you're both my parents. You're more important than Jongin..."

Baekhyun chuckled, eyes getting blurry as he shook his head. "You won't say that by the time Jongin fills your heart and mind, Soo."

"Appa...I said I haven't said my answer yet!" a whine came from Kyungsoo, huffing in annoyance at his mother.

"I can't believe you grow this fast." Baekhyun's other free hand came up to ran on Kyungsoo's thick yet smooth hair, repeating it for two more times before he let it down back to his side. "I never thought it'll be this hard to let you go—I know, you haven't say about your decision to your future lover," he paused to snicker, "But really, Soo. You're not a kid anymore, you're capable of taking care of yourself, make your own decision and even live by yourself if you want. You're just a baby yesterday, you know? Crying for food, when you felt sick, cold, or when you're afraid that neither me nor your father w-were not on your sight..."

Taking one step, Kyungsoo enveloped his mother on his arms, letting Baekhyun cried silently on his neck, feeling his own eyes stung with new formed tears. "I'll always be Soo and Kyung for both of you. I won't go anywhere in near time, I still need appa and daddy by each of my side. Don't worry, Appa. Kyungsoo will still be here until you're ready to let me go."

The gripped of Baekhyun's hands tightened for couple of seconds. He inhaled deeply, calming himself until he only let out hiccups. "What if I will never be ready?"

A laugh almost came out of Kyungsoo's mouth but he knew it's not proper to do that, "Oh, I'm sure you will. You'll get sick of me in years, appa."

"That won't happen, Soo. The only reason I will let go of you is when your daddy said the right word that wake me up and I realize I shouldn't hold you for too long." Baekhyun pulled away, smilling when he saw Kyungsoo gave him his heart shaped smile.

A pout replace the smile after with Kyungsoo's brows knitted together, "Tsk. See? Daddy's still above me, I'm so jealous of him!"

Baekhyun giggled, "No, it's just that only your daddy knows how to make me surrender."

A booming voice of Chanyeol came as soon as he reached the living room, his eyes were set on his wife and son who were snuggling to each other under a blanket with a tub of ice cream on their laps. "Yahh, cuties!! What are you doing?" he rushed to Baekhyun's side, kissing his cheek and shifted a little over Baekhyun to kissed Kyungsoo's head earning a scold from his wife with a smack on his tight.

"What is it? It's so rare to see both of you like this I thought I won't see it again!" Chanyeol guided the spoon full of ice cream on Baekhyun's hand to his mouth, the latter only sighed as he took another one for himself.

"I'm trying to make points so appa will love me more." Kyungsoo his spoon, concentrating on the movie they're watching.

Chanyeol raised an eyebrow before he laughed loudly, "What are you talking about, Kyung? Appa loves you much much more than me, he only shows it like what, one per five of it?"

Kyungsoo gaped, turning to his mother and pointed with his spoon. "Is it true?"

Baekhyun only smiled so sweetly, silencing his husband with huge scoop of ice cream while the latter happily eat it. Chanyeol held Baekhyun's hand when he tried to feed him more, "Your appa knows I will be a father who said yes to whatever you want so he trained himself to be a discipline one. You couldn't imagine how he treats you until you're old enough to remember. He thinks of you like a glass doll, Kyung."

"Chan!!" Baekhyun hissed, forcing Chanyeol to take the ice cream on his hand, a glare was given to the taller man.

Kyungsoo blinked his wide eyes. It turned into crescents with a smile, he leaned closer to his mother and kissed his cheek. "I love you, appa."

"What about me?" Chanyeol pouted, giving puppy eyes to his only son who grinned.

"And I love you too, daddy."

They continued to talk about their days while eating the ice cream until the tub was empty, the movie was long forgotten.

Kyungsoo was the first to stood up, yawning and streching his body, wanting to go to sleep as he had class tomorrow. "Oh, appa, I forgot to tell daddy about that."

"About what?" Chanyeol played with Baekhyun's hair and Kyungsoo grimaced at the display of affection.

"I think I'll be Jongin's boyfriend tomorrow."

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31-1-2015, but I will try to update as I can't really divide my attention that much hha. Update won't be often but I'll try my best ^^


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2526 streak #1
Chapter 45: Chapter 45: DON'T MIND THE HATERS!
they're just envious this family is full of love!
srsly, thank you for this authornim! these chapters were all so lovely!
2526 streak #2
Chapter 44: YUP, HE'S A GOOD FATHER! and he really fulfilled his promise to be there for Jun when they babiea come
2526 streak #3
Chapter 43: this feels like a father's day post HIHIHI
2526 streak #4
Chapter 38: Yifan talking to the babu bump will ALWAYS tug on my heartstrings! and how he takes care of preggy Jun??? feel the loveeeeeeee
2526 streak #5
2526 streak #6
Chapter 34: love how open Jongin is with his parents, and i believe his brothers are too! it's really just a lovely family
2526 streak #7
Chapter 33: awwwww bros being bros! too bad Jongin wasn't here for this, would've been nicer if they were complete
2526 streak #8
love how he was so apologetic immediately... he didn't mean any of it
2526 streak #9
Chapter 28: i love this chapter, just the different timelines HEHE
it is hard to be parents, but it's even more satisfying for them still i bet
2526 streak #10